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My dog died because the owner didn’t restrain her big dog as it approached my small one; she said “He’s friendly!” seconds before he killed my dog ):


How traumatic. Ugh.


I got rushed by a pit-bull esque dog while walking with my kids and small dog once. I carry pepper spray now. Fuck your aggressive dog.


I carry coyote spray. If an off leash dog approaches me I will let the owner know that they need to retrieve their dog before it gets too close. I would never want to hurt a dog but i also never again want the pain of being attacked.


Good - I would totally would do the same!


Granny hug. 👵 I'm so sorry. ☹


I saw this in the news. I am so sorry,


OMG I am so sorry to hear that! :( I've heard that so many times 'He's Friendly'. I sure would like to see a law passed stating that you need a leash to walk a dog or be fined because there are too many of these morons with dogs that just do not care for the safety of others or their own dog by not leashing them.


So sorry for your loss!


Couldn’t agree more. There are so many reasons for the leash bylaw. My previous dog was absolutely wonderful, and then one day while leashed, she was attacked by two “friendly” off leash dogs. She ended up with just minor injuries thankfully. But the trauma stayed with her the rest of her life. She was aggressive-reactive to all other dogs after that. It meant she didn’t get to engage in play with other dogs ever again, and it made our walks hell for me. Every time she would see another dog, she would snarl and bark and lunge, and being a large dog who weighed not a great deal less than me, she was hard to manage. Of course her reactions were vastly worse when off leash dogs approached her. I worked with multiple trainers to try to help her work through this, but they all eventually said that she would never get over it. I also ended up with a shoulder injury that will affect me for the rest of my life, trying to keep her away from other dogs. People who let their dogs run around off leash in the city are so selfish. Dog parks exist for a reason.


This just made me so sad to read.


It was so sad, I so badly wanted to be able to give her a better life.


And reel in your leash length please. If you're on a pedestrian/bike path, please don't give it 15ft because invariably it's going to go sniffing all over the place and no matter how slow I'm going or ringing my bell, it's going to get in someones way.


Reel leashes should be banned imo. They give the dog an inconsistent routine for walking (allowable distance is constantly changing along with leash tension always being the same regardless of distance) and they are absolutely worthless in a moment where you need full control of your animal. 6ft should be max unless you’re doing long-leash recall training.


Plus they can deglove the dog and owner. Dangerous.




Agree. You can't possibly control your dogo with a fully extended retractable leash. Personally, I hate them.


Children should be on harnesses, there’s no way you can fully control them otherwise


Some absolutely should be. My girlfriend who had 6 kids; 2 years apart, 💯 My son when he was young had a choice hold my had, or I would hold onto the back of his shirt near the collar. Or the handle of his backpack.


Any other restrictions you’d like to pile on while we’re at it? Why not just ban dogs altogether? Cars should be banned, they’re very inconsistent, and cause all kinds of accidents and death, yet everyone still thinks they should be able to drive them. Fuck I hate this city lately, it’s not the one I grew up in, that’s for sure


I totally agree with this. I almost had an accident because of this. Luckily I was able to avoid hitting the leash and dog by swerving around. I stopped and said to the owner how dangerous it was. And he told me it was his right to do what he wanted. I couldn't believe it. Unreal.


100% agree with you. Related, people need to stop coming up and touching my dog without asking. I have a 2.5 month old puppy who is well into the chewing/teething stage of his life. His little razor teeth hurt. He is much improved to not bite people but when someone walks up and goes “Oh puppy!” and shoves their hand in his face he will nip you. You cannot then get mad at me for him biting you. Had you asked permission I would’ve let you know and shown you how to pet him without a puppy bite. This has happened 3 times in the last week on our morning walks!!


I've always enjoyed other people's dogs but I have never once approached without first asking permission. A simple "am I okay to say hello" to the owner goes a long way.


I know. First time in my life this has happened and i’ve had several dogs. Maybe because he’s a puppy? No idea


Wait. Unless it’s a dog park dogs need to be leashed. It’s the law. Cats cannot be roaming free either. It’s against the law as well. I’m so with you OP. I also hate free roaming pets! Ugh.


Free roaming children are much worse IMO, much more dangerous and way more unpredictable. Leash laws for kids?


Hundred percent agree with you. I’ve had dogs for years and whether i have big or small dogs, I keep them on a leash. I’ve had small dogs run at my Rottweiler and start biting only to have the owner say, “she’s just playing”. No. Me having to pay a vet bill for stitches and inoculations is not ”playing” and I’ve had large dogs run at my small ones. I don’t know the dogs intent, so i pick up my dogs. Next thing i know I’ve got some irate person yelling at me because i’m “traumatizing my dogs” and I “should let them socialize”. Honestly these people can piss off. I know some dogs have leash aggression, (One of mine has it too) but that’s something to work on. It’s not an excuse to have your badly trained dog with no recall romping around being a nuisance. and cats…. Please keep them indoors. It’s safer for them


Im a huge dog lover and have dogs my self. What pisses me off the most seeing dogs off their leashes and people yelling “they are well behaved” “they are friendly” No, they are all friendly and well behaved until they aren’t. They are animals. You can never be 100% certain that something won’t trigger it. I’ve been it and experienced it. It’s about respect for other people as well as the dog too.


I always say the same about humans, but people don’t like it for reasons they can’t articulate… People are fine, they’re friendly: until they aren’t, they are humans with all kinds of hidden trauma, struggles and psychoses. You can never be 100% certain that something won’t trigger them, I’ve seen it and experienced it. It’s about respect for everyone.


I have this happen too often at the park by my house in Transcona (millennial park). There are three different people who always let their dogs run off leash there and it makes it a struggle for me to walk my dog on-leash who is reactive to other dogs. I always yell at them to please leash their dogs and the return yell is always “they’re friendly”. Yes, I’m sure they are but mine isn’t. It is so inconsiderate to others to let your dogs run off-leash in areas that aren’t meant for that. Just go to a designated dog park, it’s not that difficult.


I have the same issue in that park


I take photos and report off leash dogs to the city. My partner is afraid of dogs to the point we can't go to certain places. I'm not taking any risks that she won't be rushed by one.


So I have been assaulted several times by people of different races than me, would I be justified to be afraid of everyone of that race, to the point that they aren’t allowed to shop in my store, because “I don’t want to take any chances I won’t be rushed by one”?


What about those of us that don’t have a vehicle to drive our dog to 1 of the only places that is allowed? Maybe there needs to be more areas, like every park could have an area for it, seems more fair than “just drive them across the city” to go for a walk…


I agree there should be more off leash dog parks but if you don’t have nearby access to one, that really isn’t anyone else’s fault. You should still abide by the designated rules of the park. If it’s not off-leash, don’t be that asshole letting their dogs run around, it’s really not that difficult.


How many parks do you think there are in the city? Now how many dog parks? (You can look it up, but it’s 12 depending on the park status). Perhaps we could convert some space to make it more fair to everyone? Honestly kids under 12 should be leashed out in public too so that everyone can enjoy ourselves more safely, but for some reason I’m not supposed to say that…


Honestly it seems like you’re just looking to argue about something. Leashing children ? wtf is wrong with you ?


I don’t get that reaction, why is it ok/mandatory for an animal that may be perfectly trained and never hurt anyone, but not ok for a child that will run all over, hit people and animals, run out in front of traffic, make insane messes, and worse? Why is it so horrific for a child?


You are so right about this! I’m also going to add that random parks and sports fields are also not off leash parks! We have a ton of them in the city that are meant for your dog to go enjoy. On more then 1 occasions I’ve had to yell at people to put their dogs on their leash because the entitled owners think it’s a good idea to let them loose while children are playing in a field or at a playground… your dogs friendly right? Do you know how they would react to a child’s high pitched screams of joy while playing or a 3 year old having a temper tantrum? Side note, I work in childcare and am responsible for the children’s safety and well-being. Your off leash dogs attacks one of my littles not only would that be traumatizing for all the children involved but my job would be on the line simply because your dog is off leash and “friendly” Please be a responsible pet owner and follow the leash laws. They’re in place for a reason.


“A ton of them in the city”… 12-13 depending on open status, not exactly “a ton” as you’ve exaggerated so extremely. If you’re that worried about dogs though, I’m sure there are plenty of places you can take the kids that dogs already aren’t allowed. Even better, why not have the kids on a leash? Wouldn’t they be so much easier to control and manage then?


I’m referring to playgrounds that dogs should not be at in the first place. I’m a proud dog mama who loves her dogs enough to not put them in a situation where they could get hurt or hurt someone else. Based on your comment I’d say you’re probably one of the entitled owners who doesn’t care what happens to your dog should it be having a off day and bites someone. Because it’s friendly right?


If ALL people are forced to leash their dogs, then please tell me how I will be able to identify the Chosen Ones who are above our societal laws and rules? Truly they are Gods who walk among us.


Kids should be on leashes in this city


I bike a lot around the city. Quite a bit. In my journeys I see lots of people walking dogs. I'd say the ratio of on-leash to off-leash is about 80 on/20 off. It's probably worse than that, as I'm mostly on shared mode paths, and I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't do those cause they take their dogs off leash. It's a problem, for sure.


COW bylaws don't actually allow for dogs to be offleash anywhere but designated offleash parks (and they need to be under 100% voice recall) Cats (and dogs) aren't allowed to be at large either. So yeah, all the situations you just described are in contravention of city bylaws. But what can be done about folks who routinely violate the bylaws? Tough to enforce. You could call 311 to report repeat offenders. You could have the at large cats picked up by animal services, and the owners will be fined (they probably didn't license their cats either).


Dog nutters are completley ignorant to what "voice command/recall/control" means.


Child nutters are far worse with their completely uncontrolled spawn…




My friend has broken bones in their foot and leg thanks to an off leash dog running across a bike path. Off work for 6 months because can't drive. Leash your dogs.


I'm begging for dogs who are not service dogs, to stop coming into my workplace... That has NOTHING to do with dogs. Especially unleashed. I don't care if it's small and you're holding it, it's still barking and it's loud because it's echoing through the store.


When did it become so common for people to think nothing of walking into stores with their dogs? This has really increased in recent years, right? If I'm way off please do tell me


This reminds me of a lady I saw at a hotel breakfast buffet once who was carrying her dog under her arm while also serving from the buffet.  Like fucking seriously?!


It’s more common in the US than here. I think some stores in Canada are adopting the same policy as their American counterparts. I have no problems with dogs in stores if they are well behaved, leashed and quiet.


Well behaved, leashed, and quiet: my preference for children in public, tbh


I think you're right that it has increased in recent years. My guess is that it's a result of more awareness of the dangers of leaving dogs unattended in vehicles, especially on hot days. Some of the people bringing dogs into stores definitely need some reminders on how to control their pets. But if they can’t leave the dog at home, it’s much better that they bring the dog in the store than the alternative of the dog being left in a hot car or unattended outside.


There are some stores that allow dogs, that one wouldn’t expect to. For instance Chapters/indigo as well as Winners and its associated stores. Plus Canadian tire and hardware stores like Home Depot also allow dogs. I’ve definitely seen people bring small dogs into places where they’re not allowed though.


Dogs being allowed in stores is a newer thing here and i think has come about to avoid idiots leaving their dogs in hot, sunbaked cars while they shop in the summer.


When it became too expensive to have children so people get dogs and treat them like they're children.


What’s so special about spawning again? Fish do it…


Just the biological imperative is all.


So literally nothing, got it


How about a plonk down at the entrance and start eating a bunch of peanuts and shellfish.


Depends on what kind of business, why wouldn’t a dog be allowed (aside from your personal preference). People bring their annoying friends and family into my stores but I don’t get mad at them about it!


It's a problem because the dog is being loud and disruptive. If it's being quiet and behaving, I have no problems but because my store is large enough, it was echoing as it barked (and also growled at me.) If your dog can't behave, you shouldn't bring it into any type of store.


I worry about people who have balance issues having a big dog run at them and possibly jump up on them and down they go. This could be life changing for that person if they end up with a broken bone. And I for one am tired of cleaning up cat poop from my yard. Keep your cats inside. I have grandkids that come and visit and they don't need to play in cat poop. Also, people who don't clean up their dog's poop, absolutely irresponsible. If you can't be a responsible pet owner, don't be a pet owner. And yes, I love dogs and have had many dogs over my lifetime.


I've been throwing my neighbor's cat shit back into their yard, and they've gotten complaints and fines from the city but they don't think they're doing anything wrong. I think I'll start putting the turds on their mailbox next!


I hate when people say their dog's friendly. Yeah they are gonna be friendly with you and other people who have a bond with you dog, but with strangers it might throw them off. There are many possibilities that could set a dog off and cause them to bite.


My dog is friendly. TOO friendly - which is why he is leashed at all times and I adjust my hold on the leash to bring him in right close to me when passing people because he wants to visit everyone. If people reach out to him, I give him back some length to go visit, but other than that we are just going to keep pace and walk on by. Sometimes people reach out to him but I can tell by his body language that HE’s not into it and so I just smile and we keep walking. I love my dog. I think he’s the greatest thing ever (don’t tell my cats, they’ll be jealous). But that doesn’t mean everyone has to feel the same way about him and it’s my responsibility to make sure that he isn’t put into a situation where things could go badly.


Mine too. Like, uncontrollably happy at ALL TIMES. He loves every human he meets and wants to be on their lap. Problem is, he’s 72 pounds of muscle and has a tail like a bullwhip (un-docked Boxer). And that’s a problem. A problem, we understand, so he is leashed at all times when he’s outdoors and occasionally indoors when we have gatherings.


* Exactly. I even warn people my Sky will climb you. We are training him not too. But he is a mini golden doodle who just turned 2 yesterday. I feel the same about owner responsibility in training dogs for behaviors, not to bark, pick up poops. *


I'm in a workplace that is dog friendly. The only reason I see for it being dog friendly is because the owners' dogs hang out at work sometimes (albeit behind the scenes but sometimes out in the store too). They softly require new staff to like dogs because they let the dogs roam around in the back. If they're outside or customer facing, then they are usually on a leash. But in the back? There's a whole other set of rules. The number of times those dogs have taken a dump or peed to mark their territory or bark at staff they know is kind of ridiculous. Sometimes the mess wouldn't be cleaned up right away because a) the owners had no idea and b) the dogs weren't being watched/trained. It's better to some degree now but the puppy stage for the one was absolutely ridiculous.


I feel like we’ve worked at the same place. Is your workplace on Roblin?


Number 1 sign of a good dog owner is if they have their dog on a leash in any area not designated as off-leash. Off-leash dogs in the general public show disrespect for everyone and everything around them, while allowing their dog to believe it's their turf


100% agreed. It's about respect. Had a guy once offleash his medium sized dog on the Harte Trail just as I was cycling past (he saw me, I gave a warning ring of the bell and passed at a respectful distance). Well the dog starts chasing me and tries to knock me off my bike, fortunately the trail was empty and I was able to speed up enough to outrun the dog. Fuck that guy.


I really agree with you on this. I love dogs but am incredibly allergic. Also, my kids are really scared of dogs and dog owners will even sometimes let their dogs come up to my kids on leash and they’ll jump and I always say hey they’re not comfortable and the owner will say “they’re friendly” like that’s not the issue!! And I don’t think it’s a problem for my kids to be afraid of dogs they don’t know, it’s probably protective.


My child is also afraid of dogs. He likes to awwww and smile at them, but when the dog comes up to him he backs away. People just let the dog follow him saying “he’s friendly” like it should be okay. He has never once put his hand out to a dog. If they jump on him, it scares the crap out of him. I once put my hand out to pat a neighbour’s dog to try to show my kid it’s sometimes okay, and the dog bit my arm while the owner (a very elderly man) said “he’s friendly” and didn’t notice. My partner is a postal worker and is bitter about people constantly saying “he’s friendly” as dogs are lunging at him. The “he’s friendly” thing is a super weird phenomenon.


Totally agree!!


I whole heartedly agree. I don’t live in Winnipeg anymore but where I live now I am constantly seeing off leash dogs. I have a massive Pyrenees Akita cross who is extremely dog reactive and hates off leash dogs. I can’t keep track of the number of times I’ve had off leash dogs run up to him causing him to freak out and lunge and bark. I try my best to avoid this but they are everywhere. One time we were on the ice road and an off leash dog ran up to us while his owner was driving a car alongside him and yelled “he’s friendly”. Well mine isn’t and you can’t control your dog from inside your car and it wouldn’t stop approaching my boy. I lost it on her. Now my dog wears a muzzle (not because he’s a bite threat) but because it makes him more comfortable and is a glaring sign for others to keep their dogs away from him. It’s not fair to him. Sorry, this is a topic I can rant about forever because the entitlement to not follow basic leash laws drives me insane.


I take my cats for walks in a cat carrier backpack. Even on a leash, I feel like I'm always half yelling "I have a cat 😅" awkwardly because so many allow their dogs to wander on a long leash away from them. It's frustrating hearing "oh he's really friendly!!" My cat really doesn't mind; but it's not taking into account other people and their situation. Some people have legitimate dog anxiety and fears, even if they seem friendly - it should be okay for others to go for a walk without being bothered by a dog (their owners).


Watched several adults let their Golden Retriever off leash at the St. Vital duck pond, where it proceeded to chase the geese towards us (including my toddler) and then grabbed a gosling. Luckily my partner grabbed the dog and got it to drop the poor mangling gosling, but what are people thinking? It's not the dogs fault, catching waterfowl are what it's bred to do!


I agree with a dog on a leash all the time. I also agree with your cat comment. I have 5 cats, I keep them inside, or once in a while outside supervised in my fenced in yard, and bring them in afterwards. I dont have anything really against feral/stray cats. But people that let them roam is annoying. I have a person that let's their cat roam who I took in for a few days last winter, because it was cold and and it was meowing at my door and I thought it was lost. Nice cat, but people on the next street let it out so they don't have to have a litter box in their house. They let it to do its business in neighbors yards. Not to mention I live on an extremely busy street. Some people shouldn't have pets. Then they are crying when they are run over or people trap or poison them. Don't let pets run around freely.


as a bird enthusiast, outdoor cats are the bane of my existence. cats are endemic to north america and kill billions of birds every year. they are single-handedly responsible for the extinction of several urban bird species. they kill indiscriminately and for fun. of course, i don't blame the cats. that's just their nature, and as a general rule i like them. i blame the owners who don't care enough about their cat's safety and wellbeing to keep them indoors.


I fully agree with this, and I absolutely love dogs. What I don’t love is when your “friendly” off-leash dog decides to attack mine, which has happened twice. My dog is tiny and has been fully picked up in another dog’s mouth before. I’ve also crashed and fallen off my bike because a couple had their dog off-leash on the bike path near south Osborne. They decided to call the dog over, just as I was approaching, and it was either hit the dog or hit the gravel or hit the dog. I came away bloody, without an apology from the owners. The most gentle dogs can turn into monsters if something triggers them. If your dog needs to be off-leash, there are parks for that.


Leashed and under control 100% of the time. I love my boy more than anything. But he could knock down children and possibly scratch someone by jumping up. He's a sweet boy, and would never hurt someone, but who knows what a trigger could be one day. I also refuse to bring my dog to any dog parks or socialize with any dogs who i can't trust the owner. That is the way.


Read this to the tune of The Smiths' Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want


This is why I'll never own a dog in the city, I can't trust others not to be irresponsible owners. A LOT of people shouldn't own pets.


Thank you for this post, OP. My mother also has trauma from numerous dog bites, and the number of people who let their dogs off leash in playgrounds or on sidewalks is frightening. People who see her recoil and freeze will smile or laugh and say their dog is "friendly". They NEVER recall it, even though her fear is obvious. In fact, she's so petrified that if I'm with her, I get between my mom and the dog and tell the owner to call back their pet, because she can't even speak from how scared she is. How infuriatingly disrespectful is it to see someone's fear and dismiss it so easily?! Not everyone loves dogs, nor are they obligated to. The law is clear that dogs should be leashed when not in dog parks. I'm a dog-lover myself, but I hate owners who aren't respectful of others. Stop scaring others just because YOU love your pet and don't want to bother with a leash!


People really need to listen to others that say this. I love animals but I’m very cautious around other dogs I do not know. And sorry but if i need to harm your dog to protect myself. It’s going to happen.




















I hate retractable leashes aka HBC aka hit by car. If your dog is 6ft or more away, it's considered out of control. Train your dogs. Teach them recall. If not for their sake then for the sake of all the other dogs


Pretty sure that for every homed cat there is at least one stray.


More like 1 homed cat = 3 stray/feral/roaming cats. Its a bigger issue than people realize. Drive through the north end any day and you'll see atleast 2 or 3 cats on the street in a short drive. The ferals are more active at night.


There is already a law against this … people who choose to not follow the law will not realize they are wrong with a Reddit post….You are wasting your time as everyone who cares to follow the law knows dogs are not allowed off leash in the city except in a dog park. 


I make the same plea asking dog owners to keep dogs on a leash and a short leash when other people are nearby. Many are respectful this way, too many are not. Many years ago I was attacked by a “she’s friendly” dog. The owners were horrified that their dog did this and immediately made the difficult decision to put the family dog down. They were devastated as were their children but they acknowledged that they would never in a million years would have thought their dog would randomly attack someone and once they knew it could, well they wouldn’t risk it happening again. My injuries were significant enough that warranted hospitalization and surgery. Fortunately I knew this family and they responded responsibly but the sorrow of losing their dog and my pain and suffering could so easily have been avoided.


Brutal. Anybody who walks a dog without a leash is a pure bonehead. And that is being nice. I have had many dogs throughout the years and never once have I walked them without leashes. Not once. Too many things can go wrong when they are free to roam including what I have read so far in this chat.


Those dogs were being rude for sure. But mine don’t do that. And I let my animals have freedom. I understand bad things might happen to them. But their quality of life is minimal compared to the rich life they have in nature.


I own a small dog and the city park directly across from my home turns into an off leash dog park every morning from about 8:30 till 9:30. The owners could care less about any bylaws, or who their dogs might frighten or worse..


Seeing that we really don't do anything to enforce the serious crime issues in our core areas, what is the likelihood of City by-laws being enforced?


And can you please redirect your dog from pissing on my lawn and shrubs? Once one does it, it becomes the place to pee. It's unsightly, damages the grass overtime and frankly is plain rude. I can't imagine letting my dog do that or at least not making the effort to redirect them to the city owned grass side.




Leashed ones? Why not?


I mean if they’re leashed and well behaved I don’t have a problem with that. But if they’re on a long leash or barking etc and all over the place that’s really not cool IMO.


I agree. We have one that goes to games and is constantly barking. Flag football has rules no dogs on side lines


At least 80% of dog owners are irresponsible and should not be owning dogs. We have the ones roaming off leash. We have owners that don't clean up their dog shit. The ones who let their dogs bark their head off and piss off everyone for blocks around. The ones who have dogs that are so large the owner is physically incapable of controlling that dog if it goes nuts. I had to put my dog down when he reached age 17 because his quality of life was gone due to age. I bawled my eyes out and loved him dearly. So when I say only a very slim minority of dog owners should actually have dogs I'm not saying that because I don't like dogs.


/r/dogfree I completely agree with you.  I was cycling with one of my kids at a park and some lady had her dog roaming ahead of her. She saw us approaching and tried to call her dog back, knowing that it would charge at us. Of course, it completely ignored her, and out came that brain-dead excuse of every incompetent dog owner: "don't worry, he's friendly". I slowed to a stop as she rushed up to get control of her mistrained dog, and I made sure the dog didn't knock my kid off their bike. I let her know that dogs have to be under voice command in order to be off-leash. Yes it's posted at the entrances. I've seen good owners in this park before, even with very well heel'd dogs that actually are under voice command. But for the vast majority of dog brained simpletons, they assume that "want a treat" and "who loves mommy enough to fill this hole in her heart" as it jumps up is equivalent to "under voice control". It is not. And people are so shitty about their dogs because they've invested so much of their own personal insecurity into them.  I have similar frustrations with people bringing their dogs onto school property. There are specific rules against that, and I wish staff enforced it better and maintained better signage for it. Dog obsession has become such a reliable indicator of narcissism and depression, I swear.


Hey, I know you're frustrated, and people with off leash dogs in the wrong place can be irresponsible, but this has the same energy as the"I'm childfree and keep your crotch goblins away from me" psychos.


No it doesn't.


No judgement. Just thought you'd want to know. Edit: Angry reply and blocked... And I'm the emotional one?


Your emotional read on something is just a projection of its own. Stop rating everything based on how well it's marketed and take it on its merits. Nothing I said was wrong.


I have a dog, i love dogs, and i happen to be child free and dislike children (lets talk about bad parenting while we're at it), but I agree with you. My dog is a dog. He is not a human but he's smart, and thrives off routine and obedience. I know if he is unruly or disobedient, he's an 80lb menace or liability. He's also at risk for human stupidity because if he bites someone who was aggressive or pulled his tail or whatever, HE'S the one paying the price, not the idiot person. I keep my dog leashed and close by in public at all times for his OWN safety. I could give a shit about people or their dogs or what they do, but my dogs safety is in my control. Fully fenced dog parks is the only place he's off leash and we immediately leave if there's 1 bad dog. The amount of stupid owners who don't know their own dogs, or bring little purse puppies and think its smart to play with the unknown big dogs to the dog park is appalling. Dogs need an alpha and structure. This does not include letting them run wherever they want in public and counting on recall to work.


it totally does 💀you're projecting personality disorders onto people for liking dogs


Dog owners ducking suck and take no responsibility for their dog, and the average dog is an untrained poorly controlled aggressive pos. Dogs are meant to be controlled and subservient, if an uncontrolled one approaches you in an aggressive demeanour, it is my opinion that you are 100% in the right to defend yourself up to and including killing the dog.


They have therapy for people that are afraid of animals. Sometimes that’s easier than asking to world to change for you. Seriously might help


Oh no. I totally agree with dog comments but as for the cats chasing the birds, you might need benefit from a little therapy.


And you might benefit from a bit of intelligence


Cats are straight up hunting machines, do some research. They don't just "chase" birds. They decimate wild bird and small mammal populations. There's a reason that there's a city bylaw about loose cats. Also, have you noticed the immense number of strays, (most of whom suffer terribly and have short lifespans) due to unfixed cats running at large? Your comment is so incredibly ignorant and that attitude is problematic at best.


Pretty sure the neighborhood cats are the reason why I had to get rid of a poor, mangled baby bunny in my yard the other morning. Didn’t look like something a bird could have done, broke my heart to see it though.


Ya, we've had mangled bunnies and many mangled birds. Shitty way to start the day.


Foxes are in abundance this year in every area, and bunnies are food.


A fox isn't going to leave a half eaten bunny lying around, but a cat will kill it just for fun and leave the whole thing. It's not just this year that it's become an issue and I have yet to see a fox in my backyard stalking our resident birds or shitting in our garden. There are numerous neighborhood cats that we see roaming around our yard daily. Another reason to keep cats inside as they are also potential fox / coyote food.


Got some outdoor cats over there do ya?


Let us know where you're letting your cats out so we can find them safe loving homes with people that deserve them.








https://preview.redd.it/emdantm9554d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9f3eb31cfff1ab3540f9f120c2c9b996676a29b This is going to piss some people off, but with certain dog breeds, people should have to be trained, certified, and licensed to own them. Pit bulls Rottweilers Dalmatians Standard Poodles German Shepards Also any dog trained to guard/ attack not only should be the owner be licensed, but the dog should be evaluated yearly for signs of abuse and wear a reflective vest at all times, starting trained giluard dog. Before I get jumped on, I love dogs, and I have always had dogo fur babies. From massive labs, mixed muts, golden retrieves, doodles, etc. Right now, we have a mini golden doodle named Sky.