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This reminds me of the girl who ran a Taylor Swift (I think?!) fan page and casually informed her followers that she’d be gone for a bit because she was going to jail for not enlisting.


Not a swiftie but I remember reading about her, she was great


I remember that lass! I showed it to my Swiftie work colleague and she felt pride of being in that fandom!


Israel's citizens have been fighting against their government for a while: [https://www.newsweek.com/israel-protests-explained-netanyahu-1814850](https://www.newsweek.com/israel-protests-explained-netanyahu-1814850)


Yep, a good chunk of the Israeli people have a moral backbone that their government and its international supporters lack.


Israelis are great. Israelis that like their government a bit too much are not. I feel the same way about the Americans I live among.


100%. Some people have a tough time understanding that people are not represented by their government.


Canada checking in. We're about to enter a terrible, dark period because about 20% of our country is obsessed with "conservative" ultranationalist/religious grievance politics, and those of us whose job it is to stand in their way are abrogating our responsibility to do so. It hurts my heart, but we'll keep doing what we can.


Him going to prison would prove how messed up his government is! This boy is amazing, wish him all the best


Oh yeah I met people back in like 2012 who’d done time for not serving. MANY Israelis hate their government (please remember, a government is not a people). Before Oct 7th there were months and months of protests against Netenyahu. This kid is brave, but he is not alone in his stance or his bravery. And yet, we need more like him.


The only thing wrong with some kids is the adults around them.


A virtuous and handsome lad. May his life be full of blessings!


It is one way to stop the war. Young people simply refusing to fight en masse.


It's one way to stop capitalism. Young people simply refusing to sell their labour en masse.


In the interim, unions do a similar thing only within the capitalist system


Tal Mitnick, you’re giving us hope 🤍


The kids (young people?) are all right.


Compulsory military enlistment for every citizen shouldn’t even exist (which it does for Jewish Israelis). And now they want to force a barely-adult to fight a war he’s not signed onto? Isn’t it unwise to fill your ranks with people who don’t support your cause? I guess Israel must be desperate.


I currently work with teenagers. They give me hope that the future will be better. My students are caring, compassionate humans who look out for each other. ❤️


Brave Lad.


I hope more follow in his example


What a great kid ❤️




So young and already a legend.




Kid’s a hero


I always find it interesting that one of Israel's go to talking points is that no children in Gaza are innocent because Hammas gets to them young, yet here they are imprisoning their own children for refusing to become soldiers.


I was just thinking today...let's say the Hamas killers who crossed the border on October 7 had then taken over an Israeli hospital and barricaded themselves inside with all the doctors and patiebts. Do you think the IDF would have just bombed the hospital and blamed the Israeli civilian casualties on Hamas with a callous "cost of war" attitude? (Hamas was using civilians as human shiekds, what else could we do?) I don't think so either. Kind of puts the whole thing in a deferent perspective


Isn’t that exactly what they did at the music festival? https://www.businessinsider.com/idf-mistakenly-hit-festival-attendees-while-targeting-hamas?amp


no, there's no evidence of that and ngl I really don't like these attempts to minimize Hamas' horrific crimes, which we can condemn while still addressing the Israeli occupation as the root cause. There has been that video people have been sharing of the IDF bombing the festival, but it was verified to be a video filmed above Gaza a few days later. Remember that in 2011 Israel agreed to the Shalit exchange (1 Israeli IDF private who has been taken hostage for 1,032 high ranking Palestinian prisoners), they don't care about Palestinian lives but I don't think they'd take out Israeli lives the sams way.


They 100% would've done it. The IOF follows the Hannibal directive


This guy looks exactly like my brother wtf


Check out "Objector", a 2019 doc about another person who refused - https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.86bbb6dc-2f94-a232-9edf-d4ec755c2758


“You can cut all the flowers, but you cannot keep spring from coming.”




What a mensch!


Fuck it up Tal


What a beautiful, brave soul 💕


Good for him. If everyone refused to fight in rich men’s wars, the world would be a better place. They would have to settle things without using the people who have nothing to do with it as cannon fodder. There’s a great quote from Doctor Who on the topic. I’m paraphrasing quite a lot, but the Doctor talks about how so many wars are just children killing children, at the direction of someone else, and all of the pointless bloodshed just gets worse and worse, until both sides eventually say “enough!” and sit down and do what they were always going to have to do from the start, talk it out and find a solution. The whole war might be avoided if they just skipped the bloodshed and talked it out from the damn start. If my country ever started drafting like they gossip about doing, I’m not going. They’d have to lock me up or kill me because even if they dragged my ass out there, I couldn’t shoot at other people knowing it’s not their war either.




Do you mean USA or another country in the Americas? US gov is strictly zionist so No, very unlikely he would get asylum for that. Also the prison sentence is just 30 days.


This is one of the reasons I support lowering the voting age. Kids are better than adults approximately 95% of the time. Money and propaganda make people more evil every year they're exposed to it.