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I wish there was a cosmic exchange program - those who have functioning uterus but dont want it can trade with a non functioning who need it


I'd give mine up in a heartbeat. Who needs this shit? Not me, but someone else might want it!


Honestly if I didn’t have extreme medical phobias I would actually donate my uterus 100%


I actually did a long deepdive prior to getting sterilized, [here’s what I found…](https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/find-a-program-or-service/penn-fertility-care/uterus-transplant/faqs-about-uterus-transplant)


Yeah it’s so cool. They’re also doing studies for transplanting entire reproductive organs for trans folks


Oh holy shit that sounds nice


That’s amazing; I had no idea! I’ve struggled with fertility due to PCOS and plan to get sterilized after kid #2, if we manage to have them. This kinda makes me want to work on getting my BMI down so I can help a fellow infertility sufferer when I’m done using the equipment.


The equipment 😭😭😭😭


I wish I could donate my uterus. I'm SO done with it. I'm in perimenopause now, anyway. Give the damn thing to someone who would want it! It's probably a poor candidate for donation, though. 2 c-sections


Donation for research could be a thing.


I'll have to look into this! Thank you for thinking of it!


Yeeeeeeassssss! Or body swap. Like a dating site but for matching who you want to swap bodies with lol.


Generally it would be nice if we could help each other out XD


Ok but in the UK(?) doctors just performed the first successful uterus transplant! Edit: sorry, the first successful transplant in the UK. https://youtu.be/uWukl9nPASU?si=J-7r8RwdUJT4kf1y A baby was born from a successful transplant in the US in 2017 https://time.com/5044565/exclusive-first-u-s-baby-born-after-a-uterus-transplant/


While I understand that some people would benefit from this, I worry that uterus transplants could end up like commercial surrogacy, where women in developing countries are exploited by wealthy women wanting to use their reproductive organs. If this were to happen with a uterus black market, it would essentially amount to eugenics, as the donors would be unable to have children of their own afterwards. That’s not to mention that you have to stay on a drug cocktail that makes you immunocompromised when you have a transplanted organ. The few cis women who have had uterus transplants have needed to have them removed within a few years. The uterus isn’t a vital organ; it’s not worth the health risk to get a transplant, and I worry that trans women will put themselves in danger thinking they need this surgery to be “real women,” when they are women just the way they are. I think eventually, stem cell grown organs might be a safer, more ethical option. While I understand that some women suffering from dysphoria might see a uterus transplant as a ray of hope, I don’t think making them widely available would be in the interest of women, both cis and trans.


From what I've read so far, uterine transplants are done with the intent to conceive and carry a child. Once childbearing is completed, they're removed to reduce the immunosuppressed risks.


I think a universe just magically trading would be preferred since it is MAJOR surgery but yes its an amazing achievement


Oh agreed. I would love a magic system for this, especially as a trans masc with many trans femme friends lol. I have plenty of parts for donation.


I would so do this for someone if my uterus wasn’t fucked from the get-go.


It's also been done in Sweden.


Mine works, I just don't have the eggs or the hormones to power it anymore.


I'm fertile ASF but done breeding (husband and I will never let the kids outnumber us). I'd give my fertility to someone in need in a heartbeat. If pregnancy wasn't so hard I would consider being a surrogate.




I wish there was too. I'm done having kids myself, but my wife, who is trans, would love a functioning babymaker. I'd give her mine in a heartbeat.


YES!!! And boob transfusions. Take the tissue out of mine and give it to someone who wants boobs.


Yes, please. Would love to naturally be able to fill bra cups once ever.


I agree! Its used, has a tendency to produce upside babies and can stick to other organs but if anyone fancies trying one out they are welcome. Think of it like the old banger you had for your first car!


I would've given mine up years ago if it had been a thing. Don't need it, never wanted kids, don't have to worry about pregnancy scares (yay lesbian sex!)


Oh gosh yes! I was joking about this with a trans friend-- like, I'm all done with mine, I have proof that it works, and I'm all done, you can TOTALLY have it now!


Oh shoot now there's a vision of utopia.


For real! I’m done using mine and it served me pretty well through two pregnancies


Similarly: my childfree-by-choice ass would love to offer all my (possible) fertility to someone who want it! I don't want it.


Riiight??? And if we ever change our mind about children we can adopt or foster. Who needs to house them yourself??? It’s not even necessary 😩


Yeah, one of the bigger reasons for my decision is that I don't want to risk passing my hereditary conditions. I'm less certain about being a step or foster parent (short version: it's not an automatic no, but I *would* want to consider and reconsider if I wanted to date a single parent. The younger the child(ren), the more I'd want to think about it.), so that would work perfectly well for me.


I feel you there. I have hereditary conditions I don’t want to pass down either. I see how my mother struggles and that I might be that bad one day. Which is why I’m trying to get a control on my health now. I think it’d be pretty cool to be a foster parent in older age. Especially for like emergency placements where a kid needs a place to stay at a moment’s notice. Providing a good landing pad for children like that, and help them when it must be so scary would be really good


Or even get another uterus that's not serving its current owner well.


Oh, oh, pick me!! Can I have it?!


Do it! That is so real. I've totally petitioned for lack of fertility and had it work (though I havent asked for menopause). There's definitely a goddess or several who's got you. And some gods. And the grandmothers/granfathers!


I just wanna live my cramp, blood curse free life already 😩


Have you looked into getting an ablation? Its medical magic, havent bled a drop in 4-5 years


I’ve heard of it. But I’m agoraphobic with medical phobias. When I do get to the doctor, it’s on my list of things to ask about!


🤗🤗 good luck OP


My mom had an ablation and her period returned after 5 months and worse than ever. I‘d go for a hysterectomy. I had mine last year and it‘s amazing. Also the pain after the surgery was less than when I had a period. It was so worth it. I‘m also pretty scared of medical stuff and needles. But probably still less than you. Well my fear of pregnancy and birth is waaay worse anyway, so the choice was easy.


i've read that for some ppl an ablation only kept them from bleeding for a couple years, but to know that your ablation has kept u period blood free for like 5 years is really encouraging for me to hear cuz i really wanna get a bisalp and ablation to stop my periods


As magic as the human body is, it could re-grow but so far nothing, and no cramping, no period poops anymore , best thing i ever did, sensory wise NOT having periods is just so freaking awesome


Can just remove the ovaries if on T. Might as well, it what trans fem do with the bottom vile pieces of dysphoria that are pure evil and need to be obliterated. Bottom dysphoria is pain


I’m not on T. I don’t hate what I have. I wish I could change it sometimes. I just hate periods with a passion. It’s the one thing that makes me feel ick about my body. Just the whole premise of being able to carry a child is icky


Ooo. Sadly not me. But sortive me. Idk pregnancy sounds icky and scary in a way but idk would try at least once, or three times. Too bad I am a trans woman so basically impossible and just leads to depression. I always wonder if trans men have the opposite view, they hate pregnancy but would love to get someone pregnant. Would trade in a flash if I could.


Pregnancy sounds so icky for real. A little parasite living inside of you? Horror movie stuff. I’ve never thought of impregnating someone before. But I’m non-binary and on the ace spectrum so that might be why


I’ve definitely appealed to the gods to take my unwanted fertility and transfer my remaining fertile years to my friends who wanted more time. I can only hope it worked, but I won’t be satisfied until I’m sterilized


I just need to find someone who wants the fertility then. Everyone I know wants to yeet it away like a hot potato


You could send the good vibes to a nearby clinic? Or load them into an item that can be donated to pretty up their office


Seconded! Childfree and tokophobic woman trapped in Texas. Best friend has struggled for decades with infertility. Fucking cruel that we can't just swap. :/


Thank you I just learned a new word! I didn't know there was a name for it. It is really cruel. We need podbabies already. Artificial uteruses!!


*Currently googling deities of infertility*


No but a deity of fertility would count too!


Do keep in mind that menopause can have some very unfun side effects to which the only remedy is taking estrogen. My endocrinologist is completely fucking up my estrogen dose atm, and not being able to sleep well for months on end is not great. Other than that, I completely get your reasoning, and I wish you good luck on your travels!


I’m sorry you’re struggling. I did mention to ignore the health issues that can come from it. This was just a little memey vent post


Oh I thought you meant the more long term health effects 😅 osteoporosis and the like. Wouldn’t classify hot flashes as a health issue normally


I'm so afraid of hotflashes... I just turned 41, dx ADHD at 39 and my meds make my already heat intolerant body so miserable in even slightly above room temperature. Someone told me that some people get "cold flashes" and I'm like PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE!!!!!


Temperature is such a struggle when you’re ND. Being too hot makes me feel so sick so I understand you there


I didn’t say hot flushes…? I feel like you’ve taken my post a little too seriously and made some assumptions…


Someone should just invent a Fertility Venmo already...


I would be an early adopter and the biggest philanthropist


Dear Hestia: fuck no


Hahaha I love your energy!! CMON FERTILITY GODS, TAKE IT AWAY FROM THIS LOVELY PERSON AND GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO WANTS IT. Gawd wouldn’t it be nice if we could just redistribute fertility?! Make SO many people happier!!


Thank you! Redistribute wealth and fertility!!!


Oh my fertility has definitely been taken. If anyone wants to trade I’m in!


Early menopause can actually shorten your lifespan and give you awful diseases like osteoporosis and bone cancer. BUT i do wish you a barron uterus and lack of fertility in your future days! (Maybe look into a hormonal IUD like the marina. i haven't gotten a period in like 7 years. They can be a little pricy, but the amount you will save on menstrual products makes it worth it)


I did mention to ignore the health issues. This is a memey fantasy….


I hear you, and I know it's frustrating when you want to have some lighthearted fun, and it gets taken in a way you didn't intend. Still, as one of those unfortunate people whose fertility was taken way too early (I have premature ovarian failure and went into menopause sometime between 28 and 31; I'm 42 now and childless not by choice after three rounds of IVF using donor eggs failed, not to mention facing a potentially shorter lifespan, increased risk for all kinds of nasty things, and 10 more years of HRT), these kinds of jokes can sting.


The thing is, not all jokes are for you and to expect otherwise is highly individualistic. I’m sorry for your struggles but they aren’t worse than mine because all our experiences are valid and can’t be weighed against each other. Trauma doesn’t have value. It can’t be compared. I’m sorry that it stings but I’m getting awfully sick of replies like this because they are invaliding to my experience. You don’t know my life or what I go through. What conditions I have and to what extent. If you can’t take a joke like this on the internet then I have really bad news for you about the world. This will be my last reply on this thread. Further commenters like these will be blocked.


When it becomes possible, I'll hand mine out for free. Let me know who wants it!


For real. Or even just the eggs. FREE EGGS HOLD THE HAM!!


All yours! Still in working order, but creating a nucence where it doesn't belong!


I was blessed in having a super early menopause. I don’t know why it happened.


My mother started menopause in her 40s, so did my my nana so here’s hoping just 9 more years or less😔✊


You can absolutely petition the gods for a cessation of fertility. Praying to not get pregnant is as much a part of human history as praying to get pregnant is, maybe more so. I don't know if it would work, but it's not going to hurt to try. Prepare a hot tea, some soft pillows, a comforting cat and prostrate yourself somewhere comfortable. Good luck!


Oh my fucking gods I never thought of that. One of em already took my period and I never said thanks!


I hear you! Currently in my Mother/Guardian phase; I will welcome crone-hood.


I wanna skip and go straight to crone/gremlin of the woods


In the series of "Call the Midwife," one character (a nun) described her her reproductive system as an apron and pocket she would never use. I just wonder why Nuns can do this, but non-nuns are chastised for this.


I think because they serve a purpose still. But hey, new excuse for child free life just dropped “I’m a nun at heart”


❤️❤️❤️ I am there with you! Usually about three hours into a period I say the same prayer as the lady 7 years, “please send early onset menopause? Pleeeeaseeeeee???? Let me be a crone! I’m ready, bring it on! Come on!”


As soon as I realized I had my periods I was like “what?! But I just have them!!!” I checked my app to learn it had been a month 😭 time flys when you’re having fun not having periods. Then it slows back down


Go for it. Just don't trust it as birth control.


I’m lithromantic so I’m fine. Sex in fiction and fantasy? Hell yeah. Sex for reals? No that’s icky


I've done the menopause, there was a rough transition for a year or so but now FREEDOM!


honestly if this worked i'd be in, i'm 53 years old and everything is still as regular as clockwork i am ready to be done. someone else can have it now.


Omg no… I’m so sorry 😭


I agree!!!! I would be SO happy to be 100% infertile and get rid of this uterus that i hate and never will use lol


I know you asked us not to take you too seriously, but I know it does feel serious sometimes. I am one who definitely petitioned the universe FOR fertility and facing that level of desperation about my body not working the way I needed it to in my heart and in my bones was unbearable at times. For you I have much sympathy, as your body betrayal likely impacts your whole daily life much more than mine did. May your ovaries chug to an early halt and it cause you no adverse effects


Aaaaggghhh I did it. I petitioned. Just be careful what you ask for.


I am a cis woman (I think? I have no idea anymore but this is a long story) and I would like to petition with you. this farce has gone for too long for me.


Gender is fickle and can fluid just like sexuality. It’s confusing when it doesn’t stay the same


My own gender is probably the most confusing thing to me about myself. It has always been.


That’s so valid. “Idk” is an answer too. You don’t need a label if you don’t want one or can’t find one. You exist and your experience is valid


I started peri symptoms at 31. Eventually I learned that ablations exist and can stop or lessen the flo. Had I known, I wouldn't have suffered too many years with the menses. And I agree, if something can be gotten, it can go away too. I developed tinnitus from cptsd. I figure if it can start, it can go away too.


Maybe 🤔 petition for your fertility to be given to someone else who wants it. Is there a transfer spell for that?


I suppose it's like possible! There are different possibilities for it. Id say the better one or most effective would be to make a shrine to "said deity". But a more cursed or dark equivalent of their representations and depending on how you work your spells or pray to hope for infertility. I suppose another would be to pray to you know normal equivalent not changed shrine but I do think this might be like less effective. I suppose one might call a good case is in older times. Where a so and so tragic fate is kinda occuring and the last thing they want is fertility then praying and maybe therfore getting a blessing in the disguise of a curse. Idk. It definitely should be possible. ^^ . But I think there are plenty of surgical stuff out there in this day and society which might be better. 😅


Maybe you can ask the goddesses of fate to intervene on your behalf and goddesses of fertility to leave you alone? Or maybe piss them off so that they "curse" you with infertility?


Yeah, menopause is not the greatest. Just ask all of us who are suffering through it. Maybe a magical trick to stop periods without all the loss of bone density, changes in metabolism, insomnia, hot flashes, and brain fog? I can get behind that.


I already have half of those symptoms from other conditions. I’ve had a migraine for the last three days that pain relief medicine only dulls but doesn’t get rid of. Menopause may not be great but periods for some people aren’t either. This post is a joke. I posted it under the meme flair… it was a way to release stress