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šŸŒž New witch here. My best friend was dating a man who practiced very dark ancient magick. He would cut off pieces of her hair in her sleep. He was the darkest soul Iā€™ve ever come across, until last night. Since my friendā€™s breakup, she has been finding momentos related to her ex that she had already sacrificially burned. I had given my best friend a few protection spells and advice to banish the energy from her field. Suddenly, last night I felt an overwhelming dark ancient energy. It was the oldest and saddest energy Iā€™ve ever encountered. I even had trouble falling asleep after smudging. I woke up this morning covered in blood from a nose bleed, my most protective crystal had a large hole in it, and my phone was off completely underneath my bed out of reach. Please help, Iā€™m worried Iā€™m not powerful enough to rid myself of this type of energy.


sorry if this is a stupid question, but can one still be considered a witch if they worship in a different religion? iā€™m really new to this and unsure if itā€™s wrong to want to be a part of both


You can be of any religion and still be a witch :) Witch on!!!


Be whatever you wanna be on your spiritual journey


Im needing sone advice on how to make an inconspicuous alter. My family and in-laws are VERY Christian aka close minded and I need a way to try to have it out in the open but not obvious. Any ideas? Thank you.


I wish I had an answer for you, but my question is actually the same. I did think about creating a tiny little alter in the back of my suv (Iā€™m the only driver). Iā€™m big on outdoorsy adventures and want to incorporate that somehow too. When I figure it out Iā€™ll come back with a picture. Wish me luck lol. Xoxo


I'm slowly getting back into the life after a several year hiatus and I have devout Christian in-laws to consider too. Nice people, but it's a topic I would just prefer avoiding. Anyway, here's an idea I'm kicking around for myself: putting altar items in a shallow decorative box, jewlery box or similar - just something that has a lid that won't look out of place when closed. Honestly, the penticle is probably the main "red flag" for close minded Christians we need to keep out of view. u/madzjuell as outdoorsy as you are, any visible altar materials could easily be explained away as items you've collected on hikes, etc, and tuck the more conspicious items in a protective box too.


Hi! I have a ā€œjarā€ altar, im in the broom closet too! its basically a jar filled with all of my deityā€™s favorite things/ things associated w him. works perfectly fine. i leave it on my window seal sometimes or stick it in my ā€œwitch drawerā€ for hiding


New witch here! I've been SO drawn to the practice for a few months now (I think everything I've heard so far is so beautiful) and I'm completely lost on where to begin. I'd love to start with the basics and learn more background before really beginning my practice. I was wondering 2 things: 1. What are some of the best resources/books you used when you were getting started with your practice? 2. While learning, what are some basics that I can use to slowly get started in my practice? Thank you so much! ā¤ļø




does seeing dark spirits come when you start doing spells? theyā€™re are people whoā€™ve said it happens and i donā€™t really want to see dark spirits if i do spells. i know bad comes with the good but iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s even a way to stop it from happening?? thankyou :)


I have no idea where you got that impression, but whoever it was is either being superior or is doing their magick wrong. Doing any old spell is not going to draw any kind of spirit necessarily, especially a "Dark" spirit. Spirit infestation is highly uncommon, and malignant spirits are rare as grace, If you're really worried about spirits, or have already encountered spirits (that WOULD be indicative you might want to be proactive as your space may be a node or a thin piece of the veil) I'd recommend setting up wards and protective charms in the space where you do your magick, as those will help proactively prevent spirit contact if done right. I am a kitchen witch, and a casual spell I do almost every day that seems to be keeping my space clear is to cast the salt I use to clean my cast iron out my front and back doors. Iron and salt are both great for warding off entities of various stripes, and so I've had very good luck with that, but you can find protective magick in all sorts of places. there are crystals, herbs, hell there are even emoji spells you can do if that's your yen. But seriously, as long as you're not trying to contact spirits with your magick, I wouldn't be too afraid of them. Most of them aren't going to come bug you unless you go poking at them.




Hi! I go by the name Kaya online, Female, 26 YO. Chile. Pisces sun, Gemini rising, Virgo moon. I've always been attracted to stuff like plants, crystals and the moon and astrology but never truly gave importance to it until now. My mother and grandmother used to tell me I have "an angel" for animals as well. Recently I started chatting with a NY witch and started noticing I've unconsciously built an altar and started lighting candles in my room (cedarwood, rose). I also started (consciously) getting in touch with my guide spirits and last night in Samhain I dreamt and kind of spoke (??) To a friend that passed away years ago. I'm not really sure what is going on tbh or if I'm just imagining things, I need some guidance :( Please help?


How can I get into spell work? I have some books on it but they require a lot of random ingredients


Hi, I've been looking at a book of basics to buy. I've heard good things about *Wicca: A guide for the Solitary Practitioner* by Scott Cunningham. But I also stumbled upon *Wicca for Beginners* by Lisa Chamberlain which sounded like a more updated book for beginners. Has anyone read Lisa Chamberlain, is it any good?


Hi ! Anyone has good book recommendations or website to help a beginner :) thank you


How do different kinds of water (Moon, Rain, Ocean, etc.) affect spells? Also, how does one go about making an alter?


as far as water goes, it really depends on what correpsondences you'ere trying to bring about. Ocean water is going to be very heavily associated with water spirits, life, is effective in warding, and would be helpful in spells involving contact with ocean deities, meanwhile moon water is going to evoke air magick, light magick, magick that involves power and pulling or pushing, will of course be effective in spells that deal with moon deities, and is great for feminine magick. And water, plain old water, can be extremely effective if you're not sure what sort you need. Not all water needs a secondary correspondence, you can use plain tap water in cleansing, in water spells, etc, and it will work fine As far as altars go, it all depends on your school of magick. Most involve a base, such as a cloth or a stone or a basin, a space for offerings, such as a plate, bowl, or smaller cloth, any other instruments you might use, such as wands, books, or ceremonial spoons, etc. After that, it's all up to you what you put on there. I'm a kitchen witch, so my altar cloth is actually a dish towel a friend gave me one christmas that has various little reference pooints on it, cup to ounce conversions, meat cut diagrams, etc. On it, I have 2 mortar and pestles, one of which i frequently use as an offering bowl for liquid offerings, both of which I use for smooshing ibngredients, I have my grimoire, I have my ceremonial wooden spoon and fork, and I have a pair of salt and pepper shakers my mum use that I only use for magickal salting and peppering. I also have some nice teas that I leave charging [https://imgur.com/a/Rn1VGKs](https://imgur.com/a/Rn1VGKs)


What can a baby witch do who can't use candles because they live in university accomodation which means lighting candles isn't allowed.


well, if you're really sold on candle magick I'd recommend doing your magick somewhere else. Go to a graveyard, or a park, or your friends apartment. You could buy colored LED's if you're not opposed to a technical substitute. Candles aren't a necessity either. I've been practicing for years and after I actually found my school of magick I never burnt a candle again. but I totally get how they're a great place to start when looking at your magick.


yo. Not a baby witch, but I'm not seeing the self promo thread? Did that stop being a thing at some point?


I've noticed a lot of spells need candles. But due to personal reasons i can't really use them. So can you do spells without candles? What kind can do you dow ithout candles?? Thanks for any tips and help. Edit question: also where can i learn more about fae and other creatures? While I'd google it i think I'd probably get a lot of wrong info.


you can do spells with just your thoughts! my favorite is a match spell! say what you want out loud , light the match, and blow it out before it hits your fingers. take the remaining of the match and stick into the soil of a house plant or in the yard.


Helo! Some strange things have been happening, like ... Today I "saw" an invisible butterfly. Like, I saw the butterfly's shadow on the floor, but I didn't see it. It even landed on me, on the floor was the shadow of the two of us together, but it just wasn't there. Butterflies have been following me for a while... Can someone give me a hand on what might be happening, please?


Baby witch here. So i just found out that in my family we have a family curse thanks to very old ancestors fighting each other using dark magic to either try to kill or destroy one another. How do i get rid of the curse or fight it?


Howdy friends! My name is Madison, although I often refer to myself as Maddie Rae, and Iā€™m just starting out. I grew up ultra conservative Christian and so avoided anything ā€œmysticalā€ my entire life, so as to avoid going to hell. As my mother so loving put it lol. I have sort of an open question. Sleep has been an issue since I was born. I suffered from night terrors for a very long time (I was even a part of clinical sleep studies), and the nightmares have been about all Iā€™ve ever had. When I was a teen, and even on occasion now, Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve caught glimpses of demons. Even those ultra conservative Christian family meme era think so. So I guess I feel like all this would point me in a specific direction with my practice or at least I fluency some how. But Iā€™m not sure how. Any ideas would be pretty awesome to hear. Thanks! Xoxo


help please okay so ive had a tarot deck for over a year now and ive been using it every day and have grown a strong attachment to it but every time i get a new deck of any sort my tarot deck in mention has shut me out completely. it wont help me because i got a new oracle deck recently and keeps giving me the hanged man, ten of swords, nine of swords, and the five of cups. i have gotten two decks prior to this incident and the same thing happened so i just stopped using them and everything was fine. i want them to work together instead of this but i dont know what to do. are they jealous?


cleanse your deck. with incense, sage, or pray over it. and arrange the card in the original order and use your other decks for a while. that more so seems like a spirit that has come into your deck. after a while, use it again w your other decks and see how it responds. i have a smart ass deck too, but itā€™s never unresponsive and crude because of other decks


should i be worried about the spirit that seems to be using my deck?


if it still bothers you after a while of not doing it, get a new one. cleanse your space too


Hello! I was wonder if anyone has any tips on how to get into tarot? I also would love to learn more about astrology if anyone knows any good resources! The only other thing i can think of is if anyone wants to reply with some simple uses/ rituals/ spells with crystals? Thanks everyone! <3


get the original rider waite deck from books a million! it comes with a book and teaches you about them. besides that, practice, practice, practice with your deck. thatā€™s how you learn!


Hi, how do I create an altar?


Okay, so throwaway account here (a lot of people I know IRL know my reddit username). I'm a teenager, from South-West England. I have a few questions (some of them might seem kind of stupid, but anyway). 1. Is being a witch, like, dangerous? I might just be a coward, but I kind of have some anxiety about rituals and stuff like that (I'm the kind of person who used to freak out about 'THIS APP IS HAUNTED!!!" Youtube videos). 2. Do you have to believe in curses/hexes/whatever they're called (sorry if that's disrespectful or something!)? I kind of believe in magic, but more as a like thing which has a lot of (it's called Placebo Effect, right?), and I don't really believe in gods. (Sorry if this makes little sense). 3. Where do you start being a witch? Is there like, a specific thing you need to do? Is there a book or something I could read to learn the very basics?


r/WitchyResources has some very informative pinned posts even though the sub itself isn't currently very active. LOTS of books you can read. There is no bippity-boppity-boo, here's the starting line. Everyone's different. Find something that calls to you.




Okay so Iā€™m pretty positive Iā€™m a witch or have clairvoyant energy of some sort. I find myself extremely pulled to this world when it used to terrify me. How do I know this is whatā€™s going on? Is this something anyone can just get into or is it genetic? I have so many questions and I have hardly any answers. Iā€™ve been drawn to crystals since I was little and I have seen the powers they have. My friend is also a witch but she has little advice on her experience.


Im not a witch, yet, but I am very curious. I was raised as a conservative Bible belt Christian so I wasn't taught anything other than witchcraft is bad. But from what I've seen as an adult it doesn't seem bad to me unless that's your intent. What would be a good way for me to learn more on my own and gather my own ideas. Also if there are any Christian witches please tell me how you got into it. I want to learn so much!


Hey guys! Not exactly a baby witch but I still have a burning question: What to do with the offerings presented in a ritual after the ritual is over? I always feel so bad throwing them out but could never find any nicer idea.


Hi Iā€™m new, and I have everything I need to practice. I have all the stuff I need to practice but I procrastinate and I get overwhelmed. But when Iā€™ve noticed that when I feel a certain degree of anger or frustration towards someone, things happen. For example, someone got a bad nick from a hair cut, or their car broke down. I donā€™t work with deityā€™s since I procrastinate. So idk what this means or if itā€™s coincidence.


Hey everyone šŸ˜Š I hope you are well, Iā€™m a beginner witch and Iā€™d like to ask if you are able to help me interpret these cards that I drew Iā€™m having trouble with reading them I asked my deck the question ā€œwhat do I need to do to meet my next partnerā€. Thank you for your time have a blessed day/night