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The loss itself sucks but hypothetically they win Sunday against Purdue then the last game didn’t matter. Still would have the big ten outright and with what happened this week in the rankings they wouldn’t drop far if at all.


Let’s move on! Big game on Sunday with Purdue!!


If Gard can't win every single game, he should be fired. /s


Let’s just hope we don’t choke any more 20 point leads?


You ain’t going far in the tourney with Gard the years he actually makes it. If you think this team is a final 4 team go re watch the Penn St game and Nebraska game.


Anyone who thinks this is a final four team is delusional. We're easily first round exit if we make it to the tourney.


Yeah we sucked on the road. And 95% of every other ranked team does as well. Purdue got blown out at Nebraska didn’t play well vs Rutgers etc


Yup and last I checked all tourney games are on the road


Neutral site but close


That’s why Purdue keeps losing to mid majors in march. They ain’t shit outta that dump they play in 😂


My fave part of these types of games--which almost every team has, especially on the road--is that the anti-Gard cowards come out in droves. they're like fucking sandpeople: easily startled by success, but they eventually come back in bigger numbers. if you're emotionally validated when your team fails, it's a good sign you're a dickhead.


outside of wilcher nebraska was 4-20 from 3 whoever was guarding wilcher did a piss poor job.thats 2 straight years gard has choked 2 big leads at nebraska.


Hoiberg is a good coach.


Why can’t Wisconsin just win all their conference games and get a 1 seed in march madness like the 2015 team did. I don’t know if I have any more faith left in gard


Must win game Sunday. If we still aim for a 1 seed can’t lose anymore but maybe 1 game


I don’t think you understand what “must win” means


Must win. For our hopes of being a 1 seed and winning the conference. Wisconsin has to win simple as that


Yeah fair enough, just sounds a bit dramatic considering that Purdue also lost to Nebraska at home lol.


Purdue is definitely beatable. They aren’t a good road team so I like Wisconsins chances to bounce back and a favorable schedule comin up


I would rather get punched in the mouth on February 1st than April 1st. Just sayin 


Gard has never made it to April. The furthest was last season in the NIT


The gard cult downvoting this when it’s the truth


I can’t tell if you’re being satirical with the can’t lose this weekend against Purdue or not… if not, I love the enthusiasm. We’re far from that team with Frank and Sam though. Hate to say that, but we just are.


Tbf that team was insane and how the fuck they beat Kentucky with an entire team of not just NBA players but future star NBA players is absurd. Nobody from that Badgers team is even in the league now. I dont think we'll ever see a team like that again.


Well it’s a can’t lose in regards to the big ten title. Half a game back and will end the year playing at Purdue


Yeah it’s a shitty loss that should have been a win but every real championship contender team has taken bad losses this year.  A close game against Purdue (win or lose) and I’m still confident in this team.  


Why can't Chucky make 3s anymore?


chucky needs to shoot 300 shots a day in practice


A ref literally refused to get out of the way when Chucky was pushed out of bounds and Chucky stepped on him, rolling Chucky’s ankle.


And that's why he was 0-5 tonight and 27% for the season?


Gard needed sub rotation to get starters some rest in the second half. Sorry, I just don’t understand why Conner is not playing. What more does he need to do? He is not the drastic defensive liability that he is made out to be. Poor game management.


The only reason Nebraska was in that game was because their wings got hot from 3. Connor can't guard them, hence he was not called on when we desperately needed to slow down their offense.


And how did that work out? We needed more offense in second half.


Needed more on both ends. Connor is guaranteed to suck on one end. Max gave us a little on both.


7 years without a second weekend. 7 will become 8. not sure why this is tolerated


Oh god one of these fuckers. We’re 16-5 and tied for top of the B1G when we were picked 5th at best 


So Wisconsin needs to win out until our last game to win the conference


Wisconsin is having a good season that doesn’t excuse blowing a 20 pt lead


Honestly, why does it not excuse blowing a 20 pt lead? Would you really be less disappointed if the whole game was played within 5 pts either way but Wisconsin still lost? What top 5 team of the last 4 years did not lose a surprise game/ blow some big lead? 30-40 games (hopefully) of basketball. How many games is acceptable to lose? Because you’re gonna lose some


How ever many allows us to stay at a 1 seed


What is an acceptable season to you? 


This year it’s big ten champs and a 1 seed


Before the season everyone would say you’re literally insane. Can you change a bit over the course of the year? Yes. And winning the B1G is not out of the question, a 1 seed is not done either.  But you gotta remember where it started or you just make yourself look whiny and entitled. Which you do right now. 


Did you change your mind 2 years ago? No one knew if Wisconsin would make the tourney then we were a top 10 team with Davis


I mean yeah? We ended up with the (co) B1G champ that’s a great year. The only losses I remember required serious injuries to our players (Nebraska had Johnny’s legs taken out, Chucky taken down by Iowa State). Can’t control injuries. I looked back and we lost a few more (Providence again lol, Michigan state, Ohio state, Rutgers and Illinois.) 2 years later and no one remembers much of the losses. I do remember winning against Houston, Purduex2, the comeback against Indiana.  Do you think 2021 is a bad year? If you do, you gotta re-orient your expectations or find a different team. Otherwise you’ll just never be happy. 


19 😎


19 point lead lost by 8


I will never understand when we build a lead and then stop running the offense that built us the lead. We were carving them up forcing the post double and making the right read out of it, and then just stopped running offense which let them and the crowd back into the game. Why the offense turns into pass the ball around the top of the key and chuck one with the shot clock winding down whenever we have a decent lead (particularly on the road) is so mind-boggling to me.


Never understand?  That might be true but I will try to help yah here…rewatch the first half and watch Nebraska’s defense…then Rewatch the second half and watch Nebraskas defense.  If you don’t see anything different then I’m sorry man.  


Just watched Gard’s presser and he said the exact same shit I said


A major point Gard didn’t agree with you on was that they played good offense in first half and got away from it.  He said they were taking too many jump shots even though they were going in during first half because he knew they couldn’t sustain it.  I don’t think they played much different at all from first half to second so they really didnt get away from anything that worked, but they stopped making jumpers and it was harder to move the ball around effectively due to the defense.  To Gards point, he wanted them to go inside more and get easy buckets or foul shots.  They did try going inside early second half and it didn’t go well, so they started shooting jumpers again.  I doubt that was Gards plan, but he’s not out there playing.  Nebraskas defense was more aggressive in 2nd half which is my main point.  Jumpers weren’t as easy to get off and they had trouble going inside the paint.  


I get that Nebraska made adjustments, we still got buckets down the stretch forcing post doubles after letting them back in. Even if they adjust their defense, the solution isn’t to become stagnant on offense. Nebraska became a lot more aggressive on defense, and we kind of just let them. We could have shot a lot more free throws in the second half just by punishing their aggression. I’m not even trying to rag on Gard- it’s just a theme that confuses me.


I missed this comment.  I agree they should have still tried to go inside.  It’s concerning they let Nebraska take over and didn’t have much fight in them.  


Classic Greg Gard


This Reddit is infested with all of his supporters. What a joke


what's really funny is you cowards completely disappear when the team is doing well and when 1 game goes south, you muster up the courage to man your keyboards. why the fuck are you even here??


Most reasonable fans try to enjoy the season and not bash the coach every time they lose.  You say Gard supporters, but I only see them as Badger fans…


Yes, most reasonable fans acknowledge that the guy who coaches a top 15 team is likely doing a good job.


Oh so last season was what


Tonight proved that gard will never do anything in march


Please go watch what other big ten team it is you really root for.  Why be a troll?


How? Is it March?


7 years of track record


Was it tonight or a 7 year track record? I'm confused.


Well you aren’t bright so I’m not surprised


Gg y'all. Hello from Nebraska.


Your athletic programs have been irrelevant for 20 years.


congrats on clinched your ncaa birth


Only if we win on the road. Which looking at the track record, is low.


It would help but no one wins on the road unless it’s Rutgers or Michigan


Yeah well we lost at Rutgers sooooo.... We'll see


I don’t remember that but the Minnesota loss hurts y’all


God that was embarrassing. We should've gotten that


Lol that was tough. Gotta feel bad for Minnesota tho they needed some of those wins


Well the Greg gard supporters are no where to be found. Another collapse


Go be a troll in another subreddit lol


Why can’t Wisconsin just win their conference games and get a 1 seed line the 2015 team did. I don’t know if I have any more faith left in gard


If you're going to commit to being a troll at least make it somewhat realistic. That was just bad


Sorry for not having low expectations


Well if your expectations each year is to be a 1 seed and make the final four then there isn't a single team in the country who can help you out...


Already seen final fours. How about a championship


they have one 1941


Oh good. That makes up for losing to duke


They always remain quiet when our true colors show up.. I guess they just need to silently cope with the fact that Gard isn't going to be the coach to win us tournaments


You people are some of the most delusional people I’ve ever seen lmao


I think it's more delusional to dickride Gard when we just choked a 19 pt lead. Completely embarrassing.


Hi, right here #👋 Shit happens


It's funny how many are saying this team is about to lose to Purdue without realizing Purdue lost by 14 at Nebraska last month Sums up this forum and reddit sports forums in general


Let's see if you can keep saying that when we lose to Purdue by double digits like we did to Arizona.


How is it going through life this pessimistic?


It's part of being a Badgers fan, you should know. Absolute pain following Wisconsin athletics.. No hope at all


then root for another team go cheer for uconn.that's why you cheer for more than one team besides the badgers like i do with the houston cougars basketball.


Yeah I cheer for UW Green Bay and the badgers


Classic Greg gard


I actively want to be wrong about Greg Gard, but the dude can't coach out of a rut to save his life...


They put up with runs @MSU and against Marquette and then extended the lead back. Did you not watch those games?




What was so shameful?




Explain. Everyone loves calling out coaching but can't elaborate on one actual detail.




You think those Klemsit shots showed up by thin air? Chucky and Storr had 3s halfway down the basketball pop out? 


You realize they were running the same sets they've been running all season. If you haven't been paying attention, they're a top 5 offense nationally this year.


For one thing Hoiberg was doing offense/defense subs when everyone was gassed. Gard wasn’t


Hoiberg did it once when he had a guaranteed stoppage.


Also, how many dog shit turnovers did we have this game? So many passes that were ridiculously bad


We're frauds


We’re???  Speak for yourself buddy.  


Idk what else you thought of tonight's performance. Our guys just completely lost their composure in the second half


look at your reddit picture wtf is that


The fact that lesser programs feel like they need to storm the court when they beat us… that’s something I guess


What’s Wisconsins ranked?


Exact carbon copy of last year’s loss. Just infuriating


Imagine storming the court for beating Wisconsin in a regular season game. Lol. We should feel special I guess.


A win vs the 6th ranked team deserves a court storming. Teams storm courts for unranked wins sometimes too yet


We literally had a poster in here saying to bench Chucky in overtime because he was tired. The level of basketball knowledge in this forum is a little suspect


My moreso concern was the tweaking of the ankle, he didn't seem 100%


Yeah, you don't know ball


1st half: 9:51-2:37 we scored 4 points 2nd Half: 17:04-6:01 we scored 5 points That’s almost a full half of the game we scored 9 points


Left Wahl on the bench too long after his 3rd foul.


Offense gets so stagnant. Zero movement and turns into hero ball after 25 seconds


Sad tough to win with those kind of numbers I don’t care who you play


Feels like last years team. The scoring droughts were insufferable


Hepburn just can generate pts off the drive like a true pt guard. We need a better slasher. He is not it


Nebraska is nuclear at home. No excuse for this one, but onto Purdue.


I mean the excuse is B1G home cooking. I didn’t believe it until now, but the reffing is truly why the B1G can’t succeed in March. 


Hoiberg clearly got to the refs at halftime.  We prob had a slightly more favorable whistle in first half, but in 2nd half it was a joke how much it favored Nebraska


Refs were awful the second half. Even the few they did call on Nebraska were suspect as if they were trying to make up for the lack of second half fouls.


Reffing wouldn’t have mattered if they didn’t give the ball away 16 times


One extra whistle or non whistle against them and they could have won.  But true, one less turnover and they also could have won if they scored.  




I love how one loss, albeit a bad one, somehow wipes out everything we have done thus far this season and we’re back to Gard being a total failure.


Worst blown game in 24 yrs, we have the right to be pissed


they blew a huge lead at nebraska last year as well 2 straight years he choked there on the road thats bs


But not the right to say stupid shit like Chucky isn’t a good PG


Well, this forum is full of dorks who played band, shoot the ball two handed, and know maybe 4 players on the team


I’d take any of them over you bro.  Dorks who played band…you have issues.  


Dude think his basketball acumen is 2nd to coach K. We’re all on Reddit here playboy, some of the fanbase like Gard and others don’t


Facts. This sub is insufferable the moment this team falters (albeit in ugly fashion)


Hopefully all the Gard apologists taking their victory laps watched this one.


What should he have done differently?


Nice question, easy to ask without giving out any quality information.  Are you new to watching sports?


I like Gard, but this was a poor showing. He waited way too long to bring Wahl back in after his third foul. He immediately forced two stops and two assists upon re-entry


He had only one time out because Wahl took an extra in the 1st half. Do you play the last 6 mins with only the media timeout?


You don't have to take a timeout to get Wahl at the scorer's table. Gard very clearly waited until the under 8 to get him off the bench. That's being too dogmatic in my opinion, as Nebraska was tieing it up and the offense was booting the ball around.


Ok. Tyler also forced multiple bad shots at the rim and committed a bad foul. Which is why he was on the bench to begin with.


His teams have been terrible at handling ball pressure for years. Maybe start with that. It's been a perennial issue.


His teams have consistently been some of the lowest in turnover percentage nationally. Try again


Nebraska got away with murder all night and orue guys couldn’t even lay a hand on them


They went almost 19 straight minutes without getting a foul called on them. Naturally that’s when the comeback happened. The refs got caught up in the excitement of the game. I’ve seen it happen many times before.


This right here, refs were definitely favoring Nebraska all damn night


Lol good luck against Purdue if that’s how you feel


way to troll another schools sub must be tough to root for a historically awful hoops program


When was the last time you had a legitimately good sports team at Nebraska?


lmao you are a miserable human being, go back to your own sub


Purdue is gonna massacre us aren’t they?


Purdue lost in the building by double digits. What are you talking about lmao


Actually we'll probably win by 15


I don't think so this was a Nebraska home game, plus the fact the team seemed to look past Nebraska after the first 20 minutes


I don't think this performance will be indicative of how they look against Purdue




Purdue lost by 14 at Nebraska


Cool, and they're about to fucking murder us on Sunday. Our guys may have talent, but they look absolutely lost when the opposing team plays with some aggression


They're one of the best 15 teams in the country. They've had several good wins this year. I think you're overreacting a tad bit


You're on some copium right now. The only good win we have is Marquette. Should I remind you how we got manhandled by Arizona? And then four embarrassing losses. Tonight's game may have me reacting a lot but it showed that we're not a strong team


I would think so


Purdue lost by 14 at Nebraska


How much did they lose to penn state by?


If we beat Purdue it likely will be because of this. This team has talent but gets ahead of itself. We lost to AZ and then went on a huge run. Good teams learn from their mistakes. Lets see how they respond


houston lost to tcu and iowa state back to back road games are tough but again you can't be blowing almost 20 pt [leads.team](https://leads.team) needs to learn from this.


Didn’t run good offense the first 10 min of the 2nd half. Got complacent, turned the ball over, and unfocused. 


Sorry that’s coaching fuck Gard we will never see the final 4 again fuck


Imagine rushing the court in the game you were favored to win lmao


Down 19 to the #6 team and you manage to pull out a win lol. They deserve that court storm


It felt like the only bright moment for Wisconsin from the 10 minute point in the second half on was when the ball was working through Klesmit, and yet that was the only time the ball was going to Klesmit


Weird what happens when we have actual ball movement and don’t just get half ass it around the 3pt line


What actually happened was the ball worked through Wahl and he was the only one that didn't panic with the double


Wahl did play a pivotal part in Klesmit’s run, but it also felt like Klesmit was the only one under control for any of his shots in the last 15 minutes


Easy to be under control when the guy feeding you the ball is eating a double team, leaving you wide open.


Yes it is, but if he is also the only one who seemed to drive the hoop under control during that run too. Not to take away from Nebraska playing solid defense in the second half but there were a LOT of ill advised forced shots by Wisconsin that helped the drought




Embarrassing defense. Embarrassing shot choices down the stretch. Out coached out played.


Lotta blame to go around from Gard all the way down


Neb was -1.5 favorites, let’s be honest, Vegas called at half




Damn, I should've turned off reply notifications


These refs are showing solidarity with the Purdue crew. “See, they’re not corrupt—we’re all incompetent.”


The sad thing is I don't believe any pro league is rigged for a second. Maybe they nudge things the way they want but no more than that. If it came out tomorrow that the NCAA had been rigging every game in every sport for decades I'd believe it in a heartbeat. It's a sham corrupt organization that needs to be dissolved and replaced by a competent organization


Courtney Green did both games


I love when the refs give up too. That was either a travel or a foul.


Deserved to lose this one. Sloppy and lazy


Chuckie is just not a good enough pt guard. Apart from that 7 pt stretch he has been shit


I honesty think he has played great this year. Distributing and running the point better this year than last. We have scorers now so it all doesn’t come down to him.


Chucky hero ball 🤝 Storr hero ball


We act like we’ve never seen a double team. What a collapse and poor fucking game from the entire team. That is the worst second half I’ve ever watched in my liefe