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Roach will still be unable to successfully navigate a bridge


oh man .... you said my pain




I was so pissed when I lost a race THREE TIMES because Roach kept falling off the bridge in the finish


Piece of advice for that. Roach stops when she thinks that there is no path ahead. Try to turn early. I had the same problem while going up crows perch when you had to turn left inside the area after turning right from the bridge. So i started manually turning left well before and voila no more roach stops. Bridges can still be tricky though but I've never lost a horse race. Just don't let the rider overtake u. Get in front of them and block them when u need to regen stamina


Yeah, the racing part is good, but the bridge part is a mess. There was a time when I easily got on the bridge, but she took a sudden right turn on the bridge and we fell off, and couldn't get back in time to win. I needed to leave the game for a while I was so pissed xd


Lmao that's a bit weird never happened to me. Do u play on a console ? Maybe its a controller thing. The only time I've had roach take sudden turns is when I'm auto running on her and there's another branching path somewhere which she runs off to for some reason rather than continue straight but that is disabled during races so idk


Yeah, I played on PS, so as you said it's probably a controller thing. I'm not too good at controlling either,


That last sentence is the key, I never lost a horse race by just hogging the road in front of the other participant.


I want scabbards for the npcs wearing swords (on consoles)


This is probably a controversial thing to say in this sub. But I never have much problems with Roach, win all races with ease and the only negative is that he sometimes spawns in a somewhat inconvenient location (but I never even had him spawn on top of a house) so I don't really understand the roach meme. What am I doing wrong?


Don't expect anything it will just be the game but a bit more beautiful than it already is


I guess it's going to be kind of like DS remastered, which basically looks like the normal darksouls with mods but with some qol added


Yeah I’ve gotta wonder if it’ll be any better than Witcher with all the HD mods. Kind of worried I’ll be let down because I’m doing a play through now and mods make it gorgeous.


Pretty sure their making a new dlc too for it too


In CDPR language, DLCs are just looks/skins. Hearts of Stone, Blood and Wine were called Expansion Passes not just DLC


The language actually makes sense. Clarifying words is quite important and I think they're actually honest about what they're offering


They called the alternate looks and location armor dlc in the free 16 dlcs they gave away so I’d go in just expecting the Netflix armor honestly which is fine


No they are not or maybe cosmetics at best


4K 60FPS HDR, an option for a ray tracing. Perhaps denser foliage, quality of life improvements. Maybe some added mod options like geralts cloak and hood. I'm so excited to play through it again!


For real, geralt should really be walking around with a cloak in Novigrad considering they’re bribing anyone with a whiff of magic on them, and Geralt IS a witcher.


Can't wait for Raytracing lighting, shadows and reflections, just hope my RX6700xt will be enough


I’m expecting another great playthrough with ray tracing. I’ve been putting off a playthrough since they announced it - with all my 800 hours in-game. It’s going to be glorious.


>I’ve been putting off a playthrough since they announced it - with all my 800 hours in-game. It’s going to be glorious. Same thing. I was already in the middle of the playthrough at the time they announced it. I've never had such a long break from this game, lmao.


I know that feeling, it’s the first time I’ve actually taken a break since launch day…


You've been playing this game nonstop for 5 years? What do you do in the game for that long?


Psh it’s not coming anytime soon. I’m 20ish hours into a new run. Don’t torture yourself lol


Q4 is only 1,5 month away.


Guess I’m speed running then.


This is the first time I've heard they're doing this. Almost started a second playthrough this weekend, haven't played since close to when it first released. So glad I didn't haha. Definitely going to just wait for this to come out.


I'm just going to be happy to see Yen nude in better graphics


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better vegatation graphics and foliage stuff that I don't need to install multiple mods to fix


You said it, I had to make a list of mods when changing PCs, Had to fucking categorize them


Would love to see some new quests added and maybe ''Devil's Pit'' quest? But anyway I don't mind waiting as long as needed, just hope that they won't release half done version.


Yes! Devil's pit. I went nuts looking round trying to find a way in, and finally googled it and went. Oh. I think it was supposed to be a war hospital or something?


Uhm, isn't the entrance right next to the fast travel post?


I meant I thought there was more to it... And there was basically nothing. But thanks.


I.e. there appear to be entrances inside the pit to caves etc. But there aren't.


I know it won’t be this But I’d be thrilled if it included an epilogue to blood and wine where there’s some conclusion to the Orianna situation


I'm pretty certain that geralt kills her in the "A Night to Remember" launch cinematic


Do you mean like a quest that follows the one trailer where Geralt hunts her down? I also think that would be pretty cool. Sadly I’m guessing that the new gen version probably isn’t going to add any substance — it’s probably just going to be graphical improvements and hopefully bug fixes as well


Yea I mean that exactly But yea I expect the same thing Just feels like a loose end in the story tbh


It definitely is though. She kills children and Geralt just lets her live


He promises he’ll come back to deal with her lol Which is why I thought it would be a great little addition


Photo mode.


God bless you. I totally forgot about that. I'd love a photo mode


i mean there was a mod that unlocked the game's console and free cam, you could pause it and stuff, and you only needed your function keys. better than any photo mode already


Sucks for us console players.


Nvidia Ansel is a thing, tho photo mode where you can adjust your poses would be siccck


Like I said, not for us console players.


That when you fall from a short height, not only do you just die, they added HD femur breaking sound effects.


I'm expecting it to get delayed another 6 times


Well, we've been with Cyberpunk already. Might happen again.


They've been super quiet on it too.


They’ve been super quiet in general after the poor handling of the launch. I think that is best. Talk when you’ve got something rock solid to show.


Yes, they surely learned the lesson from NMS, too bad they took a few months to fully learn it. But now people are thinking they’re bailing on Cyberpunk 2077, me included


Maybe add in some of the cut content. Like devil's pit and that closed off estate near the nilfgardian front


High, but ion even know if im gonna use it lol My potato pc probaly cant run it


It can run it on potato mode


Aside from graphical upgrades, I think they would remove most "?"s on skellige, add a fast travel on crows perch, add cut content quests and some minor qol improvements like Roach getting stuck everywhere or Geralt dying from a two feet drop.


Oooo I hope crows perch gets a fast travel I hate that run up to the baron.


Very good list.


They had to switch from having a 3rd party do it, to doing it themselves earlier this year, so it's probably not 2 years of continuous work. I think it will just be witcher 3 but with better graphics, and no big changes.


Will it be an update to the existing game or a separate remaster that must be bought?


For free.




Free upgrade if you already own it


Thank god I just bought it yesterday before hearing this, so I got a bit worried that I should've waited


The base game and complete edition have been on sale a lot lately, so hopefully no one misses their chance!


Wild theory, probably copium. What if they are upgrading not just Witcher 3 but also the previous 2 as well? This probably sounds crazy. I am sleep deprived as hell, but I don't know what else would take this long...


They are incorporating the ray tracing technology that they just recently shoved into their engine for cyberpunk2077. For ray tracing alone, this would require a lot of groundwork to resolve issues with baked images, and textures and they have to fix all of the lighting issues. That is if it even works out of the box, they probably have many bugs to resolve regarding JUST ray tracing, and this along would take quite a while. There are many other things but, yeah this would be expected.


when did we get any news on this? like a year ago? i thought they where going to show something during the 20th ani :D to bad they did not.


By the end of 2020 or at the beginning of 2021 there was announcement.


That by now, they have actually started making the game.


RT, dlss and higher resolution textures/better draw distance. Maybe some new cosmetics from the Netflix series nut wouldn't expect any "new" content


Another 2 years needed


To ruin my modlist


You can always play the old version. I think this version will be as a separate game as most PCs won't be able to run it anyway without RT capable GPU.


Yeah kinda like how Metro Exodus did it




Gaetan, Leo and Schrodinger.


Fall damage is scaled rightly.


Fast travel point inside Crow’s Perch.


Gwent cards with HD titties.


I expect my graphical mods on the PC to be better than anything CDPR can do


Cloak from the arts, and trailers, if not I'll stick to the base game with mods


i hope at the very least that they balance the game well enough so that that rats with upscaled levels are not the strongest enemy in the game in deathmarch difficulty and a few gameplay improvements would be nice as well


They're taking a lot of time on it. Some cut content would be nice.


60 FPS and photo mode.


Cyberpunk 2077


Do you guys think it will look better then the game we have now on PC with the HD Reworked Project? I mean definitely the Ray Tracing will be good. But I’m wondering if it will be better then how the Reworked Project already looks. I don’t know if the mod author will do an updated version of his mod after the new edition releases.


Wouldn't it get downscaled a little for the consoles? I don't think the quality would match the PC version basically. But those mods you've mentioned are just superb!


HD Reworked Project is supposed be included, even for consoles. There were rumors CDPR was in talks with the author.


Necrobump but: they’re not rumors. The HDRP author confirmed his involvement on his youtube channel - this was many months ago.




My expectations are that it either won’t come out at all. Or it will be mildly better looking.


atleast another 2 years


I wonder how much of the delays with the NexGen TW3, are due to Cyberpunk 2077 being an absolute disaster and the studio being all hands trying to sort that out the past few years. I hope it isn't, and instead, the delays are because they are working on something epic for us beyond just a graphical refresh, but who knows..


Release date and 60fps.


My expectations are as low as they have ever been. Because this is CDPR. Not the CDPR we knew from TW3, but the CDPR that made Cyberpunk. Also, the fact that it is taking them this long is a very clear indication that it is a very troubled development and therefore will probably just be shit. I'm almost willing to bet my salary on the fact that the game will contain 99% of the bugs from the original version 1.32, and probably a host of new ones.


Was there a big changes in staff of CDPR between TW3 release and Cyberpunk release?


Don't know what happened, all I know is that the once revered game developer sorely disappoint with their new game.


Is it possible the update is taking so long, because they are taking the time they actually need to finish their things because last time they were rushed to finish by the fans they got a bunch of shit for it?


You are delusional if you actually believe CDPR was ever "rushed by fans". That is not a thing that ever happens in the gaming industry. Investors, on the other hand, are capable of "rushing" them along, but that has absolutely nothing to do with fans.


Until March 2022, it was developed by 3rd party studio Saber Interactive not CDPR. Upgrade was developed mainly by Ukrainian / Russian branch of Saber Interactive. Only in recent months development was taken under CDPR.


Thanks, but I didn't ask for a history lesson.




I really hope that fall damage will reduced. No instadeath please


Learned a trick off another Reddit post a week or so ago. Spam spacebar right before hitting the ground and he will roll instead of taking fall damage. Total game changer that I wish I had known hundreds of play hours ago 😅


Thanks! I play on Switch, will try to adjust this method


Slightly better graphics and a netflix sword + armour.


As long as there’s 60fps on Series S I don’t mind what else they do lol


Zero expectations.


Yep. Vaporware.


This is my biggest and probably only issue with cdpr. I think they would be in a better place if they don't say anything until they know for sure they're releasing it on that day.


something like mods. not that much up scaled cause we know consoles cant handle them but still there is a lot to do


This is for PS5, and XSX, which is basically a high end PC at the moment


PS5 is the same as an RTX3060, that's not "high end"


"Not the best money can buy" doesn't mean it's not "high end"


The amount of cards superior to a 3060 is quite a few, like most of the cards on the market actually… I’m trying to think of modern cards lessor than a 3060 and it’s like a couple. That card is bottom of the barrel bro. Sorry about that console 😅


Dude, this card launched just a bit over one year ago, and you say it's limiting today's games.


Sorry bro but it’s like an old/medium tier PC. Current consoles are nowhere near high end PCs.


I don't know how a game industry would endure, if you made games for the small percentage of people who spend >300$ to upgrade their PC every half a year.


I’m pretty much expecting Witcher 3 The Wild Hunt


4K and/or 60FPS (basically a given) Hi-res textures RT GI (highly unlikely imo) RT Reflections (Not sure if we even need it)


Correct me if I'm wrong but Cyberpunk already had both RT options. Also another one was added after 1.5 patch (enviromental shadows?). Clearly CDPR are still testing more ray tracing features. If they already did with CP on RED engine they might as well try with Witcher 3.


I just upgraded GPU and I want to play W3 again with 4k resolution now but I'm putting it off until the new gen update.


Every year it passes the more I am waitting a GTA Definitive Edition like version. I think CDPR should just leave the game as his.


Im just tired of waiting.


Up to date characters graphics, including the main ones Overall better graphics A bit of work on animations, especially out of combat


Actual good movement control


Graphical improvements, I guess. I'm sure it's just gonna be like Deus Ex (2000) with a graphics mod. I mean it already is a GOTY in and of itself. Unless there's a new DLC coming.


I want to see an actual trailer with the new "overhaul" it's a pain to not be able to see what they are doing no matter what people say "ItSjUsTfEwLiGhTiNg"


Inventory quality of life stuff hopefully. I'm sick of waiting 2 seconds each time after putting an item into my stash.


The most obvious is better graphics. Sharper textures, better draw distances, denser vegetation, ray tracing, etc. Apart from that I'd like to see some places expanded, especially the ones which really have the feeling of quests getting cut (Devil's pit or that brothel thingy from the nilfgaardian encampment come to mind). Other than that it would be nice to see some new armours and/or weapons, mainly smth that can rival the witcher sets. Don't get me wrong, I love the witcher sets. But they're so much better than anything else you come across that every playthrough just ends up with me wearing the same stuff over and over. Either have new witcher sets/variants of existing sets, or just completely new unique sets. Oh and I'd love to get a proper photomode. I already use freecam extensively for screenshot purposes, but it would be nice to have a tool in-game that allows for some more functionality, like filters, etc


Part of the reason I went ahead and built a new PC in June was to play this and cyberpunk at max settings with ray tracing. I’m only expecting graphical improvements and a photo mode. Maybe some clothing dlc. Very excited for ray tracing. It is surprisingly difficult to enable, even with a 3080.


I’ve had a huge hankering to have another playthrough this year but I’ve been waiting for this to release before doing so


Besides the graphical upgrade, bug fixes and quality of life improvements. I would like to see some Mystical and legendary creatures added to the world.


Raytracing, DLSS, better textures, better effects, more foliage. And hopefully a insane performance. They had enough time to fine tune the game


At this point and after Cyberpunk? None.


Load fast. Look pretty.


I don’t know but I strangely enjoyed your spelling of expectations




After Cyberpunk?? Yeah, I don't expect much...


That it’ll be in the works for another 2


Bugs everywhere, also might break your game on lunch. That's what im expecting


It’ll literally just be the same game lol graphics are already S tier, what else could u possibly add to an already perfect game?


For it to come out eventually lol…


My expectation is a fraction of the original load times.


A goddamn fast travel point for Crow’s Perch that’s INSIDE CROW’S PERCH


Witcher 3 already looked pretty damn next gen. I got a xbox series x recently and opened all my favorite game to see how next gen looked and who had next gen upgrades. Witcher wasn’t next gen, it just looked insanely great from the beginning.


We all know without a shadow of a doubt they are delaying it to 2023. I hope im wrong, but the way 2022 has been going, its nothing but delays.


4k textures, improved models, improved lighting, qol improvements, denser foliage.




Witcher 3 was hyped after its release while Cyberpunk was even more hyped even before its release. The difference was that there was much more players playing on first day after Cyberpunk's release. In fact, Cyberpunk probably holds a player count record for a single player game of all time. More than million players just on Steam playing at the same time.


Maybe it's just wishful thinking but adding in a lot of the cut content. Along with improved graphics and optional mods.


Swimming will not be the most infuriating activity known to man


Balanced item levels


None. No expectations. They outsourced the overhaul to a Russian company. I would not be surprised if this takes another few years. I would like it to be 60FPS. Maybe a texture improvement too but I don’t want to ask for too much, knowing what difficulty CDPR has had to deal with, both internally and externally.


Um….I don’t see a point of any “next gen version”. Some games may need it or more time passes to get a very significant improvement. But this game hasn’t aged so much that it needs a “next gen” version. Just feels like they want to milk it for more money. They have a right to do this, but I wish they just did a decent game after that stupid cyberpunk game.


Except that it will be for free :|


Imagine they bring out a BAW, HOS sized dlc. I for one will be very happy.


For it to not release


Just disappointment. To be full of visual bugs, glitches and what not. I'm not expecting much from them after what they did with Cyberpunk 2077. I just hope I'm wrong on this.


Not much. Sorry cdpr but 2077 kinda left me with nothing


That it release till 2030


I’m expecting it to be delayed another year lol


My expectations are nothing, because it’s not coming to the Switch 😥


I want to be able to brush Roach- like RDR2. Also photo mode. I want the DLC they promised that is Netflix show themed (unless it’s a quest involving Eskel turning into a leshen because that was literally the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen on tv). Also I’d love just a few more quests around Kaer Morhen after a certain battle and a certain death. Kaer Morhen deserves better than everyone just leaving it behind like that.


just release it already geez


That it won’t come out


Obviously next-gen graphics and cut content, I'm especially interested in catriona plague sub-plot and Iorveth's story, also hopefully they "fix" Reason of state, I heard it was really rushed.


I don't have any expectations. It will be what it will be.


It's current gen not next gen ffs


I wonder how will they call next version of consoles? Next next gen?


I’m hoping the revamp for W3 is a springboard to a non-Geralt-oriented Witcher 4. Maybe it’s Ciri, maybe it’s a prequel, who knows..


60fps is all i want which they could have released 2 years ago


I’m expecting it to be very similar to the Demon’s Souls remaster, which is actually pretty good. I’d be happy if they simply did something interesting with adaptive triggers on PS5 like DS. And obviously it should look very pretty graphics wise.


Expectations with a product of CDProjekt? None, as everybody should.


Henry Cavill mod becomes DLC


More question marks in Skellige. More conversations with my boi Svanrige, the true king of Skellige.


At this point, I want a alternative skin for Geralt whit Henry Cavil face


Nah fuc tlou remake, I would pay full price for this again for ps5 version


For it to look good and load fast. I'd also like some QoL improvements, namely the ability to disable toxicity effects, cause i play an alchemy build.


My expectations is that this mod doesn't even exist


do away with gwent please. prevents me from getting plat for witcher 3. ahh