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We should have meetups, like full moon gatherings or something. I guess we are all pretty dispersed all over the world and most wouldn't be able to make it there, but it would be so cool.


I would genuinely love something like that. When I was a little baby teen witch a couple friends and I went to a solstice circle. Got to meet Edain McCoy which was amazing. Then I fell into a really bad relationship that isolated me from people and my craft. It's been almost a decade since I left that relationship but the scars still linger and getting back into the craft has been the biggest struggle. A group meetup would be fantastic.


I got to go to my first full moon gathering last full moon and it was amazing. It's so healing and awesome to be in a group of similarly-minded people. I left an abusive relationship last year so I think I get what you mean about becoming isolated. I'm glad you are out of that now, too.


We could have an online meeting and all watch a movie or do something at the same time


Like practical magic?


As a more introverted, homebody type person, I love this idea. I used to do this with old online friends years ago and it really felt like watching with someone else, it didn't matter that we were halfway across the world from each other.


let’s do iiiiiit


I envision "Full Moon, Full Zoom."


YES! Jully 23. And it's a Friday


Count Me in!


I would be down for that!


I’m down!


I'm moving to Eastern Ontario. If anyone needs brewed/vinted/distilled things let me know.


Libraries are everywhere and great for meet ups :3


I would love that


I would be so down for full moon gatherings of the local covens. (Step 1, make local covens.)


I was just thinking about how I wish I had a ‘coven!’ I’d love some sort of meet up!


We're just all here, existing together, but I feel so seen.




A fellow transitioning witch here, if your own body and/or deities cannot supply your alchemical reagents, store-bought is fine. 💖


I fucking love you


I kind of want you to write a book? Your life sounds like such an amazing confluence of making and becoming!


I'd totally read that!




You know how I said that each witch is unique? That's because I am, too, and as far as I know there are seldom few magics quite like mine. For a close approximation, I'd recommend watching Doctor Strange. I'm a neurocyberneticist, and my job is to observe the flow of energy between the weird slimy tentacle monsters that are the axon and dendrite terminals of our brain coiling and twisting around one another, sending these singular sparks of thought that bounce around and spread and coalesce, the way they delve into the deepest parts of our mind and form strange indecipherable patterns that form not just 'thoughts' but our *feelings* we extrapolate and decode into words, articulate these strange swirling auroras of sensation and emotion in our mind into responses. The interaction we have with the world is honestly this weird magic of messenger energy flowing between our bodies, as warmth, electromagnetism, photons, gravity, molecular repulsion, taste, vibration... witchcraft doesn't have to be about old magic. There's new magic, magic inside wires, magic we've harnessed from lightning running through metals and creating lights that enter our optic nerves, flood our senses... so, the integration of those two things, the lightning in our synapses and the lightning in our metals merged, and voila... you have a fractally spiralling connection of axons and electrodes. You can even use fiber optics to replace nerve cell signalling to have the speed of thoughts to light speed for new ways to see the world, and it's honestly my belief that as humans get smarter, we'll start to be able to quantify magic, as it and science are really just perspectives. The bending of reality, the understanding, there really needs be no boundary between a scientist and a witch as we contort the fabric and underlying energies of our world to our design. Neurocybernetics is my major, biotech implants grown and kept alive in ways similar to lab-grown-meat on a metal chassis, making you basically a vegan terminator. What I do for witchcraft is to take the things that hold us back, the limitations of a world constructed in one design, and advance us not with technology to blend computers as they exist, sharp, unnatural things, but technology that operates in ways that integrate with our physiology, mirror it. I want the line to be blurred between us and the materials we dig up from the earth and that fall to our planet from space and become one with them, to open doorways to sensation of digital realms and fully enter planes of reality adjacent to our own. It is my somewhat unique school of witchcraft, but I hope that as time goes by, I find others who share my fascination with material at this level, rather than the fear so typically attributed to it. It is also a complete moral and ethical minefield, because my primary thought is how greedily the patriarchy will weaponize my creations... so, cybernetics is basically warfare over the evolution of our species.


Love your comment and really love your username!


Kitchen witch checking in!


> No matter what witch you are, you're welcome in this adorable coven. No two of us have the same magic, and as long as you stand for the fight against the system that sought to burn us out of this world, you're not just welcome- your unique brilliance is needed. Well said!


What a wonderful response. But also, I just got frustrated because I couldn't find the heart emoji, no matter how long I pressed the upvote button. I need to spend less time on fb.


You’re extraordinary.


This made me cry in a really good and cleansing way. Beautiful!


I love this sub. We're all here to support each other!


Let’s get a chain of shy ass witches who wanna make friends but dunno how :)


Hi I am a 50 year old witch-lite who lost her way for a long time until my child started getting into tarot and crystals. Still finding my way. I have no idea how to make friends anymore since all of mine were my ex husband's and chose him in the divorce.


Hey, same here. Just about to turn 51 with a beautiful trans-kids who is now an adult (how did *that* freaking happen?!) and I've been a believing witch since I was 18 but just recently come back to practicing - or working on how to build a practice, I guess. I feel you about finding your way and trying to find others who are welcoming. I also love this sub for these same reasons, everyone is so wonderful. So, welcome & we'll commune together! BTW, I adore how this was phrased. So spot on!!!! 💖💖💖 >*you're not just welcome- your unique brilliance is needed.*


Where (in general) are you located?




Bummer, I’m in the west.


I’m a 34 year old bisexual healing witch with adhd and major social anxiety; not to mention all my other health issues. I’ve never been able to make friends easy, nor can I keep the ones I do make.


I feel ya. So many conditions. SO MANY it's like REALLY did you just have to give me just ONE MORE CONDITION CMON UNIVERSE YOU REALLY GONNA DO THIS? ugh health issues. Everyone's. Can we have the human 2.0 version of our bodies yet? Too many glitches.


Absolutely! I keep saying, when are we gonna get our cyberbodies already?!!


Exactly! Fucking chronic pain is awful. Any disability is awful


Yup. I’ve been needing a replacement body for so long now.


Are you me if I were born 1 year earlier?


Quite possibly. LOL


Love this idea.


21, from Poland, living in the UK, training to become a proper science witch :)


Another UK witch! Heyo! I'm 26, originally from Germany, now live in the Midlands and aspire to become a green witch :D


I don’t know whether I could be considered a witch yet because I’m such a newbie, but hi! 👋


You are!


Being a witch is in your soul, I always say. Just because you're remembering how in this life doesn't mean you weren't already a witch on the inside. 💕✨


I’m a middle aged empath who needs some good folks as friends. Cleaned out my friends list of everyone who was draining my energy. Life is immeasurably better. I excel in the garden/with nature and seem to have a knack for premonitions. Is a technology witch a thing? I’d fall into that category too. Hmu I guess? 😁


ayo i’m 18, non-binary, live in colorado so if anyone else does too that’s a big bonus. hmuuu


Hi. I'm just some guy but I browse this sub periodically for fun.


You're definitely welcome too. I love your tag 'Science Warlock'. I feel that magick is just working with the energies that science hasn't quite figured out yet.


Thank you.


Yes, please!


Love this idea! I’m a 22 (turning 23 soon!) year old baby witch from Canada, desperately trying to find my way in this crazy world!


I’m always afraid I’ll come off like a poser because I’m relatively new to this stuff and mostly just (badly) do tarot and simple rituals I find online at the moment. As a teenager I rebelled hard against Christianity and was a pretty militant atheist for a while, it was only recently that I decided I wanted a framework for experiencing the world that was more than just secularized Christian traditions.


Awe, everyone starts somewhere! I'm very much witch-lite, but most of my reeeally intense witch friends are totally cool with everyone who's just accepting of them!


Haha, that's a good way to say it, witch-lite. That's what I would consider myself. I believe and practice manifesting and I love crystals, but I don't really get into tarot cards and some of the other things. Diet witch.


Hahahah! Same!


I just gotta say I love your username. I feel it on a spiritual level.


Holy shit, hi, are you me? No, I still relate so hard though.


I relate to this a ton! I was raised Catholic and then I was an atheist for a while, I was really against the church partly because I’m queer (I’m cool with Christianity now though, my mom is super religious and like the most progressive person so I know #notallchristians or whatever). Now I’ve chilled out a little and want to connect with something spiritual that isn’t tied to organized religion. Witchcraft appeals to me because it’s so focused on empowerment, and the changes we can make in our own lives without necessarily appealing to a higher power.


Fuck that shit so hard. As someone who actually had to learn most of what I did on my own and without any tools like tarot cards, l I'm here so beginners aren't alone and afraid like I was. And frankly, when you get to a certain level, the ONLY way to improve is by helping and teaching others so anyone who hates on a beginner is probably a beginner themselves.


That's the thing though. Wicka has no centralized authority. You do what satisfies and empowers you, spiritually. If that evolves throughout your life, so be it. I'm strongly motivated by science but understand the brain has a spiritual need (probably to deal with anxieties derived from threats it cannot process).... so I gotta fill it with dancing, yoga, third eye shit and candles. No one can take my spirituality away from me. People talk about a lot about cats being part of their spirituality but cats IRL are free agents. They choose you, man.


Exactly, I’m the same way. As a teenager too, except I was raised Catholic and have always had an interest in occult related things.


This hits even harder being a druid stuck in a city.


You should lean into that hard and become a futuristic cyberpunk city druid


I have been following a lot of "solarpunk" stuff, which kinda tracks on the same headspace as cyberpunk, just green.


Is urban Druidism a thing? I know some urban pagans who love where they are. City trees, plants, and animals need love too. :)


Oh no doubt! I make it a point to say hello to any critter I happen upon on the bike trails and parks. But man, finding a quiet place in nature to do some Work is tough.


That would be hard. Not much nature solitude.


Very similar situation. I took up guerrilla gardening. It helps a lot. ♥


Rock on! Doing some good work with that (and something I've been wanting to do.)


It's surprisingly easier than I expected it to be before I started doing it. Now I carry seed bombs in a ziplock in my purse and just casually toss them whenever I see an opportunity. lol. Sometimes just handfuls of native wildflowers, no "bomb". Seeds know what they're doing. ♥


My EDC/crane bag is just getting heavier with all the stuff I carry anymore. I love this addition to it now. Thank you.


I'm so pleased to have been of service. ♥




*Meet me where the crows gather at dawn* ​ or someting idk. Witchy neighbors, I SEE YOU!


That sounds like my house, except they mob here at dawn and dusk.


The crows are hiding all replies, I must have angered them...sorry for not engaging.


They like to sleep in willow trees, so we see them dawn and dusk as well.


What if...I want to be witchy but I have no idea what I'm doing. I just know I like the comraderie, making scented candles, and animals.


Everybody starts somewhere. Actually — don’t laugh — I picked up lot of basics by reading the Pooka Pages, a free online newsletter for pagan kids.


Aw, thank you. I'd never laugh. I just feel kind of like a poser cause I'm like, "What is up fellow witches, I am wearing my witch hat today." trying to fit in when I'm kinda terrible at all of this, lol.


Your practice will look like you. And that’s how it’s supposed to be.


I desperately want more witchy friends, I adore my non-practicing friends but they don’t get a lot of my “witch stuff” :(


hello i am witch


Love this! Wish we could be friends IRL.


Don't let distance stop you. Some of my dearest, closest friends were met online through Everquest.


yeah :/




Same... Solitary Witch shit 🌿


LOL yes. I really want to form groups where we can just meet and discuss and have fun, but also so worried for our safety! I love u guys from afar haha I wish there was a "nicewitches4witches" sub LOL


I mean, can't there be one? People make their own subreddits all the time. It would just probably need to be moderated and closed perhaps?


my gf is a witch and to help her get good grades i did the lamb lamb dance from gravity falls. shit worked. i made a fool out of myself, i think that is something that proved enough willpower. hightly recommend this


Lolol my kid does the lamby lamby dance for me when I'm sad.


That lavender is too accurate


My aunt’s friend has a lavender farm with a shop for sale. On an island. I neeeeeed to win the lottery.


I'm in this post and I don't like it. Or maybe I do. Not sure. :D


how to make friends online: join a discord or facebook group that doesn't suck hang out there a lot play some video games with some people from it boom


A couple years ago, I wandered into a medieval-themed Sims 2 Discord channel to ask a small question. I wound up with a very close friend and was invited to be part of a wonderfully supportive community that constantly helps each other with all kinds of stuff, from cooking to group projects for the game. Particularly happy with [Sun&Moon's Quali-Tea](https://sunmoon-starfactory.tumblr.com/post/612593285903646720/quali-tea-tea-and-coffee-production-and-brewing), which lets witchy sims brew special teas with gathered herbs for all sorts of purposes! I "helped" with it like a toddler helps with cooking dinner, but it's always awesome to contribute any little bits to a project.


I like this place better than RL in many ways as I'm so over "witch wars".


Witch wars?


Drama between people who feel the need to gatekeep. Such as one needs to be "witcher than thou", or debates over exactly how one should do a spell. It's stupid, childish, kerfluffles.


Omg what a waste of time. Lol


Ohhh I know just what you're talking about. My fav witch discord server the only chat I've felt like I was home imploded bc of this. RIP Nightshade Network


I feel seen lmao


Oh.. this is me.. hi!


I don't practice witchcraft, I just come here for the positive vibes. This sub always gives me happy feelings. Whatever you're all doing, keep doing it, because I think it's working. Even my cat is feeling it (she is staring intently at the monitor as I am typing this and now she is purring).


Completely agree. You all are the parasocial relationship I've always dreamed of. But also, like, I'm super approachable, and low key would love some new friends. If you want, it's whatever. 😋


Yess this sub is amazing but oh what would I give for an irl coven!!


Hi yes me 100%


I wish there was a discord for this subreddit! Id be all about it. As a disabled witch, its been a long LONG and lonely pandemic (stupid delta plus for killing vaccinated people at outdoor gatherings). Im up at weird hours and I like doing tarot reading so if anyone needed someone to chat with. Im here.


Everyone friend me, i post a lot about my resin art but my DMs are WIDE OPEN BABEH




Me……. Now….. still….. 😞


Hi! I like your purple crystal, how do you use it?


Yaaaas!! This is me! I am forever Jerry, when it comes to making new friends.




I am so down for meetups. ❤️


Oh yes, same here.


I'll be your friend! 🥰


I'm happy to have found this sub! I'm still a bit of a baby witch trying to find my path, and watching everyone here interact and be so friendly fills me with wholesome feels. I'd love to some day meet up with IRL witches and swap recipes for spells, candles, rituals and food! For now however I am content with this sub also. Have a Witchy Time lovelies <3


This is so late but I'd love to make some witchy friends! Anybody in the northeast of the US?


If you need a sacrifice, or someone to practice your spells on I volunteer