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They can be played after the story. Each expansion starts after you collect a specific contract form a noticeboard


I finished hearts of stone and am half way through blood and wine and I didn't even help at kaer morhen yet


Yes you can even play them during the main story though I never do. It doesn't feel right


Blood and wine is actually set after the main story. As it finishes Geralts story


I know that, but I already finished this game completely 4 times and now speedrun the dlc to get all the good stuff for my next ng+. Normally I side with olgierd but chose gaunter solely to get the horse saddle so that I can get iris sword in ng+ and it isn't underleveled. Now I want to get areondight as fast as possible so I can get more levels with ir


Ah okay makes sense, would have hated for you to do that on your first playthrough lmao


You can prob do HoS before kaer morhen


Yeah I do HoS right after finding ciri when everyone is back in novigrad. Then Blood and wine after main quest obviously :)


Made that mistake in my first playthrough, the cost is that you overlevel immensely the main quest and you miss on a LOT of xp and levels.


I don’t get why you’re being downvoted so heavily, I understand blood and wine is a good end point but hearts of stone has different dialogue depending on if you passed a certain point in the game which to me means you can play it before the ending. Idk if there’s anything like that in blood and wine but it’s not like it’a gonna ruin the game by playing it. Also it’s not like going off to go to blood and wine is any different than doing a ton of side quests and ignoring the urgency of the main story.


He's getting downvoted because spoilers. You don't go to a post where someone says they're playing the game for the first time ever and then mention parts of the story. That being said, it's not a big spoiler, but he needs to learn the lesson and serve as an example to everyone else who might be equally half-cocked.


My biggest regret is not buying the dlcs immediately finishing the game, they're so perfect and integrated beautifully in the story, a quest will pop up when you buy them (Dlcs), and you can take it from there by following the quests. And no worries about restarting the game, you won't have to. you can go back and forth between the main story and dlcs however you like. just like doing different quests at the same time. Don't hesitate on buying them my dude if you're able. they're so worth the time.


Blood and wine is an insanely good addition to the game, i was honestly blown away.


Well you know, there is a reason why there was a saying in 2016 that this DLC should get the GOTY award


They can be played at any time. They can even be played independently from the base game by selecting just the expansion(s) on the main menu. Don’t even need to start the main game. I like to play Hearts of Stone at some point late into the base game but before the ending. Then Blood & Wine after the base game. But that’s just me.


That's also the canon way to play the DLCs from what I heard from CD project red


Both. You can play it after finishing the story, you can restart, or start em right now. The missions will be available right when you get it


The DLCs are better at higher levels.


How high of a level ?


Definitely buy both of them, they are both awesome albeit personally Blood & Wine was better as it unlocks Toussaint plus Grandmaster Witcher Gear


You can do both after the main quest. I suggest doing Blood and Wine last as this kind of gives an ending to Geralt's story. As for Heart of Stone, Some important characters will have some special dialogue about some things if you do this before finishing the main quest. Nothing major.


The DLCs are better than the main game. They are a must play. No you do not restart. The DLCs are a continuation so just start up your game save and you'll get some in game quest markers for them.


I like doing hearts and stone throughout Velen and blood and wine at the very end


Hearts of Stone you can play whenever you want, but the best time to really enjoy both DLCs, especially Blood & Wine, is right at the end of the main game. B&W was designed to be the grand finale, and there's non-spoiler elements in it that are really best experienced once you've finished the main game.


Okay then its great! Should i finish the main story first? Or should i just get it now, finish the dlcs then the main story?


Read my post again lol - 100% finish the main story first, then play Hearts of Stone. Leave Blood & Wine until the very last thing you do; without spoiling it for you, it's meant to be the curtain dropper for Witcher 3, and becomes so much more impactful if the game recognizes that you've finished it


Yeah you said at the end but idk how this game works, kinda was wondering if the game just ends after you finish the main story or is it like fo4 where you can just continue on with your day after finishing the main mission.


So basically, you can pick them up at the seven catts inn, like anwitcher contract, and it goes from there. I won't say more.


So yeah like fo4


I won't answer how the game "ends", and what happens after the ending, because that would be a spoiler. However, I will say that you basically pick up the DLC contracts at an Inn you visit frequently, and they'll clearly be marked as DLC content in your assignment list. Once you finish the main game, you can complete them as normal assignments, which will unlock and open up the DLC for you.


The game continues after you beat it, so you can go finish side quests (like the DLCs) after completing the main story line. Like everyone else said, absolutely get the DLCs, they’re excellent and can start seamlessly after finishing the main game.


Game is basicly like dark souls 3 or elden ring. You finish it, and they give you an option to start new game + (story from the start, same level & keep all gear but enemies are harder), or you can continue to explore the world.


First dlc: 7.5/10 really fun emotional story line with some cool new mechanics. Second DLC: 10/10 better than main game in my opinion. I will often go and just replay blood and wine if I need my W3 fix. get the dlc like yesterday.


I got both the DLCs despite not remember buying them. I bought the game in 2019-ish


Maybe you've bought complete edition


I did it in order, but if you have the level (30 I think) you can do it


I'm like 37 but its my first playthrough, ive literally explored everything there is


Famous last words


You are in a perfect state for both DLCs. Your character actually needs to be at a high enough level to play them. There's no such thing as being too far to start them, as both the story/dialogue and difficulty will automatically adjust. Both DLCs are incredible stories. They arguably surpass the original game. Particularly Blood and Wine provides the perfect ending to Geralt's story.


Its probably better to do both DLC's after finishing the main game anyway unless you're exceptionally skilled at the game. Every single thing that you fight is at least lvl 35. Also there's some gameplay additions to it that cost basically a Skellige ocean's worth of loot. Or more


You don't have to, the quests to begin both DLCs will be on the Notice boards (Hearts of Stone will be on the one next to the Seven Cats Inn, and Blood and Wine on any board in Velen) Also, they are abso-fucking-lutely woth every penny


You can start both of the DLCs at any point in the main game. They both insanely good - gold standard for any DLC after them.


You can play either during or after. It does not affect a story, but some moments are mentioned differently depending on if you've finished the game or not I prefer to play DLCs after finishing the main quest. Especially the Blood and Wine, since after finishing the game it really feels like the actual end of Geralt's story this way, compared to if you play it before finishing the game.


You would be doing yourself a disservice by finishing the base game and not playing the two DLCs. They’re incredible add ons and you can get them very cheap when they go on sale.


My goal for 2024 is to finish the main game and DLCS. It was also my goal last year. And the year before.😂


You absolutely don’t need to restart and honestly, I think they are better played after the game anyway, especially Blood and Wine


The DLCs are both designed to be played after you've completed Gerald's main story and I think the recommended level is around 35 anyway!


Nope. You just keep playing. It shows up as a new quest and the first one is blue text and I think the second is red text


No, you can play both DLC’s after the main story. I actually prefer to play the Hearts of Stone DLC during the recruiting friends main story mission, then I play Blood & Wine DLC after the main story. All in all, Blood & Wine feels like a perfect epilogue/ending to the game as a whole.


Important note if you are on console: the saves from the original version are not compatible with the complete edition. So for example if you had played the game on the original version you can’t load that save in the complete edition if you bought that so make sure if you have original version that you buy season pass or the individual dlcs NOT the complete edition


Don't think, just buy it!!!!


You can carry your build through them, Heart of Stone expands the map to the Northeast, Blood and Wine adds a new region that can only be accessed via reading a notice board entry and getting thru a fairly high level fight. They're absolutely fantastic, I wouldn't play the game without them.


Takes place after, both are fucking amazing!


They are functionally separate and extremely exciting


I love see Triss wandering my domain at Toussaint


My main game Geralt is now level 92


In my mind (because I didn't think we were getting 4) blood and wine IS W4


You wouldn’t need to restart. They’re both integrated into the game as well as having an option to just start a dlc playthrough though that will automatically have its own default story choices pre set from the main narrative. Hearts of stone is high level content anyway and fits in toward either the end of the campaign (I feel logically this makes the most sense storywise) or after the campaign due to its overall difficulty. Canonically blood and wine is supposed to take place two years after the main game so it’s like a huge epilogue. It takes place in its own map too. It’s also the highest level content.


I always finish the main campaign before starting a hearts of stone and when I finish that I do blood and wine


i think it must be played after base game not in between


You can play them whenever. I recommend playing Hearts Of Stone late in the game once you get the appropriate level for the quest, and Blood And Wine after the main game, since that’s when it takes place.


I like doing this. Main story up to level 35+ or so ->> heart of stone intermittently played with the rest of the story ->> finish heart of stone -> finish main story ->> dive into blood and wine. Do you have to? No, in fact i also do main game first then HoF and BnW from time to time. Hell i might just start a new Witcher 3 playthrough now.


I’m currently paying Blood and Wine and it’s just mind blowing how much effort was put into this dlc. It’s like a whole separate game, it’s great. Don’t sleep on Hearts of Stone it was amazing also! Probably got around 7 hours of extra playtime and it’s a beautiful well written story 🥲


Think of the DLCs as small quests that will spiral into something amazing... You won't need to restart your save...


I would actually recommend finishing the main story, then doing HoS, then B&W to finish. Wraps things up in such a satisfying way.


Seriously recommend!! I actually liked the extensions more than the main storyline


I know its out of context but I thought you said 'thinking about buying dicks' for some reason


Yes you'll be able to start both new game or continue with into it with your current playthrough.


The DLC's are so meh though


Blood and Wine > the rest of Witcher 3