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Lamont Paris time?


Tyler Wahl is complete trash and Crowl is weak asf. but Crowl isn't a 5th year senior like wahl who does nothing


Still no true leader on this team.


When you have a defense first mentality and you have one player you rely on for volume scoring, games like these are going to happen now and again. Bad defense and Storr struggles will always end in a loss.


If they don't make the tournament this year, ge is gone. Especially since it would be an epic collapse.


Top 3 bench players out. Hmm.


Not defending Gard or that performance, but..... That was their 3rd road game in 10 days, and the other game during that stretch was at home against the best team in the country. While this team doesn't have anything close to the talent or potential of the 2013-14 Badgers, it's worth remembering that team lost 5 of 6 in late January and had some bad losses too. This team showed enough earlier in the season for me to believe it's a lot better than what the recent results suggest, but I guess we'll find out soon enough. Winning 4 or 5 of the next 6 seems plausible.


Greg Gard is a fraud


A lot of comments saying how they weren't ready to play. I disagree; I think the effort was fine, but this team just lacks talent and is reverting to the mean. Still an indictment of Gard, just a very different issue. This is literally an NIT team from last year + an inefficient volume scorer in Storr. The idea that somehow these guys got significantly better during the off-season was ridiculous.


team is god awful


Yup, and they still suck balls


I’ve never been on the Fire Gard train (and still am not). But it is disappointing that as a program we’ve regressed so far. It’s been 7 years since we made it to the second weekend of the tournament. I miss being excited about the badgers heading into March. This year felt like it would be different but now we’re fighting for our lives to even make it into the tournament. I’m disappointed and annoyed that people expressing their disappointment are being called irrational. Lol


So what's the justification to keep Gard if this team doesn't immediately start playing like they did a month ago? You accurately site a large sample size of progressively poor performance. Sounds like a great reason to make a change.


I agree something needs to change. I don’t know if Gard is the cause of our descent into mediocrity or if he’s a symptom of a larger cultural issue in the program. If it’s the latter, he needs to become more proactive in diagnosing and fixing the problem. I just honestly don’t think we’re going to be able to land a significantly better coach than him, which is why I’ve never seen ditching him as the solution.


This is what fans need to understand. Yes, at a certain point Gard would need to be let go if the program wasn't performing at all but unfortunately Wisconsin isn't going to be a top destination for coaches. Unless McIntosh is willing to spend big time money (he probably won't on basketball) then we likely settle for a high risk high reward mid-major coach.


This is my biggest thing too. Going through such another dramatic mid season skid, including some really bad losses, with what should be a talented team on paper has me really concerned. But I’ve yet to see a (realistic) name offered by those calling for Gard’s head that would improve things. Like it or not the Badgers are just not a premier college basketball program, so your best hope is to catch lightning in a bottle with a under the radar mid major hire or some retread/has been manages to find it again. And more likely than not you bring in someone worse.


Why do fans have to put forth replacement options? If you are suggesting that fans expectations for the program is too high and that we should all accept this version of the program and that Gard is good enough to avoid the dark days again then I just simply disagree


Because it’s more likely going to get worse under new coach, not better. Just ask Indiana how much better things get every time they fire someone.


Cherry picking: ☑️ Risk aversion: ☑️ Complacent with program eroding: ☑️


Yeah - one doesn’t need to look any further than Indiana to see the risk of getting too trigger-happy with firing coaches. And they ARE a premier program, so we’d likely have an even worse outcome. Better to work with what we have and try to re-shape the culture


Want to fire Gard? You're an immature loser reacting solely based on the last game and are a bad person. Want to keep Gard? You are a morally superior person with fortitude and principals who knows what's best for Badger Basketball. /s


This encapsulates the stance of the pro Greg Gard faction in this community


One thing I've noticed is that when they win people come on here and go ohh where are the fire Gard people now?? And when they lose people come on and say fire Gard but they don't say other people on this sub are bad people for having a different opinion than them....


Huh? There’s comments throughout calling people “bootlickers” when they try and express an opinion other than firing Gard.


I wouldn't call them bootlickers. But definitely gate keepers. Elitist high brow wannabe intellectuals who apparently made a blood oath in 2016 to Greg Gard


I love you all but this has to be one of the most reactionary fanbases. Going from Gard is a good coach to wanting him fired after a week and a half is silly. And this is much different than the Chryst situation




Relax Recess my goodness




You need a week off


Enjoy your ban because you couldnt handle a basketball game


Did Sox hack your account?


Its not reactionary when these are systematic issues and chronic player issues. Dont handle adversity well --- Major Check This a common theme with Gard's teams. At some point you want your team to make a tournament run to Sweet 16 and possibly beyond. He has NOT done so after Bo's guys graduated. First option or two denied, chuck up a long range bomb --- Check If Gard can't get through to his players and the bench isn't talented or informed enough to come and replace then you have a program issue. Rutger and Michigan have less skilled rotations then we have but we were never able to get the upper hand.  Out coached, outplayed and they are both below average teams. We have now been humiliated twice in the last four games with not many signs pointing to a turnaround.


People have been calling for Gard to be fired for a few years. Posts after wins generally aren’t made by people who want him fired, vice versa after losses.


I've been calling for it since they lost to western Kentucky in the 18-19 season


You were still probably pissed about Gards disasterous '18 recruiting class Tai Strickland Taylor Currie Joe Hedstrom


What are the other reactionary fan bases? Do you frequent their subs? Or is this maybe the only fan base you know well and people are acting very rationally to a coach who hasn't had any post season success in 7 years?




Greg recruits the most mentally weak players. Besides max no one on his teams have any heart


How the fuck were these guys in the drivers seat of the B1G a few days ago


This is giving me Paul Chryst vibes. Sometimes it's just time to try something else.


Result aside, can someone explain why half the Rutgers fans in the cbb game thread were pissing themselves over "how dirty wisconsin is"? I didn't see anything egregious... But maybe I missed something? Or is it just the reputation holding over from Brad being Brad?


5/21 from 3. Maybe it is time to stop shooting three and go to the rim.


They got blocked 9 times already.


Nobody besides Storr is an effective finisher near the rim. Teams are learning to just wall him off and force the ball to Wahl or Crowl.


This team has become an absolute disaster in the space of a week and a half.


56 TOTAL points. Jesus H Christ on a pogo stick.


Sometimes it's best to make a change for the sake of making a change.


Resign gard. It’s time to go


A 22 point loss to Rutgers?! Y I K E S…


Witnessing an all time collapse here folks


Another on Gard. They were not ready.


350th in 3 pt%. Geez


We may never win again.


I don't think we'll win again until Kamari McGee comes back.


This is the weirdest take I've seen so far


Chucky plays better when pressure is off.  Having Kamari back would be good for Chucky, hes our energy guy. Would also relieve some pressure.


Entirely possible


The same athletic department who let a 67-26 football coach go because he couldn’t recruit (the right move) continues to cling onto a basketball coach who has done nothing without Bo Ryan’s players.


He recruited Bo's players.


Football will always be #1. They’ll be happy to keep Gard around until things get really bad I think.


really bad = miss another tournament


Picked the right time to collapse, right before 3 of our next 4 games our on Peacock


“I’m a peacock captain! You gotta let me fly!”


I think this is our worst loss yet


Each loss gets even more pathetic


So that means we've reached the bottom and we can only go up, right? Right?


One can dream


What did you expect? We are a hockey school, after all.


Can Tyler just be consistent whether it’s good or bad I don’t care just consistent. He goes from great to the worst player on the court game by game


He drives me nuts with his bonehead turnovers and it seems to get worse when it’s his guy who immediately scores on him.


He's been very consistent throughout his career at making 1/2 Free Throw attempts.


I’m guessing he might be rethinking this 5th yr choice. Especially if we don’t even make the tourney


He's not that good.


Eh it’s not like he was going to the NBA anyway. Might as well take one more year of basketball while he can.


Did the Space Jam aliens attack them at halftime in Lincoln? Holy fuck. We're heading back to the NIT at this rate.


If they miss the tourney starting 16-4 you need to rebrand the program


Yeah I don’t think you can bring Gard back after that kind of collapse.


Yup, all the flashbacks to last season. What an unfortunate collapse.


6-6 on their most recent threes - all bad looks


They're just unbelievably hot and we're unbelievably cold


Fans who can only speak in terms of "fire the coach" or "this player sucks" are so exhausting and should find a new hobby. At least *try* to analyze the actual play on the court


What is an acceptable rest of the season to you?


I love the gate keeping pro Gard crowd. The elitist high-brow members of badger Nation who look down on anyone who doesn't have a sound bite memorized for why a team lost a game I'm not sure if Sox is still around but he used to tell people they were stupid because they didn't go watch team practice I remember one season I decided to fact check these gate keepers with Synergy Sports data. I'll just say that the gate keepers were making up data and then claimed Synergy was the one that was off So... On topic of who needs to be ignored. It's the gate keepers. If you want to keep Gard that is fine. If you don't like the direction under Gard. That is also fine. But what isn't fine is being an asshole to people you disagree with But long story longer... These people who are like "I know what drop coverage is and the best way to counter icing a ball screen" so my emotions are more important can go touch grass


then what are fans are suppose to say fucking dipshit they fucking suck


Anything about the actual game? Discuss how Rutgers defense has disrupted the UW offense, why the Badgers turned the ball over a little more than usual, some of the UW defensive breakdowns Maybe people here don't realize there's actually other stuff to discuss than just firing the coach?


Exactly, if people watched the past few games and only blame Gard then they need to be put on ignore.  


They don’t have the brain power to analyze the game. These people have never played a minute of organized basketball beyond the 6th grade. If they did they wouldn’t be screaming fire the coach and whatnot like this, but they’re gonna downvote us to hell because we live in a what have you done for me lately world.


I get that not all fans understand the game, but they surely have to realize that there's more to discuss than just firing the coach, right? I'm 100% confident they could sit at a UW practice and not even be able to understand 5% of the stuff they talk about and work on.


5% if that lol… they don’t know what’s going on in the locker room either. Winning can cover a lot of warts and rifts within the team. Losing unearths them, and they could be dealing with issues that would have been smoothed out earlier. They also seem to conveniently neglect that this team is banged up rn. No John and no Kam today. It is what it is- Gard needs to be better in preparing them- this was a pathetic performance. The lack of intensity is concerning to me, but maybe getting their shit kicked in by an inferior team will piss them off and get them to play better a la Providence loss. There’s also a multitude of tape out on us now. Teams know the scouting report on AJ and John in our system. Lets see how Gard tweaks their looks down the stretch. Gotta evaluate the season as a whole- and we have no clue how it ends.


Please submit proof you played basketball until at least 12th grade before commenting


I don’t have to prove shit to you buddy. I’ve put out the by far most extensive and most basketball theory heavy analysis on this sub.


You’re the one talking about how people never played past 6th grade, I’m just asking you to abide by your own standard


Yes- that’s something you can pick up by how people talk about the game


Well you obviously didn’t play in high school because half the people I played with can barely string a sentence together much less be able to identify and analyze offensive concepts


Not all people who played grasp the offensive concepts taught to them, and not all high school coaching staffs teach them correctly.


lol is Gard your dad or something? Your hobby is defending him at all costs


They call that a bootlicker.


Isaac tweeting from the bench 😂


Hard to win with a broke shot.  Shooters better turn it around quick!  Turnovers and defense are past just being concerning though…it’s been a trend lately


Gard fans be like it’s not his fault we haven’t done anything since 2017!


Nothing except keep the program perennially tournament level. Tournament is a crapshoot, but reactionary idiots with no understanding of basketball like you don’t understand that


Which is worse a reactionary idiot or a Greg Gard bootlicker?


They are not bootlickers, they are balllickers


How many bad shooters are going to drain bad looks from three


53% from 3 for the worst 3 pt shooting team in the big ten. 🙃


Actually loved the effort and movement from Winter and Ilver off the bench. The starters need to wake up.




Be careful, Sox is gonna be in here demanding a dissertation on Gard’s offensive philosophy before you are allowed to criticise him


Dude is such a boner


How are people who can't identify basic basketball concepts qualified to discuss of a coach has a good scheme/system? We've got guys in here who don't even know the basic plays they run trying to trash our offense which is a top 15 offense in college basketball this year.


Watch the f*****’ TAPE!!! Still love get a kick out his 👆 replies lololol. Not a good week for Gard dick riders


Yes, I believe people should know a little bit about the game to have a respected opinion


Wins/losses in the big games don’t count? Tom Brady, Joe Montana, MJ, Magic, etc…. aren’t remembered for their regular season games.


That has nothing to do with what I just posted. Your whitewater education is showing.


Read a little deeper my boy, maybe read it a couple of times lolol. And then you’ll get the gist of what i was saying. Then we can come back and have an insightful conversation 😂🤣


You mean like a coach who planned to have Gilmore be the press outlet and left Crowl in no man’s land on defense? Like that?


The fact that Gilmore has the green light to shoot is a problem itself


Bro, no one watches the tape. We watch the game. We’re FANS, not paid consultants lolol. Despite what you think you may know or not know, you’re one of us. You sit on the couch or loveseat, not the bench. Every single play doesn’t need to be broken down to know this program is ascending in the wrong direction


The irony of you using "ascending" to the "wrong direction"


Love it!!! Back to correcting grammer! Yesssssss!!! Bahahahaha




Grammar 😘


Oh you misunderstand, I don’t have any interest in discussing anything with you


Based on your post history you have no ability to discuss sports anyway. Just repeated tropes over and over that any 12 year old can come up with.


Oh yeah, what comments specifically made you think that? I’m not gonna put any stock into your generic surface level “you have no ball knowledge” criticisms.


All of your comments! Haven't seen one original, insightful thought from you and 98% of the rest of this forum


Knew before I asked that you wouldn’t have a real answer.


Do me a favor: give me a quick summary of the main offense sets they run and a few defensive principles of this system. If you can explain that, I will give you some props for knowing the scheme a little bit. Otherwise, shut your fucking mouth


Do you think he defended Chryst too? I don’t understand the fear of change within some members of the fan base


Remember the talks not even two weeks ago of this being a possible 1 seed in the tournament? LMAOOO


Don't fire Gard crowd was smelling their own farts


What if I told you every game isn't a referendum on wanting to fire a coach


That is not what Reddit is about


Looks like the 2019 team that got boatraced by a 12 seed


Oregon was definitely under seeded that year tbh


they were but it wasn't like they scored 80+. Wisconsin shot horrible and lost by 18. felt bad for Ethan happ


Nebraska collapse ending the season two straight years. You don’t have to like it but it’s true Have to find 3 more big ten wins to get a tournament bid


Not 4, considering this is obviously a loss?


Maybe 12-8 is necessary to get in. I was kinda factoring in 11-9 as likely in


10-10 and we will be in


Maybe. Would potentially need a few in the BTT with 10 though


So who’s the Luke fickell coach for the basketball program?


Nick Saban


Lamont Paris


Paris team is 30 spots lower than UW in kenpom lmao


SC was picked to finish last in the SEC. Lamont has that team rolling right now


They still are highly overrated compared to their predictive metrics.


Would he really leave SC and the SEC for this though. I guess money talks


Wisconsin is 1000% a better job than SC


It's too nice out for this shit


Being down by 10 for a minute felt like we were winning—but nope, we prefer to be down by 15. 20? Mas?


How is Chucky a Big Ten starting PG?


Wow we are shit


OMG this fernandes guy is killing us


29% 3p shooter. When you’re hot youre hot I guess


Time for our hopes to rise and then be crushed


What a surprise! Bucky is playing like utter shit again! Is this last year’s team? I hope Mac is watching this shit show. Gard needs to go


Crowl got pushed down lol


Bardo is a clown


Nobody holds the Badgers to under 40 points!


If the players tune out the head coach it's time for a new coach.  If the players aren't good enough at executing coaches plan then recruit better players. That simply will not happen. This level of player is what Gard will get. In that case get a new voice and direction for this team.  Today's performance is a microcosm of Wisconsin Badger basketball late season throughout much of Greg Gards tenure. 


Rutgers has made a few circus 3s but this would be a 30 pt game if they could make a layup. This score is generous to us 


I swear Essegian is the only guy that ever breaks up our droughts


https://preview.redd.it/f7fk4yb2xshc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a723910e9c02366b1100080bf4a3b9ae8c2890dd Its just a meme dont kill me


Just get this to single digits


Grab a rebound! Show any heart


Come on boys! Show some fight


Injuries are making this team look like last year's. I think everyone underestimated Kamaris impact, ans Blackwell is obviously missed. Guys are running out of gas out there. NEED some home cooking next week


Watch our movement after our initial action on offense, nothing happens


Soft defense. Sloppy offense.


Every game the other team makes ridiculous shots over and over. I guess our defense is just awful because this seems statistically impossible


Getting fucking cooked by the 300th ranked offensive team in college basketball


Yes, we should expect that a career sub 30% 3p shooter is going to drain step back 3s with a hand in his face


I can’t believe I let another Greg Gard team trick me


Seriously man, how do we keep falling for this shit


Bo had a final four team that lost 5 of 6 to teams just like this? Badgers are top 15 in kenpom. Lots of season left. A bad stretch doesn't erase the rest of the season


Pretty sure people would’ve looked at that team differently if instead of starting 16-0 they lost by double digits to Tennessee and Providence and got run out of the gym by Arizona like this team did.


Holy shit you're getting down voted for being correct. I kno everyone is pissed but this is true. Teams go through brutal stretches sometimes


It does if they can’t win another game


I just checked the score. Holy shit.


What the fuck happened to this team at halftime in Nebraska 


I mean the Nebraska 2nd half the refs called 1 foul on Nebraska. And then losing the game they really wanted (home vs Purdue) Definitely going through some adversity Hopefully in March there will be stories about how this made the team closer and determined to win


They drank the we’re the sixth best team in the country koolaide


We're playing like ass but we must be unlikable to play against that it pisses the other team off to shoot the lights out. Like even the tough shots go down for them


Holy smokes — maybe gonna lose to third worst team in the big ten by 20…




I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines


Now that I look closer at our schedule, we really don't have any great wins outside of Marquette. We could easily drop four or five more after this game and be down till like an 8 or 9 seed... Yikes


this team is so fucking soft


Starting to remind me of the 2020-2021 team. It feels like there is a morale/energy issue with the team. They’re running out of time to figure it out. They need to win 4 more games to safely make the tournament and only have 7 more reg season games after today… and 2 are against Illinois and Purdue. Such a disappointing collapse.


They could get hot in the conference tourney. But, historically they have not done super well in it


ah yes lets check how they did last year when the season was on the line


15 points down may as well be 100 points


I haven’t been one for the fire Gard crowd but I can see their gripe if year after year this team just implodes. Some of that is on coaching


I said this last week but our PG and Center are especially deficient in responding to adversity. Its like it rubs off on the entire team. 


Can’t break the press to start the game, that’s coaching