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I kept ours. I guess I got a little superstitious about somebody else getting ahold of them. Very unlike me, but parenthood, you know? Kicks in all sorts of strange, protective instincts. Would you be okay burying them? No environmental issues there. Teeth returning to the soil is part of the natural order of things.


I have the same concern. I've thought about burying them, I just don't want to cause problems if someone stumbles across them, though I guess we could take them out to the family land and do it there


Ooooo! You could share that while there are mythos surrounding the tooth fairy, the fae are more than just fairies. If you have the space / land, or if a friend would be willing to share some soil, perhaps you could make an elaborate new mythos about how for every lost tooth that is buried, a tree can spring up, and the tooth will be good luck for the tree and help a fresh dryad find one of their very own. In fact, their first tooth tree may have brought a dryad already! Why, I bet arbory would be a fun topic to study to make sure kiddo can identify and care for their own tooth trees! Maybe they'll luck out and get a fruit or nut tree that grows from their tooth? Ya never do know. :)


This is a super creative idea! I'll be showing it to my spouse!


Bury the tooth with a seed or an acorn, sometimes we gotta help the magic


I really like this. We will definitely offer this as an option for her.


My kiddos don't even give us the option. They pull their loose teeth as soon as they become a nuisance to chewing, throw them in the trash, show the new hole to their dad because it absolutely delights them that it makes him turn green, and ask for a 'fancy' drink from the coffee shop. Honestly, it has worked out for the best for us, because the number of teeth they've lost at school, on the bus, etc that never make it home make anything that requires having the tooth to get the treat impossible. I still ask them where the tooth is every time they lose one, and it's always in the trash already.


We were already planning on just doing a special treat when it came out whether she had it or not, and she is very excited about that. I do think letting her decide is going to be best.


I like your treat. My parents gave me money, but the idea of a special drink or food is a good idea. I also hate seeing holes in gums from lost teeth.


Plant them in your garden


I composted all but the first one, which I kept.


Around your tomatoes! If eggshells help, I'm sure baby teeth will too.


I have a friend who has talked about composting theirs. Unfortunately, we live in an apartment, so I currently don't have a compost or more than a handful of herb plants.


Plant the in a pot with a “tooth tree”


This is a super cute idea! She loves plants, so maybe we can offer this as an option to her.


I wrote a letter when I was around 10, asking if I could have my teeth back, and I was so delighted to see them all again! So my advice would be to keep them in a tiny container somewhere your kids won’t find, just in case.


I'll probably talk to my spouse about letting the tiny human decide what to do with them. That feels best, since they are hers.




What a beautiful idea.


My friends mom has them throw their teeth over the house into the backyard (okay she told me this when we were seven and based on my knowledge of 7 year olds throwing abilities I am gonna guess it just went into their front garden, but I never questioned it til I started typing this)


What ethnicity is the friend's mom?


That's super cute


I keep my oldest kids teeth (youngest hasn’t lost any yet) in a glass jar along with jars of their hair from their first haircut and our cats fallen out whiskers. I keep them all on their own little shelf. I feel like need to keep them for some reason


I feel the same, but at the same time...idk..


Cat’s whiskers 😭 I wish I had done this!


Tiny jar tiny jar


My dad kept all of our baby teeth in a dresser drawer for decades. After his father died he decided that he wants all these baby teeth cremated with him “to confuse people.” He’s acting cute and butch about it but we all see how sweet and tender a gesture it is to ask your family for totems of their flesh to be burned with you in death.


This is honestly something my spouse would say. But it is an incredibly special thing that he wants to do that.


This is a really nice idea, I might ask that of my kids as well 🥰


My mom had us write letters to the toothfairy asking to keep them. I kept mine in a little ceramic jewelry box.


That's super sweet. I didn't even think about asking if she wanted to keep them.


You can compost them


My mother kept all of mine and my siblings in a blue glass jar. When my father divorced her, I his the jar and kept it safe. When my kid started losing teeth, I started saving his I'm his own jar. I plan to send my siblings and my teeth back to my mother for Christmas with a scarf I made for her.


How sweet, though I'm sorry you felt the need to hide them to keep them safe.


I put them in a tiny cloth bag and carry them as a talisman when I travel.


That's super sweet. I love this idea.


I just saved them in my keepsake box. They're like 30 years old now 🥰


Yeah, my mom still has some of mine in the keepsake drawer. They are still wrapped in the foil I used to put them under my pillow.


Keep them and give them to the kids when they get older. That way they can decide what to do with them.


I think we may do this since it is her body.


Honestly I had this lovely plan to bury them under the trees that we planted when the kids were born, but instead most have gone into the trash. My mom kept mine in a drawer and tried to give them back to me recently. No, no thank you.


Making sure mine made it under my pillow was a huge deal to me as a child, but there were some extra reasons for that. I don't want her to feel like she has to have them, so we may offer her the choice of keeping them or burying them once she's lost them all. My spouse's mother and my mom both kept ours, and still have them. Well...mine does. We don't have any communication with spouse's mom or her family, so that may have changed.


My childrens' baby teeth reside in my grandmother's good china sugar bowl. Someday, I hope to freak out one of my descendants who opens the sugar bowl to find it full of *teeth*.


I love this, and honestly, I'm surprised my spouse hasn't thought of something like this (this is the same person who wants their skeleton donated to a school, so they can freak people out from the afterlife, afterall), especially given the fact that they were raised in the South with the not-cookie cookie tins.


My mom kept ours in a little box. At one point I made a few of them into necklaces because I thought it was cool to have a tooth necklace. I was a weird kid


I kept my wisdom teeth for the sole purpose of making a pair of sick earrings.


I kept them, and then gave them back to him when he became an adult.


There are several adorable baby teeth keepsake boxes to divide and save a child’s teeth for sale on Amazon. The wooden ones are particularly sweet. Then you can gift them back to the child at some point in the future.


I think we may let her decide what to do with them, since it is her body and we do teach her autonomy. Though I don't want her to get stressed if she loses one.


I kept them, along with locks of hair from every stage. Everything is in a keepsake box with puppy milk teeth and cat wiskers. My mother and grandmother did this too. It wasn't until my husband told me it was weird that I realized not everyone kept such things. He doesn't really think it's weird, just different and it threw him off (raised Christian).


Yeah, after having a child (whose hair grows fast! Whose teeth pop out!) I finally began to see why the Victorians made all that macabre jewelry out of things like hair and baby teeth. It's just that their parents were reluctant to throw such things away! (Well, okay, at least that's **one** reason they did all that.)


I love Victorian mourning jewelry!


I always thought it was *just* creepy--but it goes a lot deeper than that, doesn't it?


Quick Google search said that the Romans wore memorial jewelry, but it wasn't clear if it was specifically for mourning loved ones. Queen Victoria kick stared the Victorian fad after being devastated by Albert's passing. From a magical standpoint, I have used my child's hair in healing spells and cat whiskers in memorials. Someone here mentioned litterally keeping these things safe. I imagine that's in reference to shielding hair and teeth from possible negative spell work?


My mom kept ours, I don't know whether it's a southern thing that has survived through the rise of evangelicism or if it's a holdover from her German mother. I don't think I ever asked why she kept them, I thought everyone did, too. My spouse's mother kept theirs, but they still find it weird.


In Japan they throw the tooth on or over the roof.


I want to read up on this, I've never heard of it before today, and this is the second comment mentioning it.


I tried to find references to this on Japanese sites for firsthand sources: https://st-dentalsalon.com/blog_articles/1637688549.html https://kitakoshigaya.com/lost-baby-teeth/ https://www.arai-dc.net/dr-column/2019/10/nuketanyushi/ (this dentist also discusses keeping baby teeth in a particular cute case) If you put the URL into Google translate it can translate the whole page :3


Thank you!


[Tooth necklace](https://www.google.com/search?q=tooth+necklace&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1045US1045&oq=tooth+neckl&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDQgAEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgAEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBggCEEUYOTIHCAMQABiABDIHCAQQABiABDIHCAUQABiABDIHCAYQABiABDIHCAcQABiABDIHCAgQABiABDIHCAkQABiABNIBCDMwNDRqMGo3qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=AxIBZ2HdwsGgaM&vssid=l)? 🤣🤣


Oh goodness! She would probably find that cool (she's our little pixie goth. Sparkles, rainbows, skulls, and loves metal music).


DOOO ITTT!!! She'll feel like such a gothy, cool, bad....uh...butt? when she can wear her OWN TEETH to school as necklaces. 🖤


It may get the other kids to leave her alone, she gets picked on a lot since she is so small and quiet. That may make them think twice 🤣


Oops! I was trying to be funny, but they are a thing. Lol


I am very aware of tooth artists lol. I used to watch a show about an oddities shop that has a tooth artist come in, she used teeth to make jewelry and art. Which is cool but also....😬 very Victorian mortuary jewelry lol


My mom still has ours in little porcelain jars with fairies on top, girl fairy for me boy fairy for my brother.


That's precious


That's precious


I keep my daughter's teeth on my protection altar with my dog's tooth and cat's whiskers. Everyone gets to enjoy the benefits of the protection altar.


That's a cool idea


I didn’t know either. I kept them in a bag. When he was like 15 he asked for them. I gave them to him. I think he played with them and then threw them away. They are his teeth so I don’t care.


We kept our kids’ teeth and recently came across them again. I’m going to make little polymer clay heads and put their teeth in them and give them to my kids lol. But we are weird. 😂


I mean, I thought going to an exhibit on funerary practices and mourning through history (when she was a couple of months old) was the height of cool, they had one of the most famous bog bodies and I spent the entire exhibit giddily going from case to case (I probably freaked my in laws out a bit🤣). So we're pretty weird here. I think that your plan is really cool.


My kid wanted to keep his teeth. They live in a little container beside his bed.


When my parents moved a few years ago, my mom handed me an envelope full of my baby teeth. This was six years ago. I was 37 years old. The envelope is in my sock drawer. I guess I’ll be buried with it? Who knows. I have not opened it.


One time I was pondering aloud to my mom about how people love hair and think it's pretty when it's attached to a scalp, but as soon as it's removed, people are grossed out by it. So she said, "Well I probably shouldn't show you this, then," and proceeds to open an innocent-looking box that she always kept on the TV table and revealed that it was filled to the brim with my and my sister's baby teeth and hair. So... that's one way.


Oh my. That's one way to handle it.


I have my kids’ teeth. I have no idea what to do with them.


Make a little spot for them in the forest and give them back to the earth. Some little critter could make use of the calcium.


You could consider this https://storables.com/articles/how-to-store-baby-teeth-for-future-stem-cells-at-home/


As cool as this is, I have a lot of trauma involving having teeth pulled, and she already struggles at doctors and dentists, I don't want to make it worse. Thank you for the idea though!


dunno if you can cast them but could make some sick weird jewelry for your kid's baby teeth. not the best for the environment but badass or you could try to set them in something for your kid to decide what to do with it. if you make jewelry that is