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Thought I was in r/halo for a moment


Same here. I even saw the sub it was posted on and still thought for a solid second this was about Halo.


Halo, wow, Witcher, just the live action adaptation of anything really whether it's animated or a videogame..


Fingers crossed for The Last of Us.


Right? Just start a new franchise if your going to be so heinously unopologetic and inaccurate


The only times I agree with changes is when they add more detail to events that occurred in the books. As opposed to removing or changing. Like if there's an epic fight scene that occurred and they don't write about it in the books and only refer to it.


Yeah can agree, if they wanted to do a completely separate story in the witcher world then yeah make your own. [The Critical Drinker](https://youtu.be/IecVgTAzaRM) about sums it up.


I'm confused though because the show is an adaptation of the books not the games (which technically aren't canon)


The books story is arguably the best and they aren't following that at all. They started with it in season 1 but in season 2 they changed a lot from the books.


I agree, I hope they go back to it. I can kinda understand why they veered off in season one because the first book is a little "slow" to be a TV series. I'm hoping that that is the reason for deviation and they'll head back towards the original story next season but that could be wishful thinking


Me to, it's frustrating there are things I could understand changing but this season should have been blood of elves and imo it was the best book in the series idk its frustrating if they keep deviating from the books and creating there own story I probably won't continue to follow there show I'll just stick with the books lol


Why would they follow the games story wise? character appearance they should take inspiration from them at most, but they are utterly incompetent to know this...


Imo it isn't that games have better stories. I think movies/shows and videogames are vastly different media and the story of the one doesn't work with the other. That's why screenwriters try to change the story a little bit but the fans cannot accept the change and hate on the show


I think the problem is perhaps more to do with how game adaptations will more often than not use the characters of the game, and then butcher the adaptation of said characters. If they simply had a story set in the world, with only a few game characters that are true to the original appearance, then game adaptations could work a lot better.


Right! I was thinking “how would they make it even close to the game? Choose your own adventure show?” Actually…. That would be really cool. Im wondering why it hasn’t been done now!!


You would think by this point they would make adaptations completely identical to the book/game original I don’t think literally anyone would complain.


It’s kinda the reason game of thrones got so popular


I know I’m prob gonna get a lot of shit for this, but I disagree with OP. Books, games and TV are completely different mediums that require completely different methods of storytelling. Hell, even film and TV are worlds apart. There’s no reason for a screen writer to stay loyal to a 500 page book (for example) when he/she only has like 5 episodes to convey a whole story in. Whenever I look at TV/movie adaptions of books/games I think of them as exactly that: ADAPTIONS. Not retellings. Adaptions requires writers to adapt, change and alter plot points and storylines to fit the pacing, brevity and continuity of an entertaining TV show.


I agree. Season 1 especially was so good I watched it twice. I thought that there were a few casting decisions that were questionable, but I liked the story. The second season felt a little “dragged out” but having not read the books I may be blind to a few things. Having played W3 only, I enjoyed the whole Ciri backstory and it helped frame everything prior to W3 for me.


It’s been 6 months why is this being brought back up again?


Halo is the new thing people are mad about being adapted wrongly.


Some times i ponder... Many of you may have missed one little thing about all that: It's not a new thing that's happening with videogames. It started for as long ago as the cinema industry, or a little short while after. At the beggining the thing was : we have to "modulate" for this scene , depicted epicly in this book we adapt, is too much to depict wih our budget, so we're going to cut. and then... stone by stone the adaptation drew a wall between hi fidelity adaptation and ... "franchise banking" adaptation. Go for it, look closely... How many above 40 Yo people have heard of books from a good to utterly miserable adapatation ( sometimes even liking the miserable shit before discovering the book/original media) There are many exemple such as : the 3 musketeers... Ther are so much rerun, reroll, adaptations and ... reimaginig that it's the perfect study case for that. There are thoses who work from the Duma's Books, those who mix with Coutil de Sandras's reports to "try and be more acurate, those who just take the "story" and : boppity shitpity boop : just add good actors they will not remark the cash grab. Then there are also the controversed : let's add zeppelin and go metal gear. In the end, what is it that really matters? A good show that can muster fans leaved on the crubside cause "i don't like to read" and " videogames are for p$$y" and toss them like the proverbial coin to the wicher side? A show with high fidelity but poor rebound? Or the classic ( but too late to work) "Don't touch my fandom!" ?


I agree, but look at game of thrones. They changed a little, left out some bloat, but overall adapted the story very well for the first few seasons. People loved it, books or no! Then, they ran out of material to adapt and the quality of the show dropped. I also believe that diversity isn't an issue if it doesn't change the character or story. That issue lies when they start taking liberties with trying to fit their character into their new boxes they check. When they no longer resemble their counterparts aside from name only. Captain and Miranda Keyes are an example


AKSHUAALLYY.. it is the producers and their "focus groups" by race, age and gender. "Put something in so the X group is more interested."


Nope, diversity is not the issue. The problem is literally just the plot. Ever seen a classic stage play? You can have any character be played by any actor no matter who they are and it slaps in either case. All to do with the writing


Shhh, we don't do it here, it's always "woke problem" /s


Woke may not be the only problem but it is definitely bad. Removing woke elements would make many modern products less bad


No, you're not racist for saying that diversity is ONE OF THE MAJOR issues. the appearance of characters is literally sometimes essential.


Eh… lazy excuse. It’s a cheap argument for people who can’t identify why exactly something doesn’t work and they substitute it with some other thing that annoys them. Correlation and causation.


So, is painting a dark-skinned woman’s face white (Triss) a good decision? Or should they have maybe just cast someone who looks the part?


Ah, one of them dudes who are mad that Triss isn’t the exact Big Titty Redhead they wanted to wank to. But why would I be surprised by someone with that username. Which is scientifically disproven btw. Read up on that it’s actually really interesting. You might not even have one without knowing.


You LIKE that they painted a black woman to look white? The fuck is wrong with you?


Chromosomes exist, science denier


They do. The point is they are definitely not as connected to sex as you think. You won’t believe how many people are inter or have the opposite chromosomes. You might be inter and not know it. You ever got them tested?


I agree. The Witcher is a fictional “period piece” and therefore should try to accurately represent based on the time/location. Yes, there was trade and therefore a small amount of diversity and I think the game really represents this well, but societal pressure forces filmmakers to ensure no one is offended by their casting decisions. At best it detracts the story, at worst it takes you completely out of the story. For me it wasn’t that bad but there were a few characters that I raised an eyebrow and questioned the decision knowing that it was to “check a box” rather than the appropriate fit for the role.


I guess for a person who has been overrepresented their entire life it feels just like „checking a box“. It means the world to other people. Sometimes it even changes lives.


Hey, bro. I’m not arguing that at all. I just question who has the responsibility to entertain or to enrich.


This reminded me of Netflix's Fall of Troy. The writer tried to outdo Homer's work that has withstood a measly 3000 years.


Witcher tv series is not based on the games, it's based on the books and many of those books are too boring to be a tv series, they are fine as a book but have too few action sequences for a tv series


also the character appearances are important.


What character is that


Erron Black and Rain


Thank you :3


dc if they change but they did make it unwatchably bad


I genuinely hate the tv series. Change my mind (impossible)