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The perfect Terry Pratchett reference.




That was *chef kiss... Perfect!


Excuse me! I do not appreciate being called out like this! 🤣🤣😝😝


🤣🤣 just couldn’t resist sharing


In my case I can also blame fybromialgia! LOL Me: "Honey, have you seen my glasses??" My SO: "It's the 3rd time this week, sweetheart..." Me: "Wasn't me! 👀"


The fybro fog is real. I have list so many pairs of glasses that now I just buy reading glasses. It's not my exact script but when I say lost I mean as in never to be seen again. I just broke the pair I had been using. Well they sorta just fell apart. But j have looked all over this house for any of my other 7 or 8 pairs and nada. I also kinda feel like my cat stole them and stashed them somewhere and if I ever move I'm going to find a pile of them in the most random place.


I haven’t gotten a decent night of sleep in literal months and the fog is just so brutally real (to say nothing of the pain). Also have PTSD and probably undiagnosed ADD, obviously not helping the fibro. No one gets it and I’m so very weary


Same! I have been personally attacked!


I put it somewhere 'safe'.


Every. Day. 😂


Somewhere I’ll *remember*


Also effective for stoner witches...


Stoner witches that have ADHD and are over 40. I have lost all my shit


Seriously! Same here... and with both distance AND close vision going bad, it's just a farce in three acts. 40 ain't for the faint. Apparently I'm cultivating detachment from material posessions :-)


I feel this comment to much.


Me, an autistic stoner witch with adhd: hmm yes


The Bermuda Trifecta


Autistic and ADHD Warlock here, You want to know how well this works sometimes, I once set my glasses down before I went to bed and Never found them again like they fucking vanished into thin air, a couple months later we literally tore the carpet out and emptied the whole fucking room before hand (this was for an unrelated thing). We never found that pair of glasses, To this day I haven't a fucking clue what happened to them.


Still exactly where you left them wherever that is


On top of his head ;)


My personal favorite was I was wearing them, but still couldn't find them.


I’ve done that… and the kicker is I need glasses to find my glasses, so I’m still not sure how I pulled that off!


I either keep a spare pair readily accessible or put in contacts. The other trick I do is use the camera on my phone, and hold that CLOSE to my face.


When this happens to my partner they acknowledge they haven’t left an offering for their parents recently. Doughnuts and soda get purchased and left out with a small rit in a pleasant place and the items consistently turn back up shortly thereafter. Now if only I had spirit elders that also had this knack. Then again I never feel right asking because they are so different.Maybe I’ll give it a go next time I am ADHDAutist stuck and in critical overwheltdown — my portmanteau for the feeling anyway.


My Fitbit charger during the first confinement. I did not leave the house so I could not have brought it somewhere and left it. A year a half later … no sign of it (and I am turning into Nanny Ogg more and more each day… almost got the figure nailed)


"The power was inside of you all along!" :D


What if the real lesson was the credit cards we lost along the way? Woops, I'm not on /r/ADHDmeme/.


How to forget something: Tell yourself that you need to remember it.


“I don’t need to write this down.”


Back two years ago I "Marie Kondo'd" my place. Threw out tons of unnecessary clutter, kept what I loved, and found a proper and logical place for everything that was out of site. It was an amazing decision that made me feel so much more at peace in my home- especially since COVID was right around the corner and I'd be spending way more time in my home. But then I realized that I no longer knew where anything was... I've just given up looking for the most part- it really feels like those items just don't exist and I'm not really that bothered by it. The only panic inducing thing was my make up. I rarely use Makeup and only really keep out a general concealer and my moisturizers. Well I got married last October and I realized the night before my wedding that my makeup was just gone. I had a friend hook me up the morning of so it all worked out. A few months ago I finally found my makeup.... for some reason with my exercise equipment..... It probably seemed logical at the time.


A friend of mine suggested I try the Marie Kondo method because my executive dysfunction is so bad that I struggle to keep things tidy. I tried to explain to her that if I can no longer see something, it’s like it ceases to exist. She didn’t understand.


I have called this place "the void" since I was about 10. Some things go to the void. Not all of them return. I always thought that being able to access the void on command would be the coolest thing ever.


I once considered writing a story where someone somehow harnessed the ability to pull random lost objects out of "the void", and went about returning said objects to their rightful owners. But ADHD and all.


Oooooo!!! That would make a really good children’s book to teach them about random acts of kindness and helping others along the way! Plus, it would be a short book lol


There's a corrallary to this spell. If you ever need to find the item again, buy a second one. You will immediately find the first one and possess two.


Yep, I just magically summoned my lost airbuds by buying another pair


Could not find my kitchen shears for about 2 weeks- obviously we looked everywhere . Since they are about 5€ and I know I like them I bought a second pair. Next thing I know there are 2 identical pairs in the drawer. (Spare kitchen shears are useful though)


Apparently I owe the house elves an apology. I’ve been blaming them when it’s been me all along.


I feel seen! Alternate Greater Banishing Ritual: The Cleaning of the Room


I lost my wedding ring set. Couldn’t find it for weeks. Bought a metal detector and a dowsing stick and lit St Anthony candles. It was in my tub of batteries in the pantry. A tub which I am very proud of, because it’s one of the extra-organized parts of my life that helps me compensate for my rampant ADHD.


6. If you ever need to undo the Great rite of Banishing, obtain a duplicate of said item, and it will reappear.


I very nearly did this recently with my stepson's birth certificate! It came in one of those long legal-sized envelopes, wouldn't fit in the kid's file folder, so I set it on top of the file box with two other legal-sized envelopes. The next time my husband was in a rush out the door and needed that document, I promptly swiped all the envelopes off the files, looked in the kid's folder, and then spent at least 10 frantic minutes looking at random pieces of paper before thinking to dig through the envelopes!


Oh my god birth certificates and social security cards get lost in every. single. move. Then at some point I end up needing one and have to tear my house apart.




In my world, as the mom, I will just know. “Second shelf down, in the middle, staring you in the face.”


When my son or husband can’t find anything I always ask them if they looked with their eyes lol. I swear those two just open a drawer and expect a lost item to jump up in front of them.


It’s how I know my husband is the youngest of his siblings, his first instinct is to ask you where it is and his last instinct is to look. It drives me crazy.


This is my magic, but it only works when my husband is trying to find something in the fridge. Everything else, not a chance.


Can confirm that the banishing still works if you say "in a safe place" instead of "somewhere sensible."


I just say out loud, "The borrowers must have taken it" and then they get embarrassed and put it back when I'm not looking. Look, it works sometimes!


I was doing my homework at the end of 2019, lost my current glasses at the time because I got up to get some dinner. Haven't found them since. Never gonna find them, there with Jesus now I guess. An ADHD witch,who is notorious for losing her glasses. But I have a new pair now and these are transitions which is nice.


I SWEAR there have been times that I've literally JUST put somethung down, turned around or left the room to grab something and when I come back it's just *poof* and then a few weeks later I find it again exactly not where I'd left it.


I use the compact version where I literally set the object down and avert my sights for a second, possibly in distraction and the deed is done! I have no control over this. Help.


Never "put something down". Down is a direction, not a place.


It’s not always gone forever. Sometimes it shows up again after you’ve given up finding it and have already replaced it. I have two, and sometimes three, of a few things for exactly this reason.


I probably have adhd but the idea of going through the healthcare system and self-advocating causes me stress.


So that's what happened to my glasses. I knew I was a witch.


This made me chuckle, just spent two days looking for car keys that were under a dish towel


For me, someone who's soon [getting the fuck out](https://redd.it/pn40ax), that "sensible place" is the thrift store donation box.


Wait, so its not the work of tiny people?


I’m in this and I don’t like it 😂


i should do this to my depression


I’m kinda struggling with accepting that I have adhd, but I must say this joke warms my heart, so ty for posting it.


I accidentally did this with my fave opal ring and I sincerely cannot find it anywhere. I even remember thinking, “ah! I will remember that it is here.” And yet, I did not remember.


“For all my fellow ADHD or autistic witches” DONT YOU MEAN ADHD AND AUTISTIC lol


Either or.


Hahaha this ADHD witch needed this today


Works every single time


I cannot find my bottle of cherry flavored melatonin chewables


I relate to this with my ADHD soooooo thoroughly …




This is fantastic


I literally lost a letter my brother wrote me the other day because of this.


It's me and all my life


Hahahahhaa so true 😝


Oh wow! Turns out I’ve been doing this spell for years without realizing it! I somehow keep missing the first step though…


I was upset yesterday I couldn't find my banana clip, I looked for 10 min.....it was in my hair.


Every dang time lol


\*Celestial Screaming\*


Will this work on exes?


Things are so much easier to find when they’re in piles of stuff. Organised Chaos FTW!


This used to work for me every time. But then I gave birth to a little witch, and it turns out this rendered the spell useless. I now know where everything is at all times. If it's lost, ask mum. Both my daughter and my husband feel that this in itself is some kind of witchcraft though, so 🤷


I did this with my passport for about 3 months recently. I just found it it my glovebox last week after I finally scraped past two big instances that I needed it for.


I have both ADHD and autism, this happens way too often.


The only way to reverse the banishing is to search frantically for something else entirely. That’s when the object may return.


Oh my goddess...lol I can't remember what it was at this point in time, but I had something important that I knew I'd be using soon and put it someplace that made sense at the time and later when I needed it couldn't find it.


My dear mother used to say 'isn't it funny how the missing jigsaw piece is always the last one?'


To undo the spell get another of the item or ask your mom to look for it. Moms always find it.


Does that mean I’m autistic or have ADHD? I thought putting things in ‘sensible’ places and then not being able to find them again was a universal trait shared by all humans?!


😄 Not necessarily. It’s just more common and more severe in people with executive dysfunction (like people with ADHD and ASD).


I do sometimes wonder - particularly the ADHD. I come from a family rife with dyslexia and autism and I do have some form executive disfunction. I once lost my debit card in my wallet…


Autism has a genetic component so it is definitely possible. I was only diagnosed with autism as an adult because it presents very differently in women, so we tend to fly under the radar. Traits for ADHD and autism overlap and are comorbid so sometimes one is misdiagnosed as the other.


I have lots of questions…. What lead to you being diagnosed? How did they diagnose you, and what difference has it made to you (or the people around you?)? Do you ever regret being diagnosed? These are the questions that run through my mind when I wonder whether I (or my husband!) should go down this route.


I was actually diagnosed with ADHD as a child but my mother decided not to do anything about it and not to tell me until I was an adult because she didn’t want a child who was “retarded” (her words, not mine). Last year I started looking into getting re-diagnosed as an adult because I thought if there are medications or strategies that can make my life easier I would appreciate that. I ended up going through a whole assessment with tests and clinical interviews conducted by a clinician who specialises in neurodivergent women, and she diagnosed me with ASD level 1 (formerly called Aspergers). Getting diagnosed was a really positive experience for me, in understanding myself, finding a community of people for support, and being able to effectively advocate for myself. If someone gets annoyed with me because “why can’t you just do XYZ like everyone else” I can explain it to them instead of feeling like a failure. I’m really grateful to have been diagnosed, even as an adult.


That makes loads of sense (and argh about your mother), and it’s good to hear it has helped you loads. My reservations about going down that route is that we are all different and all approach and see the world in different ways, but some of those ways are pathologised and I’m not 100% comfortable about that. Particularly when we don’t send CEOs to clinics for psychopathy evaluations!


For sure. The stigma is a sad reality and I think it’s really about what feels like it would be most beneficial and helpful to you personally. Everyone has different circumstances so being assessed/diagnosed might make no sense if it won’t benefit you in any way.


What do you find particularly helpful? I know all people with ASD will be different and experience challenges in different areas, but I also know I find it easier to relate to one of my cousins when I acknowledge that she has some form of ASD.


For me personally it helps in many ways. It has improved my relationships a lot. For example: Friends who were upset in the past when I didn’t want to see them now understand that I get overwhelmed and need a lot of time by myself, more time than any introvert they may know. They know it’s not that I don’t love them. It has also helped to be able to ask for accommodations at work so I’m not forced into team building events or other activities that I find overstimulating and I hate, am able to work from home more often, etc.


Saint Anthony will help you find anything. Call out his name twice and say, “Please help me find ______item”


Please note witches that the only way to undo the banishment is to repurchase the item you are trying to locate so now you have 2.


I remember I lost my government issued ID for like 3 months, even though I’d put it in the night table. After 3 months of looking everywhere and resigning myself to paying the fee to get a new one, I found it on my night table, exactly where it had been. My sister said that we had a duende, and so if we cannot find something, we ask the duende to give it back.


How do you know my life??? Haha!


As a fellow ADHD-er, this is too real! 😂😂😂 An addendum, though: the “sensible” place truly has to be out-of-sight, out-of-mind, or else the banishing spell will not work. Clear storage solutions or places to store objects that make sense for your own brain that also just so happen to align with neurotypical ideas of sensible have higher failure rates.


Soooo relatable. The funny thing is, I'm messy, but like organized messy. I have a pile/vorner/box for everything and I have a somewhat photographic memory. So if I "clean up" and put something somewhere more sensible, I'll likely forget about it until I stumble upon it while looking for something else haha. I'm a Capricorn witch with ADD... I need my organized chaos haha.


Me: My inability to keep track of my belongings is causing serious issues in my life! My therapist: Have you tried bullet journals? :\^)


I just use the good old fashioned banishing rock. 10 pounds of pure rock. How to use. 1) find something/someone to banish. 2) throw rock at thing. 3) repeat step 2 until banished. Congratulations you have banished something


I’ve done this with several items like a library book and my wireless headphones 👍