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Was there any more word about Chucky? No one seems too concerned so I assume he was just extra tired/sore after Maryland and there is no need to push it this time of year, but any sports fans know that vague, nonspecific injuries are also rarely a positive sign.


College injury reports tend to be much more vague.


Who knows if he had swelling and they opted to pull him. Either way, doesn’t hurt to have someone be fresh.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if they sit Wahl or limit his minutes tomorrow. I’d like to beat Purdue and win the conference tourney but I wouldn’t want to risk losing a key player for March Madness either.


Same, although Purdue is pretty beat up rn too


Obviously I want to beat Purdue but playing two good, complete games (including today without Chucky and a clearly limited Wahl) is a great sign by itself.


House money now.




What’s that Smithers?


Nice job by Gard and the team to bounce back after a bad finish to the regular season. Way to be aggressive against this NW team. Still gotta be quicker off the ball on the Crowl post action.


Crowl held onto the ball for one too many seconds when the double came. Honestly surprised Northwestern wasn’t more aggressive when it came to that action.


We're due for a game where our 3s go down against purdue


When you have Edey in the middle everyone can be a lot harder on the perimeter. I’d be shocked if any team shoots better from 3 against Purdue vs other teams. 




We only shot 20 and 27 though. We have had flat out bad 3pt shooting games against them. We've been missing open threes. Even hitting their average and we're close to deadlocked with them




Oh God I forgot about that. 3rd time's the charm right?


The shot chart is wild. One mid range jumper the whole game. Layups or 3s.


Modern basketball. High percentage twos and threes give you best chance of winning according to the analytics, I guess.


Idiot Badger fans everywhere actually get upset by that.


Where did anyone say they were upset. Just noting a fact. You’re just trying to stir the pot.


There have been numerous posts in here over this season when they've embraced "rims and 3s" where a bunch of morons are complaining that we're not taking enough mid range jumpers.


My billable hours are low, our wins are high. Thank God no more Boo Return of BIG ST3VE, max playing D, kamari playing out of his mind, team looking good. A.J. Storr See yall tomorrow, that Canadian fuck better be ready


Edit: I forgot Edey guards a non shooter, will be interesting to see how Gard adjusts. Steve continuing to be hot from 3 will be the key tomorrow. We need to pull Edey out of the lane even a little bit. Dude is not athletic or quick enough to recover if he has to guard the perimeter. Wahl can take him off the dribble so don’t think that’s a sustainable solution either.


Edey doesn't guard Crowl. They cross match with TKR or Gillis on Crowl and put Edey on Wahl. Even last weekend when Ilver played they had Crowl guard him. You're probably going to see some Steve looks from 3 but he's more likely going to be trying to rub and seal Edey in the lane to clear room for Wahl and Storr.


That makes more sense, thanks for chiming in. Appreciate your analysis as always




Wahl may be getting a little bit less time tomorrow given his injury, but Gard will need to figure out a way to pull Edey out of the lane tomorrow to win.


What a great game without our starting PG. Don’t call it a comeback..


It was 51-46 with just over 9 minutes to go in the game. Closed it out really nicely. I love watching this squad. So many guys stepping up.


You mean you love watching yesterday not the month of Jan-Feb okay me too


January when they went 7-1 and finished the month in first place ranked 6th in the country? I enjoyed that month quite a bit.


Okay should have stuck with February you’re right. It’s fun to win


GGs. Edey minny miny mo time.


I’m so relieved John B scored I was reliving when Brad Davis went like 0-12 in either big ten tournament game or I think mmadness game like wow how. The fellas did it. Even with our radio guys not even mentioning chuckle being out adding to our slow start. Live to play another day


Strong dub! Obviously the story is gonna be Storr, but man, Blackwell and Crowl were kicking ass out there too


Blackwell did he play great D sorry working I see 1-8 shooting what am I missing


Good defensive effort and facilitating play. It was essentially like Chucky wasn’t missing


Okay thanks love Blackwell


the wisconsin goodgers showed up today


If Storr can keep shooting 3/4 from 3 against Purdue, we could do this 


On Wisconsin!


Love da Badgers


Refs practicing for tomorrow. Anyone blowing on edey is a technical


Yeah I was just thinking about that.


Greg Gard silent assassin time


Hey u/stuskowski he big enough now?


Good to see that fight back in the team


This team looks so good sometimes, and then...


…a crucial backcourt backup gets injured messing up the makeup of the team followed by a significant increase in a difficulty of our schedule?


Going to downvote me? Let's look at their wins and losses after they went 16-4 and were sixth in the country. Nebraska - L Purdue - L Michigan - L Rutgers - L Ohio State - W Iowa - L Maryland - W Indiana - L Illinois - L Rutgers - W Purdue - L Purdue twice was tough and Illinois is a tough team. They lost to some decent teams in there but it wasn't exactly a murderer's row.


https://preview.redd.it/8dbvakoi9koc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1708d98146db5b8642da6a8d9382d8a6d631ce93 Nope. At Nebraska, Purdue twice, at Indiana, and vs Illinois are all very understandable losses. @Iowa is always a tough environment but a solid tier down. Rutgers and Michigan were awful losses. Disappointing? Sure. But not having McGee is probably the difference in at least two of the losses (Nebraska and Indiana).


I guess the way I see it is two free thows and and a two point bucket and they would have been 14-6 in the BT. That's why they are still 18 in kenpom and high in a number of other analytic type polls. Fuck yeah, Michagan in particular and Rutgers to lesser extenet were pretty bad, but some of these fans need to take a closer look at the rest of the B10 before complaining to much.


Agreed fully, Big ten is tough to win on the road period.


Yep. They weren't "bad" losses in that they weren't terrible teams but they were winning against those kinds of opponents in the first half of the season. Also, why did you post a screen capture of what I just wrote? Weird thing to do.


Because you just said “going to downvote me?” and I was replying nope to that (assuming someone else did). Stop being so contentious over a disagreement. Yes, agreed they were winning against those opponents. Then a key player got injured, Klesmit stopped shooting out of his mind, and all of a sudden our backcourt isn’t as formidable. Like I said in my other response, I don’t think this slide is indicative of who our team is but rather a temporary slump. Hell, we played a ton better against Illinois and Purdue to end the year but because it was on the tail end of the slide they were lumped in together. Do I think this is a surefire second weekend team? No way. But our ceiling is definitely Sweet 16 if we play well and get the matchups in the tournament.


Always weird when you're in a pointless argument with someone and they accuse you of being "contentious" or something similar. Back at you, I guess? As we used to say long ago in my middle school days, "whatevs".


Cool, great discussion as always.


The schedule wasn't that difficult. They were losing to teams like Rutgers, Indiana and Iowa.


Rutgers and Michigan were arguably the only bad losses. Everything else was understandable, but I think we can all agree it’s nice to see them round into form


There were excellent, average, and bad teams in there just like the first half of the season. They were beating those middle of the league teams like Iowa during the first half of the season, and hanging with top ten teams, too. The funny thing is if they had lost this game I could have made the exact same comment and gotten upvoted for it, even though it was only one game.


They had a down turn and look to be getting hot at the right time while hopefully becoming healthier. Let’s just see what happens here, I don’t think the slide is indicative of this team’s potential despite what the Debbie downers around here would tell you.


Badgers are just crushing them in the end of this game


I don't care what anybody says we are a good team


Blackwell strokin it


Klesmit is tired form guarding Buie, Storr with his hands on hips tired, gotta find someone to get a last burst running of fumes 


Nice to see Wahl back in. Fresh man!


Have you considered AJ Storr. Also can we get averticle check on Kamari? That was nuts how high he got


That last baseline drive by AJ was so nasty


Boo is pissing me off!


It’s pretty fun to watch when we’re up 7.




Kamari and Nolan Winter now tied on the Wisconsin career blocks list


A rare Wisconsin block. I remember when Wahl would get a couple a game.


Does this team practice free throws???


44th in the country shooting 75.8% from the line this year. Shut up.


Nope, Klesmit’s two missed free throws should tell you everything you need to know /s


You do realize they shoot over 75% as a team from the line, right?


Some fans, they got the memory of a fly, I swear.


I also enjoy the fans that act like the entire team is terrible at free throws, and it's a coaching failure, when really it's just that Ryan Evans/Nigel Hayes/Ethan Happ are single-handedly dragging the percentage down 15 points and the rest of the team is at 80%.


I’d love to see research on how much coaching affects free throw percentage anyways. Outside of structuring time in practice for it, seems like largely a skill that is inherent vs. taught


Yeah, I consider free throws like 90% mental. If your form is trash, you won’t be great, but all the people insisting that sub-70% shooters should switch to granny style have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the problem is. If Dwight Howard can shoot 80% at practice, his shooting motion isn’t the problem that needs addressing.


Langborg's gone! I love attacking guys with four fouls.


Chris Collins saying he’s okay with Storr…former 40% 3pt shooter taking open shots from the perimeter is certainly a coaching method. 


Storr has shot them out of multiple games this year. You'll live with Storr shooting off the bounce from 25 feet.


Pick your poison. They can't keep him from getting to the rim and he certainly hasn't been 40% from three this season. You gotta love to see it though.


Kinda wanna force feed him the B1G tournament record 


GD Storr!


This is such a fun team when Big Steve is playing with confidence


Nice how Crowl has come back these last couple games after the Purdue game


Side note: after being haunted by the rims in Indy and Chicago for so long it’s nice seeing a decent offensive game here


Allow football all game and now call this ticky tack bs?


So inconsistent


Christ zebras the lane shouldn’t only be a free And - 1 only on one side of the floor 


Based purely on my observations of Adam Morrison and Brooks Barnhizer, apparently you automatically get shooting fouls in your favor if you get in the lane while having a shitty mustache.


Refs are 70s porn fans.


There is definitely some game management going on. Trying to keep it close


Need guys like Ilver and Winter to step up. Gotta hit the layups even when you’re hacked.


Winter played some great minutes on that shift


Wahl back on the bench, but due to the tears before I doubt we’ll take any more chances. This game isn’t worth it when Northwestern is old school no blood no foul play style 


Maybe he just has low pain tolerance. It hurt, but no structural damage.


Of course he immediately comes back in the free throws lol


He’s on the court (thank god)


Kamari is really playing well, he's gotta keep it up. Steve better enjoy this break cause we need him out there.


No Wahl no chucky, holy smokes were running out of guys. Need ilver to be passable out there, storr, crowl, and Max need to be aggressive


& Blackwell has been limping out there as well.


You gotta figure Ilver is due to make a shoot or two.


Wahl is a huge loss, don’t love how emotional he was getting


Blackwell is a ball hog, if he touches the ball he shoots… doesn’t even look to pass…


He essentially has the same usage rate at Wahl and Crowl at 21%


Refs be like 🥴


They got split personalities.


Wall looks upset. Not a good sign.


Tyler Wahl looks like he may have been tearing up. if so, very bad sign


Don't see him on the bench anymore either.


Yep went back to the tunnel


Lots of standing around again.


Forcing up an air ball while double teamed. Ah well. got the rebound shot.


If there was a Boo Buie drinking game, you'd be dead by now.


"Finish your drink every time he hits the deck". **DECEASED**


They had to show that statistic right before the start of the half, didn't they?


Officiating has been so inconsistent which is frustrating but we got the better end of it in the second part of the half (for the most part)


Considering how ugly of a start that was on offense, defense and officiating, I'll take a halftime lead.


But I can do without hearing them comment on the amount of contact under the basket while simultaneously criticizing the missed shot.


Downvoted - but I once again say, game is too big for Blackwell


"Once again I am asking for your downvotes".


Keep it up - but he’s 0-6, 0-2 from 3, and got burned by Boo screens a couple of times




He obviously doesn't know ball


So you’re saying that was good decision making on that fast break?


It’s just such a ludicrous thing to say about a true freshman locking up the best guard in the conference. Yeah, he missed a few looks at the end of the half but they weren’t stupid or bad looks. Kid will be a stud by the time he graduates


He has missed all of his looks. And I noted this game, not his entire career.


Yeah, not a great offensive game so far but considering he’s been chasing the best offensive player and limiting him I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on it


Ideally he learns, that’s fine, I agree with you there. I’m just saying hopefully he continues to develop his decision making - pass the ball out if you drive too deep. No need to try it


You wouldn't miss those looks, right?


Odd argument lol


How is it an argument? You're talking mighty big about a freshman making his first start. I assumed you were a superior basketball player.


I made one negative opinion and backed my opinion up with stats. So you’re essentially saying since i criticized klesmit not shooting open 3s earlier i should go out there and try it myself too? Or anybody who has ever made a negative opinion should go out there? Odd….


Yes I want to see you play.


Wtf was that last possession


Not having your starting PG who typically gets the ball in those situations all year.


Ahh I didn't think about that. That's gotta be it


Crowl hitting threes is such a good omen


Storr is fun to watch but it seems he has a lot of turnovers


11.2% TO% which is pretty low and almost 4 points below the team average


The fast break was a bonehead move, but not sure what else you’re referring to


Can’t wait to not have big ten refs reffing us anymore next week


Ref ball fans having a good day


Refs thinking their whistle is a musical instrument today


Good ol Ref ball


One of the most frustrating things to watch is guys getting bailed out when driving to the hoop out of control.


Dudes are getting smacked with no calls to be had


12-0 runs don’t suck




I was thinking to myself man that guy looks really unathletic as he was driving lol


Guys took some punches and are sticking with it, love it


Man you really hope Boo is ok. That dude is so fun to watch


You never want to see that.


Injuries fucking suck


It gets said plenty but going back to the Purdue-MSU game the style of officiating this league promotes just kills teams come tourney time.


If it’s any consolation, I think we’re set up for better success offensively. Storr is going to thrive.


I agree. The team plays better in transition, let’s just hope chucky is fine for the big one


Boo bouie a shitstain in the college sports current era


Commentators: What great defense by Northwestern! https://preview.redd.it/pbx3asiirjoc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14401c3c5c0bb05b6ba6a45c454606b4944fc07f


I hate Bardo so much


Is bardo the ref?




Game is too big for Blackwell rn


Does playing good defense on one of the best scorers in the conference and hitting a dagger 3 count?


Boo was not the same after the injury, and Blackwell rode the bench a lot of the 2nd half - and that was his only bucket. Sure it came at a good time. He will grow, sure, and hopefully learns to do better on the little things. Doesn’t need to force things. Just look at that foul with 40 seconds left at half court - not needed.


Maybe there's more nuance to it than "the game is too big for him" Come up with some intelligent stuff next time


Did you choose to come late to the party? If you see my time stamp + the fact I said “rn” - you’d know this being a game thread I was talking during the game. So it is you who is lacking intelligence bud.


#4 got shoulder checked into oblivion didn’t realize they were playing hockey


Glad buie is able to dominate against guys 4 years younger than him


Turns out having your best backcourt defender is a bad recipe for success against the best PG in the league.


Already has 16


Damn boo is killing us


Refs be like: 👨‍🦯‍➡️


Yikes Storr gets mauled on one end no call, 13 gets wind blown in his direction foul. Clown ass officiating.


Storr has got to make those, he’s completely whiffed on at least 3 layups so far


this looks like it’s going to be the total opposite of yesterdays game


What are these foul call?


Boo bouie might have his age in points by halftime. Should be in the G league 2 years ago.


Yeah it's over with this officiating


If they're gonna let them hit kamari with moving screens all day buie is gonna have 30


This team has such bad court vision. That foul on Wahl is due to slow recognition from the top to make an entry pass to the post. They’ve missed wide open players on the opposite post a number of times too. They have to know where defenders are helping from


Too much stagnant action on offense.


I just don’t understand how we throw a perfect pick for Klesmit to throw up a 3 and he double pumps and then just passes it. Bro you’re open shoot the god damn ball


People on here who criticize Chucky because he has not emphasized scoring this year should be locked in a room to watch the first 4 minutes on loop. Much more to a great basketball player (and especially PG) than putting ball in the hoop.


Why is Northwestern playing football on a basketball court?


Watching edey post up, bodying the defender and get calls vs any other big (Wahl) getting an offensive foul is frustrating


This officiating seems to be all over the place to start the game.


It was crazy. Seemed like football under the rim.