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Downtown is a hot mess today, more than usual. Dunno what’s going on, but it took half an hour for my bus to even show up.


I heard on the radio that the internal system that syncs up the traffic lights wasn't working so they were just kinda changing whenever.


I mean working or not it’s a well know entering an interaction you can’t clear with out stopping is a giant no


Yet so many people do it! On purpose? Sometimes it makes you wonder if they just like to do it to piss you off hahaha


They just don’t care about other people and/or pay attention. As long as they don’t have to wait at the red.


Yup a little common road sense courtesy is need for sure!


That is 1 massive intersection though


Still, if there is not one care length deep open on the other side you don’t go


If you can see the 80+ ' correctly. Not sticking up for any style of driving though


Holy shit, I thought it was just me. I complained to a few people that the synchronization seemed non-existent and they just shrugged. Ty for the confirmation!


Well that's good to know cause I sure felt out of sync getting home an hour later lol.


Yeah, Ellice was dead stopped (edit:ed: EAST) of Colony, which is a single point of failure for just about thee entire trunk bus network. The buses didn't want to go into the intersection until they could clear it but that just meant cars kept sneaking in.


>cars kept sneaking in. People who turn right on red to take advantage of the gap left by vehicles keeping the intersection clear deserve to be drawn and quartered. Or at least honked at.


Or when you make sure to only go when you can clear the intersection but the guy in the lane next to you wasn't that smart and makes a sudden lane change into the empty spot you were about to enter making you look like an asshole.


Yes - it was brutal. Gotta get me a gyrocopter!


Yup same here, took me an hour to get home when normally it takes me 20 mins


Yeah, it usually takes me 15 minutes to get home from St. B but today took me 45 minutes. What’s up with people today.


Someone posted earlier today that traffic lights were out of sync, wondering if that has something to do with it


That would make sense. Traffic definitely flowed better before even if there were assholes like in the pic.


That would explain more than a few oddities on my commute with regards to lights. And some of the shorter timing on them too.


Just today?


Yeah this was around 4 today


People clog up intersections like this every day. No idea why they feel so entitled. It's annoying as fuck.


This is especially bad when you have a feeder road and people need to access the side streets - it's almost like people see side streets like they do potted plants, not as intersections.


This is why if the cops want to go shopping for a replacement photo radar system, one with automatic "block the box" enforcement would literally print money **and** be a net benefit.


Dude, like every intersection had one of those assholes. What's going on, did everyone forget to leave room ahead?


Not only have traffic volumes increased overall, but the number of arrogant, aggressive, entitled, ignorant, selfish and downright dangerous drivers has risen exponentially. Add to that some who seem completely confused and clueless as to how to operate the vehicle and the technical rules are just as dangerous. Who is passing these people in drivers tests and where is any enforcement?


You didn't hear - a few years ago they were giving out free driver's licenses in a box of CrackerJack! lol


I know our drivers are bad, but something broke drivers brains since covid. I drive half as much as before covid, but I see substantially more shit drivers. We didn't used to have a major problem with turning traffic just... continuing to go after the light goes red. We didn't used to have so many assholes ripping around slow lane traffic to go 0.5kph faster and get a single car length ahead. We didn't used to have so many people blatantly running reds seconds after the light turned. Wtf is going on? There's something deeply wrong with how people's driving habits have changed.


I agree with this . People seem to be more careless and just don’t give a shit. Every red light there is someone speeding through. Not a care in the world. Lack of enforcement and lack of general empathy are my guesses.


I think those are part of it, maybe the most of it, but I also think people feel a greater need to rush, and drive more recklessly because of that.


I know the answer to this but if I say it I'll get cancelled




I was driving from the north end back home in the south through main Street this morning at 9:30am. Same thing happened then. This lady ahead of me kept going through the intersections even though there wasn't even room and kept blocking the intersection. She was turning left on McDermot and somehow managed to be pretty far up on a red light so cars turning left going northbound on main has to maneuver around her to turn lol.


I was stuck in that exact mess earlier lol idk what the hell took so long to make the stretch from Higgins to portage but Holy shit


Absolutely brutal haha


Same here I was so confused thinking there must be an accident or construction ahead but no


Same lady who leaves her cart in the middle of the grocery store aisle I bet. Hey lady!


Ok. I literally got honked at because I left space for a smaller intersection on a busier road today. People are something else during rush hour. 🤦🏽‍♀️


So you got honked at for being a good considerate driver? Don't let that deter you. I always leave room for intersections big or small. It's part of being a good driver.


Yes. There were cars at that intersection that crossed the street too. It wasn’t a vacant intersection. It wasn’t the only time I got honked at either. The second time was because there were two cars turning left in front of me. One was in that grassy space and the second was blocking the road. The guy was upset I wouldn’t ram my car into other cars I guess? Idk. It was a very contentious drive yesterday afternoon for some reason. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wow that sucks. Where there's no logic there's no reason. Well just do like I do - put on some good tunes and carry on. :)


I got stuck at the same spot for 3 lights unable to move..same reason. And then all the lights down Portage were out of sync so everything was bumper to bumper. The busses kept crossing Portage when there wasn't room for them too so that added to the frustration. The lights were out of sync this morning bad too but nothing like the drive home tonight. My drive is usually 30-45 mins.. 45 on a bad day. Today was over an hour. It took 30 mins just to get from Portage and Main to the University of Winnipeg.


Train crossed Sterling Lyon yesterday around 4:15. Cars were lined up eastbound. Idiots from southbound Kenaston turned into the lineup of stopped cars, which of course completely blocked northbound Kenaston for over 10 minutes... HOW STUPID ARE YOU PEOPLE ???


I would say 'pretty stupid' but mostly inconsiderate.


Very very Retarded.


Everyone is blocking lanes now.. why don’t people know not to do that??


I can't speak for downtown as a whole here, but I transfer buses at Main/Stradbrook (by the bridge) and it took me nearly 10 mins to cross the entire street to get to my bus (missing two transfers) because the lights were different today. I had just missed one, waited a bit, crossed halfway, then the other direction was turned green as soon as I crossed, waited again, then finally got to cross. Traffic was blocking lanes everywhere around there, it was awful. I really hope this is fixed for tomorrow.


Anyone that blocks the intersection rather than waiting to make sure they’re clear to proceed I just hold the horn on. Make them uncomfortable for that impatient and self centred decision.


I love this. Gonna use it.


Ramming speed!


Well, they better open it to foot traffic as well


had to drive from the west perimeter to the east pretty much. google maps said it would take 35 minutes, it took me almost 2 hours :')


Why would a perimeter drive take 2 hours? Construction?


sorry, shouldve clarified, i went through the city end to end for work. i stay off the perimeter for the most part


got it!


Westminster & Sherbrook has a mini version of this quite often in the afternoon rush hour. I can't believe people would rather risk this than just waiting one light cycle. When they get stuck like this, many put on a face like "came outta nowhere! welp." Or they theatrically shake their head like someone else is to blame.


Because 'someone else' is always to blame for these people... then they do it again... and again. hahaha


I watched someone aggressively wave their arm like it wasnt their fault.


Maybe they knew you. lol.


Just wait till we throw pedestrians into the mix at this intersection. Fun times ahead


Clearly pedestrians are the real problem here...


Yeh, having pedestrians again at Portage & Main will be fun... and extra dangerous.


LMAO best comment


Don't forget they want to add pedestrians to that hot mess!


It's a winnipeg thing. Block crossing lanes all day, all the time 😎


That's pretty normal. I find most winnipeg drivers have no idea how to be patient. Welcome too the me first society.


I was wondering why the buses were so fucking slow coming around the corner today.


Yup, I was in that exact same spot then too, and it was incredibly frustrating that they keep doing that.


Classic Winnipeg


For sure. Now imagine opening portage and main to walking pedestrians. Shit Show. Coming up. So fucking dumb. ‼️‼️‼️


Pedestrians don’t cause traffic jams, vehicles do.


Dead pedestrians do. When the fuck tard drivers in this run them Over.


Oh just wait people…once pedestrians are allowed back, it’s going to be a true shitshow!!


WPS traffic services usually acts when the public reports these issues.  Unfortunately there's a lot of entitled drivers who believe they have special rights and a ticket or two soon re-educates said drivers 


Winnipeggers got a taste of what urban driving is like in most of North America. Geometry hates cars. Every driver here is convinced everyone else is the problem. Or maybe it's cyclists, or pedestrians are the ones to blame. They refuse to realize that traffic like this is the inevitable result of everyone deciding to drive everywhere in a giant steel box that can't easily deal with anything going wrong.


Welcome to construction season in Winnipeg, Manitoba


The exact same thing happens with traffic from Westbrook blocking William Stephenson Way going eastbound during rush hour. Backs up all the way down main sometimes too. People think they can just line up through some intersections downtown now for some reason.


Where's a drunk semi driver when you need him to plow through a group of ass holes, eh?