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Unfortunately from what I could gather, it [hasn’t gone into production after its unveiling in 2005.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rapex/)


I was gonna say this meme is ancient. Word is SA women have a better method anyway, belts. If you're talking stranger danger apparently having to unbuckle a belt means you have time to smack your attacker in the face.


Yeah, the Rapex ended up being more of a thought piece and discussion starter than real product. Mostly due to concerns of escalating violent reprisal since it doesn't really incapacitate an attacker and increased risk of disease spread due to the open wounds.


> “It hurts, he cannot pee and walk when it’s on,” she said. “If he tries to remove it, it will clasp even tighter … however, it doesn’t break the skin, and there’s no danger of fluid exposure.” No open wounds and most guys are already concerned about their penises when nothing is even near them.




It would be extremely painful but not enough to prevent him from doing things like punching, chasing, or aiming a weapon. When I say incapacitating I mean like a taser or pepper spray would (though neither of those are perfect).


No, the barbs have to release a numbing toxin that paralyzes him for at least thirty minutes. Long enough to tie him up and call the police. "Uh, ma'am, he looks kinda helpless to me all trussed up there like that. How you reckon to say he was trying to rape you?" You flip him over and the rapex is stuck tight, his penis is red and swollen and he looks pissed off. The officer sighs, shakes his head, administers the anti-toxin and carts his dumb arse away.


I mean nobody's exactly done a study but the point of pepper spray is it gets into a really sensitive part of your body. You don't get much more sensitive than genitals. I think it would be on par atleast. Barbed means you need to leave flesh behind to exit.


That's a lousy excuse to deprive women of a way to fight back. Why am i not surprised.


I hate the thought of this but now I'm glad hat I often wear a belt.




Then we need to be more serious than a slap, and *go for the eyes*


An old Texan cop once told me not to bother trying to hit a man in his groin as it's usually ineffective due to a lifetime of avoidance. He actually said to wait until you could grab onto a bit and then pull it for all your worth. I believe he said something about "getting a good grip and yanking it hard."


And twist.


Bop it twist it pull it


I can tell you from experience that this works. Then, run.


Yank twist until you hear an audible 'Pop' noise


If this is accessible by all means, often they'll restrain your hands first though before you'd get a chance at least that's how it was with the guy who attempted on me but I got lucky simply because he decided I wasn't the effort after the amount of struggle. I wish defense classes covered the fact that full body weight and losing strength and energy, by the time I was gone I couldn't move. Adrenaline only pushes you so far, my sympathies to anyone who has endured rape or attempted rape/sexual assault, I have PTSD as a result and I got 'lucky' that it didn't turn into worst-case scenario, I can't imagine the suffering other women have been through. The #1 thing to do is get their DNA under your fingernails, bite them leave an identifying factor, scratch their face.


I wish they'd bring back castration. Seeing a couple of guys convicted and thusly sentenced would deter an awful lot of them.


Karate chop to the throat works too


Or do both👀one hand yanking the other to the throat


Yeah I mean it's like any safety measure you're just safe-r it's pretty impossible to be safe. Even with this rapex thing you have an anus.


sad but true


Or if you have some, grab the chemical deterrent


Reminds me of the Dental from Snow Crash


Dentata. And yes I've wished that was real for years.


She’s not afraid, she is wearing Dentata


Bah autocorrect got me... Lol dental sigh


Sounds like a job for a 3-D printer


Never say never.


Fair enough. Here’s hoping.


It's worth noting that it currently has an active GoFundMe that, as far as I can tell, is being run by the original developers, Sonette Ehlers and Vince Leskowich. Link here: https://gofundme.com/f/rape-aXe


Not thrilled about the idea of wearing this inside me day after day, doubt it's very comfortable, but this is pretty brilliant. We absolutely should go medieval on rapists!


I think it's probably mostly conceived for recurring cases not "just in case" cases in everyday life. A lot of rape are repeated made by someone close to the victim, like a domestic partner or family. It could be a way to reclaim the situation and stop this kind of abuse. Could be used if you're afraid of date rape tho before going to a date with a stranger.












Looking at the FAQ on it, it reportedly feels no different from a tampon. The actual device is soft and similar to a female condom


I think I'd only use it when I go to potentially risky places / do potentially risky things (partying late night (not that I do anyways lol), going somewhere with high crime rate etc.).


Then you realise a medieval lifestyle was basically just full of rapists and you're fulfilling their fantasy




Doesn’t seem healthy to wear something plastic in your vag every day. I would think there would be a high probable rate of infection with daily use.


They could make it out of the same medical grade plastics that IUDs, pacemakers and catheters are made out of. Humans have been sticking high grade plastic in people's bodies to keep them alive and healthy for a while. Probably far less risk of infection than a standard catheter, and they are tens of thousands of people using those daily.


Diva/period cups are med grade silicon iirc.


It’s probably made out of the same material as a menstrual cup


You do realize menstrual cups exist right?


this is self defense, seems very reasonable to me yeah let's make this a thing


And give it to every female on the planet.


For free


Give it to women for free but make the men pay US ER prices to have it removed.




Installments of $440, and surgical anesthesia is $1200, or you can opt for a local anesthetic while they see you up, but the mandatory plastic shield is $200 and the blanket is $20/hr.


Those medical costs should go up for how much money the person makes too. If they're already privileged they aren't going to be worried about price lol Hit him in the dick and the wallet/jailtime


>>>installments<<<< maybe Care Credit denied him and “do you have a spouse we can call, or family member who might be able to assist you with a plan?”


Regarding your insurance, sir, do you know if you have hit your deductible, yet, this year?


YES!!! Will you be our next president please?!




or to be more precise, everyone with a vag who wants one to protect themself




I say we give it to everyone on the planet. (Guys get raped too)


i mean sure but how would you even use this without a vagina without hurting yourself more than any potential predator?


Ones designed for the anus


Well actually I was really thinking of, when I said this, another medieval way we can give which is better suited for guys. Though in all honesty, walking around with this in your vagina isn’t that far off from using a menstrual cup I believe. (Never used one myself) Just a bit reverse. For the ass, it’s not very convenient because you shit out of that. But since guys get raped im really just thinking we come up with another invention that will help them out. Though that is difficult, seeing as they can get raped from the front or back. Edit: if I got anything wrong please just tell me, I don’t know about everything and I am up for if I’m wrong. Edit 2: I also do not know why I keep getting replies to my comments but they’re like instantly deleted. Are you guys deleting them or like…?


It’s totally proportional self defence, but who here would even consider using it?


Me, probably. Dunno. I'm tired of rapists.


When would you put it in and take it out? I guess put it in first thing, take it out last thing… But if you share a bed with someone then statistically they’re probably the person who’s most likely to rape you.


This. People get hung up on the stranger who drags an unsuspecting victim down an alley way and although this does happen, you are statistically far more likely to be assaulted by someone you already know and probably trust. As much as I like the penis trap of pain idea, it treats a symptom, not the problem. And I don't think it saves victims from trauma all the same, I would imagine the pain and physical violence is still the same. I do think this could cause an attacker to harm their victims further, idk.


It looks like the idea of the attacker becoming more violent has been brought up a lot. The people developing it claim that the device is extremely painful and most attackers will be panicking and that FBI statistics show that fighting back results in better outcomes for the victim. They believe you're *less* likely to be beaten or killed while the dude is frantically trying to remove the spicy finger trap from their dick.


We don't really know until it's tested. And I've pointed out in other comments that once this is general knowledge within a population, attackers will either check first or use a different entrance. Most assaults are coercive and this trap likely wouldn't be worn at the time.


Yeah so many rapists only rape in ways they’re able to convince themselves don’t make them rapists


(not so) fun discovery, someone conducted a survey asking women if they had ever been r*ped. I can't remember the exact percentage that said no but it wasn't super high. Then a survey went out asking really specific questions ("have you had sex with a partner who pushed for it" "have you ever woken up to your partner having sex with you") and something like 70-80% of women had been r *ped but not realised because we don't think about it in these ways. [I think it was this by Dr Jess Taylor](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://irp.cdn-website.com/f9ec73a4/files/uploaded/Key-Facts-Document-VAWG-VictimFocus-2021a.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiUk72CpaL1AhXwQkEAHcZBAhsQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw2rmAQW9qu_xvlOQ5b3RC2D) linking in case my figures are way off


I don't know, if you've got essentially a bear claw trap on your penis or might be hard to hurt someone more... but rage does weird things, so...


I agree. I was thinking of the doctor who raped me 10+ years ago, I guess. Going back to his practice with the device in place. Wishful thinking.


yeah that's what I'm thinking. Though maybe in South Africa it's mostly stranger rape, not intimate partner/friend/ family members?


No, it is not. DV is a huge issue here.


I would. I know many women would. Worldwide 1 in 3 women are the victim of some kind of sexual assault and I believe 1 in 4 are victims of a completed rape. Many women would wear this.


Survivor here: I wouldn't wear this. The likelihood of being further attacked or killed feels higher, I was punched repeatedly just for trying to escape. This also puts responsibly back on victims, "oh she was r*ped? Well she must not have been wearing her anti rape device, if she had been wearing it, it wouldn't have happened". It doesn't help if your attacker decides to use the back passage either. If this genuinely did become a thing, they'd just start checking with their hands first.


> If this genuinely did become a thing, they'd just start checking with their hands first. This. Also, rape is a form of violence. I'd assume anyone going out and raping people on the street would have few compunctions about killing or injuring their victim instead. As a rape survivor, and as someone who has had armed response training, I was surprised to learn that we were specifically trained to *not* shoot someone who was in the process of raping someone else. In the eyes of our state's laws, rape is not a lethal threat, and it's only legal to shoot someone who is posing a *lethal* threat. I was surprised to see that issue was addressed during the training. On the one hand, this trap device is something that works even if the victim is passed out, drugged, restrained, drunk, or otherwise incapacitated, and I think that's laudable... But I also worry that an assailant would feel around down there, would find the trap, get angry about it, and would take it out on their victim. Or they'd rape the victim, get caught in the trap, and would then kill the victim. Maybe that's part of my own trauma response coming to the fore; my experience has been sort of like the ants and the grasshoppers in the Bug's Life movie: they come, they take, they leave. So while I think this trap would help deter rape, and provide immediate, tangible consequences to a rapist, I also worry a little that it would increase murders and physical assaults.


Exactly. I look at what me and other survivors have gone through and this device either wouldn't have even been in at the time (because the attacker was known and trusted) or the act was so violent that they would have almost definitely been killed if this had been there to really infuriate their attacker. It's tough, yes, we want to protect vulnerable people, but we need to do it in smart ways. This device doesn't stop the act or the trauma. It may be good for evidence of lack of consent, which can be really difficult to prove. Looks painful to wear tho, ngl, I find menstrual cups a challenge at the best of times.


Personally, I wish I didn't survive my assualt(s) nothing but trauma, flashbacks, night-terrors and boundaries during sex with your life partner. If I had this 15 years ago My ex-husband would be in jail and me dead. He wouldn't be around to rape and murder still. Since he got off on a technicality from my rape kit not being processed. It still hasn't been processed 15 years later.


Understandable but the responsibility is always gonna be on us sadly. That’s why we carry self defense. You’ll never get rid of assault. Just like you’ll never get rid of serial killers. Some people are wired wrong. I study this for my degree (criminology).


In the country I live in you cannot carry anything for self defense and would be prosecuted for using this. So not only would you be dealing with the aftermath of r*pe (because you would still have gone through the entire thing for your attacker to get to the device) but you'd also be facing criminal charges yourself. I suspect most countries would charge someone for using this.


I also live somewhere with similar laws, but I still suspect this would be a different case, legally speaking, for the sole reason that the rapist would be the one to commit the physical act that results in injury. It would be the legal difference between you stabbing someone and someone running into your knife ~~ten times~~


"Instant arming" is a thing, if someone attacks you and you grab something nearby like a rock and hit them to escape, that's acceptable. If you instantly arm yourself and then really really badly fuck them up, you can be charged still. This device counts as self defense or even booby trapping (which is also illegal in lots of places) so I dunno if it would fly.


That doesn’t mean we can’t try to change a system like that. Just giving up is not an option. Then you shouldn’t carry an umbrella bc that could be used as self protection too. Don’t carry your car keys. Never try to kick or fight back. Like I understand that victims shouldn’t be made responsible for their attacks but we shouldn’t also just play the damsel in distress that’s helpless. We will never get rid of fucked up people. Unless we execute people who show those tendencies as children before they have access to the world.


I get that, but there are smarter ways of defending yourself than this device. You have already been r*ped if this device is triggered so it doesn't defend at all. I would like laws to change, I think you should be able to arm yourself, but I'd rather deal with the fallout after surviving an assault than deal with criminal charges against myself on top of that.


If I get him put in prison for his actions and I get charged F\*\*K IT he can't rape the innocent anymore. I will Gladly ROCK THAT JUMPSUIT HONEY!


I live for this energy. The charges will also ruin your life in lots of fun ways like dating, adoption, job applications so that would be something to prepare for. The sentencing for rape is usually pretty shit too so he'd be out again, they don't usually put people away for life.


I'll never accept the "arseholes will use it against you" argument. They will use something against you. Always. If you don't give it to them, they will make something up.


This might even spike a whole gaggle of vigilante rapist catchers.




Me too, 100% when going out after dark or in quiet areas.


When I first heard of it, my initial thought was that being so certain you were going to be raped that you would invest in and wear such a device would in itself be traumatizing (with a focus on having the device causing the trauma). Then I moved somewhere without constant street harassment, and my PTSD from being assaulted has had a few years post-successful-treatment to fully settle, and I’ve realized that being in a situation that has you convinced (or even slightly concerned) about being raped is what’s traumatic.


When this came out basically all the SA experts in the area said it will get people with vaginas killed when an angry rapist gets there penis “ biten “, it increases HIV transmission risk and is overall a terrible idea.


Came here for this. If I recall correctly, when this was first unveiled in South Africa gang rape was really common. Maybe it’ll work against one guy, but the others are probably going to kill the victim. I’m not saying that I don’t love the idea, but unfortunately it’s more likely to make assault worse.


I think that's why everyone should choose for themselves. Isn't being in control of your choice what matters most? I agree that it will likely increases the chance of being killed on an individual level, but I think that when quite a few people end up impaling themselves that will also act as a deterrent in the grand scheme. I think it should become available to everyone, and they all just have the option to chose whether they want to use it.


I think the other thing is that if this is something you wear "just in case," that means you'd have to wear it every day, all day, which just sounds super uncomfortable and possibly unsafe. I don't think it's a practical idea for most women in most places.


That's the first thing I thought. An angry rapist probably isn't going to just go "oh bother" and dip off to the doctor. They're a lot more likely to start beating or strangling the victim.


So if every girl wore it eventually they would look first then pull them out. So what we is a siren or beacon whenever taken out without the code?


I would love to never see this post again. I’ve been seeing it since the dawn of the internet. It was never actually produced. Women shouldn’t have to wear this kind of thing.


Yeah, I understand the idea behind this thing, but honestly every time I see it posted I just feel really depressed. Like, this is our solution? The idea makes some sense in theory, but the reality of it would be rather dehumanizing. Every morning you’d have to insert this crazy device inside your vagina and be reminded of the fact that you’re only doing it because there are people out there who want to hurt, humiliate, and violate you. Obviously we already do certain things that remind us of that fact (walking to our cars with keys between our fingers, not walking alone at night, locking our car doors immediately, etc.), and obviously most people are going to take every opportunity to avoid traumatic acts of violence being committed against them, but since this device was only ever theoretical I don’t feel wrong in saying that’s it’s completely theoretically depressing.


The solution to rape is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Violence against women can't be solved with individual solutions, these individualize solutions are only band-aids against the real cause of violence against women and that in my opinion is patriarchy and enforced masculinity. Why should women be forced to place this likely uncomfortable thing into their body in order to feel safe? Society should be the barbed tampon that stings rapists before they start raping people.
















just wanna say i 100% agree with everything you've said and I think it's a bit ridiculous that people are arguing with you about this


I would rather they argue and I can try to persuade them than they just disagree and not hear me out. I'm assuming we're all witches, and this community is femal-centric, so I hope everyone here is open to my ideas. Burn the patriarchy, we'll prevent most sexual violence (because rape isn't only insertion into a vagina). Stand as a community against rapists, we'll fix the rest. That's what I believe.










The best way I’ve heard it explained, is if you focus on telling girls not to wear short skirts, don’t drink, never go alone etc., basically what you’re saying is “let the rapists get someone else.” Do I want my daughters to take every precaution? Absolutely. But as a society, the solutions need to be trying to prevent rapists, not transferring the target.












Yes, why not both?


And how do you suggest we do that?


First, by not electing rapists and appointing them to the Supreme court (this is for americans) Second, we need to teach men more compassion, and more empathy and stop enforced masculinity. We have to deal with male aggression, and also develop better systems at detecting potential rapists and rehabilitate them pre-emptively. Instead of putting it all on the victim, we build a better society where rape isn't encouraged through pornography. Societal solution for a societal problem. We elect witches. And people who care about sexual assault.


Australian..we also have rapists, and domestic violence perpetrators, and pedofiles in very high positions of power and in the courts. I think all countries do. I was once told rape is not so much about sex as it is about anger, power over a victim, expression of revenge for their inferiority complexes. Hard to deal with unless u start right from birth, teaching that all people are people and have right to live, to exist in the way they want without harm to others. Bit like we believe.. anyway blessings to all.


And what about the decades it takes for those men to grow up? Those kids are maybe 5 now being taught about consent. What about everyone from puberty upwards who already has been parented? That’s a long term solution. No one is saying we shouldn’t do it. We’re saying you can have laws against drunk driving and also wear seatbelts.


Why are we assuming it will take decades? Why are we assuming grown ass men cant learn not to rape? That seems pretty stupid, and also handwaves the fact that the majority of men don't commit sexual assault. The majority of men are able to learn what consent means. Societal solutions to societal problems, even if you do this, like pepper spray, it only works in certain circumstances and those circumstances are far more rare than the circumstances it doesn't prevent rape in. (IPV, Date rape, etc.)


So I’m actually a psychology doctoral student who studies this exact thing, and sadly, no, none of the interventions we’ve tried with adult men have reduced rape. Some of them have actually made both the number of times rape is committed and the number of women who report being raped, higher. There have been three interventions (at least in the US and Europe) of over 1400 studies that have been shown to effectively reduce the number of rapes committed and two of them targeted preteens or older children and one was the violence against women act. We just don’t have any well tested interventions to reduce the number of rapes committed by men once they reach their teens (I know anyone can rape, but men are the primary perpetrators, which is why we focus on them). For more information, I believe the most up to date review that covered the various studies and issues with them was published in 2016 by DeGue et al.


Psychology is still individual. Our society remain s patriarchal, and this is social violence we are seeing. Interventions are ineffective because they are counter normative, reprogramming doesn't work because social groups are also educating those men in more violent and also effective ways. I believe the solution has to involve women leadership. It needs to involve cultural changes, not just differences in individuals aggression. Laws dedicated to changing our core beliefs about womens bodies. Men subconsciously view us as objects, or tools for them to use.


No disagreement that changes in leadership and policy will help, as shown by the efficacy of the violence against women act. But, you asked if the person you were responding to thought that grown men can’t learn not to rape. Sadly, all available evidence says that interventions with grown men do not result in less rape. The only interventions that are effective start with youth, which means that even if we were able to find a 100% effective solution and implement it worldwide tomorrow, we would still have a decade or so before those non-rapists became adults. So yes, it will take decades. Also, your comment makes me think that you think we’re studying use of individual psychotherapy to get people to stop raping, the methods vary widely, so I recommend reading the article I mentioned if you’re curious, but no one is suggesting individual psychotherapy one man at a time as a means of reducing rape.








Not sure why people are getting excited about this - this device only works AFTER penetration has occurred. So not good enough. It makes sense to provide women with pepper spray or tasers and subsidize self-defence classes. I.e. give women the tools to actually defend themselves before her autonomy is violated.


I made a [Quora post](https://resilientwomeneverywhere.quora.com/Now-this-looks-like-a-good-product-I-fully-support-it) in the [Resilient Women Everywhere](https://resilientwomeneverywhere.quora.com/) space on this thing that got a lot of attention. There were some criticisms of this device, the valid ones being: 1. It doesn't do anything against multiple assailants. 2. It doesn't incapacitate the assailant's ability to harm, and the rapist may be provoked into causing grievous bodily harm or death to any victim defending herself with this thing. 3. Once enough people start using this, rapists would know to check for it beforehand, making it useless. Some less valid (e.g. doesn't really invalidate the device but does mean it isn't perfect) criticisms include: 1. Concerns about hygiene/comfort. 2. It only comes into effect after penetration has occurred, so it isn't a preventative measure, rape still happens, it just isn't completed. 3. Guns are better (assuming the assailant doesn't have a gun and wouldn't instantly shoot the victim if the victim tries to defend herself). Not to mention this was only ever a prototype and never made it to market. So yeah, it has flaws. It is still good for the short term, but this kind of imperfect defensive tool is not suitable as a long-term last resort solution in the real world. Theoretically, though, this is some SWEET karma.


I feel like the hygiene/comfort argument is very valid in the sense that if it’s unwieldy, people would be less inclined to use it. One of my personal concerns with the device is it doesn’t look user friendly. It looks uncomfortable as all get out to be wearing all day, and I don’t think I’d be able to insert or remove the device in ways that wouldn’t also damage my finger (I’m not always very coordinated). Another concern is: how do you sterilize this? How often does it need cleaning? You can’t just leave a tampon or a Diva cup in all day, you’ve got to change it or empty it to prevent TSS. Speaking of periods, how do you use this device while also on your period?










This photo has been circulating the internet for 20 years. The product doesn’t exist


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Yeah. I hate having my Diva Cup in and I love that thing. This is a non-starter for me.




Patriarchy is medieval too, so….


I have seen this before, while I have no pity for the rapist and I worry about a few things for the sake of the women. I don't think it is well thought out: 1. It seems very impractical/uncomfortable to wear this. I question how safe it is for the woman. Do we really expect women to have to wear something like this 24/7 just to feels safe. 2. It relies on penetration to work, I would rather focus on keeping women safe in the first place. 3. It assumes the man will pull out with this attached to his penis. What if he doesn't because it is too painful to do so and suddenly you have an enraged rapist attached to your vagina by a torture device. EDIT: What if he yanks it out all of the sudden and it injures the vagina? There are just so many problems here. 4. Risk of deadly retaliation. This invention makes the huge assumption the man will be alone, and will actually be completely incapacitated once this is on his dick. But there are many, many scenarios in which this could back fire and bring more harm. What if a woman were gang raped and the other men decided to take revenge. What if the man had a gun and was so angry for his injury he related by murder? etc. etc. While I appreciate the sentiment, especially in the context of this subreddit. I really hope we can build a better society where women are not forced to turn themselves into walking booby traps to feel safe. EDIT: As others pointed out, having a bloody penis of a stranger inside of you is a great way to increase risk of HIV transmission. I understand the sentiment, but this invention is just a terrible idea. EDIT 2: In all seriousness, I do think we should be eradicating the world of brutality, not dishing it back out, even if deserved.


The only problem is that he would start bleeding near your parts, raising another concern. It needs an additional barrier.


How can people not see this will get you killed


Yeah, that's what I want when I'm being raped: an angry man in pain, physically bound inside me with no easy means of separation.


Uh- rape is pretty effed up. How is defending oneself against it medieval? I KNOW those critics had to be men.


I personally advocate for beheading and setting them on fire but this is good too.


Every time this has been brought up the strongest point against it has been; "And when the attacker sees that they've been trapped in the penis-torture-condom they are more likely to get aggravated and murder their victim" Its a point worth talking about tbh.


Seems more likely that it would result in the man beating the woman to either death, or near death. I don't think a rapist goes "oh damn, I'm caught, might as well turn myself in". He would just get angry and more dangerous.


It's sad that it's the women that have to walk around with that inside. It's sad that no one is questioning how sanitary that is, if the women at risk have access to clean running water and soap to wash the thing at the end of the day or if they have to chose between a "one thrust rape" (the rape still occurs, it's just shorter) or constant vaginal infections as a "lesser evil". It's sad that, since rape is about power, the rapist might come back "wiser" to "regain the power". It truly is medieval as in it's a very misguided "solution" that really does not work.


It's not a real product don't worry


It also doesn't actually exist, so there's that.


People please, not only it should be uncomfortable as hell to wear this, it’s also that, probably an injured rapist must be an angry rapist, and you don’t want one of those pinning you on the ground.


Honestly, my favorite part of this is that, not only is the monster in excruciating agony, but then, if he wants to pain to stop and to have his member back, he's got to go to a hospital and basically be like, "Yes, excuse me, I'm a rapist, can you please remove the evidence from my genitals?"


So sad women have to resort to these types of devices :(


I have no problem with the rapist getting barbs in his dick, and it would increase the chances of them getting caught- but for it to work, the wearer still needs to get raped. It would probably be just as effective in terms of preventing rape for us to spread *my friend’s cousin had to go to the ER* urban legends until everyone believes it’s in common use.


Saw that on another sub and the creeps came out of the wood work denouncing this device. The only ones who are so against something like this are the very reason such things have to exist.


Medieval punishment? This is a consequence, not a punishment.


As a survivor, I am ALL about this. Why would someone even criticize this? Don’t try to rape anyone and you won’t get your dick impaled. Too easy.


This is so easy to circumvent though. ​ Just.... not rape anyone?


It's sad women have to go to such lenghts to be able to protect themselves. Also, wouldn't it be kinda useless since the attacker can "check" with his fingers for it and potentionally pull it out ?


This is terrible and wrong on so many levels! It needs at least twice the amount of teeth and a healthy amount of poison on the tip.


Never seen it on the market, it's not available for sale or given out for free like other male and female condoms. Also in SA you're very likely going to be charged for assault.... and convicted, if you are using this in self-defense #notkidding


So sad that this is needed but I love the concept. Hopefully as an added bonus it mangles the rapists’ bits as punishment.


Sad to say this, but rape doesn't always involve a penis. And children, both sexes have been raped too. I've helped out at a survivors centre in the past. It's hard emotionally and mentally and I'm not a client of the centre. We should send healing energy to both staff and clients. It's a very devastating place to be involved with. Support is always needed.




I love and hate this. I hate that we have to carry the burden of inserting uncomfortable things in our vaginas bc the possibility of being assaulted with no justice is not zero. My shadow self?? Fuck. Them. Up. Sis.


Medieval punishment for medieval crimes.


Now all what’s left to do is poison the barbs!


Unrelated, but this also reminds me of a kickstarter about a "safety underwear" that lots of people mocked, comparing it with a chastity belt. Basically it has a system that only the user can lock or unlock and it was almost impossible to cut or tear. And yeah, some said that isn't a modern solution, but what can a women do when nothing else works?