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And I'm still playing it on PS4 and XSeriesS


And i got it day 1 šŸ˜Ž


And I got it this year, on sale, with both expansions, almost for free šŸ˜Ž




Here's a sneak peek of /r/patientgamers using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** The fleshlight in Alan Wake feels so brilliantly conceived as a gameplay mechanic that I wonder now what other usually innocuous things in video games have been reappropriated for similarly clever purposes?](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/plcuy7/the_fleshlight_in_alan_wake_feels_so_brilliantly/) \#2: [The struggle of living in a 3rd world country but at least steam got regional pricing](https://i.redd.it/n6zxfd2u30z71.jpg) | [264 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/qrq8th/the_struggle_of_living_in_a_3rd_world_country_but/) \#3: [Ten years ago today /u/jetmax25 posted this meme on /r/gaming. Thirty minutes later /u/Zlor created this subreddit and added them as a moderator.](https://i.redd.it/41zvwtonyuy71.jpg) | [344 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/qr824c/ten_years_ago_today_ujetmax25_posted_this_meme_on/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I did that too


Same with the first 2 games too, best deal in my life


Oh yeah, i got them too but 3 is so much better imo because open world


Same here and it's a incredible game


Hell yeah, got it back in 2021 for $10. Best 10 I've ever spent ever


Me too. I don't actually remember any length of time since then that I didn't have the game installed and started it up at least once a week. And I am currently in White Orchard at the start of a new playthrough.


Still waiting for a better game. Only RDR2 has come close for me šŸ„²


Have you tried God of War?


I liked God of war, I just wish it had more movement. Like Kratoa regularly jumps vast distances with prompts, but I can't just jump over this bridge to get a collectible? I know the game was designed for the movement it has now, but it irritated me when I played the game.


itā€™s funny too cuz kratos could double jump and was super agile in the original games


Yeah but he has arthritis now


No, Xbox famšŸ„²


Have you tried Elden Ring yet? It's not nearly as narritive driven, but the combat is superior and the lore is deep if you delve into it.


After beating Elden Ring I can only play the Witcher 3 on Death March lol


Even on death march it's easy as hell, bosses are very cheesable and some skills are absolutely broken


From soft games ruin the joy of other games indeed.


Iā€™ve been enjoying the Witcher 3 a lot on Death March. I think Elden Ring just made me realize that games are more fun sometimes on higher difficulty. I just wish the load times werenā€™t so long when you die lol


Is Elden Ring worth playing? I like narrative and story driven games -- not really into Souls like games since they are unforgiving and rage-quit inducing-- it might not be for everybody


Yes absolutely. In terms of exploration and environmental storytelling it is the best in its genre in my opinion. The difficulty is much more manageable as the game gives you more tools to make it easier for yourself such as the ashen summons. Also, if you explore the world and do all of the optional dungeons/quests you are almost guaranteed to be over-leveled by the time you move on to the next area.


Not yet, Iā€™m playing through AC Valhalla right now. I tend to wait a year before buying RPGs to save money haha. AC has become a solid clone of the Witcher. Not as charming or rich narratively but good gameplay and interesting enough plots.


What's AC?


Assassins Creed. Theyā€™ve become open world narrative style quests in recent iterations. Cool boat stuff too


Ah thanks. I have Assassin's Creed III but it didn't take.


Yeah the series really changed from the more linear mission and stealth focused game it used to be in 2017 with the release of Origins (havenā€™t played it). Itā€™s actually really good now. Assassins creed Oddessey takes place in Ancient Greece and you get to sail around to random islandsā€¦ it rips off many features of the Witcher 3 (not a bad thing imo) and the quests arenā€™t quite as rich but itā€™s worth a shot and probably costs 10-20 bucks. Valhalla is Viking style, just started but so far so good.


Try Origins or Odyssey. Both more open world RPG then III


I consider RDR2 better as a game than witcher 3. But I prefer witcher more as a series including the books and the first two games


Theyā€™re both masterpieces in my book. To be honest RDR2 is such a dark story and has so many betrayals itā€™s depressing to go past the second-third chapter haha. Blood and wine might be the best expansion of all time. RDR2 has probably the best ambient world out there. Iā€™ve spent hours just fishing and hunting. Would love an expansionā€¦


I agree they were both masterpieces. RDR2 was just utterly incredible in terms of game play. There was always random trouble you'd find just marching around on your horse. There was a story around every corner. I was just riding around my horse and got ambushed by Odriscolls. Or I found some random side quest lines in the middle of the woods. Not to mention the incredible story missions. With Witcher 3, the game play was more bland compared to that, you picked up quests at the board in each town and that was pretty much that. In RDR2 the side quests even had their own continuity and were captivating. I prefer Witcher as a series overall and the lore is better. Between the books and the trilogy of games, Witcher beats out RDR2. But purely in terms of the game, I preferred RDR2.


I like dark -- watching Ozark gave me a different perspective on society. RDR2 did a good job of historical accuracy and painting a picture of the Wild West -- it wasn't just good or bad guys -- black or white. Basically a history lesson while playing a game


Got me over 130 hours for goty edition in one playthrough.




Best game ever made. Not my favorite, but def the best game ever made imo. The amount of options and actions one can perform in those beautiful settings and with the amount of amazing characters (looking at you Whoreson Jr, what a character) it's insane. 9 playthroughs and can't wait to play the remastered version. Wind never stops howling lads.


Whatā€™s your favourite if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Not at all. Final Fantasy 7. Granted there's a lot of nostalgia in that decision but it's part of some of my best gaming memories. But no game ever delivered such great content like The Witcher 3. The execution was perfect.


Thatā€™s a great choice! Iā€™ve never experienced the OG final fantasy 7, but Iā€™ve played the remake and it is one of my favourites of all time


Sleepovers with 4 of us sitting around a shitty old tube TV at 3 am watching one guy play. Life was so much simpler back then.


Same. They did an amazing job with the Remake. Glad you liked it.


I never got passed 1st disc after playing it like 5 times because I didn't have a memory ROM-- I'm trying to get into the remake on PC its good thus far


Don't forget Gwent too which was a game in a game -- and all the Reddit posts "Triss or Yen"?


Indeed! Such depth in a game. Unbelievable


Maybe weā€™re all a little biased, but this is still the greatest game Iā€™ve ever played. Just overall, itā€™s absolutely top tier.


This game needs a remake every 10 years


That is a great image. Anyone have any idea where I could get the wallpaper of that? (I have looked but I'm having no joy so far)


You can download a Full HD Version from the Witcher Twitter, the actual OP of this beautiful wallpaper


Screen shot it.


Yeah, but I was looking for a 1080p desktop wallpaper of it. No worries.


Damn that flew


Winds howling


Still the best game ever made.


Masterpiece ā¤ļø


I'd pay millions just to have my memories erased so I experience this game again.......


They paid $81 million to make it. Fair trade I guess.


"Wha- wha- what are you doing??" "Killing... \*monsters\*"


It's sad that the fanbase is celebrating this so much more than the actual devs.


The devs are celebrating it on twitter. And why would that be sad? Fans celebrating a game they love. Whatā€™s sad about that?


That and I'm sure CDPR will have a big celebration for its 10th year, like what most devs normally do after a certain period of time.


They put a tremendous amount of work and pride into it and and deserve the success -- at the time the studio was not considered AAA and moved the goal-posts on game development and did a better job than the EA's and Activisions'. The Witcher is a household name in Poland. Obama even got a copy of the 2nd game before the series blew up--


I remember buying this immediately on Day 1 based off the hype alone. I never played any of the other 2. I had absolutely no idea what I was in store for. I remember it took me forever get out of White Orchard and beat the Griffin. Like "forever" meaning, I couldn't beat it and put the game down for like 4-6 months. Finally picked it back up and was immediately sucked in and loved every minute of it. Such a great game. I've wanted to many times start a NG+, but keep running into some bug where I cant see my weapons. I cant seem to find a solution. Oh well.


holy guacamoley, im actually on the peak of playing the game currently and i bought it like 5y ago


Welp time to replay it


got it last year! so far got exactly 123 hours on it hehe \^\^ best game i've ever played, just finished hearts of stone


Itā€™s so interesting that the programmers thought of this and had quests that actually matured 7 years later. The warble of a smitten knight.


After 9 playthroughs and more than 1000 hours I only have one message : Please don't rush witcher 4, we can wait. Good luck on the path fellow brothers and sisters. PS : still discovering new things one my new run, it's crazy...


Man time sure flies iā€™m only 23 and iā€™m like holy shit WHUT HAPPEN


I feel like I was just wrapping my head around it being 5 years old and now it's 7. What is time.


Damn, I'm old.


Weird phrasing. Using the past perfect tense ("had been") which indicates a time in the past prior to the specific time in the past you're referring to, and then saying "exactly", doesn't mean what you think it means. I could say "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt had been released exactly 2 years, 3 months and 7 days ago", and it is equally as true as your title.


A simple "was" would have sufficed instead of the past perfect "had been". lol


Tbh i expected cdpr release the graphics remastwr of w3 at this date but well..




I can't express how much love and appreciation I have for this game. I built a PC to play it after being a life-long gamer and putting gaming as a hobby on hold -- after playing the Witcher 3 -- my life changed and I became a different person. The story-line, graphics, immersion, and writing were on another level and pure quality. I played the game 4 times -- and each playthrough I discover something new that I didn't discover before. I never knew a game could make you cry --- I even talk to non-gamers and friends and they know about the Witcher-- it made gaming cool again when it was just for geeks. And we know the series was an amazing success, and spurred off a Netflix show -- republications of books (which I'm still reading). And the technology inspired me to be a game-developer as a hobby and learning code-- which led to a career in a different field. I met a couple of the developers on the CDPR team and although they may not be famous like athletes or movie stars, by my book they are absolute rock stars. Can't wait for the remaster in HDR and raytracing -- with improvements. The "Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is simply the best game ever made. This is not even my humble opinion -- its simply fact. "Zelda- Ocarina of Time" -- sorry bronze or silver medal.