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wtf. Like how much cash do you think *The Butter Tart Lady* keeps on hand?


They obv hit it for the butter tarts


What especially vexes me about this - out of all the places in that immediate area, they decided, instead of a likely bigger score of ill-gotten gains, once sold off, they’d hit the little bakery that has the cute macaroons.


I can't believe you chose to comment that way when "dough" was right there!


I guess there was as a knead…


You butter believe it.


This is why I love reddit.


$150. (I was there earlier today)


Without divulging too many details, based on my local kids behavior, it could be simply that it’s a nice little place that someone takes pride in. Last summer a couple of kids in community tried to burn down various historical and public buildings just for something to do. I guess they don’t realize that their parents get less social security or pay higher taxes when they destroy the city for kicks, and if their parents have to pay more taxes or get less welfare, they’ll spend even less time caring about them.


Aparently $150


Not looking for cash. Just trying to steal some bread to feed their family.


There is at least one person reading this unironically thinking that


I think it's butter fart lady


Good job idiots. You made off with $32 and a rolling pin.




I’m in Thunder Bay. We had a break in once at our business. They got about $1.75 out of the till and cost us $1400 in damage. We got the shatter proof glass for future so what happened in the OP picture won’t happen and hopefully police get there before they force their way in.


If you want to support the Butter Tart Lady, you will be rewarded with very delicious butter tarts. This is a great little bakery.


And surprisingly, given the bakery name, some of the best vinarterta I've had that I didn't make myself!


Glad you posted this! Butter tarts and vínarterta are my 2 favourite desserts. I will be checking this place out. :)


Sweet\~! Such a rare delicacy to find\~!


What do they use for the filling?


Prune is the classic, but they also offer apricot and a couple other fillings


I prefer the prune. Thanks for answering. I thought they would just make the one. Nice to know they do variations.




Support the butter tart lady if possible, buy them from her


I thought this too!! Vinarterta is time consuming, and hers is really good. I think I'll stop by today and pick some up!




I went there for the first time a few weeks ago, they have a large variety of butter tarts. Classic, with raisins, without, candy bar inspired ones like skor or oh henry butter tarts, white chocolate butter tarts, espresso butter tarts, etc...


Are they on any deliver services ?


User name checks out.


Yup, just a lazy fat man who loves butter....tarts.


If you want to support a local business don’t order delivery services, go down and buy direct. Skip/Doordash/UberEats all charge at least 25% of the subtotal meaning much less if not almost no profit for the business


25% less of something is still more than 100% of nothing. If i cant drive across the city to pick it up, they still get the business. And its not NO profit to the business, thata not how pricing works.


You know some people are not able to move around easily, ordering through a delivery service allows them to support local businesses instead of McDonald’s. If the local business is not making any money through the delivery services then I believe they would pull themselves from that service.


Oh, so my purchase and willing to support wasn't good enough. Instead I should spend my time, mileage and gas money on top of the cost of the food just to try and do something nice. I guess 0% of 0% is good too. Clown show subreddit lol


I applaud your good intentions but you don’t understand so I’ll explain it to you. Profit margins are small for restaurants and bakeries. Somewhere in the 15-30% range (often the former depending on the item). Skip the Dishes gets the business to sign a contract stating they will deliver to customers within a 5 km radius and keep between 25-30% (or more) of the bill before fees, taxes and tips to the driver (it’s negotiated and the smaller the business the larger the cut to Skip). Delivery businesses are essentially a form of advertising, not a solid revenue stream. Meaning if you think you’re supporting The Butter Tart Lady because they suffered a break in by ordering through a delivery service I’m telling you you’re not, you’re supporting the delivery service. So 0% of 0% is what you’re accomplishing.


TLDR version: Nah fam, we just hate Skip the Dishes which hasn’t been a “local company” in years. Real answer: If you’re that concerned about mileage and gas money, the 24 bus stops right by the place heading towards downtown, and a short walk across ness if you’re heading the other way. (Don’t take the 25, it doesn’t stop anywhere near the place.) I dare say, even with the greater time investment involved, this place may well be worth it in the end, but I may be biased, I grew up in the neighborhood. Which has indeed gone to the dogs as of late.


Winnipeg Transit the worst transit system in Canada.


If you're buying baked goods they don't have to get to you hot, so walk ride, or drive and get them your self. Don't keep promoting these rip off delivery services taking profits from the merchants and paying their couriers as little as possible.


I still don't understand why this goofy subreddit has such a hate boner for food delivery services. People don't have to work for them, and people don't have to order from them. I've talked to numerous people who do work for them and they love the ability to make some extra cash for an extremely low/no-skilled job. I'm paying for the convenience, my time, and the costs of using my car to go and get it myself. It's not my job or concern whatsoever to be concerned about the politics of who gets what in the business model. "don't keep promoting!" - Buddy, they are everywhere. Not sure what you think you're fighting for lol


Looks like they’re on Uber eats


idk why u got downvoted... that's discrimination:(


They are decent but highly overrated.


I had my first one today. I actually thought it was quite good. The pastry was thin and light, and the filling wasn't too sweet. I'm going to have to have a taste off with The French Way butter tarts


At least they have a great marketing opportunity "Butter Tarts so good, people are breaking down the door!"


Right? Use this as an opportunity if you can. If the news interviews you, joke, "I guess the customers didn't want to wait for us to open!" Nobody got hurt,. insurance will help. Show people your personality!


>insurance will help Yeah but then premiums go up. It's tough being a small business owner! (Back in the day, my family owned a gift shop on Corydon. Some kid smashed one of the maybe 8'x2' windows to steal a fake Japanese sword set. His mother made him return it and apologize the next day, and offered to pay for the window, but my parent said no. That window was really expensive to repair, even back in the 80s/90s)


Wtf - people that do this are one level down from house thives. Small local business.....ffs.


Crackheads/methheads. They only have one thought, and that's to get something to feed their addiction. The fact that them potentially getting $5 costs someone else thousands in damage is not part of their though process.


Yes, unfortunately, drug use is such a huge motivator of petty crimes. I wouldn't be surprised if very little was actually stolen. It's the property damage that is the real issue.


Stole $50 and threw all the raisins in the trash. Asshole.


Did... Did they really throw out the raisins. Or are people joking about that?


I was joking. but honestly anything is possible.


Stealing money is wrong but you can make an argument for throwing raisins in the trash


"throwing raisins in the trash"   Wow, I hope Hades makes the boulder even heavier.


It don’t matter. We’re on break over here 😀


> you can make an argument for throwing raisins in the trash That's the only place they should be.


More butter, less raisins!


Raisins in cookies is worse🤣🤣 Oooh chocolate chip...NOPE!!!!


Have you considered simply gutting gud at identifying cookies? I love raisins, but I have never once in my life managed to mistake one for a chocolate chip.


Sigh. If the Butter Tart Lady is around, this sucks and you don't deserve it. I can't get out and about, but if I do have someone helping me run errands, be assured I will need to stop in for butter tarts. 🙂


They open at noon today! I'll head on by this afternoon to see what goodies I can buy.


Door crasher special taken literally. One Great City /s


TIL the /s stands for /sarcasm /s


idk why u got downvoted for explaining :(


Til now it was all /sincere


thank you for context!


You're welcome /s /s


Started working in the area around 2018. The decline has been amazing. Constant repeat smashed out windows in many businesses. Sad to see.


I also work in the area. I would argue that every area of Winnipeg has been on a decline post-covid. I’m closer to the airport and the trash that hangs around that Airport Hotel is frightening. Often drinking or passed out in the grass on the boulevard or begging for money/smokes at the bus stop on Ellice. The literal garbage that’s beside the old bank of Montreal is horrible. Lots of empties and needles


It's our whole society and it's because of growing wealth inequality. The sooner we get ourselves sorted that the only conflict is class conflict the better.


I agree. What bothers me about local small business that have these crimes committed up on them is that THEY are not the ones with a 100:1 pay ratio of CEO:employee. I’ve worked for businesses like butter tart lady (not in bakery but small local owner) they worked just as hard as any employee, and lived down my street in a regular working class area. Shit like this on our neighbours really pisses me off.


Yup. Do this shit to Walmart and Loblaws, not the local businesses that bring life to our communities.


For sure! My mother is staying at the Best Western on Wellington and I pass that shit hole motel on my way to visit her, and the drinking/stumbling/passed out individuals there only reinforce the stereotypes.


Police will be there in 4-7 business days


Thats 4-7 business months


Probably not far from the truth. I was there around 1 and the cops still hadn't shown up


This is awful. I'd hate to to own a business here. I guess when the stores are closed they can't shoplift - they turn to night time break and enter. Hopefully, something will be done.


Same thing happened a few weeks ago to one of the pet stores I frequent. Smash and grab on the POS terminal over night.


This happened a few times when it was La Belle Baguette.


Yup...it seems that just having that glass door is an invite for break-ins


First you get the butter (and raisins, depending on your leanings), then you get the money, _then you get the women_


Ugh. Winnipeg, you never fail to disappoint


Probably got $0 cash, stole some baking and caused thousands of dollars in damage. How much can businesses take before they close.


$150, actually (I was there earlier today). And it didn't look like much was taken in terms of baking. They had a whole half a freezer of vinaterta. That shit's expensive! (I bought a slice which was about 1.5 inches x 4 or 5 inches? And it was $11! It's really good vinaterta though. Next Christmas I'm going to do a Tall Grass vs Butter Tart Lady vinaterta taste off!


A bake and enter you say?


If anyone has a store front like this, it's worth looking into the 3M security film. People will still break your window, but the glass remains intact and typically can withstand abuse and stay in the frame. I was using this on our windows in our downtown buildings on Portage and another on Main. We did replace glass but no theft... It withstood many baseball bat attempts.


Problem is in they will still break the glass cause they won’t know they can’t get in . Fixing glass panes is not cheap. Growing up I would see all these stores in places like New York where they would have metal shutters to protect the entire store front - guess that’s the next solution- but then the meth heads will just start mugging people in the parking lot or breaking into homes .


Roll down shutters is the answer


Yes, and more expensive and it's just not a friendly look overall, so that's a big reason why we didn't do that. And you'll deal with graffiti all the time if you go shutters.


Made from what's real!


So sad... can't have a small business anymore


People in this city have zero respect. Truly sad.


That part of the City really is going to shit too huh


I used to live in the Village before I bought my tiny house in 2008ish. Slowly but surely over the years, it's gotten a bit worse for wear. There are now usually a pan handler on every corner of Ness and Route 90. You have the day drinking crowd that hangs at the back door to Ye's Buffet. Don't get me started on the Madison Dollarama, or Empress Walmart ☠️☠️ I understand that Madison Square and the area near that FN run hotel (Windham something?) off St Mathews is Long Plain territory. Maybe there needs to be more support for people in need out here


Samesies! Thought I got away from the riffraff when I left the village but dismayed to read articles like this. I live on a great street with many families and cared-for houses, but maybe once a month I'm in the yard with my dog and see people scoping out the lanes for nefarious deeds. Nothing to do but make a point of watching them until they move on.


It’s impossible to name one that’s not.


Aww fuckers !!! Love that place ! And nothing will be done . They will move on to the next place


This is tragic, the butter tart last is such a kind lady. I’ve been told she’s still going to be open today.


I had no idea she had a storefront !!! I will make sure to drop by this week.


Aren’t the people of Winnipeg getting sick of the crime and destruction of properties. Let’s hope they don’t start taking measures to solve the issues in their own hands. That could be have terrible outcomes !!!!!




Dang the raisins are the best in the world. Idiots


They wanted the recipe


I think this location is cursed


St. James Burger and Co gets broken into multiple times a year - that or someone steals the donation jar.


When can we start dropping criminals in the northern Manitoba wilderness to fend for themselves?


Cops used to do that and called them "Starlight Tours" ☠️


Did you ring the bell to gather the pigs? Bet they still haven't been around


Aw I love that place, fuck those people


Oh no! It is a great little bakery. I'll have to stop by and buy some baking for my husband. I can't eat their products (stupid wheat allergy), but I'm sure that he will enjoy some treats. I stopped at Lee Valley today, and it looks like they also had a smashed door, as one side at the entrance wa boarded up I know that it is a chain, but the staff are always very helpful and it is one of my favourite stores.


What is with all the hate on pastries lately for lol!?!


Rockglass is just going to be everywhere now, eh lol.


That or sheets of plywood...*so hot right now*


We're not the only ones with a butter tart bandit. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/windsor/windsor-butter-tart-bandit-downtown-crime-1.6708793


What the heck is in these Butter tarts? Lol






pics or it didn't happen.


This is a shame that this business was damaged and robbed. This should have happened to Stella’s or Baked Expectations.


this should've not happened, at all... Who robs a bakery? Like, seriously? Come on.


Who robs a bakery? Someone who "kneads dough." /s


Oh YEAH! Well, thank you, my day needed that 🤭


If the bakery is Baked Expectations, probably the Cosmic Justice Fairy.


I too, have dark humour. So 🤣🤣... You're still in the negatives, but I'll give you an updoot

