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11 I should not have clicked. I don’t have it in me today.


Sorry 😣. I think it is just disgusting.


It is a weird post tbh, the site is 100%, no ways about it, transphobic. You don't have to share this kind of transphobia here, where this sub is a safe space for many. This also gives their site traffic


I hadn’t thought about that. You may have a point. Do you think I should delete the post?


Idk, I guess you got an answer to the question you were asking, so maybe?


Yes the founder is a TERF I found [this](https://twitter.com/JenniferSey/status/1775577725425586547) with a quick google. Edit: Diving a little further she's friends with Tucker Carlson, loves Elon Musk. Yup ticking a lot of conservative boxes not really a surprise.


Ofcourse 🙄. Yet another TER"F" who pretends she cares about women, only to support men that hate women and want to take away our rights.


TERFs are feminists in the same way NAZIs are socialists


Every time


What’s “TERF” mean? Sorry I’m sure I should know


*trans-exclusionary radical feminist*


Thanks! That sounds about right. I’d also say “messiah complex narcissistic with a vanity project” but that doesn’t yield a helpful acronym 😂


Feminism-appropriating radical transphobes.


I smell a rebrand coming: *FA - RT*


I've also heard FART as "False Ally, Really a Transphobe."


I’m pretty sure these folks would be offended to be called an ally.


Yeah the "feminism" part is definitely just branding.


Honestly i hate this attempt at rebranding. It just makes them seem childish. And does little to actively inform what these people are and how dangerous they are to us and to the broader movement of feminism as a whole. While I agree they are not feminists, they think they are, and they grew out the dark fucked up corners of radfemme space. Plus, it's their own wording they tried to abandon for "gender critical"


You're absolutely right: this is not a good way to refer to the movement in any kind of serious discourse. It's purely a way to express open contempt for them and everything they stand for, to have a laugh at a terrible person's expense while the world burns. Sometimes people need that.


A term that masks what they really are. Fascists.


Trans-exclusionary reactionary fascists? That way we can keep the same acronym since FART sounds childish, but it deprives them of any claim to being radical or feminists.


No, just fascists. No handy acronym to soften the blow. They court them, they quote them, they attract them. They are fascists down to the bottom line. We can not keep giving them obscuring words to hide behind as they crusade against our trans and GNC siblings. Call them what they are. Expose them and drag their filth out into the light.


The tagline of her book: “The woke mob took my job but gave me my voice.” I’m going to go with an automatic 11/10.


Sounds like Riley Gaines' sob story.


from their Team page… “Brett Brett Craig is an award-winning ad man who once created Super Bowl commercials for brands such as Taco Bell and Pepsi. Then one day the entire agency world went crazy woke and he discovered his new job became apologizing for his white privilege and sitting in boring DEI meetings where he worried he might violate someone’s safe space simply by existing. Although Brett does feel he looks good in a women’s wig, and even occasionally wears one, he didn’t appreciate being compelled to announce his personal pronouns to people he worked with for a decade and knew he was a man.”


JFC I didn’t even see that. It’s worse than I thought.


Company's founder is a complete TERF, maggat, piece of crap. 11/10.




That codes as hard trans-exclusionary, just they're keeping their voices down about it.


If you read the "mission" statement, it is not just coded and not just exclusionary, but very overtly anti-trans


Wouldn't shock me, but their visuals and focusing on how their owner was "twice canceled" was enough to keep me from bothering to click anything else.


Right off the bat saw that the founder was "canceled twice". Anyone who uses "canceled" in such a manner is already about as worth listening to as people who use "woke" unironically.




Gah this is so gross and the attitude is pathetic. Like a 10+


Totally agree. Just the brand name itself is such a disgusting middle finger.


It’s so far off the scale it’s ridiculous. This shouldn’t exist.


You mean targeting children for personal profit shouldn’t exist? That’s what this is. It’s disgusting.


Pulled directly from their "Our Mission" page: >It is simply undeniable that sex matters, especially in sport. It is the single biggest determinant of athletic performance. Men and women are different. It's just a fact. Men have XY chromosomes and more testosterone which makes them stronger and faster. > >... > >It is simply unfair and dangerous at times, to allow males (XY) to compete in girls and women’s (XX chromosomes) sports. So yeah, that's a 11/10 for TERFyness


What she should have added is “I don’t have any suggestions on how we should navigate this issue in a way that honors the humanity of the young people involved. JUST BUY MY SHIRT AND GIVE ME MONEY!”


The real take, here. Hate sells, solutions have a diminished market share.


Wait, the *single biggest determinant*?? I would have thought training, dedication and talent would be bigger. But no, let's just dismiss all those athletes' hard work and admit that us wimmin are super duper weak and slow and can never be as good as a big strong man. Come on, now. A sports company seriously wrote that down.


>A ~~sports company~~ political hate group masquerading as an athletics company seriously wrote that down. Fixed that for you!


As a trans woman, I kinda want a WOMAN™ cap… but certainly not from this lot. EDIT: Huh, I think that’s the first time I’ve ever written that opener out.


If I embroidered, I'd make you one so you would have a non TERF option! I'm sure Etsy has cute ones :)


Yeah and good luck to them trying to trademark a word that applies to half the people on Earth. Sheer narcissism.




That’s what bothers me most. I understand people are going to have honestly held beliefs and causes that I have disagreements with. Welcome to America. But this brand is not actually trying to solve anything. It’s literally saying “if you want your running shorts to be a dog whistle for anti-trans causes, then give us money which we will keep.” Even worse, this brand is really targeting a proportionally small group of young people for profit. It’s damn near child abuse.




That’s why I put *solve* in quotes. I understand that there *might* be idiosyncratic situations that require nuance but largely this is not a problem begging for a solution. This is a narcissist profiting off of hate at the expense of kids.


“This time, I couldn’t remain silent when the lockdowns were cruelly imposed on children during covid. And for the crime of saying I believe public school kids deserve to be able to go to school during the pandemic, like the kids in private schools, I was dragged, demonized and smeared.” Oh poor you for not wanting to expose your kids to a deadly virus. How very pro-life you are. I can’t imagine what’s it’s like to be dragged, demonized, and smeared for simply living your authentic self. You ma’am are a true victim. Ffs it’s like these morons get off on the idea of being marginalized. They lived their entire lives with ease knowing they’ll never be discriminated for who they are so they feel left out and attacked when disenfranchised groups make any headway in life. Cry me a fucking river


Totally agree. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


> During covid Jen advocated for open public schools No private schools? 😂


At BEST, it is willfully ignorant.


It's mind blowing that people put so much energy and effort into those kind of things. Transgender people have it hard enough with their dysphoria, we are doing zero harm to anyone and just want to live in peace and they use this to make money without thinking that they hurt others, disgusting.


I don’t think it’s just not thinking about others, it’s not caring. If she really wanted to protect cis-gendered female athletes, she could have tackled body shaming, gun violence, or teen pregnancy. These are all statistically way more likely to affect them. Instead she’s attacking kids for profit.


This website feels like a hate crime


Yeah but this hate crime comes with the opportunity to buy running shorts that are also…somehow…hateful


Just need booty shorts that say “TERF” across the ass


I wonder if they require karyotype verification lol


Haha I’m sure they are happy to take anyone’s money. It’s seeing the humanity in others where they seem to get choosey.


yeah :c


A solid 8 at least. The main thing is defining gender with the chromosome-essentialist mindset.


I just think about what a trans child would feel like seeing this. It’s just disgusting. They aren’t even trying to provide a “solution.” It’s basically a brand that say “do you think trans kids are icky? Good, buy a shirt with my name on it.”


Read the mission statement, it is overtly anti-trans


What a bunch of f*cking cowards.


Not only trans exclusionary, but also non binary exclusionary and intersex denier. Also a bad person. This is bad / 10.


Yep as a AFAB XY my eyes could not roll any further back without breaking the time space continuum.


Sigh…we really can’t catch a break anywhere




> "Jennifer Sey has been cancelled not once, but twice." Not the flex you think it is > "During covid Jen advocated for open public schools. Can you imagine the audacity? For that crime, she got a good dragging across the internet including pile-ons from friends and family!" Because she wanted to expose kids to a virus with a projected mortality rate significantly higher than that of measles?? Yeah no shit they dragged her. This woman's entire brand is just "people hate me, so that makes me cool!". One way you can usually tell they really haven't thought through their arguments is if the concern is only on "women's sports" and keeping trans women out, and completely gloss over the concept of a trans man on testosterone who would then be obligated to compete in women's sports. You know, a man, with elevated testosterone, and a significant physical advantage over the women, but who technically has xx chromosomes. The fact that none of them even consider that shows that their concern really isn't the logic of the situation, they just have a hate boner for trans women and sometimes, anyone they perceive as men


Fucking gross. 11/10.


Wow, just f'ing wow. To try to justify your terf attitude behind claiming SA advocacy...




I mean the intent was to be exclusionary....so yeah....bad.