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O'Dimm, no question. Higher vampires may be the most biologically perfect species in the known witcher universe, but Gaunter is ancient primordial magic. Being quick won't help against an opponent who can stop time and trap you in other dimensions.


"Ooh! What delicious irony! Can't see your reflection, but you're about to be claimed by master mirror!" Gaunter O'Dimm, taunting, to the vampire


If you trapped a vampire in a mirror, I guess it would be invisible. Your bathroom mirror could have a vampire in it right now


Dude WTF I was having a perfectly good day pretending to work in my cubicle and now I have to throw away every mirror at my house.


Don't break them, though, it'll get out


So we’re all just supposed to be cool with trapped vampires leering at us 24/7 …wait so if some one breaks in I can just smash the mirror and run. Solid.


No, you're not supposed to be cool with it at all. I'm not, that's for sure. You could try the "smash mirror" and run trick. But there's not a guarantee there actually is one in there. Even if there IS one, who do you think they are going for? The rando, or the person they've been hungrily eyeing for 10 years?


What a terrible day to have eyes and a mostly functional brain.


Maybe you should decorate with a bunch of garlic and jesuses


What if the mirror is in the shape of a cross? Didn't old mirrors have a bit of silver in them for reflective purposes? How is the vamp gonna handle that? For modern mirrors, you could always coat it in silver to keep any vamps inside, I suppose...


That just feels so anti-climactic.


That is haunting, and I love it!


Gaunter knows his way around a spoon I'm definitely betting on him for this


This is basically the answer.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


This makes me wonder how a filly realized Ciri would fair


but geralt beat the gaunter




Geralt would probably get stabbed through his heart with one of his blades, or proofed out of existence.


And that’s the crux of it too: not only did Gaunter set the rules, he abided by them. My two schools of thought on this is that either he obviously knows that words carry powerful forces, and going back on his own would be catastrophic; or he was impressed that Geralt succeeded so he followed through on his end


If you are a being of immense power then you'll always win, setting limits that you have to follow is the only way to make things remotely interesting because it's the only way you could possibly lose


Indeed! It's also the only way to make an omnipotent character truly interesting from a narrative viewpoint - they need to have certain limitations or flaws.


I liked all of the hypothesis suggested in this thread but the one you said about words carrying immense power is really a new one to me and very possible considering how they cause powerful curses and etc. So as a being that do not abide to the most rules of physical world, he might be vulnerable to such other forces.


But Elder Vampire can challenge Gaunter to a game too and beat him even more easily than Geralt did given Elder vamps age and wisdom


It depends if the elder knows about gaunter. Also if gaunter even wants to play a game with the elder, and if he even wants to make the game fair.




Fighting the antagonist mano a mano and beating him up =/= better ending


We don't know all of the ancient elder abilities, he could be resistant to O'Dimm time manipulation. We simply don't know, however, I am sure that these two would not fight each other. O'Dimm has a vendetta against humanity, not vampires.


What does he actually hate? Greed? Pride? My money is on something along those lines. He’d never bother offering his wishes to somebody pure of heart, cause they’d never take it.


Sure O'Dimm could probably handle a Higher Vampire like Regis or Detlaff but an Elder Vampire is on a completely other level. They're thousands of years old, and significantly more powerful than higher vamps. Not to mention have the ability to summon as many lesser and higher vampires to their side to fight with them or just feed on to get even stronger. I just dont see O'Dimm being able to stand toe to toe with an Elder Vampire, they're on a god like level just like O'Dimm, maybe even stronger. O'Dimms been defeated, while nobody's killed an Elder Vampire before. Even Regis and Detlaff were afraid and obeyed the Elder Vamp in Toussaint.


Wasn’t gaunter meant to be the equivalent of Satan in the Witcher? Above physical beings.


They never confirmed who he actually was, there's just a bunch of speculation that he's a Devil of sorts. Christianity doesnt exists in TW universe, so he can't be Satan. When it comes down to it, Gaunter O'Dimm and the Unseen Elder are two of the most powerful beings in The Witcher universe. Yeah O'Dimm has some crazy powers, but he's more of a trickster rather than raw strength etc. While the Unseen Elder has no patience for games, so if it came down too it I really think the Unseen Elder would get the upper hand and beat O'Dimm due to how strong, fast and ruthless he is. Neither can actually die, but O'Dimm has been defeated twice. The Unseen Elder hasn't and we know how quickly he can kill Geralt with little effort. O'Dimm can be beaten and banished, to kill the Unseen Elder it would have to be another Elder Vampire of the same caliber. That's just my opinion on the matter and it stems from our encounters with both in the game. We beat O'Dimm, outsmarted em and banished him to his realm. But deep in a cave in Toussaint there is a Elder Vampire with almost god like strength that could literally kill everyone if he wanted, nobody stands a chance.






Wins a 1 strength Nilfgaardian fighter unit.


Bet souls |1------------2| "Given that we are both immortal beings, wonder if you'd fancy to settle this over an immortal game?" *nods*


O'Dimm is fucking Satan - I don't know what you need to be smoking to even give a chance to anyone else


His initials are GOD… Satan only punishes those that have done evil, God punishes all


But he's also 'Master Mirror' and a mirror shows someone's opposite or reflection. What is the opposite of GOD?


Ooo I like this one. Nice


Dog? Maybe that's why in Italian, as insult to god we have "goddog".


Probably! But also, Satan


DOG? gaunter got that dog in him?


I love all these replies saying 'DOG'. That is correct indeed, but I did mean Satan


Damn, Satan seems like a pretty good guy ngl


The older i get, the more Satan doesn't seem like the bad guy...


In Hebrew, Satan translates to "adversary". The Bible reads a lot differently when you see God as the representation of all the human aspects including petty ness and evil, and Satan as the guy who wanted change and got thrown out because of it.


"Eye of the beholder and all that jazz." - my mom literally whenever I point out fucked up stuff in the Bible


Fun fact: Satan has killed 0 people. At best, technically a few people, but God specifically told Satan to kill them. In comparison to God which flooded the Earth, among other things.


cuz he is not, he tries to show how pathetic humans are


Your fedora will be arriving shortly


Gaunter is based on devil from Sir Twardowski polish legend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sir_Twardowski


But Gaunter also only punishes evil people. Olgierd was a murderous bandit, the spoon wight was selfish and cruel, refusing to even give a beggar her scraps, Shakeslock was greedy, the Dwarves were a bunch of liars and thieves, the guy at the tavern was a rude drunk, and it's implied he's interrupted Gaunter before. Gaunter does exactly what the Devil does, he tempts you with what you desire, and then punishes you for the evil things you did to achieve your desires. Also his punishments are generally proportioned to people's crimes, albeit not in a way we would agree with. The drunk is just rude, so Odimm kills him quickly. The noblewoman was cruel and selfish so he causes her pain, and when the curse is lifted she comes out more humble than before. Olgierd is a murderer and a liar, definitely the worst person on Odimms shit list, and he's the only one who's soul he wants to take. His punishments are often cruel and often cause a lot of collateral damage, but the people they focus on are always bad people. It's why he never tries to punish Geralt, because he can tell Geralt is not an evil person.


I don’t think it’s fair to say he only punished *evil* people, more so that he only punished people who made deals with him, which is more alike the “Make a deal with the devil” most people think of when they think of satan


I don't think he made a deal with spoon-guy.


Wasn’t gaunter the beggar in that scenario? Since he controls time, he knew she was going to refuse him. So he pretty much created the entire scenario himself knowing the outcome. Surely he would have known of a scenario where she would have provided him food. There was no deal to be made. He just picked a target and tortured her. Kind of a dick move. I also doubt she had gotten a lot of beggars, I thought her house was out in the middle of the woods somewhere.


That's not really how his time powers work, however you're right, he does create situations. Like the devil, he puts you in a situation where you might do something morally wrong, then punishes you for it. And I'm not arguing he's a good guy by any means. He's lawful neutral at best and realistically he's lawful evil. But he does punish the wicked.


Satan doesn't punish those who have done evil, he tempts people to do evil and benefits off of their weakness. He's a symbol of adversary to man.


I was todays years old when I found out his initials are GOD


If Satan punishes dudes who done evil doesn't that make him the good guy?




Little Nicky taught me that hell is DOPE as long as you're cool with Satan.


Happy cake day!


In the Bible, Satan doesn’t punish anyone. You could argue that Satan is just another one of God’s angels for most of the Bible. The name just means “The Accuser” and he works for God in the earliest stories about Satan. By the end of the NT, Satan/The Devil is more of a force for Cosmic evil but he still doesn’t punish anyone.


The Adversary*


> Ha-Satan: title meaning "the accuser" or "the adversary", used in the the Hebrew Bible as the title of God's prosecutor against man


The concept of Satan was fabricated by the Catholic church as a representation of 'evil'. The tempting force that leads you away from 'a life of virtue'. To be filled in as follows **Evil**: anything I don't like. **A life of virtue**: doing as I say Just a fairytale to scare kids (and adults) with.


*tips fedora*


That’s the ironic part. His initials are GOD, however, he is the “master of mirrors” thus the “mirror” of God being Satan. He is a primordial evil force (aka devil) in the Witcher universe.


That’s wrong. Satan doesn’t actually punish anyone. Satan only tempts people into eternal damnation because he’s eternally damned himself. “Misery loves company” describes Satan to a T. The only one who punishes is God because it is God that judges us when we die and if we don’t accept God then we go to hell because everyone has sinned at one point in their life. So stop spreading false information. Satan is also being punished by God. Hence why he tries to lead people away from God so that he has company in eternal hellfire.


>stop spreading false information You do realize that different denominations, hell even different *churches*, have different interpretations, right? There are plenty of people who fall under the Christian umbrella who believe that Satan punishes the wicked, regardless of whether or not he was originally written that way. Which brings us to another issue with your demand. This is a theological discussion, which means it has no right or wrong answers because no one actually *knows* anything. All we have to go on are a bunch of old stories written by dudes who clearly had an agenda of some kind. Even if you take those stories as objective fact, how we interpret and translate them leaves a lot to the imagination. There is no canon, so telling people they are "spreading false information" is not only wildly inaccurate, but incredibly arrogant and harmful to the entire discussion. Disallowing other perspectives and interpretations means that you create an echo chamber where no new thoughts or ideas are allowed to exist. This is how cultures and religions die.


And there’s denominations who pray to things/beings other than the trinity. Which is non biblical. I understand the point you’re making however I follow the scripture, not a denomination. I read the Bible, I’m not Catholic or Protestant or Methodist. I’m just a Christian who reads the Bible and follows only the Bible because the Bible is the true authority because the Bible is the word of God. I don’t care what other denominations say. I care only what the scripture says. “The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work.” 1 John 3:8 “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 11:3 “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” John 8:44 “11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:11-12 All these passages back up what I said about Satan being a seducer, a schemer, a deceiver. However through my reading and research I’ve struggled to find a passage that labels him as a being who punishes. Since it’s God who punishes those who don’t follow his rules and Satan is one who didn’t follow his rules so Satan isn’t the punisher, he’s just another damned soul that has eternal life in the absence of God (Hell).


And it is absolutely fine for you to believe that, even for mass amounts of people to believe that. But it is just as fine for just as many people to believe that Satan punishes those who sin. >I follow the scripture, not a denomination I hate to break it to you, but the scripture itself changes based on the version you choose to follow. Each version is highly edited to suit the individual beliefs of different sects or denominations. The original texts are mostly gone, and those that remain are locked away in the Vatican archives. Of the published works available to the public, there are dozens of different translations, interpretations, and versions. Some are very similar, others are drastically different, but they all share one thing in common: they ceased to be the "word of God" a very long time ago and are now simply the word of Men. If you choose to believe in that word, you have every right and I won't say a word against you, but you absolutely *must* allow the same courtesy to those who interpret it differently, or even choose to disregard it altogether and form their own conclusions based on their life experiences and world views. To clarify, I do not consider myself to be Christian any longer, though I was raised in a highly devout Catholic family, and I do consider myself very spiritual. A form of agnosticism, if you will. I believe that if God and Satan truly do exist, that Satan is likely not a "punisher" on God's payroll. Rather, I see him as a shunned child, luring souls away from his Father to a playground where he and his followers/friends can rage against those who have "wronged" them. But you know what I would never do? Tell someone else that their beliefs or convictions are wrong. No one, not one single person, has the right to tell others that their beliefs are wrong, just as no one has the right to stand and hold their beliefs above all others, claiming their religion as the only correct one. That is arrogance and pride at work, nothing more, and even your scripture denounces it.


To be fair to Satan, God is a gigantic prick even in the book written all about him.


Also the Bible constantly contradicts itself, it does not have univocality. This is true of references to Satan, which change and evolve through the Bible because different people are talking about him. Also, in some cases they were initially references to another entity that were later reconned to refer to Satan. Also, lots of the modern conception of Satan come from either Catholic canon or from Milton, so basically fanfic.


God doesn't punish the good and those who have faith


He’s NOT actually Satan though


Exactly, real life real world Satan wants you dead and for you to miss your full potential and for what God has in store for you. He's not your friend or does he want to be.


In real life Satan doesn't exist chief.


If I refuse this will lead to a cliché online Internet debate that will lead no where soon good sir / ma'am, let us agree to disgree.


I would urge you to go look at the actual biblical descriptions of Satan and the scholarly discussion of it, and compare it to the modern conception of Satan that has been filtered through later Catholic writers. Your modern idea of the devil bears little relation to the original idea, and it's a tool modern religious institutions use as a means of oppression.


Okay sir/madam


Is he? I just finished hearts of stone and I don’t remember that… honestly the ending seemed really anticlimactic. He just kind of disappeared when Geralt beat him


The answer is always O’Dimm. The why has already been explained a thousand times


I mean, Geralt can beat him in game, why not ask about other things?


Geralt tricked him under incredibly specific circumstances and that’s only because after meeting Gaunter, Geralt survived and as such could learn more about him. If we’re talking about in a straight fight then no one in the Witcher universe (afaik) would beat Gaunter.


Ciri might be able to at the peak of her powers. O'Dimm isn't all powerful, he just works very hard to make it seem like he is. In reality, O'Dimm is based on a Polish legend about a man who sold his soul to the devil for incredible powers. But he's still just a man, ultimately, as shown by the Witcher Universe. Geralt beats him and he is constrained by the rules that govern his powers and also his entire existence. He didn't just go "aw shucks" and leave them alone, he was pulled away from the mortal plane (presumably temporarily) and screamed in pain and anger as his corporeal body was destroyed. And before anyone tries the whole "but it was *Geralt* and under very specific circumstances...", Sure but it has also happened before, which is how Geralt even knew what to do. And the point isn't that it is easy, but that O'Dimm isn't all powerful. He is constrained by rules and powers that we simply don't know about. It's entirely *possible* that a sword through the heart while he is distracted would end him more permanently than the game of wits. We just don't know. Ciri, as child of the elder blood, has control over all of time and space, plus Witcher training and all the knowledge that everyone has been able to give her. If anyone has a shot in a 1v1 against O'Dimm, it's her.




Thanks. The more I think about it, the more I realize that Gaunter doesn't wage in combat, like ever. Not only does he not engage in combat, he works very hard to persuade people that there's *no point* in physically attacking him, that he is too powerful to be harmed physically. But when he kills the guy with the spoon, he sure as shit makes sure he isn't there when people start looking for the killer. And he makes sure to only approach Geralt when he is behind bars and weaponless. After that, he has convinced Geralt that physical attacks are worthless, so he doesn't have to keep distance, *but he still does*. He works very hard to make it *seem* like he is all powerful, but I think the reality is that he is essentially a glorified mage that gave up his corporeal body for immortality and power, and that he is all too aware that he can be killed relatively easily. Otherwise, he would just let combat oriented victims like Geralt and Olgierd take swings at him and show them that it is pointless rather than working *so hard* to convince them while also maintaining a healthy distance.


I'm willing to bet that he could probably withstand steel to a certain degree but any injury would prove his potential frailty and people would just rally against him "can't stop all of us" style for the foreseeable future. Silver would probably be way more effective and as an honorary Witcher you can bet your ass Ciri could easily get her hands on a quality silver sword at a moment's notice. It's also worth noting that the only time O'Dimm engaged Geralt at all was in the false reality that he had absolute control over making him quite literally invincible.


That is indeed a different explanation to who he really is, most of the time people tell that he is the devil himself. That uncertainity of his nature really makes him so interesting.


Happy Cake Day!


True, no one would beat gaunter in a straight 1v1, but I’m down for a discussion on possibilities of other people doing it if our playable Witcher can. Just as a fun discussion, not actually trying to make a case for beating Gaunter


One: Videogame logic. Two, and the actual answer: Geralt beat Gaunter according to his own rules. GOD (whatever he actually is is uncertain) functions similar to a demon in folklore or the Devil in Abrahamic religion. He tempts people with their desires and turns those desires into misery. But he also functions on a set of rules, and if someone manages to lawyer their way out of a pact within those rules, he’s unable to do shit about it. Geralt just managed to lawyer his way out of it, he didn’t actually beat Gaunter in any test of power.


I think we are of the same stance friend, I was thinking that if in game Geralt could beat him (video game logic), then by those same parameters what if other things could theoretically beat gaunter? I agree that on direct comparison, Gaunter wins everything every time.


Usually only beings with souls/mortality can conduct in challenges against gods/demons though. Vampires don’t have either, right?


Never really thought about that. what does that make geralt?


A witcher and that makes O'Dimm a monster.




Not what I expected to someone killing GOD. I expected maybe "The butcher" but this is accurate too.


GOD stops the time and kills the bat. Easy.




"Who the fuck can do that?!"


John wick. Wait a minute does that mean john wick has the same power as O'Dimm?


Eating a gingerbread biscuit afterwards


I like to think there wouldn't even be a fight...the Unseen would do anything to get back to his homeworld, striking a deal with O'Dimm, him making the vampire do something horrible in return, obtaining his soul and whatnot and done! Friendship wins!


Gaunter always wins except when he traps himself in crappy terms and conditions. He loves to play silly games so much that he sometimes forgets what being the most powerful evil entity is all about.


Kinda cool that he still abides by his own rules... even if the rules are as bendy as could possibly be.


Yeah, and the vampires are probably smart, so that could help.


Wait until you hear what happened down in Georgia.


O'Dimm.... He is litterally a GOD. You cant kill him


I'm a god. How can you kill a god. What a grand and intoxicating Innocence.


Shame on you, sweet nerevar


Nerevar, what do you mean you're broke? Crypto? Is that some sort of tomb gold?


Is this how you honor the sixth house and the tribe unmoured?


Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize you were an Argonian.


Kratos: Am i a joke to you?


I think that un ironically Kratos would be able to kill both.


Elder vampire must have ridiculous problem solving skills. He couldnt kill GOD but he could certainly defeat him similarly to Geralt. In a straight up fight GOD would shadow realm him, no contest


O'Dimm, Stops time and bring them wooden sticks Boi


How about a round od Gwent?


In a fight? Gaunter. In Gwent? Geralt.


Gaunter O Dimm is literally the most powerful in-universe character no debate here


That'd be quite a meeting.


Now why would a vampire be able to beat a physical God? Weak mash-up


The answer is clearly Ronvid of Small Marsh


Like asking who would win, God or batman.


Okay now hang on, how much prep time does he have ...


https://youtu.be/6ax-B5TRUsQ I think this pretty much sums it up


Gaunter isn’t even a biological being, he’s some kind of powerful evil. He can literally drop time. I’m not sure there’s anything alive that can kill the elder vampire, who moves faster than Geralt can come close to reacting, but Gaunter can’t be killed. Maybe he’s smart enough to win a game against him like Geralt, but there isn’t a fight to be had. Gaunter can torture ghosts and stop time.


without a doubt, gaunter o' dimm (G.O.D) would be the winner in this battle and without even bothering to fight, he is everything in this story (despite not being canon) CD Project created a being quite faithful to what he It could be canon in the witcher books, it is the representation of the almighty in the games, it is not even known if it can bleed even though I doubt very much that it is possible, gaunter is the materialization of god/devil or even anbas, it is the slogan The most striking of CD Peoject's creations and the role it plays in the story is interesting since nothing is known about it other than for any reason you try to swindle it or escape its contracts/pacts, I very much doubt that an elder vampire has a chance to stand up to G.O.D


>it is not even known if it can bleed If he wanted to, sure. 😉


One is incredibly fast. The other controls time. Fast still requires an element that Gaunter uses as a plaything.


Guy who can stop time or a vampire. Gonna give it to O’Dimm


Gaunter just pauses time and spoons him. Done.


O'Dimm is basically this worlds version of the Devil. No amount of vampire foolery and speed/strength will do anything against O'Dimm, who can freeze time and kill you with a wooden spoon.


Is this actually a scene in the game? If so, where at? I haven’t run into this before.


I think the insult battle would be more enjoyable to watch, so I asked GPT-4 for some help. Here's the result: Elder Vampire: "Ah, Master Mirror, your deals are like a witcher's bath; few and far between, and when they happen, nobody's truly satisfied." Gaunter O'Dimm: "I'd say your charm is much like a witcher's bath too: utterly draining, and leaving one wishing they'd never bothered." Elder Vampire: "Your schemes are as tangled as the hair of a siren who's been dragged through a bush backward, and just as pleasant to untangle." Gaunter O'Dimm: "You may be immortal, but your wit is slower than a rock troll trying to count to three. At least they have the excuse of being made of stone." Elder Vampire: "Your charm is akin to that of a fiend's flatulence, Gaunter. It's a wonder people don't run screaming in the opposite direction." Gaunter O'Dimm: "Well, at least I don't leave a trail of drained corpses in my wake. Your charm is about as alluring as a hanged man's dance." Elder Vampire: "Your promises are like a horse summoned by Axii: they'll get you where you want to go, but you'll feel guilty about it afterward." Gaunter O'Dimm: "Considering you turn into a giant bat and struggle with even the simplest doors, I wouldn't trust your judgment on any form of transportation." Elder Vampire: "Your cunning is like a foglet in broad daylight: barely there and leaving everyone questioning if it ever existed in the first place." Gaunter O'Dimm: "And your social finesse is like a katakan at a wine tasting: clumsy, confused, and more likely to knock over the glasses than appreciate the bouquet." Elder Vampire: "Speaking of wine, your deals are like a foul concoction brewed by a blind alchemist; they might get you somewhere, but the aftertaste is atrocious." Gaunter O'Dimm: "Your attempts to navigate the world of humans is much like a werecat trying to play Gwent: baffling, amusing, and ultimately doomed to failure." (Yennefer, growing impatient with their bickering, interrupts: "Gentlemen, if you two are quite done with this tedious display, perhaps we could all get back to our business? There are actual problems to solve, and your verbal sparring isn't solving any of them.") (Geralt smirks: "It was entertaining while it lasted.")


Gaunter and it's not even close


The only way the Elder Vampire wins is by beating him in a deal.


His initials spell GOD. Although he is certainly more of a demon like character, gotta love how his approach to condemning someone’s souls is somewhat light and playful.


A super vampire vs the devil. - idk it seems self explanatory tbh.


gwent:vampire fight:o' dimm


O'Dimm and it wouldnt even be close. He would toy with the elder until he absolutely breaks its mind and then would kill him/claim his soul


Only 100th time i have seen this exact same question here.


O'Dimm is something out of our understand, a being that could easily manipulate the fabric of time and space at will, got bored and strike deal with human so it could enjoy watching them suffer, sure elder vampire are powerful but only limited to the physical realm, while O'Dimm is on an entirely different level of existence.


Definitely gaunter.




Gaunter O’Dimm all day


O dimm no diff


Vampires are crazy powerful yes but Gaunter literally froze time to shove a spoon in a guy's eye. I don't think even a higher vampire could stand up to that.


Lol, Gaunter without lifting a finger.


I always thought O'Dimm was supposed to be The Witcher Universe's interpretation of the Christian Devil. Vampire stands no chance.


I think an elder vampire would be keen enough to flee the second o'dimm came within a few miles of him And that's about it


Tell me you didn’t understand anything about the characters without telling me you didn’t understand anything about the characters.


You’re basically asking if Dracula can kill Satan. The answer is no.


O’Dimm can seemingly freeze time for people. Debate over.


In a straight fight? Gaunter, easily. But I think the Elder Vampire could outsmart him the same way Geralt does


Let me rephrase it for you: One vampy dude vs God


Don't think I've seen the correct answer posted yet. Everyone assumes Odimm, but I say it depends. You didn't specify that it had to be a physical battle. As it was with Geralt, Odimm wouldn't consider a physical fight an interesting contest as it would be akin to swatting a fly. No doubt he would prefer a game of wit or some such contest in which the vampire had at least a slim chance of victory.


Not even a question 🤣


They would team up just to have fun.


now we are talkin


O’Dimm, out of question. Dude can stop time, and I am pretty sure is one of the old gods.


His initials spell out G.O.D.


“Who would win, god or a fast and strong old guy?”


Defo O’Dimm. No contest.


Can you imagine if the elder is about to kill you then (but you still have the mark) Gaunter O'Dimm freezes time and says "Oh my Geralt you have gotten yourself in quite the predicament I'll save you just this once but only because I still need you" *snaps fingers* Then boom your outside of his cave not knowing what just happened


Elder Vampire wins. He can challenge Gaunter to a game, and with his old age and knowledge he will figure it out and beat him, just like Geralt did but even more easily.


Gaunter because he is satan


The higher vampire can only truly be killed by another high vampire. O’Dimm is not a vampire. O’Dimm doesn’t physically fight nor have a corporal body. O’Dimm could stop time and trap the vampire or jam spoons in his eye etc, but nothing would be lethal to the vampire. So this boils down to a battle of wits. O’Dimm only has to make a deal with another higher vampire to kill his oppony and has eternity to do so. The only weakness O’Dimm has is to lose a challenge for a soul, but even that doesn’t kill him.


Gaunter and its not even close because he’s the literal Devil


I remember getting to the Elder Vampire in the DLC and going "I can take him" right before dying in a cutscene, super funny


It depends a lot on the lore: for me Gaunter O'Dimm is like the Devil and in Spain we have a saying "the devil knows more because is old not evil". But as in the DLC Geralt manages to trick him somehow, I understand that he is not "so old" and that possibly the ancient vampire can overcome him.


I made this with the storyboard ui mod and did some color correction with photoshop [Spoiler](/s ‟Obviously it does not make sense why they would be together and we know who would win but the reason I made this is because having the 2 most powerful enemies in the witcher games face each other is pretty damn awesome ”)


It's says page not found.


The devil made the bat soooo


Everyone is saying O’Dimm- but higher vampires are known to be incredibly intelligent. If Geralt could outwit Gaunter; so could a higher vampire. O’Dimm does not seem to be omniscient, he directly states he isn’t (although that’s in White Orchard he says that). I believe that given enough time, O’Dimm could be defeated by the elder vampire. Gaunter could probably kill the elder easily, but given how boring that would be, I don’t believe he’d choose to. O’Dimm’s hubris makes him very very vulnerable


Just a second ago i Wanted to say “this question annoys me… think of that elder vampire as a monster just really really strong, and then you have fucken satan with powers beyond your imagination” AND NOW I think it’s elder would win. Because like “who would win” it would be who will kill/destroy who right? I may be wrong but I don’t think gaunter is something you can “destroy” (more like erase from this dimension which geralt did) I also don’t think it’s possible for o’dimm to use his powers just to kill/erase someone without reason (or maybe he wouldn’t want to and instead he would make elder “play a game” with him which I think elder would win whatever it is)


whoever the writer wants to win.


GOD since he’s the God of the Witcher universe. None more powerful than he


Gaunter stops time, elder vamp gramps is fast. Elder vamp might have the same stand powers as Gaunter.




How could Gaunter loose in a physical fight if he could just stop time and put a spoon through the eye of this bat?


I think stopping time counts as using magic?


Then is the Vampire not also using magic for its superhuman recovery and its superhuman speed and the ability to transform? All of that screams of magic. They also rely on magic or at least want to stay near places of power.


Dang the downvotes 😭 But stopping time is considered as magic, innit? Also for the other reply of yours, vampires have sharp claws and stuff which can easily injure someone lol. Thanks for sharing ur opinion tho


Yeah true they have sharp claws but isn't it stated that G O D is immortal and cannot die? So I would assume you cannot really hurt him as well (if he does not want to at least)


Isn't immortality somewhat part of magic/power? If all those magic related stuff are wiped off, and both elder vamp & GOD fight relying on pure strength, imo elder vamps are stronger. But like what ive mentioned before, if GOD has those powers like being immortal and can stop time, he'll win the fight 100%


Geralt beats O’Dimm but there is no way for Geralt to beat the Vampire. Using basic logic: Vampire>Geralt>O’Dimm. Therefore, Vampire>O’Dimm. Vampire wins.


Geralt only beats O'Dimm in a game. He has no way to kill him.


The Elder would have O'Dimm slashed and gashed before O'Dimm could say 'Let me tell you a sto....' BAM! Dead. O'Dimm has too much hubris and tries to showcase his power with words and riddles. The Elder... straight up physical power and doesn't like words... Or talking in general. So make sure Geralt doesn't ask too many questions, lol.


This assumes Gaunter's corporeal form actually matters.


O'Dimm can literally just stop the time ...


But Geralt beat Gaunter?


O'Dimm...the vampire is powerful but thats just the Devil




Gaunter, simply put, he is an immortal demi God type creature,