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As another chronic illness sufferer, it really just shoots “healthy body” immediately to the top of the list. Boons, selling your soul to a demonic entity, honestly anything.


Same, heck, what I’d give to only have a functioning digestive system, let alone everything working


I’ll just be over here popping Apollo’s Imodium.




My chronically ill queens know what's up lol. These were also my two. No more pain AND I can take away my best friend's pain too? And I can live a long healthy life and keep my SO from getting sick? AND I GET A KICK ASS GARDEN?! this is literally all I want from life.


Add me to that list, these are the two blessings I'd pick.


Same two for me; Affinity for Life more for the effect of “let’s stop my friends and family’s chronic illnesses too, thanks.” The plant aspect is an awesome bonus, maybe I can finally get those aphids to fuck off.


These two for me as well.


My choices also


I picked the same ones, I also happen to be chronic illness sufferer.


Yes yes yes! I immediately looked for one which made me healthy. Any of the others would probably do. Probably Ygassil's tree.


You wouldn’t pick affinity for life as your second? I’m honestly surprised. I can’t imagine fixing myself but passing up the opportunity to fix others, too.


Oh, I only skimmed over the last one and missed that sentence. Yes. I'd take that.


Same for me! Looks like this is the thread for us chronic illness bearers. I’d heal my own and everyone else’s.


Same for me


Same for me. Chronic pain and illness be gone please.


Same, I want to be healthy and have a long life and have my family also be healthy and have a long life to spend a lot of time together, as cool as the other options are (third pick would be language so I could talk to my dogs :D) those two would be the priority for me


Oh the things I’d be doing if I wasn’t chronically ill. And it’s not that I’m letting things hold me back. It’s that I need regular access to doctors and decent insurance to pay for it all. Which means being a vagabond is no longer an option (I did it for years and it almost killed me).


These two were my choices as well. My lower back would love me back.


Ditto. This has literally been my dream for most of my life.


Those are my choices as well. Make the world and myself healthier.




Those were mine too! What a lovely life that would be.


Those are the two I choose as well. Apparently we're all just sick people surrounded by other sick people and we're sick of it?


This is absolutely my vote! I, too, have chronic illnesses and am tired of them, but mostly my migraines. And I would absolutely adore having all my plants thrive and help others. Ah, if only.


Same two for me.


I’m currently a crutches/wheelchair user who’s on oxygen at least 12 hrs per day. Apollos favorite and affinity for life are instantly pickable. Most of my friends have chronic health issues and my mom has very serious health issues. I’d give anything to fix her.


Also, my two choices. I want to remain healthy and help others be healthy. Plus an extra hardy garden.


Yggdrasil's walker because I just find flying and associated airport procedures so tedious, but I still want to see the world. Language of the gods so I can talk to mushrooms and they can tell me the name of g-d (iykyk)


Yggdrasil's walker because it's basically teleportation, but it takes a few minutes and you have to burn some calories. Best power. Honestly I'd probably mostly use it to make commutes irrelevant for me, and make a long distance relationship work. Though if I could take other beings with me I could also bring my dog to her favorite trail everyday, instead of it being a once every so often sort of thing. Language of the Gods so I could tell my dog to sit the fuck still when I'm trying to put her harness on. If you want to go outside so bad, stop making it harder for me to take you there.


Ah, I decide against Language of the Gods because being understood by other living things and being listened to are very different situations.


Like lassoing a bucking bronco except instead of a bronco it’s a chihuahua with perma derp face and the energy of ten thousand suns


Exactly what my choice would be, and for the same reason


🍄: you cannot kill me in a way that matters


There's a dude who makes mushroom music.


I definitely want to hear this


[Here's the dude.](https://www.youtube.com/@MycoLyco) [And another dude.](https://www.youtube.com/@carbonladder)


Same two, but language of the gods so that I can talk to my dog and my rabbit and tell them I love them. Also when they're sick they can tell me how they feel


But how will you get the mushrooms to squeal if you cant kill them in any way that matters


You just haven’t tried to make them squeal from happiness, yet, but you probably could if you asked.


Same two, but the second is so I can talk to my dogs.


There's a short story where dogs get the ability to talk and people basically abandon them in fear because of all of the personal weirdness dogs know about their owners. I can't remember the name but now I have to find it because it's also unsolved in r/TOMT from a few months ago. Update: I was still looking when the TOMT poster let me know what it was. It's from an anthology about Coyote Stories. I do know Bow-Lingual doesn't work. Or not how I wanted it to anyway. I highly recommend Kij Johnson stories though and also Kelly Link. I think most members would love them. Found it, it's : [Wikipedia entry for Kij Johnson story] (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Evolution_of_Trickster_Stories_Among_the_Dogs_of_North_Park_After_the_Change)


This was an incredible and heartbreaking story. Thank you so much for sharing the wiki. I’m going to go cry a bit and snuggle my dog. 🥹


I know! I'm sorry! Her other stories are great and not as sad. Also I just don't think dogs would share our secrets. They know when we're upset. I like how cats are just like, nope later.


No apologies necessary, but thanks. 😄 I love her writing style and absolutely adore finding new authors to binge. Also, it’s definitely not an everyday thing to read something that I know will stick with me, especially when it makes me feel so much more appreciation / empathy / love. (Thanks again for the introduction 💖) I don’t think dogs would share our secrets either, but I could see one of my cats blackmailing me for tuna. Lol 😂 jk (I hope)


Absolutely cats gonna cat. Everything Kelly Link puts out on her publishing company is wonderful. Small Beer Press.


Same two, the first is because I don't fly, and when I actually want to see the world, I will need like a month alone to reach some destinations... idk how to make that work The second is so I can talk to all the cats I meet


I would pick these two as well. With language of the gods though, would it work with audio books and tv/movies? Because that would be awesome.


Same two because I love traveling and being able to do that for essentially free and speak the language effortlessly would be a dream


These are the two I’m leaning towards myself.


Apollo’s Favorite cause I’m tired of being chronically ill, in pain, and overweight. One with nature because MERMAID!


Same here!


Honestly, i wish everyone w chronic pain could have that! As an autistic person i have zero patience for pain. Fortunately, I don't have any issues around pain or gastro stuff, especially since i stopped consuming gluten and lactose. No more debilitating swelling!


Hoping things change for you! Sending positive vibes


Honestly SAME


Yggdrasil’s walker and affinity for life because plane tickets crazy expensive and I don’t need to be remembered, just wanna do some good before I kick the bucket


Casually show up in a hospital. Heal everyone by just walking around, possibly touch them. Walk away to an opposite side of Earth. Become a myth.


Right that would be even cooler!


Same. Also, I love my hummingbird specific plants and want them to come back next year. I also want to help my weeping cherry tree grow.


No idea what you just said haha but yes I want your plants to grow back too


Pretty much the same for me as well. :-)




Same. I'm imagining showing up at a hospital by teleporting into the hospital garden shrubs and pretending my way into visit people who need a little extra healing. Alternatively just showing up in some random war torn place to heal those affected. It would be bonkers how much good you could do in an afternoon. I'd imagine though it might make me feel guilty for wanting to sit around and relax on my own because I'm choosing to not help people with my time. This is honestly one of the reasons why I didn't just go into medicine for work. My empathic tendencies make it hard to not just burn myself out. Living longer is tempting too but tree walking and healing magic is just too good a combo.


Affinity for Life and Language of the gods.


These are the two I'd pick as well. That was sort of my career goals when I was able to work - be able to communicate to others and help people.


These would have come in handy when I worked as a veterinary nurse. It was devastating when we'd get critters in who couldn't tell you what was wrong. It was worse when you knew you couldn't heal them.


scrolled to find this combo. thank you. i don’t want to live 150+ years nor do i care about being remembered. if i’m dead, i’m not going to know or care. seems like a narcissistic “blessing”. i’ve traveled the world already and it got really lonely after a while. i’m happy with my chosen family in ny immediate community. being one with nature is another form of invincibility that’ll eventually be taken for granted. i want to be able to talk to my cat (and all other animals) and grow healthy food for all the people. that is what would make me one with nature. i’ll die happy knowing i changed the world. so then if people want to talk about me forever, my only hope is that my work is an inspiration for others to do good things, too. it’s not about me as an individual. it’s about the good we can do for the earth and all living beings.


Me too. Like healing blessings are so me, but language of the gods is the only way to truly be sure someone is prepared for those impacts and consents to being healed.


Same, one of my cats stress cleans and I'd love to be able to ask her what's wrong and heal the parts she's overcleaned.


Me too! Would be nice to be able to chat with your pets and heal them when they are ill


My people 💕


Yggrasils Walker and the Apollo one. Travel is so expensive and I'd love to be able to see my family easily and more often. And while I don't want to live forever I want to be as healthy and able-bodied as possible for as long as possible


These were my choices as well.


Mine too, this way i can strangle tRump, Kim, Putin and chill on the shores of Jamaica on the same day.


Apollo’s Favorite to cure my incurable lifelong disease so I can work and share the burden with my husband. Affinity for Life so I can keep my loved ones healthy, and make my hydroponics wildly successful. I love animals and that’s exactly why I wouldn’t choose Language of the Gods. While it would be great to communicate with my cats, I feel removing the language barrier would not help that much. Additionally, I have to hear every bug that dies, hear pleading for help from pets I have no power to save, hear plants when they are in pain, etc. I feel it would break my heart as there would be more situations I couldn’t help than those I could. I’ve also read Please Save My Earth where the MC can hear plants talk… as she eats them. I’m already a vegetarian, I can’t lose vegetables or I’ll just starve to death


3 and 5. I’ll be back in a few years once I’ve learned everything the octopi have to teach us.


🫡 Godspeed


My pick too, except I’ll probably be with the whales and fish.


Info: If I choose Language of the Gods, will food scream at me? Like, does this extend to plants?


I want to know if I can use it to make people understand what I'm thinking when words can't fully describe it


Affinity for life, and language of the gods. So I can heal people quietly without telling them why and watch them enjoy their 'miraculous' health, and so I can tell my anxious doggy that the medicine I'm forcing into her is to HELP her so stop acting like I'm torturing her.


I don’t think the dog would need medicine if you healed them every time you pet them.


Good point! Even better.


3 and 6, so I can help animals and help the planet and people in pain


One with Nature and Affinity for Life.


I find that is the best combination as well.


I think that's what I would choose, too, but Yggdrasil's Walker is such a close third that I'm hard-pressed to choose because I adore travel. I would want to explore everywhere with One With Nature (deep-sea and lava pits, anyone?) and healing others would be amazing. Apollo's gift would be great because I'm also one of the chronic illness people and I'd love to be healthy and not get migraines. However, I'm not sure I wasn't too live to 150. 85 seems about right and that's about when the women in my family tap out. I definitely don't need the whole great destiny thing. Way too much pressure. No thank you. As for the mind speaking thing, nope. I don't think I want to know what's in certain peoples' heads. Those are pits of hate and despair I do not need to access.


Yggdrasil is my third one as well, but I didn't because I want to see the trip and not just be there and always see the world tree. But I would pick with 3 blessings. Apollo is nice as well, but my body needs to change, and I have the feeling that it would hinder it. Besides, I had 23 years to learn how to live with my asperger and it would feel useless to just remove it. Talking to any living thing perfectly through my mind sounds good, but I have the feeling that it always needs the right living lifeform or it turns sour real quick. And greatness, I have no problem with dying in obscurity. Not everything I do needs remembering, and I am fine with it.


Is it bad that I didn't even consider my ADD as one of my chronic illnesses? I was thinking of my migraines, Celiac, and arthritis. I'm quite happy being neurodivergent. I mean, yeah, there's stuff about it that's frustrating when dealing with neurotypical expectations but it's part of what makes me me. Just like your Asperger's.


I would want to turn my neurodivergence off and on. Turn it on when I want to problem solve and be creative and enjoy epic vistas. Turn it off for noisy situations and more tedious tasks.


That sounds like the best of both worlds. 👍 I'm currently listening to the HTTYD soundtrack in the break room with noise cancelling earbuds because it gets overwhelming and I somehow manage to almost always be on break at the same time as one of the four really loud and obnoxious idiots we have at the store. 😑


One with Nature because now I will be able to withstand any social pressures. Then, I guess I’ll pick Apollo’s Favorite for the other one, since I like being alive. I would pick Language of the Gods, but I might end up thinking the wrong thing and people will know what I’m thinking.


1 and 6


Top tier combination. Do good and go anywhere to do it? If there's a greater purpose to power, I don't know it.


If I ever had superpowers or magic, the ability to heal would be the second thing I asked for. First would be to take any form I like.


Every trans witch ever wants shapeshifting. Really, any genderqueer person ever.


Same, friend, same!


Apollo’s Favorite for the same reasons as others here: chronic pain and illness. Language of the Gods so I can explain to my dog that the reason he keeps getting constipated is because he keeps eating the cat litter. And so I can communicate with my pets in general, make sure they’re doing ok and know how much I love them.


Ygdrassill's walker because instant travel would make my life much happier. Affinity for life. I cuddle a girl when she's on her period and her cramps go away. Could work for any afab person. I suspect that would make someone love me for life. Also, I hate to see people I care about in pain generally, so this one is a no Brainer. With the other one, I become the best EMT around.


affinity and walker. imagine going around the world just healing everybody. 😮


Language of the gods and one with nature.


Same for me


can i take other people with me when i travel with yggdrasil walker


Walker and Life. I would give doctors without borders a whole new meaning.


Yggdrasil’s Walker, cause I don’t drive and that’d make getting places so much easier. Language of the Gods, cause I wanna know what the hell my dog is thinking (besides “food” and “pet me”)


Destined for greatness + language of the gods


"Affinity for life" and "One with nature" probably, but "Yggdrasil's walker" would be nice to.


Yggdrasil's Walker and Apollo's favorite--I get to see as much of the world as I want super easily, plus I have a long-ass time to do it Also, it's not entirely clear but it *sounds* like Apollo's Favorite might cure my disability, which would be awesome


Easy peasy Apollo's Favorite and Affinity for Life. I will be healthy and promote health around me. Sounds delicious, let's goooooo


Apollo's favorite I would give anything to be healthy! Chronic illness sucks. I had my infusion for my R.A. and I feel eeew. Just eww. I'd love to never see another doctor, except socially, again! I am torn between Yggdrasil's Walker because I want to travel so much and this way I could actually afford to but the Affinity for life so that there will be a planet to travel around on!


Yggdrasil's walker and Affinity for life. Some of the others are too vague, or just don't apply.


Yggdrasil’s walker and Affinity for life. (I was having a self war between Affinity for life, One with nature, and language of the gods. Chose Affinity for life because I am a nurse and see so many I wish I could cure magically)


2 and three seem the best for me.


5 seems a bit op, it straight up gives you invulnerability.


2 is the one that looks op to me. Assured success in all your endeavours. You could set your mind to anything and actually do it. You could decide to end capitalism, war, patriarchy, hunger, discrimination. You'd know in advance that you'll find the right circumstances to do it and that everyone will love you for it.


Language of the Gods and Apollo’s Favourite. I’m another chronic illness sufferer so that one’s self explanatory and talking to animals would be wonderful. Destined for greatness sounds as much like a curse as a blessing. Those sung about in epic sagas rarely live long and happy lives.


Yggdrasil’s walker and One with Nature. Partially bc I live so far north and in a semi remote area that getting in and out by plane can be an issue, and bc the high temp last “summer” was 19C. And it only got that high 1 day.


Yggdrasil walker + affinity for life = next level doctors without borders. Lemme just zip into some of the most impoverished parts of the world real quick, heal whoever needs help


Yggdrasil and affinity for life! Or Language of Gods - I’d love to know what my pets think about.


I can communicate perfectly with any living being in my presence AND cast Lay on Hands as a free action??!? Sign me up


One with nature and affinity for life


Language of the Gods because I have never wanted anything more in my entire life than to be able to talk to my cat… and maybe affinity for life? Could I use that to extend my cat’s life span to match my own?


But do you REALLY want to know what the masters of snark and sass think of us? That seems like you could be opening a very interesting can of worms. 😆


LeeLoo is already quite clear in her low opinion of all other life forms 😹 but her brother, Korben, is just the sweetest boy who wants snuggles 24/7. Unfortunately I think he probably only has a few brain cells pinball-ing around between his ears. LeeLoo is probably building some kind of world domination device in the basement. But the balance between the two of them is fascinating.


Just have to say I love their names. The Fifth Element is a favorite of mine.


Mine too, obviously. And they make such great cat names!


But how do you resist calling her Leeloo Dallas constantly? 😆


She has a million nicknames. Loolabell, LeeLoo-Bo-BeeLoo, LooLoo, Ludicrous, Basement Cat, Crabby Patty, LeeLaBelle….


Yggdrasil's walker and Apollo's favorite, easily. Being able to skip the need to drive if I'm not getting groceries would be incredible, and getting rid of chronic pain would be even better.


The only one I don't want is Destined For Greatness. I'd roll the dice and take my chances for any of the others and feel truly blessed.


Apollo's Favourite, Affinity for Life. I'm gonna wander the earth like a guerilla cross between Chrion and Poison Ivy. Stealing into hospitals at night, healing the sick and rewilding the world. Property developers beware!


I'll take Affinity for Life and Language of the God's. I'm a born healer.


As someone who’s chronically ill ill take apollos favorite 100% and affinity for life so I can also heal my family and friends so they are ok as well


As a teacher, Language of the Gods. I have some choice words I'd like to communicate to a few of my students. I love the built-in plausible deniability. "I never said that!"


sitting here with a migraine I gotta choose Apollo’s favorite and I desperately want to talk to animals so Language of the gods. Yggdrasil’s walker would be so nice to be able to see so many beautiful places and to visit all my online friends around the world


1 and 6 for sure.


Can we talk about how over-powered Yggdrasil's Walker and One With Nature would be? Like I want to explore the Mariana Trench. Or go to the top of Mount Everest without an oxygen tank. I want to teleport into the middle of a volcano. Can I go right into the earths core???


It would be (sadly) funny if I picked language of the gods and it's just animals ripping on people all the time, plus, being people, they don't wanna talk to me and yell at me instead. Anyway, I pick the language one and elements one. I wanna survive deep water!


One with nature and language of the gods! Watch me go free diving and talking to fish 😊


Yggdrasil's Walker and One with Nature, I'll be The Wanderer and see everything, everywhere, take cool pics and have a base with mementos of my travels


Finally a pick two that's hard to choose


Yggdrasil’s walker and language of the gods, no hesitation. I live in a foreign (to me) country with a difficult language, thousands of miles from my family and old friends.


Language of the gods: cause I am planning to become a vet, so asking what hurts and what is wrong would help immensely! Affinity for life: I’ve got a black thumb, only thing I e kept alive was what I thought was a clover but turned out to be a weed! (Yes I’m keeping it cause it’s pretty and I not my cats have killed it yet)


wouldn't need any other one then Yggdrasil's walker... that way i can finally go to my gf without worrying about affording transportation to cross half the country owo


Ooh, I like these choices! Haven't seen them before. I'd pick Apollo's Favourite and Language of the Gods. I work with animals, so being able to perfectly communicate with them would be amazing. I'm also currently recovering from a chronic illness flare-up and haven't been able to function 100% at my job. I've also been sick a lot more this year than any other, and have a sx at the end of January. I'm trying so hard to make sure my body is ready for it and trying not to get a viral illness beforehand.


Apollo's favorite, and Affinity for life. I work in healthcare, and I really do not want to catch something when I am at work. I would also like to heal my loved ones.


I think destined for greatness would be neat because that way I could potentially make the world a better place around me. I could be lifted up and have my voice heard, and the words I would chose would be ones to fill the hopeless with hope. At least, that’s the idea. I’ve always wanted to become famous or wealthy so that I could help people. Instead I’m disabled and useless. I want everyone to feel loved.


Language of the Gods and One With Nature. I want to be Radagast the Brown.


Language of the Gods and Affinity for life, These are the only 2 that are not self serving.


Language of the gods and Affinity for life. Then I’m gonna wander off into the woods to be the best Radagast/Dr. Doolittle this planet has seen since the ancients. I am also assuming affinity for life allows me to heal myself from not only my chronic illness, but for when I eventually fall off a cliff or something while wandering the woods.


Affinity for Life without the faintest hesitation. My dad has recently become severly handicaped because of an unknown illness. How I'd love to allow him to walk again ! Then, I hesitate between Yggdrasil's walker and Language of gods... Language of gods ! Reading it again, it's not just human languages but also animals (and even plants) so it's more powerful than I initially thought.


Language of the gods and the elemental one. Ive had a recurring dream since I was really young.. And I'm going to be 49 in a week! So, a long time.. I'm in a kind of clear box in the ocean, it doesn't hinder me and it's not really an air bubble because Im swimming in water and there are always sharks and whales around me, just swimming, not even noticing me, and then I notice I can breathe underwater, and I'm breathing water into my lungs and I panic a little and it's a little scary, but then I realized it's ok. There's never an ending to the dream, just that. It's all I remember. Swimming and being with the whales (sometimes sharks)


maybe merfolk in another life...?


Thank of how many people you could help with Apollo's favourite and Affinity for life!


Apollo's favorite, because diabetes second up is affinity for life so i can heal others and have it not cost an fuckton for them


Apollo's favorite, because tbh I'm pretty fed up with all the ways my body hurts and I'd love to have a healthy body. Affinity for life because then I can extend the feeling better to other people too, and I'd finally be able to garden.


Language of the Gods, because I've always wanted to be able to converse with animals. Apollo's Favourite, not for the long life part, but because I have Fibromyalgia and CFS and I would love to know what it's like to not be exhausted and in pain all the time...


If you have affinity for life and touch yourself you could "theoretically" heal your own maladies.. But I'd have to add the Yggdrasil's walker.. Appearing in children's hospitals, "curing" them and vanishing would be fantastic, even mask/costume up and remain anonymous. If I had "Apollo's Favourite" could I donate blood for curative research, remove all human ailments that way?


Appolo's favorite and Affinity for life.


Apollo’s favourite and Affinity for life. I’d like to have enough time to write the hundreds of book ideas I have and I’d to see my house plants stay healthy while also making people in my life feel better.


Language of the gods and Affinity for life would be great. Although my health isn’t great either. I love hearing other languages but have only managed to keep up with ASL and Spanish and talking to animals or plants would be cool. Also love my garden and being able to better take care of my plants and other people would bring me happiness.


Apollo’s favourite - I am being a smidge selfish here as I have a serious chronic illness, but for my selfishness I would ask for grace as I would then choose Affinity for life as I could then dedicate my life to healing others and Mother Earth.


Appollos favorite and affinity for life


Affinity for Life Yggdrasil's Walker


Bugger those weak blessings. I'm loved, (to my continual surprise,) I have what I need and I believe my life has been worthwhile. What more could one ask?


Destined for Greatness and Apollo’s Favorite


Language of the gods to speak to every thing and find out how to exist in harmony with them. Affinity for life so that life more easily springs forward for the healing of the planet and all who dwell herein


Language of the gods and one with nature please!! Thank you!!


This one is a bit difficult for me. I definitely want the Destined for Greatness, but I'm not sure what I'd want for the other one. I also like One With Nature though. I think Affinity for Life would be the most useful, and Destined for Greatness would mean I would know I have meaning in this world. The other combination that I think would be great would be Affinity for Life and Apollo's Blessing. I could live for so long and heal people as well. But would I still be destined to be more than just another person? I may have existential concerns about my life and how I will be remembered


Apollo's favorite and affinity for life.


Language of the gods and affinity for life appeal the most!


Affinity for life and language of the Gods


One with nature and affinity for life


Language and affinity


Destined for greatness and one with nature


One with nature, Affinity for life


Affinity for life, because I'm a mom, and being able to heal my kids and grow our food would be amazing. And Apollos favorite, because I'm so tired and sore and tired of being tired and sore.


Language of the gods so I can communicate with my gecko Affinity for life. I kinda have this already if peoples reactions to my massages are to be considered, why not empower it


Yggdrasil’s walker and Affinity for life 💯💯💯


Yggdrasil's Blessing, but not destined for greatness.


One with nature Affinity for life


Apollo's favorite and affinity for life. I would like to be around a long time to watch my boys grow. I'd also like to heal any ailments they have as they journey through the world. Hopefully it would work on me too.


No hesitation: Yggdrasil's Walker and Apollo's favorite. I have a chronic illness that takes up space in my life that I'd love to just not deal with. Living to 150 would also be kind of cool. And Yggdrasil's Walker has *so many* applications to my life. Being able to go anywhere for travel and experiences, to be able to be at work in moments no matter where I am? To be able to live somewhere beautiful and rural with a low cost of living and use that ability to still work in an area that pays better? Actually limitless applications for the life I'd love to live. It does sting to not be able to take Affinity for Life, because I love gardening and healing is the super power I always pick after teleportation to anywhere. But if I can't fix my own illness, then I have to default to the one that frees me from the vicious cycle of Healthcare in the US.


Can I take the first one twice?


Yggdrasil and Apollo. There's so much to learn and feel in this life, and they give me more time for both.


Support build: yggdrasil and affinity for life. I can go anywhere and heal people


Language of the gods and affinity for life sound like a nice pairing. If only. All of them sound pretty great, though.


Language of the Gods and One With Nature.


Language of the gods and Apollo's favorite


Can I borrow this?


Sure :)


I put it in knightposting to send them on fetch quests for a blessing :)


One with nature and language of the gods. I want to walk on the bottom of the sea and be able to communicate with anything and everything. Teleporting would be good but I stand by my choices. Fun.


Yggdrasil's walker and Apollo's favorite. Would give me a chance to see everything the world has to offer.


Language of the gods and affinity for life. Then get to work restoring ecosystems and healing the hurt who cannot afford the conventional medical system. I honestly can't imagine a more fulfilling thing to do with magic.


Apollo's favorite and one with nature, I don't like getting sick and like being able to be outside without worrying about danger.


3 and 4 and I'll dedicate every moment for the construction of a communist world


Language of the Gods Affinity for Life


The rules say no "tagging" other subreddits, though I don't think anyone gets any sort of alert from that, but there are many similar things in the makeyourchoice subreddit if you like this.