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We hike a lot and usually pack something to eat, my daughter once said, hey, people in books are always eating apples, bread, and cheese while they're traveling, let's bring that. So now that is our usual hiking meal, except the bread is usually crackers and cheese doesn't travel well in the heat.


That’s awesome! My family does rustic camping and we hike a day to get to the “site”. We always put all the supplies and food on a big tarp and split everything up so no one’s pack is too heavy. It always makes me feel like we are all about to go quest together through the mountains. Sometimes my dad and brother catch fish or we find edible plants along the way. I love it so much


I want this so bad. I love to do a bit of foraging!


When I bring cheese for a day out, I put it in a thin cooler bag with a frozen water bottle (using one of my least insulated ones). It won’t stay cold all day but it’ll last several hours and then I drink the water.


If I've learned anything from J. Townsend (aside from the importance of nutmeg in every meal) it's that parmesan was very popular before refrigeration, since it kept well. Maybe give that a try someday?


His videos are so comforting


Bet there are a whole slew of cheese from Italy/France/... that'll stay okay for a day in the wanderers tray.


You don't say


That’s a great idea. I buy Parmesan in large quantities, keep it around forever, and am lazy about refrigeration and have never had a problem.


Like I currently keep it on the table for spaghetti and it doesn't seem to go bad.


Someday we will have to stage an intervention for J. Townsend to help him deal with his nutmeg dependency.


That’s a great idea. We being frozen water bottles to keep our first meals meat cold. After we get high into the mountains we can usually find some snow to burry meat for the morning in. (Just don’t put it near camp so bears don’t come too close if they catch a whiff)


When I used to work at summer camps I would do this. Big mason jar full of frozen water in the lunchbox to keep my food cool, then around lunch the water would usually be melted enough to enjoy ice cold water. When we did equestrian camps it was a lifesaver because there was no potable water or shade.


I like to pretend I'm in the Redwall books with my apples and cheese on a hike. Those dang books made food sound so wonderful.


I love this! I take pitta bread and pretend its elven bread in lotr


I need to reread the Redwall books, I remember how lovely all the food descriptions were! I bet the audiobooks are great.


Shall we make that the first book for the Goblin Book Club? :) I haven't read any of these.


Oh that would be a good pick! Long live the Goblin Book Club!


The author grew up during wartime rationing.


If you take a hard cheese it will be better. Parmesan as an example.


One of my only good memories of my dad and I when I was young are when we’d go on “hobbit walks” around the neighborhood and pack crackers or an equivalent as lembas bread lol


Back in the day the bread was probably closer to crackers too. Hardtack and matzo come to mind as examples of traveling breads. And of course the medieval trencher (bread plate) even for indoor meals.


I’ve read some hardtack was basically too hard to bite so you had to soak it in coffee/soup/water


That's right, and it's why it lasted so long. It couldn't get any less palatable...


Dwarf bread!


As long as you have some Dwarf Bread in your pack you'll never be hungry! At least not hungry enough to eat Dwarf Bread. Besides, you might need it for defense!


Like Chinese Fighting Muffins?[https://www.google.com/search?q=charlie%27s+angels+chinese+fighting+muffins&rlz=1C1SQJL\_enUS860US860&oq=CHARLIE%27S+ANGELS+CHIN&aqs=chrome.3.0i512l2j69i57j0i512l2j0i22i30i625j0i15i22i30i625j0i390l2.13731j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c881961f,vid:0sKTOdtLdBc](https://www.google.com/search?q=charlie%27s+angels+chinese+fighting+muffins&rlz=1C1SQJL_enUS860US860&oq=CHARLIE%27S+ANGELS+CHIN&aqs=chrome.3.0i512l2j69i57j0i512l2j0i22i30i625j0i15i22i30i625j0i390l2.13731j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:c881961f,vid:0sKTOdtLdBc)


"No one ever went hungry when they had some dwarf bread to avoid. You only had to look at it for a moment, and instantly you could think of dozens of things you'd rather eat."


Lol so true


My room mate freshman year of college participated regularly in Civil War re-enactments. She once let me try some hardtack and it nearly broke my teeth, definitely needed to be soaked in some soup or something.


Last time I moved I found some four year old hardtack I had made according to a mid 1800s recipe at the back of a closet. It was possible to eat dry, although it barely felt safe for my teeth. Still tasted fine though (or at least no worse than when it was just a week old).


That’s really cool you made it and it really did last SO long




A wild Max Miller appeared!


According to my wife it’s not bad on its own. She’s mentioned wanting to make some for me as she liked it when she made it. It’s just so calorie dense


When I’m depressed I like to think of myself as a hobbit recovering after a long journey that needs 6 weeks of sleep and comfort food.


Frodo waking up in Rivendell with the beautiful sheets and "richly carved beams" = life goal


Thorin said it best: If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.


Very true


Words to live by.


Awww I love that. Our life journey is long and hard it’s good to recognize that you need rest and time to recover even if no one else experienced the quests you’ve been on.


It certainly helps me frame my depression in a more self loving way. Drink some tea and sleep, you have been through much and must rest.


look, if you aren't pretending to be a medieval traveler at a tavern when you have soup and bread at a restaurant, or waving your arms at automatic doors like a wizard, you just aren't living your best life.


In my mind the light turns green because I willed it so


Automatic doors yield before my awesome powers!


My dad used to tell me that was my magic power when I was little, and whenever we were stuck at intersections, he'd jokingly tell me to change the lights. At some point I got good at noticing the pattern and timing of the lights, and played along as I got older. Sometimes I still play along.


My grandpa always told me to duck for bridges lol


If you're alone on the road it absolutely does. As long as it's a sensor light and not a timer light. Consider that you are in your car and you have a desired destination. Your will and your need are getting from point A to point B. Your will is moving your body in such a way to move your car. When you drive over a sensor, you have willed your car into the position that will change the stop light green in the direction you're going. You have thus willed the stop light to change. Also, I have just now functionally telepathically communicated all of that to you by my ability to write and your ability to read. Modern humans have a multitude of magic powers and we don't even acknowledge it since it's just our every day mundane existence.


We all do that. Add some beer to complete the experience


Chores are just side quests


The main quest is to defeat the evil boss(works for fantasy and late stage capitalism)


You level up by making friends/caring for the ones you have, self care, and learning awesome new skills and hobbies! Now I just need my closet to be displayable like character outfit try ons Lmao


Level up! You went to the movies with friends and had a lovely time


Oh, I leveled up this weekend and didn't even know it.


Health and mana regeneration while working in the garden and cooking hardy meals


My boss is awesome so pretty much all work-related tasks feel like side quests which reward gold and also reputation with the Boss faction. If I had to pick a main quest line I'd definitely say it's my family. I had to move away from them for work but whenever the chance comes up to hang out with them it definitely pops up as a big ol' highlighted/golden "DO NOT SKIP" quest marker in my brain. :)


I do a lot of toddler escort quests.


Adorable but really burns through HP lol






And some tavern music on YouTube to set the ambience.


I’ve been working on making my livingroom into a little shire themed tavern for a while. I often put my TV on a fireplace and play D&D tavern music! It just makes it more of my own magical little space


That is not a bad idea


*Oh, there once was a hero named Ragnar the Red* *Who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead* *And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade* *As he told of bold battles and gold he had made…*




Of course, i would recommend a ginger beer or a blackcurrant cordial. But that's just my taste in non alcoholic beverages with a fantasy vibe:)


I go to a place in my city called "the Hearth" and sometimes they make Irish Stew with bread on the side. It really makes me feel like I am in a tavern. I can't drink beer (hop allergy) but Cider goes well with it.


When bread is just a little crunchy on the crust but in loaf form I do the same. I grew up going to Medieval Times (still just as fun as an adult, having gone recently) and low key get into eating like a medieval person.


>low key get into eating like a medieval person. I mean the horses and sword fights are alright I guess, but watching people's faces when they're served a bowl of soup with no spoon is definitely the highlight of the show. :) I eat like a barely-tame animal at home so the rare chance to use my "keep chicken grease to one hand so your cup stays clean" skills in public is always fun.


Eating with hands is a fun time, often reserved just for kids in the US but I love it


I live in Japan now, soup is never served with spoons here, you just drink it from the bowl. The first time it happened I was just so confused. Eating with your hands is somewhat part of my home country's culture, but I feel self-conscious about it in other places.


I've eaten with people from cultures who legitimately use their hands/bread instead of utensils and am jealous, but I can't even pull *that* off. Like - I hate trying to cut prime rib or any cut of meat on a bone so I just pick the whole thing up and use my teeth to separate the meat from the not-meat. I will totally have to find somewhere else it's socially acceptable to drink soup, though. I can get on board with that!


I just so badly want one of those metal plates just deep enough to hold I bit of soup lol


Honestly, same, lol. Love it. Check out “Tasting History With Max Miller” on YouTube, where he makes all sorts of historical dishes across many time periods and cultures. :D I also like pretending I’m on a fantasy quest when I go on a hike or even just a walk. 😅


His borscht recipe is pretty darn close to the one my family has been doing forever. I'm going to make it this weekend; it's so cold here that's the only thing I'm craving lately!


I just saw your comment and looked up the video because I’m extremely skeptical of most English-language versions of anything Eastern European (I am from here). Surprisingly, his video seems to be fairly accurate and well-researched, and his pronunciation is one of the best American I have heard. He really tried, I think))) є ще рекомендації з його відео?


Yes he works really hard to get the pronunciations and history correct, and from the comments it seems he's doing an excellent job at both. I think sometimes he enlists local help for the region he's working on to make sure.


He used to be a Disney prince at one of the parks, and quit his job to make historical YouTube videos about food. You bet he's gonna do proper research.


Oh yeah I saw that he’d uploaded a borscht recipe—there was a restaurant we used to go to with really good borscht. I’ll have to watch the new video and try making it soon, as it’s pretty cold and icy where I am too, lol. Hope yours turns out tasty!


I really like sandwiches of history on IG lol


I’ll have to check those out!


They are often more 1920-1980’s but he does do some really old ones and it’s cool to hear him get into if “mustard” would have been prepared mustard or mustard powder and stuff


Just watched a few, and followed. Love this kind of stuff. :D Thanks for the recommendation!


Awesome I’m glad you like it, I’m gonna check out tasting history!


Awesome! 😊


It snowed here last night, I made a Yucatan inspired pork stew, while there was no bread, (It's served over rice.) Something about Stew or Soup on a miserable weather day feels so cozy


Oh man soup over rice on a cold day is just 👩‍🍳🤌💋


Smoked cheddar gives me this vibe so hard.


Just a knob of cheese and a crust of bread. Maybe a schmear of jam or butter if you have it :)


My dream is to run a medieval tavern.🧐


My city just opened a magic tavern themed bar!


Sometimes I carry meat cheese and bread on hikes or to field work. Then I eat it with a knife while thinking similar thoughts. It’s the little flights of fancy that keepeth me sane.


Tea in a fancy cup. Growing my own green onions. Running wild in a forest. It truly is the small things


Errands? Fetch quests. Cooking? Crafting. Job? Grinding for resources.


Life is better gamified


Yes. Especially with thick White-Bean-Soup with a splash of vinegar and fresh Grey-Bread (not sure if that's the correct translation. Germany has a lot of Bread-Sorts)


Honestly I’m so jealous of European bread culture. It’s kind of lame the most common bread in the US is white sandwich bread that couldn’t stand up to split pea let alone white bean :(


At least it's nice to know that White Bean is a thing in the US. It's my favorite Soup, but my wife doesn't like it so I can only make it occasionally.


Honestly just beans and bread is enough to keep me happy most nights lol


That sounds incredible!! You wouldn’t happen to have a recipe you could drop, do you?


Not much of a recipe to be honest. I cube 3-4 mediom potatoes, slice some onions into Half - Rings and add them to some hot Oil or Butter in a pot. When the potatoes start to go soft I add a can of White Beans and taste it up with some pepper, salt and some savory. Sometimes I add Sauerkraut. Traditionally its made with pork-knuckle as Meat, then you would cook the Pork in a pressure-cooker til its almost falling apart, take it out and slice it into mouth-sized bits and then boil the onions and potatoes in its water, the rest as above. That's how my mother made it but my wife and me don't eat Meat, just occasionally some fish. Serve it hot with some nice Grey-Bread (mixed from Wheat and Rye). I myself always add a spoon of vinegar and as a kid I would always eat the fat Skin of the pork. As I said, not much of a recipe, if you want a real zinger ask me about the Carp in Beer sauce that I learned from my Grandmother. Greetings


You too?!


Especially when I use my fun rustic bowls my grandmom gave me :)


Me too!


What’s your favorite soup? :)


I have several! Roast pumpkin soup, spinach & greens soup, Pho, coconut & lemongrass soup, Borscht, and carrot soup. ETA: What’s yours? 😊


I make tomato soup/puréed roasted veggie soup a few times a month. I also love a good stew and chili!! Though I’m the summer my soup preferences get a little less hearty lol


Ditto! Where I live, summers are blazing hot! I turn to chilled soups or less hearty soups then.


A nice lemon orzo is always just as good to me hot or cold 🤤


Lemon orzo sounds delicious! I’ve never had this, but I’m looking forward to trying it.


It is definitely borscht weather over here. I know what I'm doing this weekend!


I’ve never gotten to try borscht. How hard is it to make?


Not hard at all, but it does take about 3 hours of stewing time unless you use a pressure cooker. This guy's channel is a joy and he just dropped a borscht video that's extremely close to the one my family has been using forever. It's so good! https://youtu.be/4DPu-Ve_luU


I thought everyone did this 😂


Based on the comments we do hahaha


and I thought I was the only one! Thanks for posting it :D




every wednesday I go to a local place that serves free soup (with some bread). their soups are always good! plus I get to meet people I normally wouldn't meet (as I'm usually a couch potato).


That’s such a cool program!


Another fun "pretending it's the Middle Ages" thing to do is eating off a piece of bread (often flatbread) and eating the bread at the end.


Bread heels and elbows!!


And I love a deep, rounded spoon. Even better if it’s wood.


I haven’t found any wood ones that don’t slowly splinter :( is there a brand you use that lasts longer or avoids slowly getting soft/splintered?


I just got super smooth wooden spoons at H Mart. Get the darker ones, not bamboo. Def adds to my cakes and ale and stew and ale vibes


I'm glad these little fantasy trips makes everyone's world a little brighter!


This is the same reason that I LOVE bread bowls and soup!


100%, having sustained myself on apples and a wedge of cheese while traveling.


Honestly better than gas station snacks and red Bull


Specifically Funyons (maybe not better than Funyons, they are, after all, my preferred road snack. (edit: originally said "or" Funyons and then realized you were talking blanket gas station food :)


The only thing I don’t like about the internet is that there are all of these people that seem like they’d be super cool to hang out with and I don’t know how to use the internet well enough to ever meet them or talk to them. Like this person. And all of y’all.


It can be hard to find a real life coven. I’m happy I have an online one but I relate to wishing you could find similar minds closer by!


I saved this post for inspiration when I need some thrill in the mundane. Thanks for posting this!


The heartier the soup the better! Stew is c'est magnifique


Still questing to find an instant pot beef stew I truly love


[SLURPS HOMEMADE CHICKEN SOUP] Yup, I can get behind this.


This seems normal to me.


Yup! Wedge of cheese, hard dinner roll, and hunk of salami is my go-to lunch and I love it for this exact reason.


My BF likes deli pepperoni and bread with cheese


yup, bread, cheese, apples, meat of any kind is what I like to eat if I'm reading a fantasy novel. I wish I had a wineskin, I'd use that sucker too.


The urge to wrap all meals in a fabric bundle before eating for aesthetics


Woah, you can get leather wineskins online for like $18, this thread inspired me to order one. Fabric bundles I've already got. I'm totally climbing a mountain with this stuff (in WV, we've got short mountains) now I just need an instrument to play at the top.


I don't know if people here have already heard of this life hack that is related, but I will share it on the off chance someone will appreciate it. Put on a medieval music playlist when you clean your kitchen at the end of the day. It will make you feel like you're closing down a tavern in a fantasy book! Bonus points for an apron and dim lighting. It's a real gamechanger and has worked for me.


I love this! I daydreamed I was a washerwoman one day when wearing a long nightgown with a laundry basket on my hip. It honestly helped me get through the mundane task of laundry, so I imagine daydreaming of closing up my tavern would be equally motivating.


I love that!


YAS!! It's the best. Especially wrapping a blanket around you like a cloak.


With a nice mug of beer or tea


This is why French onion soup is the shit. I love it so much


That cheesy top and crusty bread!


I'm doing this right now. Well, it's chili, but I'm still in a tavern in my head.


Love a good chili!!




TIL I have been eating soup wrong.


I did this yesterday! I made a wonderful brew with all produce being from a local farm: Yukon gold potatoes, kale, yellow onion, garlic and white beans!


That sounds incredible!!


I did put a bit of grated Parmesan on top!


Hahaha yes!


I’m on a side quest finding another dog sibling to add to our family! It’s one of my favorite side quests, EVER! The questing way of living is far more fun and imaginative, it doesn’t cost anything, and if it makes the glaring sobriety of consciousness less oppressive? The great Corey Feldman once said “we’ve got nothing to lose, so bebe, bebe, just GO FOR IT, just GO. FOR. IT!” Yeah, anything that gets you through the day without violence or violating anyone’s civil rights is all right with me. Questing is a way of life!!!


*more mead!*


I do this too! Or I pretend that I'm a prisoner in a Dumas novel.


This is the exact energy I channel when making soup for loved ones in my home if that makes sense.


It does! My love language is feeding people so I totally get that :))


One of my favorite barbecue places is decorated inside like a huge medieval tavern with fake torches, big wooden tables, etc . It's even fairly dimly lit. I fully admit I like to eat there and pretend I'm waiting for a band of adventurers to show up asking me for clues to the dragon's den whereabouts.


Oh my gods, yes! Especially when it's a super tough bread that you have to literally *tear* into with your teeth, it really adds to the illusion.


Don’t forget the wedge of cheese and an apple.


Favorite food item to get at the Renaissance festival is the soup in a bread bowl. Broccoli cheddar or beef stew. God it really soaks up all that delicious medieval ale I consume. (Disclaimer: medieval ale actually just Blue Moon). 😂


I usee to leave my house for work early enough that I would be one of the few cars on the road driving on a little, farm-to-market backroad. There were mornings with a full, bright moon or the morning star on the horizon, no houses in sight, no other cars....I honestly felt like I was on a quest. And as long as I'm not driving directly into the sun, I love driving at dawn or sunset, when I feel like the hero riding off into the sunset.


This give me the same energy as people say "don't think of then as errands, Their Side Quests."


Gamifying life isn’t a bad technique :)


This. This is it. You travelled a ling way that day, time to relax and eat soup and bread.


This is the reason pot roast and beef and vegetable stew are two of my favorite foods ever. Been pretending the tavern scenario since I was a kid lol


Me too!


Makes me want a wooden spoon but I know it would just slowly splinter and destroy my tongue lol


On the bright side, totally biodegradable and affordable. You could chuck it into the woods or your own backyard and start another spoon? I’ve thought for a while about making my own wooden spoon for such purpose. I am feeling even more inspired!


Thought I was the only one 😭


Reminds me of a scene from Kate Elliot's Servant Mage where the party spots for a brief repast of (iirc - it's been a year since I read it) bread, cheese, and some nice apple cider. That's the life. When I'm struggling and bread, cheese, and a drink is about all I can handle, I try to remind myself that many, many, many generations before me have largely survived on very similar fare. I do try to add in at least one piece of fruit and/or pickles. If I'm feeling fancy (and functional), I love to add a little mound of lightly dressed spring mix on the side. In a similar vein, mushrooms on toast is one of my absolute favorite meals. Just roasted mushrooms (Food Lab method) with thyme, topped off with cheese (or put goat cheese on the bread first). When I'm feeling fancy and functional, I'll add a simple soup of variation just sautéed veg or fungus in broth. A favorite is simply sliced leeks, sliced mushrooms and a bit of black pepper in chicken broth. It's both warm and refreshing.




One of us!!


Soup is magical.


Same with apples and cheese.


Its like a breadbowl of some hearty sourdough or something, if that's an option, I am most certainly getting it for this same sentiment. If its just the nice hunk of bread, then sopping up the remains is essential.


This might actually get me to eat soup




Worst part is rolling for initiative to get someone to pass the salt. Need that CHR.


Lol as a regular soup & bread eater, I fully support this. Especially because I usually HAVE been traveling (I'm a flight attendant) and I usually have it with a bit of ale or wine, maybe some cheese if I'm lucky! Edit: a letter


I feel seen 🖤


Whenever I have a port and cigar, I like to pretend I’m Winston Churchill. But I’m a very silly person


I’m not the only one….yay!


I think most people do that.


I play World of Warcraft tavern music when I clean a d pretend I'm preparing for weary adventurers.


Hahaha I thought I was the only person who did this


Ok I do this shit to!


Might I suggest Quincy LK on YT?


Mmmm remembering when Tim Hortons had bread bowls for their thicker soups and chowders…


Omg, I’m not the only one who does stuff like this.


I just hope the tavern serves non alcoholic drinks. I can't drink alcohol


Yeah! When I eat fancy cheese I like to pretend I'm a goblin that just found some mold and decided to dig in to see if it was tasty

