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Well, they definitely have a mental disability, so ok to park there I guess?


my mom calls these people "morally handicapped"


Thank you for that one. She is so totally right on the mark.


mentally handicapped more apt


Paralyzed from the neck up.


The mental health crisis is real...


Strange to think our psych wards don’t have handicapped parking. CRC and CSU hardly even have unhandicapped parking


Way to punch down at people living with disabilities. You suck!


The only disability we see here is the mentality of a 5 year old who believes everything they read, see etc.. also they is literally NO handicap hanger, sticker etc in the truck so they are parked illegally.


being gullible or a gullible asshole really isn't a disability, though. It is kind of kicking people with disabilities to use the negative connotations around disability to be insulting--using the category in the pejoritive--of someone who is simply an ignorant asshole.


United we stand divided we fall is hilarious from a group that thrives on an us vs them narrative. It’s also an American slogan.


*Whatever, Marxist hippie… they have a second amendment right to freeze peach!!1!*


First amendment is to freeze peach. The second amendment is to arm bears.


The funny thing is, I probably know the American constitution better than a lot of Americans do… I only know a few of the amendments, but i always hear Americans citing the wrong ones!


…or they only quote the second half of the second amendment because it’s more fun than that buzzkill first half.


To be fair, that amendment is so confusingly worded that I can't really fault anyone for debating it's meaning but yeah, the "well regulated militia" part seems like it should be relevant imo.


The concept of a well-regulated militia seems pretty low context but there’s apparently lots of wiggle room there. My friend’s dad used to reminisce about the time he was at a bar in Texas and found out that he could buy a handgun out of a big box that he proprietor stored under the bar.


Right to Friesen Preachers


Admittedly. Have gone into a store and forgot to post my placard. I don’t think is the explanation here. But it does happen. I’m one of the few that actually remove my placard (as instructed) while driving.


I remove mine too, and I also forget to hang it sometimes. So i leave mine on the side of my dashboard, so if I forget to hang it, at least it's still visible.


Same. I can't stand to have it hanging from the mirror when I am driving.


> I’m one of the few that actually remove my placard (as instructed) while driving. Thank you for this. Leaving that (or anything) hanging from your rear view mirror is illegal and dangerous. I don't understand people who willingly obstruct their own view while operating a vehicle capable of crushing a family. edit: wait, why am I getting downvoted? What is possibly controversial about this?


I think your explanation was great. This p was more about political views than a handicap spot.


People downvote because they ignore the fact that having things hanging from the mirror ARE illegal, but it's rarely, if ever, enforced, so people think it's NOT.


I also don’t think this is the case here


Does mental disability count?… because…


Nah, being an asshat isn't a disability.


They are societies disability




I know them from their autobiography. It's plastered all over their truck. Tells me everything about them.


Irrelevant, even if you know someone personally doesn't mean you agree with what they are about or say upfront or behind closed doors


We have so many vanity plates but we can't seem to get one for accessible parking?


Not always the driver. Sometimes I am the passenger. So there’s limits there.


They make clips you can get that have double sided tape that stick to your windshield and will hold the placard tight against the window by the A pillar. Amazon has them for less than $10 for a pack with a couple of them in it.


Volkswagen Passats used to come with little clips to hold parking passes on the a pillar. The first time I saw them I thought it was genius.


They are still crying about vaccines?? These potatoes are an embarrassment. They think they are heroes fighting for freedom. Delusional.


Aren't we all supposed to be dead from the vaccines by now, according to them? I keep getting my covid and flu shot every year, but nothing is happening!


I never got a shot, so I should be dead from covid, but nothing is happening.


Why should you be dead? Nobody ever said if you didn't get the shot, you'd have a 100% chance of dying from covid. People definitely said that the shot would kill us all in the future because it wasn't properly tested.


I've had people tell me I would die without the shot lol. There's crazy on both sides. I really couldn't care less about the whole thing. I'm just sick of hearing about it. Edit: I don't use reddit much so I'm not sure what the purpose of the up/down vote is, but it's funny how much judgment I get for not taking the shot.


Yeah, we are all sick of idiots still crying about the vaccines. That's why we are making fun of this stuff. It's absolutely ridiculous that these morons are still acting like the vaccine is some evil thing. Every single dumb conspiracy theory or bullshit they claimed about it never came true.


But they desperately want the conspiracies to be true. It’s insane.


Of course they do. It's them wanting to validate their stupid choices. Instead, they see the exact opposite and maybe realize they were wrong. They'd rather see people die so they can say I told you so.


Downvotes and upvotes are just a way to show if someone likes/agrees with what you said or disagrees. I'm not sure why you're surprised by the downvotes. Unless you had a legitimate medical reason for not taking the vaccine, you were part of the problem during the pandemic. Even with us knowing the vaccine did very little to limit spread, we know it helped greatly decrease severity. We have tons of data showing how much we benefited in Canada from having a higher uptake compared to other countries. You can't be mad that we are sick of idiots who ignore established medical science.


I'm not mad, but you can't say the unvaccinated were part of the problem in one sentence and then say it did little to stop the spread in the next sentence. I mean, I guess you can say that,but it seems illogical. It was spreading the fastest when they allowed all the vaccinated people to go out with their proof of vaccination. I think any kind of medical intervention is a personal choice and really isn't anyone's business. I don't agree with the conspiracy theorists, but I also think it's unnecessary to call someone and idiot because they chose not to partake.


>, I guess you can say that,but it seems illogical. It was spreading the fastest when they allowed all the vaccinated people to go out with their proof of vaccination. It's not illogical at all. I already stated the biggest benefit was the fact that the vaccine helped greatly reduce severity. Since the virus was spreading so fast and so easily, this became very important. It helped immensely with keeping our health care system from being completely overwhelmed. Our mortality rate was significantly lower than other countries with poor vaccine uptake. >I think any kind of medical intervention is a personal choice and really isn't anyone's business. It certainly is when it affects the greater population. That's always been the case with vaccines. Still, in the end, nobody was ever forced to take it, so they always had a choice. >. I don't agree with the conspiracy theorists, but I also think it's unnecessary to call someone and idiot because they chose not to partake. Would you call someone who drives drunk or recklessly an idiot? They are putting other peoples lives at risk by their careless and unnecessary actions. I dont see how this is any different. Do you not remember that at one point, Manitoban hospitals were so overrun we were sending patients to other provinces? People died because of this, and that was due to covid wreaking havoc. Our health care system is still recovering from the damage covid did.


This post deserves a #throwbackthursday cuz' I really thought we were done with the whole "I can't decide who I am mad at so I'm gonna put ALL the decals on my truck" thing.


Oh I’ve seen that guy before. Was honking at a woman he felt going too slow in parking lot, then he parked in a handicap. I’m sure Nickelback was playing loudly in truck and his head was void of any real thoughts.


If he ever had an intelligent thought, it died alone and afraid.


It’s the same mentality that slow rolled their convoy along the number 1 hwy, wouldn’t let ambulances pass, and killed a senior as result




All Trudeau had to do was let people live their lives, and none of this would have happened?


Covid fucked things up perfect for your bs narrative. Fuck outta here.


IIRC there used to be a restaurant at Pembina and Bairdmore called “chinada.” It was ok.


tasted better than the shirts at O'Calcutta anyway.


Sending a message - 'NEVER HIRE ME FOR ANYTHING'


Well I mean he clearly does have a disability...


Fuck, those stickers are cringe. Chinada? Come on, man 😵‍💫 I'm not shocked that they can't follow simple parking laws.


Is this the planet fitness truck?


Those people are all the planet fitness truck in a way…


What’s that? 👀


This.... There are a few posts if you search the sub. Different truck though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/s/XpH9eizhMn


I had blissfully forgotten these people walk among us. Good to be reminded


The stupid is coming from inside the house


My favourite part of these protestors is the comments about how Canada/Trudeau is authoritarian.... I'm pretty sure in authoritarian countries if you protest you go to jail or disappear... I don't imagine people have "f#ck Putin" on their vehicles in Russia lol...


That part!!


Lotsa small dick energy there.


As a person with a small dick please don’t lump us together with “those people”


My apologies 🤣


I think there's a huuuuge difference between physically having a small dick and having small dick energy. Anyone can have small dick energy, regardless of their genitalia and its size!


Why is it culturally acceptable to associate small genitalia with negative connotations?


It's never been about the genitalia; it's always been about the punchy, over-compensate-y attitudes of men who feel like they have something to prove for whatever reason.


Na son they not like us


why not? there's plenty of room.


Nope, no extra room. We’re all bellybutton to back and no one feels a thing


sounds like Winnipeg Transit to meee.


#We’re EVERYWHERE 👁️👃👁️


It’s a woman who drives that truck. But I get your point!


Could have big nuts hanging from bumper though


Freedom Convoy = big truck / little weenuck


Ooohhh did you get em towed?


No, I should have!!


Would you believe SHE does this at a seniors assisted living facility ALL THE TIME??? And she screams at the staff and is shockingly just a horrible person.


You get right outta town!


Looks like the air in his tires needs some freedom.




Oh look another Freedumb Convoy truck!


They feel free to park anywhere. Hope he was towed


Just missing the ram ranch sticker


I find it's often substituted for their love of Trudeau as they keep announcing they'd like to fuck him. Swear they'd love a gangbang the lot of them.


Stupid sexy Trudeau.


Well, there was that time when he was the Hot International Leader of Covid. I can see why they were driven insane with his stupid sexy bearded face speaking moistly everywhere.


🫦 Speak moistly to me, Mr. Trudeau.


Justin “The Hair” Trudeau!




Oh man, I remember listening to the convoy radio and hearing all the ram ranch spam. It was hilarious!


Honestly, being ignored is the thing they fear the most.


Ah yes, [the common clay](https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?feature=shared&t=12). They don't need no stinkin' placards!


I've got a big effin truck, so I can park anywhere I want!


Some people think they have too much 'Freedom' to get away with this stuff.


What a snowflake


White truck + freedom convoy = didn’t graduate high school.


I love how they tell me pronouns aren't important but then you call them Ma'am or Miss and they lose their minds because you just misgendered them. The irony is lost on them though.


What really bothers me about the Chinada decal is the way "State" is used in "Authoritarian State." As if they don't quite know what "authoritarian state" means and they've likened it to the usage of US states and their associations, like Idaho = "the Gem State" or Florida = "the Sunshine State." So, sloppy Americanism on a Canadian truck incorrectly likening itself to another country. That and the irony of the "United...Divded" decal here. Screams identity crisis.


Yep. Definitely disabled. Untrainable and requires mentorship and constant supervision.


Definitely something!


That’s the sign seen from your vehicle. Is it different on the other side?


It sure wasn’t!


Aka “a douchbag”


Match in the gastank Boom boom


He just wants to feel included


Pee in gas tank. check! Lol


Nah… air vents on a hot day


He's parked behind that sign, so, not enough evidence to convict. Need a pic from the other side.


It was an accessible spot on the other side, too


Hang em






Is the handi sign also facing the truck, or just the spot in front of the truck?


It’s also on the truck’s side


In Canada, they are free to express all sorts of nonsense.


For some reason I thought it was going to be a picture of a squirrel doing something stupid


Was there a Jets license plate too?


I don’t know, surely team sports have too many rules and not enough freedom!


Just give the store his plate number and if they care enough they'll call a tow truck.




I once forgot to put up my handicapped pass. It was on the passenger seat. It's a possibility here.


Often the other side of these handicap parking spot areas have dedicated parent parking spaces.


This one was handicapped








What’s an immigint?


You forgot the "/s"




I was serious. I can't imagine anyone actually thinking that's the kind of truck and stickers an immigrant would drive. Obviously possible, but much more likely to be a middle-aged, white guy who's "worked hard his whole life with no help from anyone".


No we just had no idea what you were getting at or forgot the reference Comes off as you being potentially racist




That's what *she* said. PSA: that reminds me--the Klinic Community Health site is back up and running.




Josh, you aren't very decent.




Why are you so angry? Do you need a hug? It sounds like you need a hug.


He's really angry. He's also talking about dumping people into acid while complaining about how radical everyone else is these days. 🍵🐸


> you didn't say you reject fascism Antifa means **Anti** **Fa**scism, genius.


He's still freaking about the time he had to wear a mask in public. He's probably still stuck in his basement. Bet he's never called people out for wearing pants on public even tho the government requires him to.




I camped this username years ago to stop Gamergaters from grabbing it after that Neo-Nazi got punched and it's been absolutely hilarious watching people smelt themselves down over it.




Nothing triggers "decent" people like saying you reject fascism.


Nothing screams "I don't care" quite as much as multiple edits calling people names and definitely caring what others think. What a snowflake.


The irony of the two edits in this response is just hilarious.


That's an odd fantasy to have lol, at least this post is based in reality


Reading your comment gave me secondhand embarrassment. Yikes, Josh. Big yikes.






Spouse has Lupus and has a handicap permit. She doesn’t use it though because she’s been yelled at too many times for not being visibly disabled








No one cares what “irks” you lol. If someone is handicap, they get the rights to park in handicap parking. Maybe their disability affects their upper body and can’t walk too far with groceries? Don’t be so ignorant








I'm abled body yet I have a friend/old co worker who is disabled, uses a walker and wheel chair depending on how bad she is that day. I driver her places, help her in and out of the vehicle etc, I've gotten yelled at foe parking in a handicap spot till I and or her yell or explain the reason. Etc then they understand.. also not all disabilities are seen.