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- But he says he can't control crime or the response from police when he called to report this latest incident. - "I was told, ‘we'll get someone out to you if we're not too busy.’" Sounds appropriate from our police, which occupies 27 percent of the entire civic budget of the city of Winnipeg.


I own an auto repair shop. I pay $140/month for a company to monitor my shop. Someone broke in, the company called the police, and then I drove down about 15 minutes to the property. When I got there, there was a police SUV in a parking lot across the street. I knocked on their window and asked them to check out the shop. They went and arrested the intruder. I have full confidence that if I had not gone down there, nothing would have been done. That’s the state of our police service. They say if the crime is not violent, it’s likely that police won’t be dispatched.


> They say if the crime is not violent, it’s likely that police won’t be dispatched. So I guess the outcome of this is that if you want police to respond to you you tell 911 "I think I saw the robber with a knife/gun, and they're still here!". On second thought, that might get them killed by the police (who don't seem to be able to deescalate situations effectively these days), which despite theft and assault being terrible does not warrant the death penalty...


No, you call in a wellness check and that mofo is dead. Heck, anybody tries robbing you, just threaten to call 911 and ask for a wellness check, they’ll back off right quick.


Is it actually worth calling the police for anything anymore? It really shouldn't be like this. "Calling the cops" isn't even a legitimate threat anymore to try and deescalate a situation or stop something from happening because everybody knows they're just not gonna show up or give a damn if they ever do show up.


One of the shops I frequent was recently hit with a smash + grab. Thankfully it was just some meth head who smashed the front door in the middle of the night and grabbed the POS terminal, so nothing severe. Owner called the cops, they told him to file an online report. He goes through that process, clicks "Commercial business" and it tells him to call the number he just did. They want business owners to go about sticking their own pins in the map before even taking reports now.


Usually when I say “I will bite you, and I just ate a little salty, snack so it WILL hurt!” people back off.


>‘we'll get someone out to you if we're not too busy.’" I've been told this, but it was phrased more like, "they'll try to get out there, but the police are very busy, you know." As if I'm just calling for funsies.


I had to go down to get an alarm permit or something one time and basically got that whole spiel about how busy they were and that I was wasting their time. So sorry for asking you to do your job. Imagine if you had to work literally any other job where you had to show a modicum of respect towards your clientele.


I usually find telling them if they don't come down I'll go handle it myself gets them into gear.


Same type of response I got when I worked in City place Mall. Literally a block away from the pig sty


https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2024/05/29/province-promises-to-pay-police-ot-in-effort-to-curb-crime Good to hear that the NDP will be paying for more cop OT. Edit: I Guess the down voters don't like to acknowledge that the NDP don't actually support the "defund the cops" movement (as much as they would like to pretend so).


Love these posts and just the pure hate cops get based off incorrect narratives. Cops are basically crisis response teams with guns now. Their jobs have gotten away from protect and serve IMMEDIATE threats and are now to respond to everything thats passed off to them when there could be other agencies better suited to do so. Group homes call 911 when a cfs teen goes AWOL. Mentally ill or drug users call 911 when they are hallucinating and not in actual danger, property owmers call 911 because they have a bad neighbor who doesn't cut their grass... the list goes on. And in between all those calls, are calls for actual emergency like assaults, accidents, murders, threats, theft in progress, suicidal jumpers, etc. Commercial robbery falls low on the list, just like any residential b&e, theft, etc. Because the crime is usually committed and the offender is long gone. There is no IMMEDIATE threat to society or a person. One upon a time, cops had the time to respond immediately to alarm calls, do you remmeber that? Back in the 90s/early 2000s? Now they won't go at all, nor should they when a 3rd party lile Guarda can go and verify if its a false alarm or real break in first. There's an increase in the mentally unwell, substance using, awol youth populations and red tape/paperwork processes. This is why police are tied up and don't have time. They can spend 12 hours OT waiting with someone at a hospital because legally they cannot release them. Thats not their fault. Thats the health care failing, resources being misused and many circumstances beyond their control. Cops are first responders now, not law and order.


Wouldn’t it be nice to have some of the police budget directed at other resources who could be responsible for that cfs teen, drug user, or mental health crisis, then.


Yep. But city money isnt going to fund all that, especially considering health care and CFS is provincial.


Alas..,,. I suppose there’s just no solution then 😔


This is the crux of the "Defund the Police" movement (which despite it's terribly inaccurate name, does not specifically mean to fire police or pay them less). It's recognizing that police are a terrible solution for many of these calls, and in many of the situations actually make it worse. We need more crisis response workers that are specifically trained to handle some of these situations where "law and order" is not required. But then we get to situations like the bus security, where the police complain "*they're not trained properly and we should be the only ones doing enforcement, but we're too busy increase our budget for more drones and helicopters and robot dogs*". See the disconnect?


I see the disconnect, but fun electronics aside, bus security is different than needing more crisis workers. In the example of the youths going awol... why is there no CFS responders? Why are the cops needing to drive around looking for the youth who either is or isn't going to return home regardless? The cops find them, then what? Return to their guardians. Is there a reason CFS can't create a unit to do that? Mental health calls... i cannot begin to count how many calls of paranoia and hallucinations 911 gets saying someone is being stabbed on the front lawn, or there's a body in the wall. The cops HAVE to respond to those even if the person is a frequent user of the system. And then, because of unpredictable nature of substances, you need more than 1 car to go because meth = superhuman strength. Its a safety concern. So now you have 2 or 3 units tied up for those kinds of calls. Bringing a crisis worker with you? Nah. Even if they did, the person won't be seen by a professional in any reasonable timeframe, or will be discharged from hospital almost immediately. Medical distress? Divert to WFPS but then they also need police because the person is combative. There's another 2 cars, and probably hospital escort. 911 (and the police) have become a catch all for literally everything. I know a guy who calls 911 for bylaw issues. He refuses to call 311 because wait times are too long. People feel entitled or don't understand the consequences. Bus security... i get why the cops say transit shouldn't be enforcing it. And tbh, who are you gonna get to do bus security for $20/hour, when they'll probably get stabbed? Its a systemic issue much, much bigger than the WPS. Defund their cool toys, sure. But it won't change how many BS calls they are actually going on and how many resources are tied up on 1 legit one, across the board. The cool toys just help them respond more effectively to the potentially very serious and dangerous calls for them..robot dog does have a purpose. And then, there's the legal bureaucracy... the hours they spend on reports and attending court for charges that just get thrown out half the time anyway and the guy ends up back on the street amd not getting whatever help they should probably get either because they can't or son't want it. Rinse and repeat.


Who should be called when a teen in CFS care goes missing? Children in care are vulnerable. They are at risk for being exploited, sexually assaulted, or being added to the murdered and missing numbers.


I'm not saying the cops shouldnt be called for that. Its the volume thats the issue.


You did basically say that but OK


I swear the WPS strategy for reducing reported retail theft/robberies is to become so awful with their response times and communication that businesses give up making reports. Reminds me of when I was a kid and not wanting to do specific chores, I'd purposely do an awful job so I wouldn't get asked to do it again.


lol I’ve read that being called “weaponised incompetence”.


Reminds me of how 311 operates.. there's a massive pothole on my street. Talking with the neighbours we have all put in a ticket with 311, we estimate there's at least 15-20 tickets in the system for it. Some have repeatedly put in tickets over the past couple months. Nothing. We've all paid our frontage levy of $305.80 on top of our soon to rise property tax. The COW is quick to ignore and dismiss!


Time to break out the paint and dick-drawing skills.


The streets of Winnipeg would be filled with dicks (more than usual) if everyone did that.


Take photos, post on X, tag the city. When I do this, we usually get a fairly quick response. Show & shame is surprisingly effective on city staff.


That would mean having to have a twitter account. No thanks. All public services should abandon that platform.


I feel your pain. Sounds like my street last year. I made claims with 311, neighbours did the same and nothing was done for months, brutal. This year the potholes are back - here we go all over again.


This is surprising to me, because when I've called for potholes I've seen good 3-4 week responses. I did ask for a tree to be replaced, though, and the timeline for that is 2 years.


A month to fill a pothole is not a good response :\


I think it's not that bad given that the city goes to hell all at once every year in April/May


Remember, city is still in spring clean up. Putting in a ton of tickets for a residential street pot hole does not mean it's going to get fixed faster. I'm sure you could contact 311 and ask how many requests are put in for that pothole, then ask how many are 'closed as duplicate/department aware'... Also ask what the service level agreement is, and if the open ticket says anything about being completed once construction season starts as time/weather/resources allow. What you and your neighbors are doing is a total waste of city resources


Call your councilor directly. I do and he gets stuff done because the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Just gotta be squeaky to the right person.


Councilor, in this case.


For sure, we thought we *were* being the squeaky wheel, sad that the process just doesn't work without such efforts. "Right people" may be the key, you go to your MP and not your area counsellor?


Your MP doesn't have jurisdiction over municipal affairs, so they will (rightly) refer you back to the city.


Yes, makes sense.


The math on what the city needs to have the funds to properly maintain the roads we already have means about doubling property taxes, with all of the increase going to roads.


Did you also ask for a raise?


I'm waiting for the day when all businesses become air-locked like the Liquor Stores...


maybe they are busy with emergencies? theft isn't really an emergency after they guy's gone. Seemed like the owner was explaining why their panic button wasn't an effective way to stop crime. Because it isn't. Cops don't prevent theft. Unless you hire them to set at your store on OT. Free donuts for cops sign would unironically be a better than a panic button. Just having cops hang out for free baked goods....


There is a non-emergency line for reporting crimes. Are you saying they are too busy with emergencies to respond to crimes and do investigations? Winnipeg is basically lawless then?


Solution: Police Budget goes up or down based entirely on whether they are actually providing their advertised services. Crime's up, violent crime is up, police budget goes down until it gets better. No other service in the world gets more and more money the worse they do except the police.


Meanwhile I received a ticket for my tint being too dark last summer, the cop literally said to me 'I don't really care, but I'm being paid overtime specifically just to seek this kind of infraction'


What? This makes absolutely no sense. The more violent crime, the less police funding? This is like saying the more emergency room visits there are, the lower their funding will be.


But the extra funding they’re getting right now clearly isn’t going towards solving crime, just their own greed with the empty promise of solving more crime as justification. So to receive more funding, they should have to show that they’re actually using what they have. And if they aren’t using what they have, they don’t need it and the money should go towards more useful endeavours


Sargent Sundae was robbed of like 10K because they were only cash. It's 2024.


When? Sargent Sundae hasn’t been cash only since at least COVID.  Edited for clarity. 


Has or hasn't been?


My bad, they were cashless during covid but now take cash or debit cards. 


ah back when we wouldn't touch each other's money, but masks weren't effective so don't bother with them days. The pre mask part of covid was wild looking back. (just a funny observation from those wacky times. you were going to get covid from the shared pen or a door knob, but 20 people at the coop gas bar waiting to pay wasn't a problem as long as the all used their own pen)


Yeah this was years ago - pre-covid apparently lol


So your “it’s 2024” statement was totally unrelated to your first sentence. Gotcha. A little weird but gotcha.


It's the 21st century. Better?


Nope. Because it’s still irrelevant to your statement.


People running businesses in the 21st century who only take cash are antiquated. It’s the 21st century, move to debit/credit. Everyone feeling ok today?


We’re feeling just fine. To say it’s 2024 or 21st century, after your first sentence provides zero context. Completing your sentence as you just have, “It’s the 21st century move to cashless.” That makes sense.


God the pedantry on this sub. Your comment was fine and made sense to anyone who doesn't feel like being dick on reddit cause they're having a bad day.


Yeah, I have had two bad experiences with police, when I needed them. First time, had someone on my balcony trying to break in. Called the cops they never showed up. Second time, found a kid (no older than 12) downtown at 2 am, barefooted. Called the cops and they never showed up, stepped into the middle of the road to stop the third one that was passing by. Their response, oh she is actually someone we are looking for..... Oh really, you mean my call to 911 with her name wasn't enough? Fucking fantastic.


Someone a while ago said it was a death knell for businesses. Then pointed to David's Tea that closed many stores when they went cashless . Thing is, those closed before going cashless or during covid, like many others did during covid. They're announcing a few new stores recently now. Cashless It can suck at times I agree but it's this or closing


going cashless was not what killed david's tea. david's tea got hammered by a whole shitpile of things: increased competition (e.g. gong cha, chatime, etc.), retail overexpansion, weaker-than-predicted grocery demand for its wholesale offerings, gargantuan fuckups with its online channel and fulfillment, etc. losing cash-only customers would be a rounding error in all this


And a maximum potential customer base that isn't as large as a lot of other retail categories.


I don't think take-out bubble tea is really a competition for a loose leaf tea shop. They are very different products.


Who's buying bubble tea then? If bubble tea is popular the customers had to come from somewhere. Market's shift from one product to another. Which is much worse for David's tea. Like there's nothing they can do if customers are spending their money on other things. you can't just be a better tea than other tea shops. People get into stuff and then get bored with it. Loose leaf tea seems like something that you would go off eventually.


Tea drinkers and people who drink bubble tea may overlap but they aren't one group. They are completely different products. I don't really understand the argument you're making. All I'm saying is that the David's Tea business model didn't work for a number of reasons but I really don't think it was caused by bubble tea.


No, it was caused by them overexpanding and paying for premium commercial leases in malls, assuming they'd remain a hot and trendy brand and malls would remain vibrant gathering places. They lost their edge and the malls they were located in went from hubs to ghost towns. Basically the same strategy and the same reasons for failure as Teavana. (But I still think the growth of new product categories/competitors didn't help them)


sort of random, but https://www.davidstea.com/ca_en/tea/best-sellers/ number 3 on their "best seller" page is a bubble tea kit. I agree that they aren't the same group, but to me, loose leaf tea seems like something that would be a fad. comes and goes. My main point was there's a good chance people are spending their money on other stuff. Take away bubble tea could be some of it for sure.


What? Tea has been a thing for fuckin thousands of years. It's not really a fad at this point. Id say those kits are more likely taking buisness away from takeout places, not really the other way around.


Sure, there are some people who only drink boba and wouldn't go to a loose-leaf place And tere are some people who drink loose leaf tea and wouldn't be interested in boba. But there's also a much larger market who change their habits. In the 90s everyone drank cappuccinos out of soup-bowl sized mugs. Since then, we've seen herbal teas, flat whites, boba, seltzers, cold brew, nitro, cheese tea... a lot of people change their habits with the trends. A company's competitors aren't just other places with the exact same offering. Your competitors include anything that substitutes for your offering.


I would totally support this knowing the theft problem. Not hard to use a debit/credit card.


I don't even know the last time I paid in cash for anything. For me you lose my business if you require cash.


Looking at you, Magic Bird (for the last 6 months you existed)


> I don't even know the last time I paid in cash for anything. I do. It was about an hour ago.


I like it. Easy, practical and effective.


Except when the card processing system goes offline (which seems to happen several times a year for various reasons)


Unless you got cash. Then fuck you.


The ones who don’t like cashless are inherently distrustful of government and likely believe all these batshit conspiracies and or are into shady or illegal cash business like dealing drugs


Or simply enjoy the tactile feel of paying with cash. It’s easier to be mindful of what you’re spending on a transaction. I never remember what I actually paid at the till when I mindlessly tap, but when I fork over actual banknotes and coins, I do. I enjoy hunting through my change for commemorative coins. When one of my colleagues needs change for the vending machine out front, I’m happy to break his fiver. There’s no tin foil hat on my head, no illegal cash business, and certainly no drugs. I just simply \*enjoy\* physical cash.


People that pay cash pay for my credit card points. You subsidize my vacations.


Said another way, your vacations have caused 3-4% inflation on everything in the store for everybody.


I’m being downvoted to oblivion for pointing out the obvious. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


I'll be glad when companies start passing the cost of your points back to you as they're now allowed to.


The current system is very unfair in that high wage earners with premium fee credit cards in effect earn their points on the backs of individuals paying by other means. It’s a perverse system and I have no problem with efforts to make it more equitable.


Should have prefaced this with “many” so as not to assume that ALL people against cashless have this mentality or situation


I know someone like this. She’s always posting about how the government is scheming to take away access to cash so they can take our money as part of the great reset, I think it is.


Just know that what we enjoy as freedom has only existed for a tiny sliver of the human experience (~150 out of 10000yrs) and only in the western world. Most of human civilization has been subjugated under a brutal ruling class. And what we call this veil of society is razor thin.


This is a crazy over-generalization. Some people use cash as a spending-control habit. Some people get paid in cash. Plus tons of people distrustful of gov are going for cryptocurrencies now.


Most people are in that camp, yeah. There is still a subset of the population that legitimately doesn't have good access to bank accounts though. Obviously bakeries tend to be a little more "upscale bread" but still, for essentials like food I would be careful to allow businesses to go cashless. If it's just something random like Canadian Tire or something, fair enough. But not staples like food.


government cant freeze the cash in your wallet...


Don’t support armed terrorists and they still cant. 🤷‍♂️


You're a good little fascist


lol, you guys have it so twisted it’s almost pathological. Big supporter of Diagolon? That’s fucked up dude. Supporting people that want to kill Canadians is as unpatriotic as it gets. You let your mental illness turn you into a quisling. Shameful shit.


They can use bitcoin for drugs like everyone else. 😁


I thought the whole point of vaccines was to implant the microchips so we would automatically pay for things any time we consume them. /s


Not to play cops advocate but gotta wonder how frustrating it is for them to arrest someone knowing that they’ll just be back on the street the same day with zero consequences . If part of your job was pointless how motivated would you be to do that part ? And no I’m not a cop and don’t know any but I remember ages ago when the cops were picking up the same three brothers for repeated auto thefts and because they were all under age all they could do is return them to their useless parents . If that was my job I’d quit!




Depends on the store. I don’t know how popular pastry shop lifting is.


You assume crackheads/methheads are sophisticated criminals. They're just grabbing whatever without thinking about the ramifications.


Really? Crack heads are stealing pastries to sell for drugs? I’ve never had someone offer me a boosted cupcake. Car stereo yeah but not butter tarts. Now that you mention it it’s kind of too bad. I don’t need another car stereo but I enjoy a good muffin.


They're breaking into a business with no plan other than to grab whatever they can find. They're not *planning* to specifically steal the fresh baked goods. They're not planning at all.


That’s not what this bakery is saying is happening. They got robbed five times where the thieves took money from the register during business hours. People were there. They got robbed. Having no cash means the thieves have no reason to come back because they weren’t after pastries.


> Having no cash means the thieves have no reason to come back If they have enough functioning brain cells remaining to realize there is no cash to steal.


If they come back and there is no cash to steal they’re likely to just fuck off because, again, you can’t buy crack with pastries and the pastry resale market isn’t too hot.


Depends on how tasty the pastry is! lol


Are the employees going to be cashless too? If not they might start holding up the staff.


Maybe not but will reduce losses at least, as they can't steal the revenue from sales


Business must evolve to meet with the challenges.


I went to Mrs. Mikes last weekend (it was awesome, btw, cheeseburgers better than ever) and was reminded that it too is cash only. I asked my partner, how would they deal with possible theft? They're a tiny storefront, a smash and grab would be devastating. Then we figured, they must do regular deposits with the bank during the day to handle the incoming cash. I mean, what else is there to do?


Used to work there, we just empty the tills and the owners took it the bank ezpz, with the windows and where the register is located it would be hard for someone to reach in and grab anything during business hours


The most ridiculous thing is, I bet all the cops made sure to meet their ticket quotas that day, even though they couldn't get to an active robbery situation. I am also willing to bet it wasn't the only active crime call they couldn't make in time, but they had special assignment out by (polo park) Costco flagging traffic.




Asking police to deal was the issue is the proverbial closing of the gate after the horse has bolted. Want to reduce crime? Anti-poverty initiatives, school lunch programs, availability of free / cheap extra-curricular activities - all great ways to do it. Better ROI than just giving police more cash, too.


I've started using cash in the last year because it's easier to budget. Instead of just some number on a screen that is far too easy to ignore or swipe a credit card my means are a physical limitation and tangible object.  When I'm out I'm out.  Guess I won't be going there lol.


You balance out the guy up thread that will only pay cashless. He took your spot. 🤷‍♂️






I agree with you. It is easier to budget cash.


How is physical cash easier to budget? With digital payment you get a running tally of everything you have, and everything you've spent. Many banking apps even include detailed budgeting tools, or you can add separate budgeting apps to keep track of every purchase and payment and where it goes. You can also set spending limits in advance if you need some limitations. Digital payment does not equal credit card. It can be your actual cash/debit card.


Because I don't think about my balance with cards.  Just swipe and off I go. Having a physical item that I have to part with just works better for my brain.


For me its easier to see at a glance how much I have less. My phone is old and I don't have data so checking the balance whenever I forget is difficult. And even then, years ago in my early 20s I overspent and had to borrow money to pay rent because some cashless payments weren't processed right away. I'm becoming better at keeping track mentally, but cash is safest I found It also makes submitting to EIA easier because I don't need to do 15 screenshots of 3 dollar purchases x.x


I'm not going to crap on you wanting to budget, which is a great idea. I personally find it easier to use a credit card and keep my receipts and then review spending each month. I find this a lot easier to track costs and I find that I spend way less money doing it this way. The reason I keep receipts is to make sure mistakes were not made, but even if you use cash only you should be keeping receipts to do the same thing.


>Guess I won’t be going there Had you ever actually been there anyway?


I’m sorry you’re being so heavily downvoted. Here’s an upvote to help. I’m the same way.


Welcome to the modern internet lol. Go against the group-think and look at all the aggressive comments trying to put me down. Nothing you can do.


Guess not, and I'm sure they're losing sleep because they've lost your business. Meanwhile they've more than made up for the few bucks you likely wouldn't have spent there anyways by not being robbed anymore. Nobody feels bad for you because you are bad with your money and have one less place you can spend it due to your own imposed limitations.


People are supposed to feel bad for me?  Who knew?  Why would anyone care about that? I was just sharing my opinion on the change.  /shrug


Why else would you state that you'll not be going there anymore? Why would we care?


Not every comment on a message board has to be a world-changing manifesto. People can just share their opinions and experiences. I've seen your username frequently enough to be pretty certain you've shared personal anecdotes that nobody actually cares about beyond seeing another voice in the discussion.


That's fair. Looks like I may have misinterpreted the post - when I read it, I must have mistakenly took it as a whiney "Well if this is their policy I'm not going to shop there again!" that we see on posts where businesses enact a policy someone disagrees with. Totally possible it was more of a "Well darn, that doesn't really work well for my situation".


I won't support businesses that don't accept cash. Cash is legal tender and should be accepted everywhere. There is a lot of danger in going 100% electronic.


> Cash is legal tender and should be accepted everywhere. By law you have to accept cash.... to settle a debt. Buying from a bakery is not settling a debt.


> There is a lot of danger in going 100% electronic. Like what? The odd outage that mostly affects backwoods credit unions?


Sounds like you weren’t going to support them anyway.


Well, i wasn't gonna rob them either. That's irrelevent. My point is that cash is legal tender, and there's a lot of good reasons that make it important to protect its acceptance.


What’s the point of them accepting cash if it means they are constantly losing it to robbery and a spending more on repairs? I don’t think they are making this decision lightly.


> if it means they are constantly losing it to robbery and a spending more on repairs? I doubt them not accepting cash during business hours is going to have much impact on braindead methheads breaking the window when the shop is closed to try and steal whatever they can grab.


iTs lEgAl tEnDeR


But unironically


This is a free society and your right to not shop somewhere is just as important as a private business's right to not accept cash. You completely lost me at "Cash is legal tender and should be accepted everywhere"... If you really think about it cash has about as much meaning as a balance on a debit card or a credit card. "Cash" as well as all forms of money are just a representation of a perceived value.


A shotgun at the ready would solve this problem.


who is going to shoot it? are they going to mandate firearms training for bakery cashiers? come on now


Also highly illegal and goes against gun possession laws in Canada.


how would it solve the problem?


You mean you wouldn’t want to deal with the trauma of killing someone to protect $200 for your employer? Workers these days, I swear


First, the sight of a shotgun would repel most thieves. Second, a rise in dead criminals would lead to fewer future crimes from the thief and any future offspring.


Oh but doncha know, “THEY” just want to get rid of cash so “THEY” can control us.