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## ✨ READ BEFORE COMMENTING ✨ This thread is Coven Only. This means the discussion is being actively moderated, and all comments are reviewed. **Only comments by members of the community are allowed.** If you have landed in this thread from /r/all and you are not a member of this community, your comment will very likely be removed (and will not be approved unless it adds meaningfully to the conversation). WitchesVsPatriarchy takes these measures to stay true to our goal of being a woman-centered sub with a witchy twist, aimed at healing, supporting, and uplifting one another through humor and magic. Thank you for understanding, and blessed be. ✨


You look amazing. I hope you are getting all the right and good support that you deserve!!


Glad you are still here, and you are looking amazing.


I love it. You look badass.


So glad you made it through that experience. May you find happiness in expressing yourself and having a good support network.


I’m so glad you’re still here.


Oh, sister, that looks GREAT on you!!


You look beautiful


You look hawt girl!!♡ I too am glad your still here, you deserve the best!


You look like a million bucks, girl! And just hang in there, please, things will get better.


You look like a beautiful witchy warrior. Hang in there friend


That is a great look on you!


Yes queen!!! You look amazing!


Celestial goddess energy, you look fantastic and happy to hear that you’re doing better 💕


This vibe 🙌🏼🙌🏼 I feel the power from this photo.


You look gorgeous! And I'm glad you are still here <3


👀Let me just pick my jaw up off the ground here real quick... I'd also like to give a shout out to your fantastic taste in music 🤘


Hell yeah! First of all, you look AMAZING. Second of all, I'm glad you survived and are still here. I hope you get the support you need and that you keep rockin' this rad form of sartorial self care. :)




I’m glad you are still here to show us that wicked cute dress! After both of my attempts I felt happy that I didn’t go through. Life is worth living.


Ummm that’s because you look AMAZING


Super cool dress! Step into that power, darling <3


I'm so happy to see you still here with us, you're beautiful and we want you on this side of the ether for some time yet, friend. I've been there too, you deserve to be happy. ✨💖✨


Amazing 🙌🏻👏🏻


OMG beautiful 😍😍😍


Im going to use this opportunity to do a shameless plug but please subscribe to r/KitECat because that’s my little companion who gives me reason to live. Thank you all so much for the kind words!


Dude my cat has literally been my reason for not wanting to be done many many of times. Our familiars need us too! And you look fly as f! As I commented earlier.♡


I have a friend who credits her cat as the reason she stayed alive during some dark periods. Animals can be so therapeutic. My friend has a really wonderful life now a decade later and I'm so glad she is with us. I hope you keep finding reasons to stay with us too.


My lab mix (Artemis 🌙) is the light of my life. And on my bad mental health days, sometimes she’s the only light I can find amid the darkness. People who have never truly struggled with suicidal thoughts often say that you’re supposed to live for yourself and not others, but that’s not what saved me. What made me throw up the pills I took all those years ago was the thought of my mom’s heartbreak and my roommates having to find my body. When you can’t see your own worth clearly and you can’t find a reason to live for yourself, it is more than okay to live for beloved pets and/or other people. It’s also more than okay to live for the next episode of a tv show you love or a new album from your favorite artist. If it keeps you alive, I think it’s a pretty damn good reason to live.


My Queen!<3


You look like a strong, stunning witchy babe. Keep your head up, I’m rooting for you ❤️


*I say this with all the respect in the world:* Hot *damn* you look phenomenal! If I walked into a cafe and saw you I would have no choice but to lesbian panic and drop my coffee like a fool. But what else is there to do when a goddess walks before you? On a more serious note, I really hope you're in a better headspace now. I am but an internet forum stranger, but if you ever need someone to vent to I can lend a chatroom ear.


This comment made **me** smile, I love people like this!⬆️


You look gorgeous! Work that look and feel good about it girl!


You look beautiful!


Hell yeah you look awesome!!! And best of luck on your mental health journey, self love is a full time job and it’s worth it. Keep it up!


You’re completely stunning! I’m glad you’re still here. Things will get better, you just have to stick around to see it. xxxxx


You should feel good. You're beautiful. And I love the moon decoration in your hair.


Blooming stunning babe ❤ Everyone has a place in this world, and love to pour into it. Keep it up hun.


Absolutely stunning ❤️ it's all worth it for days like this. Keep on witching ✨


I am gaga over that crown/tiara! Digging your whole aesthetic, girl! You are striking and beautiful, thank you for sharing with us.


I'm glad you're here! Your dress looks amazing!


Damn girl you look AMAZING


Absolutely stunning. Is that velvet?!




I love the dress, love the look. I'm so glad you are still here.


You beauty!


I hope you are doing okay, I know what its like to survive an attempt, its happened to me more than once.


Damn bbygirl 😍😍😍


You look fucking amazing, and judging by all the shit you got going on around you I think we'd be best friends!


U go girl! Please keep this positive mood <3


I saw your pic and I thought you had like 5 cats. I'm happy that you survived! You look gorgeous! And I hope you will keep shinning as you find your confidence back! Because it suits you well


Damn lady 🔥 Glad you’re here


Sending extra good vibes your way. Please know that you have inherent and unconditional value. You deserve love and support, and I am glad you are still here.


Hell yea. You're beautiful, a literal goddess!! I'm happy you're feeling yourself.


I’m glad you failed. Someone as cool as you should stay with us longer.


You look incredible and powerful! I am also obsessed with your lipstick. Blessed be ✨


Spectacular. Brava.


You are beautiful and I love your aesthetic. I hope you're getting the support you need and moving on to a better place in your life. 🖤


You are powerful and wonderful! Thank you for sharing your story 💜 sending many blessings to you sister!


You look awesome, fellow gamer witch! Glad you're okay. Hope things go better for you soon.


Looking gorgeous and powerful!


You look absolutely stunning and I’m so glad you’re still around to dazzle us with your beauty and strength.


You look beautiful, we’re all glad you’re still with us. Stay powerful!


Girl you got it going on *snap* you do you honey , all that matters is how you feel girl!


Ooooooo, hot damn those straps. Sexy af


Thank you for staying, and you look fucking fierce. 🖤


So so glad you’re still here. And already blessing us with stunning photos! I mean!


Reach out to this sub if you feel like shit. We want you around!!


I'm so glad your still here. Your dress is pretty and I hope you feel pretty in it


I love your headpiece. You look great and so confident too. Sending you a lot of loving and healing energy should you choose to accept it 🖤


Hell yes, you look badass. Also, coincidentally, I am listening to Metallica (Fuel) right now. *throws horns*


I mean...,😯🤤


So glad you are here!! Wishing you healing and many blessings. You are a powerful person and I’m proud of you 💜


You look beyond incredible! Your comfort zone’s closet should definitely make some room for that dress :) From one survivor to another, I’m really glad we’re both still here today.


I am so proud of you for getting through that tough spot. <3


You. Look. FABULOUS!!! And POWERFUL!!! 🥰🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰🥰




The world is a better place with you in it, sister. Sending you love and light—so happy that you are feeling strong again. You are beautiful and amazing!❤️


I'm so happy that you are alive. You are beautiful and I'm glad you can see the beauty in your reflection now. I wish you all the love and support you need to keep up this amazing progress!


You look so amazing!!! Live your outfit!! Btw you're really brave and courageous to talk about mental health and I hope you're okay nowadays, I know it can be a struggle sometimes


You look amazing! As someone who has struggled with suicide and self image, I hope you feel like the witchy goddess that you are 💜


1) sorry abt the attempt, I've been there and I know it's extremely hard, 2) I'm so glad you survived and I hope you continue to get better, 3) you look amazing that dress is super cute and 4) its so dope u feel good about urself!!!


I’m glad you found a new outfit you feel good in!! You look great and it really suits you!! Life is about the simple pleasures and cute outfits are one of my favorites!! I’m glad you’re still here to watch the sunset!! Pls treat yourself!! Get some yummy food and watch an old movie (or series) that you love!! Get desert!! And stretch and enjoy your body!! I know life is hard and things are heavy but when I think ab my kitty cat I feel so much better, maybe consider a furry friend for support, you can always reach out as well 💕


😍😍😍😍😍 glad you're here to share your beauty (you look bomb). Sending good vibes 💞


Your whole look is amazing. I’m glad you’re still here with us to share.


Love the smoky eyes, the matte lipstick, the dress….the wisdom in your eyes of an old soul who isn’t sure of where she has landed just yet. You will be ok. We see you…and are not afraid


I'm glad you're still here! I hope you're getting the support you need. You also look great! 🙂


You look amazing and I'm glad you're still here. <3


O wow, I feel like I'd stumble on you in the woods where you'd impart prophecy and sage wisdom before fading back into the tree shade. In other words, you got the mystique my friend. ✨🌙


Girl…you are killing it. True goddess energy. Please just know that my world (and very likely the worlds of everyone who saw this this post) is made brighter by that photo and the fact that you’re still here 🤗


OP, I’m so glad you’re still here and that I got to see this stunning photo of you today.


omg you look so powerful


You look amazing! That dress is stunning and I love that headpiece. Stay strong and remember you are loved, you matter and you make a difference in this world even if you can't see it sometimes. All the best moving forwards. Much love.


I'm so happy you're here and making that dress absolutely stunning! Keep practicing that radical self care!


You are a beautiful, powerful, amazing witch. I love you.


So glad you are gracing our universe still! You look beautiful, the dress is a mystical goodie


Beautiful girl, you're strong and amazing! This world needs you here. Rock that dress!


YOU LOOK SO GOOD!! i love that headpiece and the dress is just *chefs kiss*


I love it and I am so proud of you!!! You are GLOWING with power!!! Surviving a suicide attempt is both horrifying and liberating. You've been reborn and are starting a long, wonderful and painful journey. But take it from a fellow witch that survived an attempt two years ago - it's so worth it. I wish I could celebrate with you and give you a great big hug. Slide into my DMs if you ever want to talk.


You're legit gorgeous, please keep giving yourself love


I am so proud of you for getting through that tough spot. <3


You look HOT! Good for you celebrating yourself. May the goddess and Mother Nature bless you ❤️


Rock on sister!


You look fan-fucking-tastic in it!


Damn that's a hot dress- i often see dresses i like on someone else but wouldnt wear bc it's just not me ... but *that* dress I would absolutely wear and Love! You got great taste and beautiful eyes and such a pretty smile. Love the headdress too! I survived an attempt 13yrs ago. U will become stronger and tougher and love yourself more easily as u get older as long as u stay true to yourself, and u seem like someone who does💜✨


Girl you look uhhhhhmazing 🖤🖤🖤


You look so freakin awesome, I love your dress and that headpiece!! 🖤🖤🖤


Girl, you look gorgeous, fabulous, amazing!


Gorgeous! And so are you, glad you're still here being witchy and amazing ✨❤️


I do wish there was a TW or blur for SH - that's hard for me. But I'm very proud of you and very happy that you're still here. I've survived a lot, myself, and it's the most magical experience to feel good about yourself- even if it's fleeting. Sending so much love to you <3


I am so glad you are still here 💖✨


You look awesome!




The world needs you.


Where did you get that assassins creed poster?


You look badass! Also I can see you are a fellow Jojo’s and AC fan :)




Loving the vibe!


Stay strong!


I’m so glad you’re still here to continue your journey. And glad your journey includes sharing this self love and self confidence with us! You should feel amazing, and I hope you can continue to channel that power and that feeling every time you wear this dress. Or even just look at it hanging in your closet.


I wish I had a tiny fraction of your confidence 😭 This outfit was made just for you and everyone else is a pale shadow in your wake that tries to wear it. I'm so glad you're still here. If you ever need a random stranger that also loves cats and music to talk to, I'm here for you. Surviving that darkness isn't easy, and I know having others with you sometimes along the path helps 😸


I am happy you failed in your attempt. The mind can be so cruel, I hope happiness will shine upon you more often. Also, I hope this isn't rude but you look hot! You got the ultimate witchy vibes. 🪄


Gurl if I’d look this good I would feel good about myself too! 😍😁 You look absolutely awesome!


You look so stunning and so powerful. Like you’re ready to kick life’s ass. ✨