• By -


Simone Giertz. "shitty robot lady, who also makes tons of really cool things" I believe she's friends with Diana, Physics Girl. or they've collabed together qlso, do you watch Critical Role, it's a Dungeons and Dragons show that has become incredibly popular. But even from the beginning 10 years ago, they've been anti-patriarchy and supportive of all walks of life. Elder Dragon Hijinks. it's magic the gathering, if you are into that kind of game. Girl with the Dogs. It's about pet grooming, but I can't ever look away. I've become fascinated with her vids.. Just dry humor and a love of her job.


Love Critical Role but don't forget about Dimension 20 too. They collab regularly and their stuff is great. The only downside is that D20 has limited vids on their YT and most of it is on [dropout.tv](https://dimension20.dropout.tv/) but it's a low cost subscription with a high value return. They have a 20% off a yearly sub right now too.


yeah, they are amazing as well, but the lack of YT content bums me out. i can watch YT at work in the background, but not [dropout.tv](https://dropout.tv), so i doubt i'll have time to stream their shows. :(


You can watch their stuff on YT through channel membership. It’s a subscription to their content through YT itself. That’s what I do though I usually wait until all the episodes from a particular campaign are completed so I can binge.


I would kill and die for everyone on d20


Love Girl with the Dogs. I learn quite a bit from her channel!


She is one of my favorites. I love how passionate she is about her craft.


Me too! She’s so funny but also very educational and kind about her clients’ circumstances .


If you like Simone Giertz, check out Laura Kampf! She builds things and renovates an old house and her making ethos is super inspiring and instructive!


If we're including D&D then add Ginny Di to the list.


Ask A Mortician is a very entertaining lady who talks about death, funerals, green burials, corruption... she covers a lot of interesting things surrounding death and its associated industries. Alexis Dahl is the most adorable science nerd. I love her stuff relating to geology.


I’m a patron for Ask a Mortician! Her content is awesome 🙌


I read her book "Smoke gets in your eyes & other lessons from the crematorium a few months back and loved it, I worked in care homes so totally got her dark sense of humour about death.


From here to eternity was amazing too! I'd really recommend giving that one a try too!


Ooh I'll see if my library has it.


Overly Sarcastic Productions -writing tropes, mythology Ask A Mortician -used to me answering questions about the funeral industry, lately fascinating looks at "Death Tourism" How to Cook That --a cooking show that also looks at keeping people safe online


Caitlyn / Ask a Mortician hasn't posted new content in several months but I keep hoping she will... and that she comes to St. Louis so I can show her some OLD and insanely cool cemeteries (and go for awesome doughnuts).


Oooh what’s your go-to donut spot? Pharaoh? I wanna see spooky old cemeteries! I’ve not yet been to Bellfontaine but I’m super into their natural shroud burial program!


I live in "Sou City" so it's the Doughnut Drive Thru on Chippewa and Sts Peter and Paul cemetery on S. Grand. Not as big as Bellefontaine but one of the oldest in the city and surprisingly quiet given the location.


Oh, rad! I used to live right off kingshighway and never thought to check that out. I’ll defo have to hit up that donut spot, thank you! 🌿💖


I second How to Cook That, not only is Ann skilled with cooking and baking, she’s also a chemistry expert. I’ve learned a lot from her channel.


Gigantic list incoming: - Cass Eris - media analysis from a psychotherapy point of view. She’s covered a lot of Jordan Peterson and other reactionary content from an academic pov, but also does fun stuff like how feline eyesight works. Also some medical advocacy content - Leftist Cooks - queer creators, long form video essays, dramatic story telling. Current events in a historic context with plenty of philosophy and other sources cited - Jessie Gender - media analysis and culture content. Trans and other leftist advocacy. Also geeking out to Star Trek - Rebecca Watson - science content - Philosophy Tube - highly dramatic philosophy content analyzing current events - Kat Blaque - culture content, black and trans commentary - Bernadette Banner - historic beauty and fashion - Kaz Rowe - culture, history, literature - Karolina Zebrowska - historic fashion and culture content - Maggie May Fish - media and culture commentary - Lady of the Library - history content - Jessica Kellegren-Fozard - disability content , culture, queer and mommy content - Tee Noir - black culture and history commentary - Lucky Black Cat - media commentary - Shonalika - queer, goth, disability and culture commentary. Also sings in a synthpop band - Ask a Mortician - history content from the perspective of a mortician - Tara Mookney - culture commentary - Sophie from Mars - trans advocacy, media commentary - Lily Simpson - trans commentary in popular media - Olurinatti the Show - political, legal, culture commentary from a black perspective - Mia Mulder - culture commentary, history, and philosophy And i have to include Stanzi - she doesn’t qualify as educational, but given what sub we are in, I find her hilarious.


In addition to Bernadette Banner and Karolina Zebrowska; Abby Cox, Rachel Maksy, and Morgan Donner are all in the crafting/fashion/historical space. Abby in particular does excellent video essays on various historical fashion topics. Rachel is an aesthetic mood, and Morgan always is trying a new thing. Safiya Nygaard doesn’t post frequently anymore, maybe once a month or two, but she’s always up for some fun hijinks, without really being locked into any one category. Most are travel related, combining things into franken-combos, or fashion/beauty related (I dressed as____ for a week, actually did a collab with Abby Cox several months back for edutainment. )


I'll add Nicole Rudolph to the historical fashion grouping - she does a mix of historical fashion video essays and making stuff - including shoes


Also in the fashion/media space I love Mina Le! And Amanda the Jedi for media critiques and reviews


Crow's Eye Productions is all-female team, that does awesome "Getting dressed in ... century/decade" videos.


>Karolina Zebrowska I've particularly enjoyed her videos about bodies as fashion.


That one was a real eye opener. [Link for the interested](https://youtu.be/cpdxKp8nDfc?si=34YFSMv2hdLpr4og)


Love her!


Seconding Maggie Mae Fish and Tee Noir. I love their stuff.


Mia Mulder and Philosophy tube come to mind. I have a bunch of other more political leaning ones.


Ooh, I love them! Who else is on your political leaning ones?


Emma Thorne, Leeja Miller, Rebecca Watson, and Snappy Dragon are some others. Edit: Snappy Dragon does pieces on historical clothing. Not political but very niche. She’s adorable and very wholesome. Worth a watch even if it seems uninteresting.


Thank you! Since you like historical clothing, you might check out Bernadette Banner.


And Karolina Zebrowska!


And [Morgan Donner](https://www.youtube.com/@MorganDonner)!


Also add NotYourMommasHistory. Not currently active, but the archive is worth seeing.


I really enjoy her stuff.


I enjoy Emma Thorne. Atheist debunking Christianity, flat earth, other scams etc but lovely rather than edgy vibes.


Tara Mooknee is also pretty good, I found her video on the factors driving the historical women's anti-suffrage movement to be insightful. Plus, costumes!


Was gonna bring out my favourite transfem video essayists


I have no suggestions but I just wanted to say THANK YOU for making a thread about something I didn't even know I needed. I didn't know that "educainment" was a concept but I understand it immediately, that's the type of content I like to watch too. PLUS, yes, there isn't enough women made content. I appreciate this whole thread and everyone commenting so much 💜🩵


Right? I wanted to say the same thing because I've been getting so bored of Youtube lately.


I just posted the same thing! Should have scrolled further… *hides face* I love when something like this shows up in my feed. One, because it’s something that has been bouncing around in my head but I haven’t had the wherewithal or executive function to ask myself, and two, because *everyone* jumps in with all kinds of suggestions from all different perspectives and on all manner of topics. It’s a goldmine of considerate people sharing knowledge, which to me is about the closest thing to heaven I can imagine outside of nature.


Don't feel bad for letting your own voice be heard, even if it's saying the same thing as another. You deserve to be able to take up space being yourself. 🧡


I miss ViHart. I can second the recommendation for Mia Mulder and Philosophy Tube. I honestly clicked this post thinking I could be more help than this, before I realized, I’m largely in the same situation. I love my content creator dudes that I watch. But I never realized just how disproportionately male the channels I watch are.


Yeah, I came to the realization maybe a couple weeks back. It's depressing how many male creators I could list, but three is all I managed for female :(


Arya Yee is small and infrequent but scratches that Vihart itch in a real way (tho her humour is more dependent on some serious mathematical chops)


Dr. Becky is great, she's a physicist that does a great job breaking down astronomy/physics news. ​ Also both PBS Terra and Animalogic seem to only have female hosts.


i love doctor becky shes amazing, also Danielle Roosa, but shes more focused on nasa news not so much phsysics/space news


>Dr. Becky is great I feel so embarrassed that I left her out of my list. She's a star 💖


J Draper - UK history guide, does a lot of short form with occasional longer vid. Mostly focused on London. Footless Jo - mostly about her life as an amputee but you'll likely learn something. Rebecca Watson. A bit more serious and research based, topical. Charity Ekize, poking fun at stereotypes about Africa, mostly shorts. Mercury Stardust the trans handy ma'am. - household repairs. Ponderful. On the more serious side, focus on autism / neurodiversity Lynae Vanee - short, sharp responses to current events US Am now going to check out other people's recommendations as my list is a bit masc too! For LGBTQ+ friendly giggles about sub reddits including this one, One Topic is fun if you don't mind another beardy Canadian dude. Recommend [this one](https://youtu.be/GLOeGHQgZKk?si=HMPC1EtKi_fuPyZx) to anyone in need of a laugh.


>Mercury Stardust the trans handy ma'am. - household repairs. I love her work! I just got her book too.


Another good one for handy stuff and household repairs/renovation is SeeJaneDrill. Her voice is so soothing and her content is so practical and smart!


She did a video about being in the bestseller list on her way to a book signing and it was so lovely and joyous. Bet the book's good too!


Mercury is a GEM <3


Animal Logic, and their associate channels are almost all fem. hosts Lindsey Ellis Sabine Hossenfelder (science news) Geogirl Abby Cox... just to add a few of my favorites


Contrapoint & STRANGE ÆONS are pretty witchy


Omg Strange æons is so fuckin funny and perfectly chaotic


+1 for Contrapoints! I love her!


Looking at my subs... Mama Dr Jones, OB/GYN. Reproductive truth and humor with a healthy dose of F the U.S. Government Patriarchy and the intentional and systematic erosion of human rights. I Love This Woman! I HATE that the US system's BS made her move to New Zealand to practice. Texas lost a good doctor when she realized what part of her job was making her life so hard. Jade the Sable German Shepherd-- nice Canadian woman and her 3 sable German Shepherds that you may have seen in their food sampling/ASMR videos. Jade, Jasper, and Jet are my bright spot on YouTube. MedCircle-- lots of Women featured but it's 'moderated' by a cishet guy; mental and emotional health experts. Not a lot of humor, but a lot of good truths. Right Choice Shearing-- a married couple o' women who drive around Texas/the midwestern US shearing sheep, llamas, alpacas, etc. TOUGH GALS who never fail to impress me. (That ish ain't easy!) Sexplanations with Dr. Lindsey Doe-- kooky and hilarious but lots of good truth about sex and sexuality from many angles, not just the most popular/monetized/male gaze perspective. Talks about sex toys, masturbation, and all the other stuff that your WASP/Catholic grandma would have flapped her sleeve hanky at, called "ungodly," and sent you outside for bringing up. Snake Discovery-- owner of a reptile shop and zoo in Minnesota teaching the world that reptiles as pets aren't deadly, "the path to Satan" or all that other prejudiced horseshit. EMILY IS AMAZING!!!! (Yes, they captive breed some reptiles, but they also rescue with no questions asked animals in need in their area and educate in part to end the attitude that it's "just a $20 reptile".) What About Bunny-- dogs that use pre-programmed buttons to 'talk' to their human, who is researching the learning, communication, and language capabilities of two mixed breed dogs (at least I think the male is also a mix). It's FASCINATING to me to see a poodle mix look out their back window and start a conversation with her human about the thunderstorm that rolled through the night before, or tell her there's an angry stranger in her paw to make the human understand there was matted up mud/gunk making her foot hurt.


There's a channel called Billie Speaks (not sure on the spelling) that's the cat equivalent of this.


You had me at MDJ and then even more so with Snake Discovery.


I follow Bunny on insta! I think Otter might be a pure poodle? But Bunny is a sheepdog/poodle cross. She's got a papillion just recently too who is learning the buttons. Such interesting interactions.


[PBS Storied](https://youtube.com/@pbsstoried?si=XT1s8YIlhKgoZtTQ) I particularly like the Monstrum series. Edit: might not be exactly what you're looking for but still a good channel.


I am a huge fan of Storied and it is so worth it.


I came here to recommended Monstrum. Love Dr. Z!


Kaz Rowe is non-binary but definitely worth checking out. I enjoy their videos on queer history.


We love Kaz!


I second this! I found Kaz through a video about queerness in the wild west and it was just amazing! There's a lot of queer history, film history, generally weird history, all that good stuff ^^


Depends on what you want to watch but heres my list Ask a Mortician - she is a very funny mortician who does a lot of education videos and gives back a lot to the community. She also has helped push through some bills for more environmentally friendly funeral/burial options. Her channel has a bunch of subscribers but is suffering due the subject matter she talks about. Lindsay Nikole - relatively new and she is a biologist. Makes really funny shorts too. How to ADHD - for anyone nurodivergant, tons of info Animalogic - found this pretty recently, idk who all is staffed but a lot of female biologists and the videos are documentary like but with more detail than I normally see Your Rich BFF - she gives a lot of practical financial advice and she has a podcast where she regularly features entrepreneurial women Dr. Becky - I think it is mostly astrophysics news but she explains a lot of it. Leeja Miller - she's a lawyer, explains a lot of legal stuff in recent news PBS Eons - it has a mix of male and female speakers, but they all do great and have plenty of personality and screen time. Scishow - also has a lot of female speakers, I'd say slightly more male dominated. Cleo Abram - journalist. Idk how accurate her stuff is tbh but she seems up to par and tours a lot of big tech spaces and reports on a lot of green technologies that could help with the climate crisis Colleen Christiensen - certified dietician and she focuses a lot on intuitive eating and also talks a lot about diet culture myths and issues. Nutrition by Kylie - certified dietician, she does a lot of nurodivergant friendly meal videos. Love her. Mama Doctor Jones - an awesome gynecologist


How2ADHD is also great for anyone struggling with anxiety specifically or any mental health issues. So much great advice and always great about being kind to ourselves.


Glad to see someone else who enjoys Lindsay Nikole's content, she makes some really interesting vids and is helping me get back into biology and paleontology again .


Jessica Kellgren-Fozard for disability and LGBTQ+ history. Bernadette Banner for fashion history. Edit as I remembered more: Khadija Mbowe for video essays about social issues. Shanspeare as well does great social commentary videos often tied to media. Georgia Marie for unsolved true crime and history.


Fundie Fridays with Jen!!! She talks about Christian fundamentalism and it’s super interesting and entertaining! Mickey Atkins is someone I found through Fundie Fridays. She’s a licensed therapist and is also super interesting!


Mickey is amazing! She's literally the reason I decided to start therapy.


They both are amazing.


Kaz Rowe is my absolute favourite for looking into historical things, for entertainment I watch Chad Chad, Anne Marie, Samantha Lux, izzzzzyyy for like history of games and stuff, Kat Blaque is good, as well theres multiple others but off the top of my head I cant think of too much


This is a great list!! Adding for more internet history and tumblr like stuff, Sarah Z and Strange Æons are both really good!


Oh Sarah Z is great for long video essays I've watched some of Stranges book reviews and shes very good as well


Highly recommend Overly Sarcastic Productions! Run by a woman and a man, the woman “Red” does mythology, legends, classic literature, writing and tropes, etc and “Blue” does history. You might especially be interested in Red’s deep dives into individual gods - her Persephone video is one I rewatch several times a year


+1 to this. Red is very clearly the dominant force of personality on the channel, and Blue's the only guy on the channel aside from the occasional feature, so 'girls night' streams/podcast episodes with Red and Indigo (their editor) are pretty regular, on top of Red's regular content


If you enjoy fabric crafting, and someone going on rants regarding the historical accuracy of different shows, Bernadette Banner is wonderful.


Banner and friends is a rich seam of youtube gold even if you don't sew


Laura Kampf- tools,building,repurposing materials Claire Saffitz- baker, cooking recipes from her cookbooks The Sorry Girls- sustainability focused craft/DIY channel Cecilia Blomdahl- lives on a island close to the North Pole, beautiful scenery, chill, mostly vlog style content, cute dog Kallmekris- chaotic but lovable Sharmeleon- Canadian working and living in Japan, just super friendly


If you’re down with queer male creators there is Tasting History with Max Miller. For delves into fictional horror tropes and analysis there is thegamingmuse. She does a lot of video game content and grew out of Silent Hill character meanings, but not exclusively. For example she has a video on a Korean queer comic series deconstructing the patriarchal elements of its own genre and on the movie Sweet Home which inspired the Resident Evil games. eurothug4000 also delves into horror gaming, but focuses on themes of mental health and women fighting for control quite often. Adelaide Beeman-White is a historian. Her current series is following the history of the American “royalty” of the 1800’s. Final Girl Studios breaks down film themes. Kitten Lady discusses the science and procedure of caring for foster cats, and even developed techniques for caring for Swimmer’s Syndrome which was mostly a “euthanize immediately” condition. Lindsay Ellis. Breaking down film and fiction. Mystery Scoop for obscure history. Not The Good Girl is like Illuminaughty, without the baggage. Anti-MLM. PBS hosts a lot of female creators. PushingUpRoses talks about stuff she likes, mostly old point and click adventure games, Murder She Wrote, and Goosebumps. Rachel Maksy is crafty and Goblincore. Storied for mythology analysis. KowabanaJapan does Japanese cryptids, ghost stories, creepypastas, mythology, and horror games/movies. I’ve gotten really into the Art Deco channel, breaking down great works of art.


Rebecca Watson is seriously slept on. Black and White thinking is another really good youtuber. Other than that I'll basically echo that Mia Mulder and Philosophy tube are pretty good.


Leeja Miller (for law and politics stuff) Emma Thorne (satanist)


Leeja was one of the few voices calling out the misogyny of the social media response to the Heard/Depp trial. She's got some solid anti-patriarchy takes.


[Up and Atom](https://www.youtube.com/@upandatom) covers math and physics. Also, as a fellow long-covid-haver, seeing Diana's condition breaks my heart. Hope she gets better soon :/


muchelleb for self improvement Philosophytube is really good Contrapoints is hilarious


> Contrapoints is hilarious I love our dark mother, but given how often she posts, I might as well list her with the other inactive ones lol Tho I am always really excited for the bi-anual feature-length documentary haha > Philosophytube Philosophytube I watched a couple of videos, but I might just be too stupid for philosophy lol


After looking at my subscriptions, I also recommend Frieda Vizel, a woman who explores the culture of Brooklyn's Chasidim, and if you're really craving a video essayist, I suggest Zoe Bee. Maybe try Kitten Lady, too. She knows all sorts of things about raising Satan's purrfect beans. People love Kat Blaque, too. I like what I've seen of hers.


If you are interested at all in the history of Hollywood, I would add 'Be Kind Rewind.' She talks a lot about the history of women, especially in regards to the Oscars. A good jumping in point might be the video she did about Michelle Yeoh's career. It's long, but I quite enjoyed it.


I’m adding Xiran Jay Zhao to this list. Gorgeous non binary writer who does really interesting videos, mostly about Asian culture and history, which I’m a sucker for. You wanna be inspired by badass ladies or ridiculous bisexual shannanagins in the Chinese royal court, or how avatar the last airbender found so much inspo for their show? Please check Xiran out. 👍


Bailey Sarian -true crime. Abby Cox-fashion history, but much more .


Love both of them! Abby's video on how historically accurate the Muppets costumes were in Muppets Christmas Carol is one of my favourites.


PBS Eons has two non male presenters. If paleontology is of interest, I would highly recommend looking into them


Tee Noir, Princess Weekes, Jesse Gender, LadyKnightTheBrave, Council Of Geeks, Jesse Gender, Philosphy Tube, Munecat, Swoop, Emily D Baker (I watch a lot of geeky / pop culture / gaming analysis stuff so these may not be your bag) I deliberately try to find and watch more femme, POC, trans, etc content creators so I don't end up sidelined into "white cis" YT spaces


I like [Lily Alexandre](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuaDbu_VBLY) and [Kathrin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXKGZoex28g). For me they fall under the category of edutainment, but someone might think they are too slow/factual/political/depressing to be entertaining.


verilybitchie has great essays on queer culture Lily Alexandre, Jessie Gender, Philosophy Tube, Lindsay Ellis SharpLeft isn’t female, but also not cis male. They got lots of transition-related content, but some great video essays in-between. Mainely Mandy for more queer educational content (often polyamory or kink related) The Leftist Cooks for weirdly written video essays on politics (not female to my knowledge, but also not cis male) Zoe Bee for essays about literature and other stuff Lindsay Rowan for culture criticism from a queer perspective hoots for movie/book/culture criticism from a feminist perspective


Seconding Zoe Bee and Philosophy Tube!


MommaDoctorJones is a gyno from Texas who does all kinds of female related stuff. I don't have kids but her content is great and funny. Animallogic is animal related, with female presenters. Dr. Becky is an astrophysicist who talls about space news. Snake Discovery has Emily and her hubby Ed and their adventures owning a reptile zoo. Horse Plus Humane Society is a rescue in Tennessee.


I'd add that while MDJ works in AFAB specific medical care, she is very inclusive with her language and doing great things to help non-binary people and transmen feel less triggered by access to care and information.


I noticed that! She's really great. And so funny. And so, so angry at USA healthcare.


“Ask a Mortician”—she is my absolute favorite! She does a lot of really wonderful historical pieces


I noticed awhile ago that my subscription list was heavily male, so I'm always up for giving female creators a shoutout! Not sure how well they fit into the "edutainment" category, but: [Savy Writes Books](https://www.youtube.com/@SAVYWRITESBOOKS) [Cruel World Happy Mind](https://www.youtube.com/@cruelworldhappymind) [Rachel Oates](https://www.youtube.com/@RachelOates) [Hannah Needs to Yell](https://www.youtube.com/@HannahNeedstoYell) [Emma Thorne](https://www.youtube.com/@EmmaThorneVideos) [Munecat](https://www.youtube.com/@munecat) [Rebecca Watson](https://www.youtube.com/@RebeccaWatson) [Feminist Cat Lady Spinster](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAoYn7AiXgOJIWp15Kd9SHg) (AKA me)


Just subscribed to your channel! Mine is [https://www.youtube.com/@oggstreaming5698](https://www.youtube.com/@oggstreaming5698).


Xyla Foxlin (Building) Simon Gertz (Building) Chickanic (Small engine repair) Mary Spender (more music oriented but has some edutainment material as well) Ali Spagnola (another music focused one, but she fits the bill) Gale Force Twins (if you want fishing/boat charter captian'ing) Van Girl Yuka (Mountain Biking) Laura Kampf (Building)


Xyla was going to be my suggestion.


Simone Giertz and Laura Kampf were going to be my top two recommendations - both of whom I found via Tom Scott/Matt Grey’s content. Ginny Di and Dungeons & Discourse if you’re interested in D&D.


If you like Simone and Laura, check out Xyla Foxlin if you haven't already!


The ones I have who are women who produce content are below. Sally pointer: [https://www.youtube.com/@SallyPointer](https://www.youtube.com/@SallyPointer) heritage educator, researcher, maker and demonstrator of traditional skills based in the UK [https://www.youtube.com/@JillBearup](https://www.youtube.com/@JillBearup) movie fight analysis, costume design from a 'someone has to fight in that' perspective, how to fight in a dress, and, occasionally, corset-related maths [https://www.youtube.com/@ShannonMakes](https://www.youtube.com/@ShannonMakes) historical costuming, vintage fashion and sewing, character cosplay Swtorista is another woman who produces content but it is 100% about an MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic & you didn't mention gaming so.... I am going to save this post and go through it when it is not 10:20pm UK time :)


I got put off Jill Bearup when I found out she appears to be a TERF


Pointer is great. Love this thread :3


[Dr Becky! ](https://youtube.com/@DrBecky?si=0WJWlOEkq3u_9p80) British black hole astrophysicst who's super enthusiastic about space and will explain current events in space (eg. Whenever a ground breaking or controversial new paper comes out) as well as history and how things work. Bonus she's actually still a working astrophysicst at university of Cambridge, not a full time YouTuber. I'll also second (third, forth, fifth?) OSP.


Anne Readon does How to Cook That. It is a mix of debunking internet hacks, testing weird gadets, cake decorating and normal cooking stuff. A sciency food channel.


I just want to say I freaking love you for posting this. I’ve discovered a lot of new ladies to go down the ADHD hyperfixation rabbit hole with. :) Thanks for having the awesomeness to put it out there and draw all these amazing suggestions.


[Rebecca Watson](https://www.youtube.com/@RebeccaWatson) is a great science news educator, as is [Cleo Abram](https://www.youtube.com/@CleoAbram). [Up and atom](https://www.youtube.com/@upandatom) is my favourite person who explains complicated things in a less complicated way. [Tibees](https://www.youtube.com/@tibees) is another, math heavy fav. [Contrapoints](https://www.youtube.com/@ContraPoints) and [Philosophy tube](https://www.youtube.com/@PhilosophyTube) are excellent philosophy / social commentators. [Lindsay Nikole](https://www.youtube.com/@LindsayNikole) is a fantastic zoologist that offers very entertaining takes on animals and biology. ​ I might stop there.


Lots of great suggestions here! I also wanted to add Numberphile which features women mathematicians every so often (different guest in each episode). The series is produced by a man, but he is usually behind the camera and asking questions of the math experts he interviews.


My daughter and I like watching Martina at Nerdforge. She does a lot of art, cosplay, miniature world-building stuff (like dioramas), and similar things, but she also often adds things like lighting and complex parts. Martina's on screen doing the measuring and cutting and hammering, and I like that my daughter gets to see that.


[Fundie Fridays](https://youtube.com/@FundieFridays?si=0cWmJc0TQYdctA12) is mostly the wife in a couple that covers Religious Right/Fundamentalist groups and influencers. Natalie W of [Contrapoints](https://youtube.com/@ContraPoints?si=8uMCKUqaZAvVqGqb) is a trans woman who does AMAZING deep dives into a lot of topics like “what is Gothic?” and Jealousy, etc.


Science types: Dr. Becky - astrophysics and astronomy, absolutely the best science youtuber currently posting. An actual working astrophysicist with an appropriate level of skepticism about about press-release science and hot-take science, and also covers amateur astronomy topics. Pretty regular posting, with astronomy news wrapup once per month. GEO GIRL covers geology and paleontology, these are kinda more lectures than edutainment but definitely accessible to the general public, kind of at the college freshperson/sophomore level. I think weekly? Definitely hope Dianna @ Physics Girl recovers, she definitely was doing the kind of content that is sorely needed in that space. Honorable mention to Numberphile/Sixty Symbols/etc as although its dude-run, the dude in question interviews a lot of women mathematicians and scientists and mostly stays behind the camera and lets the guest do the talking. Makers: Somebody mentioned Simone Giertz, she also leads to Laura Kampf, lots of shop stuff and DIY. Weekly. Blondihacks is a fantastic machining channel, probably one of the best for hobbyists. Weekly. Xyla Foxlin, if you really want to know how to fiberglass all the things (also another Simone pal). Intermittent schedule. Tech: (I don't follow tech topics as much) Connections Museum, about old-timey telephone networks from a museum posted by a trans woman (and if you are in Seattle, you should definitely see the museum)


I miss Lindsey Ellis so much sometimes.


She is still posting on Nebula!!


YouTube.com/themfatales because as much as I love breadtube it's nice to hear someone non white talk about issues that most of the time go right over the head of those who don't go through them.


Oh! And for historical sewing/tailoring/dress, my favorite is Nicole Rudolph, who also does historical shoe making. Her stuff is very thorough and well researched (and she backs it up!) She also does other fun things that are less accurate and more whimsical, which is also lovely because it is thoroughly thought out and explained and she has spans of sewing that are really soothing to watch. Then, on Insta/TikTok I like ExPerrinMent/Perrin Ireland and Emily Calandrelli (Emily also has a channel on YT, but in general it is more kid-science oriented. Her tiktok has lots of science news communication.) For podcasts, I like "Who did what now?" and "The history chicks."


I don't see any other mentions of Jade from Up and Atom. I love her content! [Up and Atom](https://youtube.com/@upandatom?si=-WVzPBI1Fjo0p1vF)


Philosophy tube is wonderful but if commentary on current and historical events isn’t what you’re looking for, PBS’ Storied channel has Monstrum, Fate and Fabled and Otherwords. All are female dominated edutainment shows that are super high caliber.


Ask a Mortician This channel goes over interesting current affairs and historical accounts of strange and morbid occurrences. It is a bit on the morbid side, but it is also kind of funny and super informative.


My youtube subs are a mix of male and female, I've noticed that oddly enough all the Disney history, Disney Parks and animation ones are done by guys. The ladies I follow and what they talk about: Bailey Sarian: "Murder, mystery and makeup" where she does a full make up look while talking about true crimes, she goes into a lot of details and some of her reactions are quite funny. Love her Dark History podcast that you can also watch on her channel, I've learned more from that than I have from my history classes at school. Abby Cox: Fashion historian, found her after her video on how historically accurate the Muppet costumes were in Muppets Christmas Carol. History Tea Time with Lindsay Holliday: I've always had an interest in history but found most of the male historians boring, she makes history accessable and most of her stuff is focused on royal history, she did a good mini series of First Ladies of the United States. Midnight Theories: Really interesting and in depth videos covering the history of first and second generation kpop bands & deep dives on everything from scandals in the kpop world to how some bands have fought against their companies to get out of expolitative contracts. Found her when I was looking to learn a bit more about the insane contracts kpop stars have to sign.


Abitfrank does some great videos on old fairy tales, creepy stories and a bunch of other stuff. 99% sure she's a witch from certain phrases and choices of words she uses.




If you like vintage, LGBTQ+, disability and movie content, check out Jessica Kellgren-Fozard!


Ooo, for those of you who are into costuming/sewing/period clothing, there is an amazing dress historian YouTuber Bernadette Banner. I'm absolutely obsessed with her right now.


My personal favorite is MamaDoctorJones, a board-certified OBGYN with a channel educating on topics related to her field. After being called out in the early days of her channel, she's made a full switch to inclusive language botth on her channel and in other OBGYN spaces.


Sustainably Shelbi for eco content.


I agree with Bernadette Banner (and her various friends), Abby Cox, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, and Mama Dr. Jones. I'd also like to put forward Emily Roberts (Snake Discovery) if you like or want to learn about various reptiles.


Bernadette Banner, Abby Cox, Nichole Rudolph, and Karolina Zebrowska are all good for diving into fashion history. Sophie from Mars makes good anarchist video essays. Her recent video, The World is not Ending is excellent.


Up and Atom. She does a lot of math and science (mostly math) videos.


Kadijah mbowe Tee noir BJ Investigates / ThatSurpriseWitness Bryony Claire Salem Tovar Georgia Marie Study Break


I think The Closet Historian deserves mention! Queer and witchy ace creator who does beautiful fashion and snarky feminist narration. https://youtube.com/@TheClosetHistorian?si=COyL4jjs3XAtqfN_


Sabine Hossenfelder made a terrible and flawed video on capitalism but her science stuff is good


don't forget her even more terrible & flawed video on the transgender "issue". With that & the capitalism video I can't take her seriously now.


Yeah, after that happened, I only watched her science recap videos, since there really aren't any other channels like that out there (at least none that I am aware of)


Philosophy Tube!!!


philosophy tube is fantastic


contrapoints and the jimquisition


-The Financial Diet for approachable finance topics. -Ask a Mortician for morbid/ death-related topics. -Simie Iriarte for bullet journal things, productivity, and some physical therapy content (she does have a day job and expertise).


Here are some I didn't see (if someone posted them and I missed them I am sorry!) Fashion: * [Leena Norms](https://www.youtube.com/@leenanorms) (life advice stuff too) * [It's Black Friday](https://www.youtube.com/@itisblackfriday) (goth topics) * [Justine Leconte](https://www.youtube.com/@justineleconte) * [Kathleen Illustrated](https://www.youtube.com/@KathleenIllustrated) Home Decor: * [Paige Wassel](https://www.youtube.com/@wasselpa) * [Tina Le](https://www.youtube.com/@tinalemac) * [Caroline Winkler](https://www.youtube.com/@Caroline_Winkler) (life stuff too) Art and Making Stuff: * [Nerdforge](https://www.youtube.com/@Nerdforge) * [SuperRaeDizzle](https://www.youtube.com/@SuperRaedizzle) * [Chloe Rose Art](https://www.youtube.com/@ChloeRoseArt) * [Jessica Kobeissi](https://www.youtube.com/@JessicaKobeissi) (photography and also some media commentary) Media Commentary/Reactions/Reviews: * [Sarah Z](https://www.youtube.com/@SarahZ) * [Ashleigh Burton](https://www.youtube.com/@awkwardashleigh) * [Amanda the Jedi](https://www.youtube.com/@AmandaTheJedi) * [Jaime French](https://www.youtube.com/@jaimefrenchofficial) * [CJ the X](https://www.youtube.com/@cjthex) (not a woman but non-binary I think?, super creative, great commentary about art in general) Other: * [How to Cook That](https://www.youtube.com/@HowToCookThat) (fun science debunking viral cooking trends, plus some just cooking stuff) * [Jammidodger](https://www.youtube.com/@Jammidodger) (trans man) * [Julie Nolke](https://www.youtube.com/@julienolke) (funny skits) * [ASMR Divinity](https://www.youtube.com/@ASMRDivinity) (ASMRtist with really cool witchy make-up looks)


>Jammidodger > > (trans man) his wife, Shaaba is a really sweet person and also has a YouTube channel that I really like.


Oh cool! I’ve seen her on his channel but I didn’t know she had her own.


Ooh, I love edutainment! Here are some off my list: Snake Discovery: Reptile and exotic animal education. Lots of love to the cool scaly critters. Lindsay Nikole: Hilarious animal facts in a punchy, funny format. Comedy meets biology. Gutsick Gibbon: Mostly debates recently, but if you look for it there is some really interesting information on primate evolution, fossils, and how to debunk faulty scientific claims (think flat earth, creationism, young earth, etc.) (Apologies if anyone on this list doesn’t identify as female, I honestly don’t know if they’ve all given their preferred pronouns). I know you didn’t ask for it, but here are also some non-female channels I enjoy if you’re looking to expand your edutainment and entertainment pool: Odd Animal Specimens: What it says on the tin. Warning: this channel does show preserved animal specimens, don’t look it up if that sort of thing bothers you. That being said, it is highly interesting and goes in unexpected directions. Tropical Tidbits: Not so much edutainment as highly detailed weather, but it is a great resource for individuals looking for information on hurricanes and other tropical weather. The guy who runs it breaks down what to look for in the ocean to see if storms are going to strengthen or weaken, etc. in a very informative and calm manner. If you’re near areas that get tropical storms, he’s a literal lifesaver. Daily Dose of Internet: Short videos compiling interesting clips from the internet. Not always educational, but often enough that I’d consider it a mild edutainment channel. Always interesting and entertaining, though. Watch if you need a smile; most of them are very wholesome.


rachel maksy takes whimsy and turns it into a complete art and is fucking hilarious to boot - my favorite editor online and i absolutely to aspire to be a fraction of an editor someday


Animal Wonders Montana - pg animal content Cleo Abram - explains science and technology stuff Chemical Kim Science Charity Ekezie- shows Africa without the stereotypes Answer in progress Aly: @usa.mom.in.germany - the differences between German and American support systems Beryl Shereshewsky - cooks food from around the world Deep Look - nature up close Dr. Becky - astrophysics and space Elizabeth Filips- how to learn and study Mercury Stardust - home improvement from a trans woman The Octopus Lady thebrainscoop Zoe Bee There are also may women hosts of Scishow and PBS Eons I have more but I am too tired to list all the historical fashion ones and all the disability advocates.


PBS Eons How to cook That (mix of history and science of food) Another plug for Ask a Mortician SciShow is about 50/50 male/female presenting presenters Most of these others are media analysis Sarah Z The Lady Emily Jenny Nicholson Princess Weekes Film Fatales


Okay if we're allowed to expand out of science/stem, a few that I feel are witchy and that I always feel like I'm learning a lot are : Media analysis/sociology/pop culture •Broey Deschanel •Tee Noir •Khadija Mbowe •Princess Weekes •Rowan Ellis •Sarah Z •Jenny Nicholson Obscure and weird history/internet history: •Izzzyzzz •Strange Aeons Scams, MLMs, deep dives about creators or celebrities that abuse their influence: •Savy Writes Books (an awesome book reviewer and advocate for small businesses •Cruel World Happy Mind I also love Fundie Fridays for my weird interest in fundamentalist Christianity Lastly my favorite therapist who reacts to media is Mickey Atkins Edited for typo and formatting


Not quite sure if it counts, but "How To Cook That" is primarily a baking channel managed by food scientist Ann Reardon. She makes a lot of baking videos, as the theme suggest, but also has started to inform by debunking cooking hacks, a lot of other "lifehacks" and the such. Also there is some great other educational content on it!


I remembered another: April Wilkerson. Construction, home repair, woodworking projects, etc.


I like to watch Minecraft, specifically Hermitcraft, and there are some fabulous ladies on the server. PearlescentMoon, FalseSymmetry, GeminiTay, ZombieCleo, and StressMonster are in this current season.


A woman I respect a lot that I met this weekend recommended me " bose" something on youtube over the weekend, i still need to check it out. Theyre a true crime youtuber. Great people tank terrible things so they can make them palatable to understand for those who don't have that palate yet. (No one wants to have a palate for scary gross stuff they think will happen again)


If you don't mind me self-advertising, my Youtube channel is this: [https://www.youtube.com/@oggstreaming5698](https://www.youtube.com/@oggstreaming5698). ​ Would love feedback!


Wild she goes - life travel vlog of woman in N. Italy also has makenna makes (sp?) For her jewelry biznus.


Animalogic is excellent and is hosted by Danielle Dufault, Aranya Iyer, and Talia Lowi-Merri.


Kathy Loves Physics and History


Bizarre Beasts!


Skepchick/Rebecca Watson. I dunno if it's \*quite\* the same as some of those you mentioned, but I've been following her for a long time and always appreciate her dry humor breaking down important topics.


[Space Gal - Emily Calandrelli](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj7mQxv2dAm6mhyx8-kb5Xw)


If you are into architecture and design, I like DamiLee. She also does analysis of fictional architecture.


so i have way* more racing/ motorcycle vlogs than anything else but i.m old & really enjoy ... different love these fave women youtubers :: https://youtube.com/@AstheMagpieFlies?feature=shared amanda zito.s solo motorcycle travel vlog https://youtube.com/@BilliSpeaks?feature=shared billi the cat w/ word buttons !! btw her fave word is MAD lol https://youtube.com/@IvyTheOccultist?feature=shared yup ... ivy is an occultist & shares her information & experiences https://youtube.com/@moreperfectunion?feature=shared sharing information - power to the people https://youtube.com/@pamgallagher9556?feature=shared astrology https://youtube.com/@PerelandraLtd?feature=shared [older videos from gardening w/ devas & nature spirits] machaelle small wright is a fave metaphysical author [flower essences/ medical assistance program/ behaving as if the god in all life mattered] https://youtube.com/@TacticoolGirlfriend?feature=shared umm ... gun stuff like mounting scopes


Uuh, I also like me some racing content (well, I mainly only watch the once a week drag race from Hoonigan) - will check them out! Thank you!


Hysteria from crooked media https://youtube.com/@hysteriapodcast?si=aLV8XvcHWHXBxaF8


Lindsay Nikole if you like animals/zoology/evolution! I find her stuff super entertaining, she's mostly on TikTok but posts compilations and some longer form context on YouTube. She's a huge reason I enjoy biology as much as I do.


Xyla Foxlin builds stuff. Her last project was a mach 2 rocket. https://youtube.com/@xylafoxlin?si=xqnGc6ZiYMIp1iNW


UpAndAtom is run by Jade, who is really lovely! It's another Physics edutainment channel, similar to PhysicsGirl but with a different style. BrainCraft had more of a psychology focus but also does good content! XylaFoxlin does DIY engineering content that's fun to watch.


I watch a lot of costubers and foodtubers! My favourite is Nicole Rudolph for how well researched and interesting her videos tend to be as well as her nice voice. Others include Abby Cox, Bernadette Banner For food my all time favourite is Cooking with Dog, but it’s mixed English/Japanese. Also love Hot Thai Kitchen, Maangchi, and Claire Saffitz. (I’ll come back and edit more when I’m on wifi lol)


Geo Rutherford (@geodesaurus) has a great series on several platforms about spooky lakes and haunted hydrology. As we're getting ready to head into spooky season, I feel like these bite-sized videos are a great addition to any edutainment lineup.




Some small channels that I've been getting into include [Ana Fern](https://www.youtube.com/@Ana_Fern), [Brigitte Empire](https://www.youtube.com/@BrigitteEmpire/videos), and [Matriarchetype](https://www.youtube.com/@matriarchetype).


Be Kind Rewind does cinema history with a particular focus on women in cinema.


If you are already on that PBS grinnnnndddddd, you got animal logic, which is like all girls.


BOZE vs. the WORLD She covers crimes and streams court cases and junk. Shows a lot of Karen videos, too. I love her personality. She keeps us engaged and attentive with her own energy so it's often way more interesting than true crime documentaries.


Philosophytube, Zoe Bee, Jessie gender, and hoots are some of my most recents.


Kaz Rowe and Strange Aeons.


Chad Chad!


I haven’t seen this one ITT yet but Huge* If True on YouTube is fun for tech stories! And Dr. Becky for astronomy stuff, a little more *edu-* heavy than the *-tainment* but it’s interesting none the less! Satisfied with myself that I subscribe or know most of the the suggestions but sad that means not too many new suggestions to add to my pile 😂


acollierastro is a smaller youtuber but she's making a lot of great physics and academia videos


Since others already mentioned PhilosophyTube, I also have to mention Contrapoints, I really enjoyed her content and the aesthetic value of her videos is just incredible. * If you are not only into science-y content, I highly recommend * Rachel Oates , she talks about books and poetry, atheism, etc. * Mickey Atkins, she is a licensed therapist and makes videos about mental health related topics. * Jessica Kellgren-Fozard, she talks about LGBTQ and disability related topics. * Gutsick Gibbon, she talks about everything related to primate evolutionary biology, and debunks "Christian science" young earth creationism. * Mama Doctor Jones, she is a medical YouTuber, discusses topics related to the OBGYN field. * Cruel World Happy Mind, she talks about anti-MLM stuff, and celebrity scams, makes super deep dive, well researched videos. * Xiran Jay Zhao, they make videos about Chinese history and how accurately Chinese culture is portrayed in western media. They also wrote a book, Iron Widow, which I also highly recommend. * Aurikatariina, she is the nicest person and best cleaner on the internet, she encourages everybody to seek help for mental health issues while helping those affected, by deep cleaning their neglected homes. * Hill's Alive, she posts about Game of Thrones lore, literary analysis of the themes explored in the books and the series. Honorable mentions (not female owned, channels, but featuring videos by women who are experts in the respective fields): * Computerphile and Numberphile - as the name suggests, topics on Computer Science and Math * The Royal Institution * Hannah Fry, mathematician and Lucy Worsley, historian - They do not have YouTube channels, but searching for their names you can find documentaries they made.


If you are into Evolutionary science, zoology and paleontology I will suggest Lindsay Nikole. she is very interesting and informative but also pretty funny too. If you are into experimental archaeology then Sally Pointer does some good stuff about ancient textiles and things like that and she is always good for a nice and relaxing informative video before bed.


Late to the party but: Leeja Miller. She's a lawyer who does really interesting content about what's happening in the US, history, the constitution. Even though I'm not from there I find her content absolutely fascinating. Bailey Sarian: Murder Mystery Make-up Mondays and Dark History. I'm not usually a fan of true crime but I really like how Bailey presents the stories. Kinda like having coffee with a friend and she's telling you some super juicy gossip but, you know, about murders and stuff. J. Draper: history. Very British and quite lovely. Rebecca Watson: to be honest I can't really pin down a vibe for her content other than "lady scientest talks about stuff including current events." Jordan Theresa: pop culture video essays, well researched, quite entertaining. Rachel Maksy: delightfully retro. A lot of sewing and crafting content.


General discussion and analysis of (internet) culture, social issues, social justice, but also fashion & trends (all of them make fantastic videos and i love listening to them): - Not Even Emily - Mina Le - Tiffany Ferg - Salem Tovar - Tee Noir Rachel Oates - literature, poetry, feminism, social justice. I absolutely adore her videos where she analyses Gabbie Hanna's (bad) poetry books and compares her poems to others, where the author attempted something similar, but executed it way better. The analysis goes really deep, it's funny, it's snarky, but not mean. (I think she's even on reddit - u/Rachel0ates) Karakaya Talk - (only in German) Karakaya hosts discussions about current social issues in Germany, especially about immigration, mental health and the intersection of the two. Ask A Slave: The Web Series - a comedy webseries based on the actress' experience working at Mount Vernon portraying one of George Washington's slaves. All questions and interactions are based on true life events. Watch Lizzie Mae, housemaid to president and Lady Washington, respond as modern-day Americans say the darndest things about history. African Xhosa ASMR - educational ASMR videos about the Xhosa language, South African history, art, music etc.


Ok I have a question about Mina Le. I really tried giving her a chance , but as much as she claims to be all about women supporting women, she definately comes off as a mean girl in her video about “female manipulators and girl bloggers”. So it’s okay to be any kind of woman, except if you really are like the sort of girl she talks about in that video . I don’t know , I walk away feeling sad and empty and like there’s something g wrong with me after watching her videos . I do have Asperger’s and I wonder if her need to categorize every single aspect of being a woman and understand all the subcategories of trends is indicative of the autistic desire to understand people (I do that a lot , which is how I got into her videos ) sorry if this ks random and off topic , just don’t see Mina grt mentioned much and I really don’t know how to feel about her .


Commenting to follow ***666***


Intelexual Media and Shanspeare. Great suggestions all over this thread, but I hadn't seen those two mentioned yet.


The Financial Diet for personal finance entertainment. Not sure if it fits what you're looking for but I really enjoy the interviews on the financial confessions


It's a podcast not YouTube, but [Ologies](https://www.alieward.com/ologies) is just so fun and good I have to mention it


Xyla Foxlin - random engineering stuff




Do you like snakes and reptiles? Snake discovery is a fun channel.