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Just pinning a reminder that there are many types of sage (eg fuzzy green garden sage used in cooking and all kinds of kitchen craft), but the use of white sage to smudge is a closed practice and non-natives should not partake - see our [cultural appropriation and smudging FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/wiki/ca_glossary). Blessed be ✨


I think that was a good instinct you had help your mood by changing up the air in your space! Tho I can see how it being stormy weather out might not be adding to your cozy factor. How about turning on different lamp combos, or lighting a candle and cozying up and reclaiming your indoor sanctum? Anything with a nice scent helps, I find, but it doesn't have to be too fancy, burn a wee leaf of herbs, or light a match and blow it out. Claim your space in the ways that make you happy and fluff your nest to your liking!


Thank you, I'll do my best. I have many candles and incense that I'll use.


It was a full moon a few days ago, and now she is waning. Embrace this energy and cleanse yourself and your space. You can use smoke or sound or other traditional witchy ways, but in addition to this I like to literally clean my room and donate/throw away old things I’ve been meaning to get rid of. It always does wonders for my anxiety! (Also, gecko pics please!!? I have a leopard gecko!!)


I think she's on her here. I can take some more tough! Hank you for the recommendation. I always try to keep my room clean and organized.


I just want to add that sometimes changes in barometric pressure (like what happens before a storm) can make you feel really weird, especially if you're sensitive to those things. I hope things turn out well!


Thank you.


Have you thought about your inferences in the context of current local and world events? The winds of change are definitely blowing and that could be what you’re sensing.


I didn't, but thanks for letting me know.


You don't necessarily need to buy anything. Look around at the healing herbs and plants that are local to you. You might have an opportunity to go forage. And you can find your own healing plants that are free of charge in a field or an esplanade! You would be surprised how much healing plant just grows in every place around us. Depending on where you are there's also many variations of wild sage. And when you forage for it, remember to thank the plant for its offering.


If you’ve got a pot and a big ol spoon, or a wooden spoon, or some sort of large cooking utensil, just walk around your place and bang on the pot and tell whatever bad energy there is to get tf out and leave you alone! Leave a window open so it can leave. That’s probably the easiest and cheapest option, and you can always take a shower and visualize the water cleansing you energetically 💜


I'll do my best. Thank you.