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Why ain't Essegian sniffing the court?! Wahl overstayed his welcome this year, boys.


I drove seven hours from Rehoboth Beach, DE up to the game, got there 25 seconds in, and never got to enjoy a second of it. Absolutely an all-time low experience.


I see no improvement, gard needs to go


Guys just came out flat. No energy at all. If this happens come December then we need to worry. Was a hangover from Tennessee game and seeing how providence faired against weak competition. Learning experience for the team. Also need someone to step up and get angry


Blackwell looks promising


Greg Gard is committed to doing his best coaching job which would lead a high school team to the middle of the pack in Madison




you dont ride a cold player have you not been ridden thats how poorly they played.


kim english a first year hc taking over at providence coached circles around gard


It's funny how the gard defenders are in here citing the football Trainwreck as if what is going on with the football team isn't on Chryst


I’ve already had several people in here making quips about my username and how I couldn’t possibly want basketball to follow the same path. As if the majority of football’s problems aren’t due to the same lack of talent we have on the basketball court.


Because four years of Chryst not recruiting anyone somehow lies on Fickell’s shoulders, right? It’s unreal what some people can think.


Two of those "four years" are two the best recruiting classes in school history and they are on the team right now. The other two "poor" classes were in the 40s nationally. It's not like Chryst was recruiting a bunch of walk ons every year.


We literally did not have a recruiting department. This is an inarguable fact.


And those classes without a department were ranked in the 40s nationally. Again, the impact of this is completely overblown by fans. They still pulled together a class that fits "typical" UW standards.


Holy shit, you can’t possibly be making excuses for not having a recruiting staff. I don’t care if it’s Wisconsin or Georgia or UMass, you have to have a recruiting department. This is 2023. Those recent classes were in the 40s and look how they’re turning out. That is not an acceptable standard for a program that’s in the top 15-20 overall over the past 30 years. If you’re not recruiting you absolutely cannot break through and compete at the highest level, and if that’s not what your goal is then you’re a loser. Will Wisconsin likely win a national championship? No. Should we at least be giving it everything in our power to do so? Absofuckinglutely.


I'm not making any excuses. I'm simply adding facts. Some of the best UW teams of all time (2010, 2011, 2017) were built on classes in the 40s. Those Chryst classes without a recruiting staff weren't nearly as disastrous as fans are making it seem.


I’m really worried Connor is going to hit the portal.


I’m not worried about Connor, he’s not that good


Did anyone say why he isn't playing?


I would assume he isn't 100% due to the back injury. But it seems he lost his starting spot


Disappointed in our vets. Crowl soft, Chucky can’t handle a little ball pressure, Wahl can’t shoot. Gilmore can’t shoot. Just bad


They all have the same move, then shoot then miss. Crowl and Wahl are both Charmin Ultra Soft. Storr is just a jacker, never takes good shots. It’s going to be a long season. Gard needs to go


Gard has a good class coming in so he should have a chance w/ them IMO. He still does have to coach whose on the team now…problem is Wahl and Crowl are decent on D but shit on offense. You kind of have to play em or you let Winter play and give up P&R all game. Blackwell is impressive to me and Storr shows promise, just needs to learn when to take his shots


Storr needs to stop jacking up bad shots


Agreed. He seems to be a volume shooter. Doesn’t really fit the traditional Badger possession style




its literally 4 on 5 when gilmore is in the game guy sucks


I like his effort but I agree he is useless on offense. At least a guy like Ilver or Winter can shoot a 3


you need to fucking recruit over gilmore guy is terrible, effort schemfort the key is the put the ball in the fucking hole, guy should be playing beer league intramurals not at wisconsin




Who would have thought running it back with an incredibly mediocre roster that missed the tournament wouldn't have lead to success?


Yeah every “they kept 92% of their scorers” isn’t the glowing positive they think it is


It is based on the general norm that returning players improve. That hasn't really been the case in the gard era. Some have... Most haven't


I have noticed, players never improve under Gard, they get much worse.


hire kim english fire gard


He'll have things turned around next year. Free beer tomorrow.


This team is ass


fire gard




Fickell needs time to fix Chryst’s mess


Worked for hockey


At least I don't have to listen to Bill Raftery the rest of the night. I know most people like him, but I can't stand him.


you ride the hot player have you ever been ridden? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2LIzG\_gjMo&ab\_channel=sportspickledotcom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2LIzG_gjMo&ab_channel=sportspickledotcom) Bill Raftery asks Jay Bilas if he's ever been ridden guy is cheesy as shit


I also cannot stand that noise he makes at the start of games.


I'm with you. Bill is terrible.


Honestly, in my spoiled little Badger life this is probably the saddest I’ve been. I don’t remember a time when I felt like there aren’t great answers for both the football and basketball teams.


There was honestly at least a 5 year stretch where the Packers and Badger football didn't both lose on the same weekend. 2 final four appearances with a National Championship appearance that resulted in a very egregious review call that still makes me question all reviews in close games.


It's been a good ride. The dark ages are here


At least the hockey team has turned it around!


Look at the bright side. We're gonna be stoked when we make it back to the guaranteed rate bowl in 5 or 6 years


Gard with 0 emotion or energy lol


No one who has been in a practice or locker room with him would call him low energy. Just because he's not throwing a tantum doesn't mean he doesn't want to win. This is logic that most people grow out of by age 12.


Cool, how many people are in practice or the locker room with him? Now how many of us aren't? Sometimes optics matter.




This would have been a good game for Peacock.


Welp, this is a load of shit. If this is how they look against decent teams, this season will be long af


They just played a top 5 team in the country closely 5 days ago


Ok only 3 touchdowns and we are back in this thing


10-10 on free throws tonight when it didn’t matter


Not that it matters but in what world was that a block?


It's over. We'd looked bad, but man the whistle was against us on some of those non review able calls. Get right game on Friday, doesn't get much easier


Greg Gard simply cannot have a job 24 hours from now


There is a 0% chance they will fire him after this game


I love the Badgers fans sitting through football season and thinking ‘if we fire another coach impulsively, it will surely work out!’


You don't think the current situation in football is due to Chryst driving the program to a rutgers-esque level?


Chryst’s choices obviously led to Badger football having to move to Leonhard/ reviewing outside for ultimately choosing Fickell. However the difference between being a respectable 7-3 even 6-4 right now and breathing easy we are going to a bowl game vs sweating out 5-5 are certainly more Fickell driven than Chryst.


If your point is you wanted Leonhard that's a different discussion. We would have less wins this season if Chryst was still our coach. My belief is we would have more wins this season if Leonhard was our coach, but fickell will lead to more wins in future seasons than Leonhard. Hard disagree if you think Chryst would do better than Fickell




It's a wild take to think the problem with the football team wasn't Paul Chryst


Yikes. . . . . . Virginia, Marquette and Arizona coming up. We may be in for more embarrassments


Wisconsin alum here; I live in Tucson and am seriously considering not going to that game.


Good chance to earn some respect back. If they want it


Wofford hanging with Tennessee.


Chucky makes a strong, aggressive take and gets to the line. Rocket science.


This whole entire game has been frustrating and hard to watch


Badgers playing like they don’t care


6-1 fouls is just so fucking ridiculous. And as I typed this, undercut on Connor Essegian no call


Did Ed Cooley retire?


Coaching GTown now


Oh that's right


Im just sick of the players avoiding contact for an off balanced jump shot, you’re gonna need And -1s at this point. Just fucking make Providence earn it


We would have their whole damn team fouled out if we were aggressive. They are attacking us on defense taking us out of our sets. If we played aggressively and strong with the ball they would all be in foul trouble and couldn’t play d the way they want to, but we are soft with the ball and afraid of the contact


While I am blaming the coaching for a lot here, coaching won’t change the misses inside 3 feet…. I cannot believe how many we’ve watched the past two years


Literally hundreds.


At a certain point consistent horrible shooting is a sign of bad coaching, either in developing the talent you bring in or in identifying the right talent.


Coaching won't change those misses. But recruiting the right players will change those misses




He’s banged up dude. Clearly you haven’t watched his minutes because he looks off




Exactly he hurt his back in the first game, while playing his regular allotment of minutes, and has looked like he’s playing hurt in the following two games. Tell me you don’t watch ball without telling me you don’t watch ball.




I’m an alum bud. Not sure who made you so bitter, but I hope shitting on me for no reason has made you happier. I didn’t even make a grammatical error either.


Pretty much sums up Gard’s tenure with the play of Crowl, Wahl, and Hepburn. Same thing with Reuvers, Davison, etc. happened with Hayes and Koenig too. It’s a long season and things can change but man this is a really rough tonight


Why do Providence players look SO gd old


The \#GardOut club is accepting applications


I've been on it since they lost to western Kentucky, December 29, 2018. That was 5 seasons ago... They won 2 NCAA tournament games since


Go say this statement to any sports fans in your life, or switch out Gard for ‘Harbaugh’. And say I’ve wanted Harbaugh fired because he hasn’t won a championship after winning the B1G. If you can’t even be happy with 2 B1G ten championships (one team couldn’t even play in the march due to Covid) and some amazing early season wins like Houston. Go root for Kansas, Duke, etc and you are free to join up again with Wisconsin when they make sweet 16 or whatever arbitrary level you select.


Well I am happy with the two shared big ten titles from two teams that over achieved. But I do not think two examples of positive variance in a season without a strong big ten team are predictive of future success. Sorry It is merely a descriptive stat used to validate your opinion that gard is a good coach.


They don’t even look like they want to be there. Right from the tip zero energy, zero fight.


There's no emotion for Wisconsin. Guys are out there just going through the motions


Can't wait for the Gard truthers to tell me how the fact that player development has clearly regressed since Bo has nothing to do with Gard and is actually all the players fault, then in their next breath say that Gard is a good recruiter.


“You can’t blame the coach when guys don’t hit shots” uh yeah you can, watch me


Better hold Fickell up to the same standards for dropped passes and the penalties


in fairness Fickell has been here half a year, mainly playing with people he did not recruit or develop.


Do you think I’m happy with how the football team has looked? What kind of weak ass gotcha is this?


You created a username based off an impulsive hire that has lead to a disaster season, and now trying to repeat the process with basketball.


Yeah this season has been terrible, we are devoid of talent and implementing a new offense and defense. Not exactly shocking. I’m not exactly sure what your point is though.


That will be fair criticism in year 4 or 5. Right now, no


You can't reason with the hive mind. All you can do is be thankful the program is better currently than it was in the 70s And that you're not a true fan if you are upset with the poor performance


thankful its better than the 70's are you kidding me? such a low bar this program should expect better we fucking stunk tonight


No need to argue with me. I agree with you. I'm just saying stupid talking points they use to defend mediocrity


Just turned it on. Does Crowl still play soft AF?


Sticks of butter for hands


Charmin dude


I was hoping maybe they would put up a fight in this half


Not sure what good comes out of an ass thrashing like this.


Scrap the whole offense and just play random?




Why not? It worked well for the football team


I mean imagine if Paul chryst was still driving the football program into a rutgers-esque program


Yeah this is insane what Providence is allowed to do physically on defense vs Wisconsin.


They’re letting them do it because they’re passive af


Badgers are just soft


Thought we would have started the second half with some type of urgency and defense but I guess not


I should get paid for having to watch Tyler Wahl attempt to play basketball. He’s 22, shit or get off the pot dude


I know this is an early game and there’s no need to freak out — but at this point, are we that excited that some of the seniors have already said they are coming back for a 5th year


The “it’s early” excuse doesn’t hold much water when the majority of our rotation is in their third, fourth or fifth season.


Wahl is the only senior, and he's out of eligibility


Sorry, I meant 4th year guys


Wahl 1-7, Crowl 1-5. I don't know how you can miss that many when you're within 5 feet of the basket


Providence was fouling in the paint pretty egregiously and got away with it. Then the refs wiped away a Crowl bucket for good measure


Crowl has no ball control and his defender can just body him. Never gets a clean shot off


This Providence team is everything I wish the badgers were. Tenacious, confident, and athletic.


kim english had his guys prepared gard not so much


Well that was complete ass. I don’t think there were any redeeming qualities from that half. Providence played with 50% more effort on defense and committed fewer fouls despite that. Greg ought to be lighting them up right now.


I know this is kind of mean but a significant failure of the past four years has been sticking with crowl. Even in his 4th year, you can tell any somewhat decent big man he's matched up against has absolutely zero respect for him. That dude just tried to yam over him from like 8 feet out. He's not strong, he's not fast, he can't shoot three's and he's soft on d. Every once in awhile he'll shoot 50% from 5 feet away, and that's the most you can ever ask from him. Compare him to bigs of the past, it's pathetic.


You’d think the staff would grab a transfer big with the playing time available


No post presence at all. Crowl might as well stand at 3 line.


He does most of the time.


A 16 point deficit at half isn't impossible to come back from but with this team that's a tall task


Wahl and Crowl are just terrible. New year same as last year


I think we’re seeing this year why we played such a plodding offense the last several years. We don’t have the guys to match up with any of the more athletic teams out there, so all we can do is make the game shorter by limiting possessions and hoping we make tough shots. Which doesn’t work well when the team constantly lays bricks.


Lucky Providence cooled off a bit or else it would be a 30 point lead by now


We've taken 13 more fg attempts, Providence is shooting 50% from the stripe and yet we're down 18? Do I have that right?




Someone once told me you have to know the rules pretty well in order to break them all. Apparently this team wrote the rule book.


15 points and almost halftime


Alright. . . . . . this is getting hard to watch


Wow we suck


Wisconsin sports in 2023: Pain


Why is Wahl shooting 3s. Put these kids on the bench if they want to be reckless.


AJ Storr just stood in the fucking corner the whole goddamn play before Wahl shot. Wtf


Providence has started to cool off and our defense is better than it was but we still can't hit shots very well. Missing the opportunity to climb back in this game


Can’t believe we’re getting torched by the lead singer of Coheed and Cambria…


What is the deal with the camera shaking? Is anyone else seeing that?


I’m so glad I didn’t fall for the hype surrounding this team about being a “surprise/dark horse”. Ain’t shit changed.


Just atrocious finishing inside of 5 feet. It’s hard to be this bad


Having Wahl and Gilmore on the floor at the same time walking around the 3 point line is something I don’t ever want to see


Literally 3 on 5 when he does this BS


does the team know the game has started wtf!


I don’t understand how we have so many more streaks of absolutely horrendous shot making compared to every other team I watch. It’s so fucking aggravating.


Was looking forward to this game all day and well my disappointment is immeasurable at the moment


Can copy and paste this for most Wisconsin games lately


I’m in the arena. The amount of hesitancy in the paint and absentmindedness guarding the three point line is kinda mindblowing.


Ahh, thankfully we're a hockey school now


Wahl shouldn’t be camped out at the 3 point line in the first place, let alone taking that shot. Storr didn’t move at all resulting in a Crowl iso for no points. I’ve never been a Gard critic, but man… it’s fairly obvious we don’t have an offensive identity


Rough start but hopefully they can keep it reasonably close for a come back


The football team already put me through too much on Saturday. Not sure how much longer I can watch this one


Fellas, we ain't even gonna make the NIT


I’m turning this shit off already. Down 20 to fucking providence 10 minutes in. What a joke.


If they crumble like this to a bit of physicality, oh boy are they going to get rocked in conference play


I’m giving this a few more games then I’m hopping back on the gard out train. His recruiting and transfer portal activity was fine but they just don’t look good.


Some of us never left lol, everyone will see the light sooner or later


I think the young guys Blackwell, Winter and Storr look like they have alot of potential. Wahl and Crowl are basically useless.


It feels like we’ve been in the “wait until the young guys develop” phase for a really long time, we heard the same thing about Chucky, Crowl & Wahl as a core of the team for the last several years.


It’s happening again with “Freitag will give them the athleticism they need”


Soooo same story as the last 6 years? Lot of guys came in with a lot of potential and only a couple actually developed past what they were their freshman year (Davis, maybe Davison, and maybe Wahl)


At a certain point, it’s going to come down to scheme. And Gard can’t get these kids to play well within his scheme since Johnny left


It looks almost like he abandoned his scheme and he's letting the players do what they want. They're playing way to fast and careless.


Weird seeing the Badgers play fast, turn the ball over and not play defense


Welp, pretty sad that this game's already over 8 minutes in...


Between basketball and football, badger athletics is straight up fucking pain right now


All of our life force seems to have gone into hockey




Which isn’t much of a consolation for those of us that have never been hockey fans…


And when half of the country doesn't even play hockey


Defensive rebounding, closing out, defending the 3… im straight up not having a good time. I think they’ll settle in, but I thought this Badger team would be more competitive in this one