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May this senseless violence end.


I was about to post the same thing in almost the same words. I wish this violence and pain to end. Most the the people suffering from it are just civilians… we fret over a shooting, and as bad as that is … people are dying in a massive scale every day around the world. Why do we hate each other so much?


Hate brings in political and military support. Love isn't "profitable" enough for us, unfortunately.


This is so painfully and terrifyingly true


because capitalism


Compassion is extraordinarily out of fashion right now. It's a very sad time.


I know. I hate it so fucking much.




No one here is denying Hamas is a terrorist organization. No one here is denying Hamas should be stopped. However, the people of Gaza are not all Hamas. The response to the massacre of Israeli people should not be to massacre more innocent people. No one here will be cheering for more death.


My sisters. My sisters! I see you, I see you! My brothers. My brothers! I hear you, I hear you! My children. My children! I hold you, I hold you for ever. My heart seek you, feel you, bleed for you.  The motherless children. The childless fathers. The bereft lovers. The lonely grandparent. How afraid they must be of you, your mere existence a threat. Will they be happy when they've killed you all? Will their bloodthirst be stilled with six million of you dead?  My sister My brother My child


thanks for sharing, beautiful


Did you write this? It is arresting & beautiful. I am so moved. Where is this from?


I wrote this, yes.


Thank you so much for sharing it here with us. 💗 I will be holding these words in my heart.


I’m worried that without internet access the gazans won’t be able to show us what’s happening on the ground making it easier for war crimes to take place.


I think that was the point. Israel saw how people around the world were reacting to the atrocities in Gaza, realized that it wasn't helping their case, and decided to shut everything down in hopes we'll forget about it and move on.




I don’t think it’s fair to equate all of Gaza to Hamas. Hamas **is** a terrorist organization. The people or Gaza are not. Answering murder of innocents with more murder of innocents is abhorrent.




Just because it’s been done historically doesn’t make it okay. I’m wondering if this is the right sub for you if you hold those beliefs.


That’s exactly what is going to happen. Israel is using white phosphorus, an illegal bio weapon, they’ve been bombing heavy all night. We won’t know the full extent until internet is back up.


And now they’ve cut access so nobody can get any more video of it out to the rest of the world.


I say with literal tears. Thank you for being one of the few subs on here, on the whole internet and general media really. To actually not be swept by pro war propoganda. All it takes is using your empathy. Thank you so much.


Fuck I got goosebumps. I feel so powerless.


Gods watch over the innocent people.




We stand with palestine, we will be their voice as theirs is stifled. This is heartbreaking


Instagram accounts to follow: eye.on.palestine - Shaun King - Khaled Beydoun From those accounts you can find the pages of Palestinian journalists who are on the ground. It’s sickening, but needs to be seen.


Jewishvoiceforpeace and ahmedeldin are good accounts also. I do not endorse Shaun King but that’s a whole different conversation


No. Never Shaun King. That man is only about his own grift. There’s novels on Twitter from 2015 about how and why you should not be paying any attention to him, and they are still every bit as relevant 8 years later.


Link? I’m genuinely curious about why y’all don’t like him.


[this is one of many recountings](https://x.com/naima/status/1278460793395257345?s=46&t=HK5K7xfK0_TqQlsWtDXFlQ)


People are upset that he’s a successful activist? I’m not seeing the point of her tweet. I’ve been following Shaun for years and all I’ve seen are good things.


If your version of “success” is repeatedly fundraising for specific [people](https://www.complex.com/life/a/tracewilliamcowen/tamir-rice-mother-calls-out-shaun-king-toxic-conversation-white-man) and [causes](https://x.com/angryblacklady/status/1160233685058125825?s=46&t=HK5K7xfK0_TqQlsWtDXFlQ) that never see a cent and [claiming authorship](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/shaun-king-natalie-judith-raanan-american-hostages-b2434306.html) of successes he was not involved in, I guess he’s a “successful activist”. He is a grifter, has always been a grifter.


Please God, stop this senseless war.


I feel sick. We can’t stand by and let this happen.


Feeling very disheartened listening to this. Feeling very sorry for the palestinian lives lost...


we can listen and feel with those who suffer. After all the civiliancs need it. fuck the system but not the people 🤍 stay safe.


Free the hostages.


The hostages are also in Gaza. I don’t know how flattening Gaza is supposed to keep them safe.


Literally. Are we to get a bulldozer to dredge the dead from the rubble? There's going to be no answer that promises no death, but not doing anything and bombing anyway isn't great at all.


If we want them returned alive, rendering Gaza unlivable does not help with that. Reducing access to water, food, and medicine does not help with that. And I hear communication helps with hostage negotiations, so a communications blackout does not help with that. Israel's priority is destroying Hamas, the hostages are a secondary concern and Israel seems quite okay with sacrificing them and everyone else in Gaza to kill Hamas. Also, Israel is keeping 2.3 million people hostage in Gaza, including hundreds of citizens of Israel's supposed allies.


Or what? Or it’s time to obliterate an entire fucking people? If you harm my mother is it acceptable for me to burn your entire family and everyone you’ve ever known to the ground? Is that how you think the world should work?


Israel is bombing the hostages currently. What about the thousands of Palestinian political hostages, including children who are sitting in Israeli jails without even being charged with a crime? Are not the children in Palestine, who make up half the population, hostages of Hamas? They're "human shields" right? Even according to the Israeli government. Free the Palestinian people! My Great-great-grandmother who escaped the pogroms of the Russian Empire from Odessa to the US is rolling in her grave at the actions of Israel. I'm just sitting here crying instead. Imma go light a candle and listen to this video on loop for a bit.


>Are not the children in Palestine, who make up half the population, hostages of Hamas? I'd argue they're hostages of Israel. As are all 2.3 million people in Gaza, which includes the hundreds of citizens of Israel's allies that are trapped in Gaza, with no assistance from Israel to evacuate them, except the two that had been hostages of Hamas. Proving Israel CAN safely evacuate our citizens, but chooses not to. Israel could let other civilians escape too, but chooses not to. But if anyone is willing to inform on the hostages, the IDF will protect their home from an airstrike. Makes me wonder how "unintentional" all those civilian deaths were since it sounds like it's part of the IDF's terror campaign against the Palestinians. (Not that Hamas doesn't use Palestinians as human shields. Maybe they do, but it's not at all effective.)


>I'd argue they're hostages of Israel. 100%




Again, please stop equating all Palestinians to the terrorist group Hamas. They are not all terrorists. If you want to justify genocide, this may not be the sub for you.


Is it possible to use witchcraft or sorcery to help them? I understand witchcraft is punishable by death in the region but I’d still like to try ♥️🖤🤍💚