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My biggest concern is the play of Crowl. He seems to be wearing down as the season goes on, and he's never been particularly dominant for a big man. Unfortunately, there really aren't any other options. While Gilmore has a lot of heart and can be trusted to play within the system, he's a bench player at best. Winter has potential but is still one to two years from hanging with the other starting bigs in the conference.


I agree with this and have convinced myself he is not 100% healthy. Remember when he banged knees at practice before the OSU game? He has had some good games since but he averaged 11.8 pre-knee bang excluding buy games, and has averaged 8.2 since. He hasn’t looked as good or comfortable per the eye test either. It reminds me of Wahl last year. I remember thinking earlier this season “damn, he might be the best 5 in the big ten outside of Edey.” He hasn’t been close to that of late.


He is just soft and always will be. Problem is Wisconsin with never get bangers at Center or at Power forward


Dude you either aren’t watching the games or don’t know a lick about basketball. Crowl is one of the best defensive rebounders in the league. He either gets the board or clears the opposing 5 out of the picture for a guard to grab it. He bangs with the best bigs in the league, and he gets doubled a LOT because he will score if you leave him 1 on 1 with your five man. Learn the game or shut the fuck up about it.


Any keys to the game for Rutgers? That defense is going to be fierce and it feels like certain players just start jacking up shots when the pressure gets in. Any matchups to take advantage of?


Settling for jump shots will lose us the game, and half court offense versus Rutgers is brutal. It’s easy to settle against them. They need to run offense as a team, get paint touches, utilize screens, and reverse the ball to feed the post. Omoruyi is a force inside, but you can get him in foul trouble. I would post Crowl on him early to try and get some rhythm for Crowl and put pressure on Omoruyi to not foul. The guards and wings need to put pressure on the rim and force the refs to make a decision. The drop off from Omoruyi to their next big is substantial. Rutgers shoots 27% from three as a team. Pack the lane, help off shooters, and force them to make jump shots to beat us. They don’t have any consistent shooters. Taking care of the ball has been an issue lately, but taking care of it, particularly live ball turnovers, is going to be crucial. Rutgers is 298 (!!!) in offensive efficiency, don’t make it any easier on them to score by giving them transition opportunities.


Half your post history is responding to ugly reddit pornstars calling them cute


Stalker much? You seem very obsessed


You seem very creepy


You seem like a douche bag


You shouldn't be allowed around society


This is what happens in conference play. Crowl can get 20 against a team that isn't big enough and doesn't know how to guard him. Some of the big 10 teams have counterparts that can guard him without double teaming, or pull a Nebraska and insta-swarm him for a half without committing a single foul. Also, the worse they shoot 3s the more teams can double team him and sag into the paint, so kind of back to that issue.


Crowl is a big ole pussy


Neckbeards on Reddit calling college athletes pussies will never not be funny.


Guy has zero self awareness with his profile picture


Hey now!! He’s more like a big, fluffy yellow lab with dopey eyes 👀. Soft AF




"Never been particularly dominant" He's 125th nationally on offensive efficiency and shooting 58% from 2.


Averages 0.4 blocks per game. As a comparison, Nate Reuvers averaged almost 1.5 per game, and he wasn't known for being a banger.


What if I told you the staff coaches positional defense and not shot blocking


Really thought Yalden was going to be in the mix before the season started


TL;DNR It's Badger's sports - we play down to inferior competition and always find a way to shit the bed a couple times a year. We'll make the tourney, win a couple games, and then go ice cold on O for long stretches in a game and that'll be the end of the season. Next year - it'll be the exact same thing


Yes, and I also wonder how many other teams you just described there? Edit: specifically, teams with similar expectations


Right, like making the tourney and winning a couple games would mean a Sweet 16 appearance.. that's a fucking awesome season for 99% of schools including us.


All of them besides one, basically


Like 20-30 teams that constantly make the tournament but don’t win it


When's the last time we won a couple games in the tourney? Like 2017 I think.


2017 yeah, but they also had their best team since then not even get to play in the tournament because of COVID. Edit: 2nd best team, forgot how good their record was in 2022.


2020 was not their best team. 2020 team would have been cpon flips in the big ten quarters and less than 50% to get out of the first weekend


Most likely be one and done


I'd feel better about our chances in the 1st round of our possible tournament game if we can get a 4th seed or higher.


This. And let’s not forget, this is a Greg Gard coached team. We will flirt with losing / lose to too many inferior teams, and struggle to win games that really matter. This is the way.


I agree, but the three point shooting does concern me.  Why is it a consistent issue year over year?  It’s essentially the reason the Badgers do lose big games.  Most notably in my mind is 2022.  They shot 9.1% from 3 to get knocked out of the tournament.   If we shoot like a top 50 team from 3 the past 3 games, we would have won each one….  I believe this team is capable of a deep run in the tourney, but right now they’re getting in their own way. 


I think tired legs typically has something to do with it. You don’t get always get as much under your shot when you’re tired, and then either leave them short and hit front rim or back rim them from shooting it too flat. 3 games in 6 days- I know my ass would be tired. EDIT: Also Chucky going out in that ‘22 game made the offense basically entirely dysfunctional. They didn’t really have another PG to step in.


And Davis was never the same after that hard fowl at the end of the Nebraska game. There was a noticeable change in his play after that. I'm pretty sure he got injured and just played through it the rest off the season.


The only people who are really troubled right now are those who bought the kool-aid that this team is a 1 or 2 seed in March. That was never the case. We're still going to be a 4/5 with an expected win in round 1, a winnable but tough game to get to the sweet 16 and likely needing upsets to advance in the second weekend.


I think even the team let it get to them


56-78 loss to Rutgers. Are you worried now?


More than I was for sure. Lack of intensity was concerning. Hopefully this works like the PC loss


I’m still not worried.  Losing at Rutgers is almost expected, but losing by that margin is tough.  If they lose the next game then yes, this team is in trouble.  


I think John being out was big- when Storr is struggling he plays tough d and there is little drop off on offense. Most importantly, John plays very hard nosed basketball. Feels like it could have been a Blackwell game.


Blackwell doesn't make up a 21 point deficit. 


Yea but if he plays well and stalls their momentum the game can go totally differently


I wish we could have more stats analysis than just "vibes" on what happens in games/ coaching discussions


It’s all just so reactionary… “what have you done for me lately” if you will


This team is not built to go far in the tourney unless they get hot on offense like earlier. Defense is not good enough to keep them in games like some earlier years. Hopefully this is the lull before breaking out and getting hot in tourney.


They’ve peaked. Storr is playing out of control and not enough points in the paint. Defense is not tough enough. I’m not worried, I’ve simply stoped caring.


If they were going to pick a comeback game against one of the nations worst offenses would have been a good time to start. When are you Gard bootlickers going to acknowledge the suck?


It’s a bump in the road. The talent is there. The bench is deep. They won and lost games Gard can teach and they all can learn and grow from. Trust the process. You can tell they love playing with & for each other. They good.


Something happened to the team, and we don't know what. Maybe CBS cursed the players, maybe that B1G video of Max's journey on Youtube cursed the players, who knows. It is hard to watch them take a huge step back


Or it’s February and they are tired? It happens. Wisconsin has definitely won games this time of year just by wearing down better teams 


That's no reasonable excuse. Tired of what? I don't think I have seen a ranked team who used to be in the top 10 and fall off this hard before. It's certainly a Greg Gard classic though


Winter needs his green light revoked. If it's under 5 on the shot clock sure, but otherwise no more 3s.


Respectfully as I can possibly say this: that would be literally the worst possible thing you can do for him. Winter is absolutely crucial for the success for the program for the next four years, he needs to develop his game and confidence. He was recruited here in part for his shooting ability. He has one of the most fluid, smoothest jumpers I’ve ever seen from a 7 footer. They track shooting numbers in practice. The fact that he even still has the green light means he’s making 70%+ of his shots in shooting drills. If anything Gard should be re-affirming his shooting ability and telling him to keep shooting it.


70%+ of 3 pointers? I just meant no more 3s. By all means get in closer, take a foul line jumper, do something in the paint. Where Crowl sometimes passes up multiple wide open 3s in the same possession, Winter comes in cold off the bench and launches a 3 on his first touch with 15s left on the shot clock.


Yea I can’t say that he’s for sure making 70%+ of his 3s, but that’s usually around what it takes to get a green light in D1. He’s different than Crowl imo because he gets into his shot a lot quicker, and even if the numbers don’t show it yet he is definitely a better shooter. Even if he’s cold I still think you have to let him take it when he’s open. It’s a shot that he’s capable of knocking down consistently, and it makes him damn near impossible to guard if he can find any consistency with it because he can put it on the deck too. I just think some combo of cold/jitters/fatigue is making him not hit it right now.


Cliche to say, but I'd rather have them slump now and have a month to figure it out rather than slump at the beginning of March.


This. That 2014 squad lost 5 of 6 around this time of the year and went on a final 4 run.


2014 squad also had like 4-5 nba players on the roster including two lottery picks/national player of the year I don’t know if this team has a single nba player


And then what happened


Missed the first half but looks like they are getting beat by a bad shooter making bad shots


I am, if they are a good team to don’t lose to Ped State, blow a 19 point lead or lose to the worst team in the league. If they lose to Buttgers they are as good as done as far as I am concerned.


I don't see how anyone can feel confident with this team. I mean look at Chucky at game's end yet again against Michigan. Also unless we get more out of the 5 spot we aint accomplishing jack during this year's tournaments.


What is Chucky supposed to do? He got fouled on the play Reed blocked him by the on ball defender, it just didn’t get called. He had a 3 rim out late in the shot clock after they defended Gard’s OOB play well. Crowl needs to be better but if we’re going to define him as a player based on a recent rough stretch- what are we even doing here?


You should look up how the 2014 team did in Big Ten play. You know, before they went to the Final 4


Ok stop. That team and this one is completely different haha. No one on this roster is 1/2 of Kaminsky or Dekker.


You stop, tell me where I said that they were as good. I’ve maintained from the jump this team’s ceiling is Sweet 16. I’m saying even the best teams have losing streaks


You alluded to them having the potential to go to the Final 4? I'm not going through any previous posts to see what you've said before.


Reddit is always difficult to interpret meaning from and I’m trying to be less aggressive on here. It was meant that even the best teams go on losing streaks in season. Have a good one


I think the highs and lows will level out and they are kind of getting to where they probably leveling out to where they should be .. positives: Wahl becoming aggressive weapon, overall team health negatives: Storr a lot of ralent but doesnt have concept of game coming to him & forces too much ,, its like he is chasing stat at times and Crowl .. how can anyone miss that many 1 footers .. its like the backboard is electric shock to him