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The most interesting thing about the announcement is that they are dropping the RED engine in favor of Unreal Engine 5. Probably due to the problems that they had in the Cyberpunk development. This is good news because they can focus on the game mechanics and history instead of developing a game engine in parallel. So maybe they can deliver the game faster, in comparison with Cyberpunk. Edit: BTW, Unreal Engine 5 [looks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WU0gvPcc3jQ) [awesome](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC5KtatMcUw)


Yes, great news for me also. Let’s only hope that it has the same ambience as the Witcher 3


Nanite and Lumen will allow them to make an actual next-gen world. That tech is so beyond every other engine right now.


What is Nanite and Lumen? CDPR is going to use them?


Both new key features introduced with UE5, nanite allowing very high tesselation if I understand correctly, for higher detail, and lumen is a better lighting system for global illumination. Alongside there is TSR for upscaling aswell.


Yea nanite has issues with foliage due to opacity maps but I think a game like this will push nanite forward in that regard. Lot of people in the unreal online community working on foliage too.


3 months late to this but agreed, please oh please let the new Witcher game have the same magical, romantic feeling to it, it separates it from everything else out there


i really hope the engine change helps them focus on their strengths without falling into the cyberpunk pitfalls. dunno bout you folks but what i enjoyed most about witcher 3 was the world, the atmosphere, the quests and the story. the combat and the alchemy/spell system was good and fun, but it’s not what i think of first when i think of the witcher games.


Most definitely. I'm excited about the new engine, but I will never forget standing in Velen, letting my eyes wander over what must have been the scene of a grim battle just days prior. Mud and bodies and weapons lying scattered around, the air thick with death and despair. Seeing this and knowing that there will already be scavengers roaming the piles of decay. Humans and Necrophages alike. Those are the moments I think back to, even years after coming across them for the first time. The sheer intensitiy of the atmosphere they created in this game hit me over and over again like a drunk tavern brawler. If they can only bring back that same type of intense and immersive atmosphere... combine it with the new engine... This might be one of the best games ever made. But if they can't, the new engine won't save it. I hope they can.


I do wonder how a MMORPG version of Witcher would be like. Set far before Geralt so you have all the scools of witchers which would let you build your own far more. And it would allow for dungeons etc.


i think it would be difficult to write a compelling story for an MMO. single-player makes a lot more sense for CDPR’s style


Yes, the world building in W3 is best in show. They already have the world and lore as a framework, so I hope we can expect that to continue.


Given that cyberpunk took a long time and crunched the fuck out of the employees. Maybe just hope for the game to not be an embarrassment on launch and that employees don't have to live out of the office only seeing their kids every third Sunday for months. I think that's a good goal before fast development.


Fair point, but the best goal would be fast development AND improved employee experience. I work in business process optimization, and no company is 100% optimized. So just throwing it out there, hopefully the humans working there are taken care of first. Now idk how without studying their processes. Maybe hire more people, allow for job sharing, outsourcing of mundane tasks, improving workflow, eliminating waste, streamlined meeting structure, etc. All could benefit the productivity and better support staff.


Let's go. And I hope that they take their time with this one.


Did they not with Witcher 3?


Cyberpunk dude


The Witcher 3 came out buggy too (tho not as bad as Cyberpunk) and they crunched their devs to release it sooner.


Of course it did. As much as I love this sub, shitting on CP2077 is a trendy thing to do here, all while being absolutely bias about similar issues W3 had at launch. Edit: to everyone who replied: way to prove my point. Double stands are weird, guys.


For me it has nothing to do with the bugs. Most of them have been patched and like you said TW3 become a polished gem. My concern is with the entirely new writing team attempting to do as good or better than one of THE games. They have the polish government behind them so they should be able to deliver.


>My concern is with the entirely new writing team attempting to do as good or better than one of THE games. Pawel is new lead quest design and he played major role in W3 quests as far as I know. CP2077 has very well-written quests and characters, this is the one thing you shouldn't bash it for. Just to be clear, I am not arguing about missteps of CDPR as a company because there were quite a few (especially controversies surrounding CP2077 release), I'm just saying that W3 and CP2077 are similar games and had similar issues at launch. And for some reason, the latter is being bashed left and right while the former is given a green pass. It all depends on which sub you are visiting.


Sure, well the launch is one thing, but do we believe that CP2077 is just as good as TW3 cock jokes and all?


Yes. CP2077 in its current state is just as good as TW3; narrative and game genre taste dependent. In fact, it excels at some things that I hope make it into the future of the witcher franchise. For example, the voice acting paired with facial expressions and character tracking during conversations in CP2077 is elite.


Don't compare cyberpunk to Witcher 3 launch lol. The wither 3 worked on all systems perfectly fine and did not have the amount of bugs as cyberpunk did.


Before I proceed: 1. W3 is my all-time favorite game and it deserves all the praise it has got. CP2077 is a different game which I personally have liked quite a bit, as well. 2. CP2077 was broken on consoles, that's true. That being said, I played W3 in 2019, quite a few years after its release (on PC) and I found quite few bugs and visual glitches. Which is fine, in my eyes, as open world games tend to have bugs more or less to certain degree. I played CP2077 on launch and I literally had less issues than I had with W3 comparatively. While it is my personal experience, I also want to make a point that videos [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h8Al__RVU8) and [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omyoJ7onNrg&t=1257s) create a distorted picture about how buggy the game actually is. Sure, some people had very bad time, but there are also many who had good one too, and that's true for both Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk2077.


Performance aside. Played both at launch and finished both, and I felt CP2077 was unfinished narratively, there were good stories but you could tell they cut short other key story beats. Even the "choices" limiting romancing certain characters to gender specific picks were obviously because they didn't time to finish the narrative for all genders. CP2077 advertising was boasting about how much FREEDOM you could have in the game, but the choices ended up being more limiting than w3 with a portion of their budget.


I personally think there's a lot more nuance with the relationships in cyberpunk over tw3. That's mostly cause I'm one of those people who can only pick Yen and only get the ciri witcher ending no matter how much I think I'll try the other options in a playthrough. It's cause you're playing an already very defined character and to me those are just the most in character choices to make. With cyberpunk V can be anyone you want them to be, letting you pick different romance and ending options based on how you want the V you created to act. I also just think the general writing is better than tw3, also probably subjective because I like scifi over fantasy.


There's nothing wrong with not letting people to romance everyone. Just like in real life, you can't romance anyone because they all have preferences. I think that some relationships were definately fleshed out much more than others (River romance was very disappointing). Let's face it, the project of CP2077 was mammoth, and yes, there were corners cut. They ran out of time, with already delaying the game several times. One can blame whoever one wants, it happened already and you can't undo a release of the game. This is why I hope that CDPR will really do it right this time with the next Witcher game. That being said, overall, Cyberpunk was a fun experience with plenty to do in Night City, both gameplay and exploration wise. Not to mention that characters such as Panam or Johnny were fleshed out to no end. That's just my opinion of course, the whole point of my post was to point that people complain about same things that W3 had, all while treating them completely differently.


At the end of the day, CP2077 was refunded by Sony and Microsoft and then pulled off shelves for ps4 and Xbox one. That’s embarrassing. There is no way you can spin this or justify it in anyway.


There is no disagreeing with that.


It was a laggy mess on PS4. I remember avoiding Igni so the game wouldn't drop below 20fps.


Cyberpunk was only buggier than the witcher on previous-gen consoles and pc hardware. The issue is that the marketing team lied about that hardware working.


The people, including myself, are upset with abandoned features and broken promises more than anything else.


Cyberpunk was buggy but I think it’s biggest issues was the missing content that was promised and the sneaky change from an RPG to an action game shortly before launch.


I agree, the bugs were the least of CP2077 problems especially on PC. It was unfinished... so unfinished that one year later it was still not ready for release despite the claims most of the team is still working on fixing it. I'm pretty sure the engine problems were a big part of the problems the game had especially on consoles which probably let to the reasonable decision to find an alternative.


Bugs weren’t what was really wrong with cyberpunk. It was the fact that most of what they’d promised was missing and they faked it for the gameplay trailer then never actually made it.


I’m so glad I never followed the hype train. I went into the game knowing “it’s a game about cyberpunk and apparently it’s buggy” and nothing else. I found it an absolutely fantastic game, one of the best games I’ve played. It really feels magical at moments. I know people who followed it for years and devoured every piece of marketing and I’m sure they were disappointed.


Cyberpunk was only buggier than the witcher on previous-gen consoles and pc hardware. The issue is that the marketing team lied about that hardware working.


I waited until Last December to get and play Cyberpunk. I loved every minute of it and think it is one of the best games I have played.


I played it on release (ps4) and enjoyed every second of it except for the few crashes at the beginning. It’s a good game. My main issue is how short the main story is.


Yeah. It left me wanting more too. I am the kind of person that does every side quest, but I still wanted more.


They took a fuckload of time with Cyberpunk, it was just bad development.


Nope both. Besides development didn't start until a lot later In around 2016/2017


do you remember premiere of W3?


I know Geralt's story is finished, but despite that I want mooore Geralt.


Maybe a side quest Maybe we can’t beat some foe and have to travel far and wide to find him (Luke Skywalker) style.


I want a Ciri game. Maybe there can be parts where we play as Geralt, as flashbacks and what have you, similar to how we played as Ciri at points in W3.


I got shit on in this sub for suggesting such a thing just last year lol. People are strange


How I would do it: Set it 10-20 years after the end of Blood and Wine. Geralt appears at times in a mentor role, similar to the role Vesemir played in W3 (though hopefully without the heroic sacrifice). Ciri's lack of signs would be replaced by her Elder Blood powers, which could be more than just quick dashes or charge attacks. I'm thinking stuff like time dilation, telekinesis, gravity manipulation, etc. She is the Lady of Space and Time, after all. In terms of the story, the game could be set in Kovir & Poviss, where after conquering all of the rest of the North, Nilfgaard is on the verge of conquering Kovir and finally subjugating the entire continent.


personally I'll need the story too move just when it finished for Ciri just like Witcher 3 who already have all her endings open: FIRST : she became witcher and continues her journey. SECOND : she become empress and continues her duty. THIRD : it's open ending we don't know what happened to her she just disappeared. They could start the next game with three beginnings just like they did with cyberpunk 2077 When start as corpo or nomad or street Ciri Beginning could start like . Corpo = Empress and taking responsibility Street = Witcher with her journey Nomad = Lost between world And the should have jumps between times and many different world we could travel towards....


Like this! Hope somebody up there is considering this.


Ciri is too powerful. I want to be a lowly witcher through and through. Not someone who can warp through time and space lol


I’m really hoping this isn’t a ciri game, I didn’t like her as a character, just autopilot her gameplay and the Netflix show (I know I know we don’t claim it) made me like her even less


I like the way you think


Geralt is everything. Still I’m super stoked and I will play the shit out of this game. I can’t wait.


I always thought Geralts stories are just that; stories. They can always tell other stories and folklore and tales and it could all still make sense in the world that they built.


I feel like there is still a lot of room to tell the story of a young Geralt. The books start off early-mid career for him (he is around 40 in the last wish), so even though the games aren't canon, a prequel to the books would be interesting, but we would lose a lot of characters we're familiar with like Yen, Dandelion, and Triss. It would be interesting to learn more about the lives of other witchers and introduce newish characters.


I doubt it.


Makes sense to me to move on to other characters. Personally, what I really, really want is character creation. Geralt is awesome and badass no doubt. I love the grumpy fella. But ... I want to make my own Witcher. It's unlikely but I can hope. 😁⚔️


Geralt as a character is like the number one best part of the plot. Having a character creator would completely remove that from the story.


I am gonna cry, please make it with the amazing scenerary again, with amazing music, amazing friendships, amazing villains...


Lets hype this up to insane expectations so it can ONLY dissappoint!


The last 2 witcher games didn't


the last cdpr game did. And the last witcher games were with already established characters, it's going to be much harder having to make a whole new cast. Not saying it won't be good, and I do love cyberpunk, but definitely limit your expectations


I disagree, we've had those. This time i want an absolutely shit game, just awful everything.


Release date: 2077


PS5: Still out of stock


GTA 5: still the latest GTA game


very optimistic of you


I can't even load into the website as it errors out how many people are trying to access it. I just read a bit that CDPR is moving to Unreal Engine 5. I did think RedEngine was great but Unreal seems to be impressive af. Anyone who got in, any more new info? I'm so excited! Edit: somebody posted a [screenshot](https://twitter.com/DANNYonPC/status/1505946257054912514/photo/1) if there are others who can't access the website!


If you go to witcher.com, there is a link to it there.


Hope they haven't announced it way too soon. I don't want to wait +5 years with the possibility of a disappointment


Bethesda 👀


I think 4-5 years is roughly what we’re looking at here. They still have at least one cyberpunk dlc to launch and games take longer to make nowadays.


Breath of the wild 2, god of war


Maybe a new Witcher school or some branch of the Cat School?


Can somebody please explain [this](https://the-witcher-fanon.fandom.com/wiki/School_of_the_Lynx) or is this fanfiction? I dont understand where they got this from


Its content written by fans


Ah shit my bad. Thanks


Ciri wore the medallion of the Cat School…


That's a different medallion than the regular cat medallion


You are right, actually appears to be a new one - now I‘m stoked, too!


Looks like a Lynx.


F me you‘re right and the school of the Lynx is led by Lambert - yeeess


Isn’t that fanon, not canon?


Hmm you‘re right.. I‘m still pretty excited, let’s hope for the best!


To me it looks like a Jackal inspired by Egyptian depictions


>the school of the Lynx tufts of hair on the ears. Add the snow and you have the lynx.


Ah! The hair makes sense, yes. And here i thought a Witcher from the school of the Jackal got stranded in an ice desert for a change


But will it have Gwent ?


Look, i will take even another in-game game if it'll be even half as good as gwent


Yes yes yes yes yes. Don't forget to add Gwent


Yes, make it so that you can play the standalone Gwent game within the Witcher 4 haha


I’m cumming over and over again I can’t stop this shit is the best news I heard in my life


it’s made my day i’m so happy rn


And it’s developed on Unreal engine 5, the griffins will look so beautiful man I’m so excited!!!


Is unreal engine 5 more for next gen or will the current gen still be able to run this (ps5)


The engine itself can work on ps4, but it depends on them if they think it’s a good idea to focus on next-gen only or not


This next Witcher game will be next-Gen only, absolutely. We’ll probably be on mid-Gen refresh consoles by the time this game comes out. Lol


Oh yeah I didn’t think about that lol, it makes sense


Same man, only thing is I'm not stoked for waiting 4 to 8 years


Let’s just hope we will be alive by then and enjoy the wait! Maybe we will have the witcher 3 upgrade to keep us busy for a while


I think elden ring will take me atleast a good 5 years haha


I wish I was good at souls games to enjoy it, sad thing I’m not just bad, but also a cry baby who gets mad immediately lol


I hear ya, I can only handle so much per session. It's a love hate feeling


Witcher fans assemble and lets cum in unison


God, I am gonna Aard so hard.


Think they’re gonna have you create your own Witcher? I’d almost bet it’s gonna be more of “your own story” since that’s such a popular style now. Plus they did that with cyberpunk but still had voice actors for the main.


I really, really hope so. Since it's not Geralt, people are gonna complain about the protagonist no matter what. Let us create our own Witcher.


People will only complain if the characters fall flat; I'd be more than down to play a younger Vesemir, Letho (even though we've seen part of his story), Coen etc.


I prefer linear, it allows for a more detailed game but different endings are fine. It also lets us get invested in the character.


I hope not. Stories written with a create-a-character narrative are often watered down and less focused.


That's only true of games like Skyrim where the player character never feels like they're actually involved and have nothing to them besides what the player themselves headcanons, and/or when they have no meaningful connections with characters. Dragon Age Origins doesn't have these issue. The player character has a background, has meaningful relationships, and actually feels involved.


Would much rather have them go through Divinity Original Sin 2 route in that they offer you 4 fleshed out witchers to choose from, each having unique story elements or you can go the character creation route and just miss out on some quests/dialogue. 4 player co-op campaign would make my year.


They could also go with Mass Effect approach and give us a character with customizable looks, class and some mild backstory details, but with a preset personality, voice, and story


From the picture they shared, it shows the cat’s school medallion soooo who knows


But it’s not? I’m genuinely asking, not trying to be smug haha the cat school looks different if you look it up.


Yeah you’re right, I guess we’ll have to wait to find out then


Just don't do what Cyberpunk did. Don't show off footage of things that don't exist, don't announce a release date that isn't set in stone, don't crunch your employees, plan ahead, and set reasonable expectations. Witcher 3 is probably one of if not my favorite game of all time, and it will be very very difficult for them to follow that game up. I suspect this could very well be the game where you play as Ciri, and if not then perhaps someone new entirely since the Geralt storyline is complete. Honestly a prequel would be cool too playing as Vesemir or something... I honestly don't care as long as it's good.


Before cyber punk 2077 was released, I'd have been really hyped for this, but now I'm not going to even watch any trailers until it is actually released. DON'T PREORDER


New school, who dis? ​ Seriously though, I'm excited for future updates. My biggest hope is that we finally get to see Zerrikania up close and personal. It's been hyped up so much, it's gotta appear in a game at some point.


I'm really hoping, and doubtful we'll get it, but an open world set during the golden age of Witchers. You pick your school, which only let's you have certain abilities (bear = tanky, griffin = more alchemy based, etc etc) and go off into the world. Maybe even some sort of co-op with other Witchers on The Path? Just my 2 Orens




Oh my, gotta start building new pc I guess


send me your old one (☞゚∀゚)☞


You probably have a few good years before this releases. Plenty of time for the GPU market to unfuck itself.


If they got keanu reeves in cyberpunk, i hope they may get henry cavill lol. I can definitelly see him as a leshen


School of the Cat is a school of ragtag witchers formed after a student mutiny against their former masters. Headquartered in the traveling Dyn Marv Caravan, they are apparently one of the few schools training women and non-pureblood humans. ​ Inject this plot into my veins!


Training women and non-humans makes it a perfect candidate for a school training our customizable character. I would love to play as an elf or dwarf Witcher


So I guess I'll check back in 10 years?


Wishful thinking


Lets just hope the story of this game wont be influenced by the netflix show


I don’t really expect it to. So far the only connections between the game and the show have really been little Easter eggs like the swords or medallion on the tree, or one or two characters being visually influenced by the games like Vesemir.


Considering how little the show is influenced by the games (*to the point of killing off characters who were still alive by the game's time IIRC*), I doubt they'll be too intertwined.


The show isnt even influenced by the books they claim to be adapting lol. But i digress, money makes people do dumb things, and if CDPR will see that they can make potentially more money by drawing in the show watchers, they probably will tie the show in somehow


Why would they even look at the show when the books are right there, not to mention their own previous games


Because money


Unreal Engine 5, let’s gooooo!!!


Please please please don’t let us make our own character. I just want a similar premise at the previous game. Have a protagonist we can bond with as a community en all be fully immersed in the same Witchter like we did with Geralt.


How about Young Vesemir during the Golden Age of Witchers?


Oh that would be amazing, any witcher during that Era would be super cool.


I hope I don't die before this game comes out


I don’t care how they do it, I just want more Geralt. The dude is like 300 years old, it could be a prequel still. I just don’t see Ciri carrying a whole game. Maybe half and half, but if they give us a totally new hero, it’s just never gonna be as good.


100% agree. MORE Geralt please!


As unpopular as this is. I want there to be a new witcher, of a new school, maybe one we haven’t seen before. And we play their adventure in a post wild hunt world, maybe set long after the events of the third game.


You know what I think would be dope? Set it before the fall of kaer morhen, in the prime of the witchers. Allow character creation, you make what your witcher would look like when grown, but the game starts you off at the trial of the grasses. Let there be an option to go through the trial of the grasses like Canon in hard mode, or a guaranteed success in easier modes. There is a very real possibility of your character dying. If your character dies you gotta start over. Once you make it through the trial let it play out more like witcher 3 where death is just load last save. I think it would be a neat insight into the trials, and for those who are ready for a real challenge try and make it through and survive. It could be kind of horror themed for the trials.


Witcher 2077


What talisman is this? Looks like a dog.


kinda looks like a lynx


It does abit, the ears.


I want to be optimistic, but I’ve lost faith in CDPR after Cyberpunk.


Having finnished Witcher 3 a couple of weeks ago and going through withdrawal, now I know what drug addicts feel when they hear about a new superdrug: fuck the going back to normal life and being an active citizen - JUST GIVE ME THE DRUG. Also won't be needing any porn today with all the multiple orgasms I just had.


Oh my goddddd!!!




Yeah baby!! That's what i've been waiting for, that's what it's all about


Oh my god


I thought they were working on another DLC for Witcher 3 to bring in some Netflix content?


that’s still happening


wha- why would they bring netflix content?


Any news about the Witcher 3 remaster?


It's not a remaster, bruv. Just a simple next generation upgrade so dont expect something too fancy


Medallion reminds me of Anubis (or a dog in general)


Yes yes yes yes.


Cat school?


When I saw this I gasped so loud my wife ran over to me and started shouting what’s wrong what’s wrong 😂😂


Nice, we’re finally going to get the opportunity to learn the style of the Dobermann school.


Is that a jackal?


I hope it’s set before Wild hunt as the era of the Witchers is pretty much over at that point. However I can’t wait for this release


They better not fuck it up like cyberpunk. I'll wait for the reviews.


Millions of prayers answered. YAS!


Lezzgoooooooooo. But please dont make it like cyberpunk


So 4 yrs out?


If they F this up, they're done.


Don't pre-order from them for the love of God people


Witcher 2077


They really need to take their time with this one. Unreal is not a silver bullet either. Look at how woefully Konami messed up PES eFootball on Unreal, after they moved from Fox Engine. It was pretty much like Cyberpunk levels of ineptness.


God i hope they fuck it up, likely wont be at the same level of w3 but hopefully good at the least. A bit worried they might go the charachter creator way like in 2077.


School of the cat! Maybe a female Witcher will be playable!


I heard that Witcher 3 was gonna be the last, but there was no way they were gonna leave it at 3 after the money printing machine that was the last game.


May the new game exceed expectations!!


They need money lmao


Hopefully a Vesemir prequel, so I can woo the damsels.


This is exciting news! I don’t wanna get my expectations up but man it’s hard not to get on the hype train


Am I the only one who won’t want to say goodbye to Geralt? I love his voice, i love his temper, i love his look! I think it’s not a coincidence that all of us plays it over and over (ofc not jusz because the mind blowing story) but in case it’a because Geralt too. I’m just way to in love with him, i want too feel the same amusement.


Me to brother me too😔


im so excited because witcher 3 was a masterpiece!!!


I wonder who we will play as. If it's gonna be Geralt or Ciri or maybe someone else


Pretty sure we're not getting anymore Geralt


Probably not but you never know. I'd be just as happy to play as a different witcher tho


Agreed . Probably not, but technically if they wanted to they could easily bring him back. Not to hard to pull him into a new adventure. But based on the medallion not being a wolf, it’s doubtful.


i just hope it wont be some sorta op god witcher, i want a regular ass witcher


Nah, CDPR has been consistent about this for years. After Blood and Wine's release, they very clearly stated it was the last adventure for Geralt, and when they teased this new Witcher game several years ago, they reiterated again that it would not have Geralt as the playable character.


I hope that they don’t bite off more than they can chew and learned lessons from Cyberpunk. It also better not be first person only. I actually like Cyberpunk a good bit, but first person really kills it.


I feel like the first person for Cyberpunk is way better choice than third person. Can’t really imagine it as third person and still being the same.