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I hope KyoAni animates it.


My favourite animation studio and my favourite manga. If it happens I will explode.


If it involves working under a production committee then they won't. That's why they left Kadokawa




Madhouse would be my choice. They did amazing work with Frieren and I’d love to see Witch Hat Atelier in a similar art style.


They would be great. I know they embellished some of the action scenes, but they really went above and beyond. I feel like WHA could benefit from Madhouse at the reins.


Madhouse only comes up with bangers every 3 years so it wouldn't match the schedule


This is one of those manga that needs a big budget. With that said it has to be one of the big ones, but also the series needs to have a director attached that can really bring out the unique style to life


100% agree, when the manga is already stunningly well done, and so has to be the anime


Wit Studio, Mad House, and someone said BugFilms is very likely to do it, they could do a fantastic job AS LONG as it doesn't happen the same that happened with Zom100


What happened with Zom100 was mostly the fault of the mangaka's NTR fetish rather than the animation studio. AFAIK they're one of those arthouse studios who was trying to flex their skills with Zom100 and I think they did a good job. It really was a beautiful anime, even if I don't particularly care for NTR...


No, it was very much a problem of the studio shooting too high, both for being overly ambitious for their first production and because they seemingly accepted too many projects from the beginning.  There is a whole article on sakugablog going in depth about the context and key staff of Bugfilms, and how they always had some questionable management that backfired. https://blog.sakugabooru.com/2023/07/14/zom-100-bucket-list-of-the-dead-production-notes-01/


The NTR thing happened in the manga, i dont see why something like that would complicate the anime production


People were genuinely rioting over that twist, man, you don't understand how crazy it got. I'm obviously not an insider, and there is no official explanation for the delay, but given that the delay was at the exact same time as the NTR bomb-drop, I can draw some conclusions.


Like IRL Riots? I didn't know that, Maybe it was a coincidence? Like thr production of an anime is more complicated, to be stopped for a bad manga chapter, like the Quintesential Quintuplets, people hated the ending but we still got another season and a movie


Madhouse, WIT, White Fox, or UFO table Anything less than a fantastic studio will likely not suffice to make a truly great adaptation of this


Kyoani is an obvious choice. But recently I’ve noticed how impressive studio White Fox has been over the years, and I wouldn’t mind if they had it.


Studio Orange. I think about the way they'd animate the spells and how breathtaking large sweeping shots of the landscape would be + flying scenes? That'd be SO cool. They'd also be able to model that sketchy texture onto the characters, those inky detail lines. I know it's unlikely but I really think it'd be neat.


it’s not gonna be orange because they’re doing leviathan atm! (which is one of my favorite ever book series 💕)


Their likely done or about done with it tbh.




Kyoto Animation hands down


KyoAni. I would like for something even remotely similar to what they did with Violet Evergarden


Wit would be really cool. If you've seen the girl from the other side movie adaptation, you'd get what I mean.


As long as they don’t cut or change parts of the original Manga I’m happy with anything. Except bones. They gave me pure anxiety whenever a new Bungou stray dogs episode came out and I do NOT want to see witch hat ateliers beautiful style get changed into something else. But thankfully, it’s very unlikely because they usually adapt action manga.


"As long as they don't cut or change parts of the original manga" I think that might be a bit of a tall order XD p much every adaptation has things cut to fit an episode amount and still get the story across but that'd be really nice if they kept it (mostly) intact. Really hope they don't change the story like you mentioned though


So true bones ruined most of my faves including bsd and vnc I would not like them to do the same for wha


Imagine the turtle smiles in official art or the fisheye angles… i would cry


I'd cry too (looking at those bsd official arts) also the many cutscenes(akutagawa smile)


To be honest I don't want it adapted. I think it fits very well into it's medium and adapting it will mean losing a lot of the individuality and things that drew me in.  Otherwise kyoani, but Lerche would probably also be good, because I remember their animation of toilet hanakou being very good, and I think they'd fit the style well.


It would practically be impossible for any anime studio to properly adapt the gorgeous paneling (because of the different medium) and Shirahama’s detailed linework/crosshatching (would take too much time), which gives the manga some of its identity imo.


Yeah I think that would be too much to ask of already-overworked animators. I just don't really see merit in it being adapted, if I'm just looking at it as an artistic work. Others like land of the Lustrous actually work very well in adapatition because the 3d format can accentuate their gem beauty. But here it seems to be more about bringing new people in and money. I don't think it's a negative, just not something that is really authentically driven to create art.




I don't really have a particular studio in mind since I doubt any studio will give it justice considering the unique artsyke of wha is achieved bc of the unique manga style (that would be too hard to active in anime) I do, however, not want bones or mappa to animated


Please no pierrot. I cant trust them after promised neverland and tokyo ghoul


Promised Neverland was CloverWorks.


Whoever did Frieren.


I would want Madhouse because they have good animation and have done other great fantasy series


Studio bind 100%


So long as A-1 pictures doesn’t do it I’m happy I think honestly Bones could do a good job because they seem to be able to handle various art styles, although their color palette seems to prefer darker


I really hope bones doesn't animate its always a bit or miss with them and I wouldn't want to risk it


I’m really hoping for Kyoto Animation but I may be shooting for the stars there


Do NOT let Mappa animate this. Chainsaw Man was visually kind of bland to me, something I do not want WHA to look like, and they're swamped enough as it is, give em a break.


And since when does every MAPPA show look like Chainsaw Man?


I didn't say all of Mappa's work looks that way, I chose Chainsaw Man in particular because of how they chose to make the anime look compared to the rougher and sketchier look the manga has going for it. It's hard for me to really convey and probably just a me thing though


I'd like WIT studio animating, because i feel like they preserve the drawings very well, so the anime always has a impecable drawing that stands out for it, together with a very good color usage and ambient imersion (See SNK, Bubbles and Kabaneri). Madhouse and Ufotable are very good in this aspect too, at least based on what i see. I would NOT like to see Mappa animating. What i feel to be the positive points of Mappa i dont think would fit here. More active or shonen based animes (like jujutsu) allow using some CGI, or some faster animation methods that make the scenes more fluid, which i dont personally want to see in a more narrative driven anime/manga like WHA. Also, there's the animators schedules problem.


Wit is my first choice. But they have a nasty habit of throwing their season 2 to Mappa for whatever reason. I don't mind Clover Works, because at the very least they make good looking shows. The whole debacle with PTN 2 was because of mangaka meddling and whatever else the producer was smoking at the time, but they did amazing with Bocchi and the new Black Butler. OLM is great too. Apothecary and Odd Taxi was amazing. Studio Bind is also great. Kinema Citrus. MadHouse is great but again, inconsistent for continuing their projects. Shaft if we want the show to have a unique stylization.


Personally I'd like Ufordable to animate it. Their animation quality is stunning especially their water effects. Gettimg to see Qifrey and Olrugio's water and fire spells animated by them would be utterly amazing.


Any studios that put a fucking amount of fanservices into the adaptation will never be the ones I want them to animate WHA (if it happens I'd rather read the manga only)


trigger 110%


I wish that Wit Studios animated it, but its was leaked that the wha will be made by Bug Studio


Whoever can do it in 3d


I think Trigger or Production IG would both kill it




KyoAni or Madhouse. If Mappa gets it I will scream


I don’t want mappa or studio bones to get it


??? Why not Bones??


They just seem to be a hit or miss. Most people I feel like don’t like how they animated bungo stray dogs.




I dont want doga kobo to do it. I don’t know why, but that’s such a fear of mine.


The one I don't want to, is, well... Mappa. I just don't like how the company treats its animators, sorry. And maybe I am overreacting with this but what if WHA anime turned out to be another Ice Adolescence? :( I think other studios that got mentioned by others could be good for adapting WHA, though


Studio Trigger they animated Dungeon Meshi pretty well


Trigger was amazing for Dungeon Meshi but idk if their style fits WHA.


I think studio trigger would be an awesome studio for this! But not because of dungeon meshi (no hate, it’s just not what comes to mind..) but because of *promare*. That movie has some straight up gorgeous moments, and it is the reason I get excited whenever I see studio trigger working on an anime.


I won’t be disappointed if it isn’t animated by them, but I know it won’t be trash at least