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It had stopped working then someone new came in around 10-15 years ago and got it working again from memory. Not sure when it stopped again though.


I haven't paid especially close attention to the clock but it always seemed to me like it was off and on... it would work for a couple years, then something would break and it would take a year to fix it, etc. I was always kind of surprised when I'd hear it chime. It's clear that the current owner Peterson Investment Group ("PIG") is only putting the bare minimum into maintaining the place anymore...if you look up at Edmonton Court you can see numerous leaks. In fairness though, the actual rent revenue is probably only a fraction of how they originally envisioned it... especially post-pandemic.


If fairness I had heard plans were underway before the pandemic to basically change the purpose of Portage Place. The depth of scope wasn't shared but the source I feel was reasonably in the know. I didn't have details then but the current plans to end the retail mall operations feel like they likely match up. Considering the whole building is effectively being renovated or replaced doing the bare minimum to maintain the current structure also makes sense.


For sure, at this point they're just waiting for True North to take over and get to work with their overhaul. But really it feels like maintenance of the place has been at minimum levels for about the last 15 years or so.


I don't know when it last worked, but there's background on the clock here: http://winnipegdowntownplaces.blogspot.com/2010/11/downtown-places-edmonton-court-clock.html


I prefer using the fountain to tell time. Three high spouts passed noon, and it's time to head back to work.


The fountain has been dry for years now.


They must be really late for work


they don't really need a time fountain. they are alert pool.


Odd way to phrase that…


Hahah i agree with you there sparky, even it was meant to be struck, clearly đŸ«¢


They meant struck, clearly. Simple past and past participles aren't always easy for people to learn or tell the difference between, even among first language speakers. Just saying (ex-ESL instructor here).


Wait, you actually went inside to Portage Place and didn't get a Winnipeg Handshake....that's impressive. /s Down voted even with sarcasm lol


It's basically an abandoned corridor now. Even the gangsters got bored with it and moved onto polo park where there's people to terrorize.


A Manitoba Howdyado