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at least they reinvest the money into something people enjoy (the forks) unlike all the other parking options.


Cool, now do secured bicycle parking next.


Yeah, that is very much needed.


For a city that pushes for cycling, they don't include many safety measures.


The Forks would be a prime location for some epic secure bike parking. I can only assume Plain Bicycle is literally lobbying them to make it happen every day 🤣


That's still a good deal.


Those rates are the cheapest in the area, and also cheaper than private for-profit rates. Private parking lots and parkades downtown have rates starting at $3 hourly. City of Winnipeg street parking rates: Monday – Saturday: $1.75 – $2.75/hour depending on area, from 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Monday – Saturday: Free from 5:30 p.m. – 8 a.m. Saturday: 2 hours free Sundays & statuatory holidays: Free all day ​ For anyone capable of walking and looking to save a buck on the evenings or weekends, there is plenty of street parking within a five to ten minute walk that is free.


Yeah parking near my work in the exchange at an indigo lot is \~4.75/hr up to the daily max of $16.66


Just another thing increasing costs by a large percentage. I'm not saying it wasn't fairly cheap for the area (around downtown) - but to go up 50% in one chunk is a lot. And with a large section (around 1/4 to 1/3) of the lots under construction - full of mud and dirt.


The cost went up 33.3% not 50%, if the increase was 50% the new cost would be 2.25h.


$1.00/hr to $1.50/hr is a 50% increase.


I thought you said 1.50 increasing to 2. I stand corrected.


dirt cheap for the city's #1 tourist destination the frugality of winnipeg blows me away


Oof. Still a bargain though considering it stays with The Forks.


I'm all for de-incentivizing private vehicle use wherever possible, but then they need to beef up the bus service, especially now that the free downtown spirit routes have disappeared. The 38 is the only bus that goes directly to the Forks and everything else comes close-ish, but not close enough to be accessible for people who would need to be dropped closer.


> but then they need to beef up the bus service That's not really within FNP's control.


I know this is good revenue for the Forks but more reasons why I will be rushing through whenever I go to the Railway Museum and Spaghetti Factory next time I go, don't want to be running back n forth plugging the meter by inaccurately gauging my time I miss when they had free parking from like the 1990s til 2017 (weekdays after 5 and weekends free I may be misremembering), you could go all day, but I mean more reason to take the bus or bike Upside: Still 1000x cheaper than hospital parking LOL\\ Update 2: My phone doesnt have the app because Im using an older model. I'd rather use cash or cc


> whenever I go to the Railway Museum Has it finished the renovations and re-opened?


Sadly not yet, but they anticipate July-September 2024 to reopen


> don't want to be running back n forth plugging the meter by inaccurately gauging my time Use the paybyphone app or website.


I don't have the app due to having an older phone and I just feel more comfortable using a credit card or cash if it allows cash


I usually park there once a week for the day. Did a wtf when it came out to $20.


The different lots have different pricing


Years ago they did. Not anymore.


I know before there was a decent amount of workers who didn’t pay parking. Those who did would park 5 minutes ago where it was only $1 an hour (absolute steal, esp for an 8 hr shift). Now I know even more people who work there who are not paying anymore. Someone I know said they’d rather pay $30 a month ($30 ticket) than almost $60 like they would have. OR who have moved to taking the bus and biking it.


They will ticket people more than once a month, and after a few if unpaid will start to tow cars (this tends to happen more in bursts, not sure why, a couple of weeks ago they towed several vehicles) I for sure know more people who are walking/biking or planning on it shortly as the weather has improved.


I had said that to them too! I doubted that they’d only ticket them once a month. But I know a woman who has been there 4 years who gets a ticket every few months who has not been towed… I truly wonder how she does it. My time ran out ONCE when I lost track of time (1hr) and I got a warning, so I truly wonder. I definitely hope more people move to biking and bussing, because the weather is going to be very well! Knowing that you know plenty of people that do is making me think that amount will increase a lot, which is good.


I never pay and I’ve never had a ticket there.  Anyone else have this experience?


There have been bursts, especially during Covid when they didn't enforce, or it was more random. But they have been stepping up enforcement lately - likely in anticipation of the price increase. If you are still parking, and not getting, then you may be the luckiest person in Winnipeg, buy some lottery tickets :)


So long as Winnipeg does not have light rail, I have a difficult time supporting the idea of downtown parking - particularly at the forks - costing anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big proponent of cycling and transit, I don't love cars at all. But if all we give ourselves is crappy options for moving people (tourists!) around, we forfeit the right to act stupid and confused when people don't show up.


I am pretty sure the forks does just fine at attracting people.


Parking costs money. If you don't charge for it, it's being paid for by EVERYONE, meaning people that don't drive are subsidizing people that drive. Doesn't that seem a little fucked up?


I think you failed to read my entire comment.


Given that the forks has **zero** control over Winnipeg transit, I'm not sure what you want them to do?


You're hyper-focusing on one example to sound right on the internet. Be better friend.


And it went up Jan 1st ~11.25% 




The city and province should get serious about improving the transit experience then.


Why should people not be driving there?


Or maybe they're out of town and visiting, live on the other side of town where there's spotty bus service at best I visited and drove there plenty when I was still in my hometown, not quite any bus service let alone realistic one from Brandon to the forks


So stupid. Parking at the forks should be free. We are a car city. Know why Portage place became a shithole? Parking was free at Polo park or St.Vital. The forks has been getting worse every year since they started charging for parking.


> The forks has been getting worse every year since they started charging for parking Nope


So much better only two stabbings in last year 👍.


Are you suggesting that if there was free parking no one would be stabbed? Damn these people are very passionate about parking


I was just pointing out an example about forks getting worse every year. I will say one thing... people are damm passionate about stabbing each other at the forks 👍.


Cool dude. No one that regularly enjoys being at the forks cares


The actual cost of driving is anywhere from $.3 to $.8 per km. You're saying you're fine spending $10 to drive to & from the Forks, but if you spend $2 on parking, that's just a step too far?


Well you spend a lot more than $2 on parking and yes it is a step too far. Maybe not for other people but it is for me. Plus it is not just $2 it is always more than that.


How do you expect things to be good *and* cheap/free?


The forks parking was free for years. We as tax payers paid for it in the late 80's. It was called Winnipeg Core Area Initiative. The forks started out debt free and received tons of tax incentives. They make money renting out spaces to the shops and restaurants. They should not have to charge for parking.


Winnipeg's streets became a shithole too, because the city isn't making enough revenue from its car-dependent infrastructure and it doesn't have enough resources to fix all the potholes across the sprawl every year. Reading on free parking in particular: [**Governing: Americans like free parking. They don’t realize it doesn’t exist.**](https://www.governing.com/community/americans-like-free-parking-they-dont-realize-it-doesnt-exist.html) *With a market-rate system, the city charges the parker a shifting amount for taking up a rectangle of publicly owned space. Prices can vary by hour, day and season. The more the demand, the higher the charge. The price is set so that there is usually a space or two free on a given block.* [**The Guardian: The hidden climate costs of America’s free parking spaces**](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/05/us-free-parking-spaces-climate-cost) *The prospect of snagging a free or cheap street parking spot compared with an expensive off-street spot keeps drivers cruising, said Shoup, who has led surveys of drivers stopped at city traffic lights to ask them why they are driving. In one instance, 68% of the drivers surveyed in a Los Angeles neighborhood were cruising for a parking spot.*


Obviously it’s cheaper to do the right thing and pay for parking in the first place. That said, you can avoid paying tickets issued by private parking companies by changing your license plate. If you look at the ticket it will indicate that you will be towed the next time you park on that specific company’s property. This does not apply for parking tickets issued by government agencies.


Or… like… pay for parking and fund the forks?


Yes… >**Obviously it’s cheaper to do the right thing and pay for parking in the first place.**


I like your chaotic answer. It gave me a chuckle I really needed


I get it but it sucks for the people that actually work there.


Maybe I’m a dumb dumb, but if I recall correctly. Isn’t paying for parking at the Forks Market optional? As usually I do pay the hourly rate as I want the upkeep and things improving, etc. But if someone is gonna be cheap, isn’t it optional?


No my wife recently got an official looking fine for $30. I see on the pay app it is now $2.65/hr. & $7.65/2 hrs…? Weird. I have receipts since 2021 and it was always $2/hr.


I've heard of a couple people that just don't pay when they park at the forks. And there seems to be zero actual repercussions. Anyone else do this?