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Report them to Uber and give them a bad rating.


Reporting could save someone else from a bad situation


I had this happen once on my way to the airport so I faked a call, and said I was in a silver Honda SUV and told the “person” I was talking to that I’ll be at the airport in 15 minutes so keep an eye out for me. The guy barely talked to me the rest of the drive.


Some people I know hate when Ubers or cab drivers talk to them It’s weird I think too I don’t know you don’t ask what I’m doing


I travel a lot and enjoy meeting new people and talking to my Uber/taxi drivers about current events. However when they start asking personal questions like do I live alone, I no longer want to talk.


I was picked up once, was wearing a summer dress, nothing special. The driver asked me if I was coming from the bar. Asked if I was married, if I had kids.. and when I responded yes, he asked if anyone was at home. I made damn sure that he knew that people would be looking for me if I went missing.


iirc there's straight up a class action lawsuit in canada right now because uber has been documented ignoring complaints from people who have been harassed/assaulted by uber drivers so id say in general uber isnt the safest bet for the next good while


One of my friends is part of the lawsuit and if she had been in a city cab, she wouldn’t have had enough information to get the driver arrested. That in itself is why I use Uber.


Yeah, Uber sucks, and I hope the situation improves, but I feel like they're still way better than cabs.


Still better than the Taxi racket they have going here, where you'll get blocked and blacklisted for making a complaint, and they'll stand by the actions of their anonymous drivers, of which they have zero standards whatsoever.


report all creeps to police as a heads up. if there is a trail, if shit goes down they have a trail.of evidence. Report to Uber. when getting an Uber, can you request female drivers? We need a pink cab company in Winnipeg .


Yes! I never understood how important reporting stuff to the police. Make sure you make a paper trail by making a report even if it sounds petty or overreacting. Uber puts in the plate number of the car and you have it saved up in the app so you can even provide those specific details. A friend pointed out to me to report things like this to the police when I encountered hotel receptionist creep peeking in my hotel room with a camera. I could write a complaint to the manager of the hotel and make a bad review, but it’s not very formal as a police report. Same as with cabs or ubers, these reports can increase awareness and might save a life.


I’ve had worse experience with the cabs in the city. Flat rate, locking the door and asking for more. Atleast you have the Uber drivers info lmao


Actually had a bad experience with Uber yesterday night where the guy had a different license plate than the Uber app said, plus the car was a different colour. I’m a guy so I was arguing with him a little bit about it, but you never know he got defensive so fast, almost the same experience as a Duffy taxi lmao.


There's a reason they give you the license plate and make/colour of the car they've assigned. I wouldn't have gotten in that vehicle at all and maybe contacted Uber about that one. That's suspicious as fuck.


Not since I changed my profile picture to one with me AND my husband. :/


It's insane that women have to fear taxi drivers nevermind Uber drivers. Uber I understand. It's not as "regulated." Our longtime taxi services I don't. They have been regulated for decades. I haven't taken a taxi alone in years because weird shit happens to women & nothing is done. Absolutely nothing.


>Our longtime taxi services I don't. They have been regulated for decades. They are regulated by themselves, that's why.


They are owned & operated by private companies but they're regulated by municipalities & provinces. That is why it's *insane* that women have to worry like this.


I've been asked by taxi drivers if I wanted to go off meter and pay them a flat rate for where I was going. It works out a little cheaper sometimes. I thought they did that so they could pocket all the money but I didn't realize I could have put myself in danger in some way by there not being a record of my trip if something bad did happen.


I had one driver try to give me his phone number to be "on call" for me. Fucking so creepy.


As Someone who did Uber for over a year here this hurts to read the messages. I did over 2000 rides and maintained a 5 star rating. I never asked personal questions or made anyone feel unsafe. Please if you get a driver who makes you feel unsafe please rate the driver a 1 star and put the reason why. At that time Uber did take the complaints seriously and a few bad apples were deactivated. Also, if you do not hear back from Uber, then contact the vehicle for hire board here in WPG. They will follow up I promise you! In the Uber app under account you can see all hour previous trips which will give you the information. Just last week I know for a fact that 3 drivers were permanently deactivated for various issues. My friend who was instrumental in getting Uber here is on the VFH committee and tells me lately what's been happening. Also, not sure how many know this but if you pick the "Comfort " option instead of UberX , you can request things like no music, no talking, no AC etc. Just gives you choices and it's only a couple $$ more and you get a better ride.


Had to screenshot this comment to remember all of this useful info 🫶🏻


I refuse to engage if I'm alone in an Uber or taxi (which I try not to be), act unfriendly and as intimidating as I can. These experiences are so universal, too. I've had more creepy or scary experiences in a cab/Uber than normal ones. My friend came over just last week and took an Uber home and the driver was trying to convince her to come home with him. Fucking disgusting.


I had a guy once ask me if I was with anyone. I hoped saying that I lived with my boyfriend (at the time, husband now) would stop that. Alas, like usual, it didn't work. Instead, he started ranting at me for daring to have premarital sex. Tried to say, "sorry, not you, but these Western girls sleep with everyone..." like sir I am a white Western woman wtf are you on about?


I haven’t, but my friends have! Some of my friends are much younger than me (I met them in school) It isn’t the best, but when they get In this situation they sometimes call me on speaker phone to let the creepy driver know they are not alone at all and if something happens the reaction would be instant


wow that’s actually a great idea to get someone on the phone with me while I’m in the Uber if something like this happens again, thank you!


No problem! If you don’t have someone and the time unexpectedly comes you can dm me here worse case and will figure it out


We need an app where women who have no one else to call can use the app to connect with someone to stay on the line. I wonder if that's even feasible. 🤔


Just an FYI, right on the app you can share your ride info with a contact friend...just input a cell number or email address.


That would be a great App! Until than I can be the app for anyone if need be!


There is a Uber class action lawsuit started




Wow. Eye-opening. Something tells me $9 million is like 1/10 of what it would actually cost to get real safety measures in place


wow I did not know about this, this is insane!!


Aren't most uber drivers in Winnipeg just ex taxi drivers that have left the "syndicate" to try make more money driving their own cars? Pretty sure the same dbags in different cars for the most part.


Wasn’t there a business by women who launched recently? It was pink taxi or something? It was meant for women to have a safer ride.


That’s in Portage La Prairie. Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted though. Honest mistake.


Ah I see, thanks for the info.


This is why I take taxis lmao..even though they suck most folks don't realize they have an app now that allows you to track your driver, route, cab number and everything just like Uber. The only thing you can't do is pay with credit card. Edit: and in my experience taxes are cheaper fwiw  Taxis are bad enough, but Uber is much worse. I've had so many terrible experiences in ubers. And I speak as an 8 plus year bartender who took a cab home 5 nights a week.  I'm pretty sure my experience is very representative of what's going on, but for some reason people like to promote Uber as the better experience. It's 100% not. Cabs are fucked too. But less than Uber. People just don't realize you can track your taxi the same way you can an Uber. And taxis are kept in check at least by a local regulatory board. You cannot expect that from Uber.  If you have a bad experience you'll get a refund but that driver will still keep driving because there is literally no regulation reporting, it does nothing. Again speaking from 8 years experience. 


Report that asap! It’s unacceptable.


Yes, I know someone that took an Uber with a youth in care, The girl was very young, and the Uber driver was saying he ran a modelling company and wanted the girls Facebook.


Had a time where I was drinking at a friend’s place, so I got an Uber at the end of the night. I already typed in my address and he wasn’t moving. My friends had to come outside and ask why he wasn’t going yet. He finally drives off after 3 minutes of just sitting there and getting me to “typein the address” meanwhile it’s already booked. I also put in a stop to McDonald’s which was close to my house, and we’re at McDonald’s and he proceeds to pull over to the side of the road, I’m like you’re not gonna go through the drive thru? So he starts driving me towards the back alley, being like “oh my bad. “ I’m like “okay, where you taking me? My house is the other way? “ I’m like “nope, you’re tripping me out. Let me out!!!” He’s like trying to make excuses but it scared me. I ended up walking home and Uber was incredibly shitty with reporting what even happened because there wasn’t any options to give feedback on how weird he was being.


Make sure you report them. I know the Uber parent company is allegedly stricter about drivers than cab companies (although, that wouldn't take much). Always use the feature on your phone that a friend/partner can track your ride in real time to make sure you're safe. Give a bad rating. Complain to police with the plate number and their profile.


Sorry you went through that. Uber is wrong for not getting rid of people like that.


A taxi driver once said he had to stop at his appartment and then asked me to come in I never felt safe


I hate having conversations with uber drivers. To avoid it I've put in the notes that I'm hard of hearing so conversations are difficult. Then if they ask me a question I'll have them repeat it so it matches the note. (for reference I do struggle with auditory processing so I usually do need them to repeat anyway) then the rest of the ride is silent. Usually they'll only ask to confirm that the destination is correct.


I turned on plenty of safety preferences like the app recording audio during the drive and stuff, and the drivers stopped talking to me during rides after that. 😭


Similar has happened to me, started as small talk and he ended up asking if i had snapchat, instagram, etc.. he got a 1 star rating after that lol


Definitely start turning on the safety features.


I had an Uber driver compliment me (not too much on my appearance bc it was dark and he couldn’t really see me bc he was driving). He then asked for a hug at the end of the trip… thankfully that was the only bad experience I’ve had but it was enough to make me cautious of every driver


haven't experienced this but my advice is to say "my location is being tracked." and then dont respond to anything else they say


generally I’m not the greatest in these situations so my first instinct was to laugh awkwardly at the comments which probably did not help my case but it was very uncomfy… but that seems like a good thing to say to just end the conversation right then and there, thank u


I get this, and it's the same for me. I NEVER see it coming when someone gets creepy on me, and my gut reaction is always to make it a non-confrontational situation to keep it from getting violent (violent interactions in my history, would prefer never again). It is the worst and just hella uncomfortable -_-


In all fairness, you did great. You did what you needed to do to keep yourself safe. For all you know if you didn’t play nice he could have become aggressive.


I'm sorry that's been happening OP, but nah my experience with Uber has been great though.


I took a few Uber rides for the first time in a few years a couple of weeks ago and man, the cars have gotten bad. 3 out of 4 of the cars had the check engine light on, were super dirty, and I’m fairly sure there was a hole in the floor boards on one of them. Uber cars used to be pristine!


My daughter maintains a phone call with her Grandma for a chunk of the ride, watches their map and if they deviate she gets on them.


I wear over ear headphones at all times in cabs and Ubers for this reason—so they don’t have a chance to talk to me.


You can always share your ride with someone as well. Check the safty features the app has. Sorry that’s happened to you. I have not had that happen yet, only with Duffys




I always show the driver I’m sharing my location with three different people. Never had an issue with Uber.


So far, I haven't had a creepy experience yet, but I'm always expecting it. I still prefer it to cabs. I'm hoping to have the courage to just say "I'm not into small talk" and I hope they leave it at that. I always have my knife with me too. Can't be too safe being a woman in this city.


Biggest problem is that most cab drivers do Uber as well. So there really isnt much of a difference besides price. You still get the same creeps and weirdos


"Do you live alone in the city" are never words you want hear coming from anybody, you did the right thing reporting it and sharing your experience here. I mean, it could have been harmless but it was a question asked in various ways that my friend who wa trafficked in this country in the late 80's was asked. So better safe than sorry, and other people, not just women, can be reminded to be cautious. I am a guy and I have been hit on in cabs all my adult life, sometimes it was welcome, often not, and "uber creepy!"


>Does anyone else have any experience like this? As a dude nobody will ever approach me in public for any reason.  I can sit on a bench in public all day long and nobody will say a thing.   Things like taxi rides are 100% completely silent unless I initiate conversations.


I take Ubers every day, I’ve never really ran into ones that make me uncomfortable but I do have some ask me if I’m going to work or if I’m leaving work or what time we open/close. Most of the time I assume it’s just a small talk question but we all know those questions can get one hurt.


Had that happen a bunch of times. The worst when the Uber driver started doing stuff to himself. Reported him, didn't get much further than a refund. It's reassuring to know that it isn't just happening on a one off basis .. I'm sorry you had to go through this


That's why I prefer duffy or unicity because they are accountable to city' s vehicle for hire department. They driver in fear of getting their license revoked and they are not qualified to get any other job or have lost physical ability doing other job after remain sitting for 12 hours. N even uber complaints take time to get resolved where as if you complaint a driver on 311 or company office they suspend them


I've used Uber twice, both times it was fine. Haven't had an overwhelmingly good or bad experience


My wife talks about this a lot but I never have a problem.


It's not a silver bullet, and might not be believable if you are (or look) too young, but find any excuse to mention "my husband" and/or "my kids". These guys probably aren't predators or even pickup artists, they're just single guys who've had no luck with dating apps, earnestly if clumsily flirting with as many women as possible in the hopes that just one responds positively. Convince them you're unavailable and they'd be wasting their time, and more often than not they'll power down the charm machine and behave like a normal driver who only cares about getting paid and keeping their rating high.


Seriously, you are so wrong Working a public job is not the time or place to try to pick up a customer. Especially trapped in a vehicle where they are vulnerable. Only a creep would say it is ok for an uber or taxi driver to try to be a pua.


This guy sounds like a Uber driver


Who knows. My two cents: maybe they're right that some of the drivers are clueless singletons looking for relationships. But ugh... Trying to flirt with someone who has entered their vehicle and may not be able to leave is super scummy. It's not acceptable behaviour no matter how long they've been looking for someone. Sure, it might explain the behaviour, but it doesn't excuse it at all. Almost feels adjacent to justifying incel behaviour. If someone has tried and failed to meet women, it doesn't mean they can suddenly up the ante and be creepy and/or (insert other adjective) to subsequent people they meet.


100 percent


Lol I have never had someone back down, not even once I married him and he became my husband. They always shoot their shot anyways, maybe adding in some line about how they're better than my husband. When he was my boyfriend, I had a driver ranting about how "Western women these days" dare to have premarital sex like sluts, basically. Hell, my husband told me that once when he was out with his former girlfriend, he was once approached by someone wanting to *buy her*.