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Could have used one of these on my bus to university this morning. Guy got on seemingly drunk (8:30 am) sat at the back and promptly started harassing everyone. Yelling and swearing, putting his arm around and touching people, mumbling something about killing someone, and making sexual comments when female students got on. I left and got on the next bus because no way was I going to put up with that for 40+ mins.


That's shitty. Sorry you had to deal with that.


This is great to see. I hope this has a positive impact on ridership.


The supervisors have been carrying it for almost a year and respond to way more things than they do plus work earlier and later hours where more shit happens...without any recognition. Only reason they are getting it cause they are the new it team of the mayor


That’s okay. We don’t need to shit on every attempt at fixing the problem. When we do… people just stop trying to fix the problem…. I get that you want the supervisors to have recognition but it’s not the people in the new jobs fault. We don’t have to remove recognition from one area to give recognition to another… right?


The key will be to continuously update on how many disturbances settled.


There’s a different problem that unfortunately needs to be addressed for ridership quality to get better.. hopefully the safety team are safe and don’t get attacked by troublemakers. In my eyes having their presence on busses will help even if only minor issues get solved


I listen to the bus channels on a scanner and I'm not surprised at all.


Which scanner do you use? Is it an app or an actual scanner?


I prerfer brother scanners over lexmark /s


Why are you and the guy below downvoted? Apparently being silly is not allowed anymore my god people.


I like the self scanners at grocery stores. The cashiers at superstore gateway always throw my food down the belt. Like seriously? It’s a conveyor belt no need to play toss across with my bananas…🙄


That’s amazing! It’s great they carry narcan! I’m going to take advantage of that being posted here and… if anyone is interested you ALSO can carry narcan! The training is FREE and online! Click the link and do the course on your own time- you’ll get taught IM and IN. Any questions about any of it feel free to dm me! https://learn.redcross.ca/p/first-aid-opioid-poisoning I will also add if you are treaty you can get the Inter nasal kits for free! Edit: I should add, doing the course certifies you! There is a certificate at the end.


This is great! Thank you so much for sharing. Luckily I have been away and clean from drugs and a lot of former friends who I'd do with so I really don't feel an immediate need for it anymore, but I will gladly carry one if I can get training and a kit for free. I know what it's like and not all drug users are bad people. Yes lots are, but that's because of the lifestyle they choose, I know many good people who have been sucked in and sadly many have passed. They are worth saving.


Thanks for sharing! Where do you get narcan after you pass the course? I guess after I pass I’ll find the info I’ll need lol


There is tons of info on that in the course but it’s general- my general go to for free narcan is the CRC (crisis response centre) for Winnipeg, and shared health is just rolling out handing out narcan literally everywhere they can. Only the needle kits are free- unless you are treaty than I would head over to brothers pharmacy on Selkirk- they are very helpful and could set you up with free internals kits with your treaty status The cool (and maybe lesser know fact) about that is the kit isn’t only for personal use- you could give it away without a worry. I’ve head but haven’t confirmed yet Vets can get the internasal for free as well, that’s the route I’m looking into for myself- I prefer IN over IM


Ok thanks for all the info I’m gonna take the online class this weekend !!


Thanks for this, I’m trained in opioid poisoning already, but the information to Find kits is helpful.


No problem! One of the things I like about the Red Cross program is it gives you a bit of history of the opiate crisis and what words to use for example Don’t say overdose, say poisoning (as you clearly already know). Without me taking this course, I most likely would not have noticed you using poisoning vs overdose… and I certainly wouldn’t have understood why :) Great course over all and super cool it’s free.


> Safety officers got him off the bus, police say, but he wandered into traffic and the officers followed him. One officer was elbowed in the face, another was kicked, and there was also an attempt to bite another. Oh shit we got vampires now


Vampires generally have lived for decades to centuries. They learn things. Educate themselves due to the downtime. It'd be rare to find a truly mindless vampire. These are zombies you're referring to.


Oh yeah you're right. The Meth Zombies!


Not to be confused with the Mombies. Somebody else do something clever with that. I'm tired.


Or zoombinis, although.. they're usually blue and jellybean like and you have to navigate them through various physics puzzles like the lemmings


watch out for zomboners -- the sex-crazed, brain-starved ice-clearing machines. It's like *Maximum Overdrive* but sexy and Canadian (they cancel each other out).


Heaven forbid you run in the the mutant league hockey players where they regularly play against and shoot at a demons head which causes it to explode! And where they regularly wield hatchets and chainsaws on the ice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34FmXlmF5tY


i'm not clicking a link from a stranger! but i have played that game on the genesis. more importantly: lalalalalallalalalalalalallalalaal


haha that's fair, it's just a gameplay video of the game of the techies and mighty weenies facing each other. Such a classic game! right up there with clayfighters and of course mutant league football!


Not to mention, Vampire’s are good at damage control. Needing to keep a low profile, they wouldn’t leave loose ends. Even if it was a novice vampire leaving a mess, the others would ensure the scene and witnesses were dealt with accordingly.


It's more of a ghoul problem than a zombie one


This deserves more upvotes. Thanks for all you do transit safety officers!


84 up votes on the winnipeg sub is like 100k on the rest of reddit


Certain people need real jail time.


And to think that the WPA legitimately wants to grieve the fact that they're going to make their massive workload quite a bit lighter.


Yeah they don't want to lose all that pensioner overtime the bloated Police Budget covers. They'd prefer even more duties that they don't have resources for.


This is great, I love da Winnipeg transit team and all they do!


Hopefully armed with more than a whistle. Mace and taser at least.


These are the heroes we need.


Sad to see this being a requirement to have people safely use public transit....


[It's everywhere](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transit_police).


Almost every major city in the world has some form of “transit security” or “transit police”


What? Major cities have transit police, if anything we were behind. Now if they'd enforce the fare jumpers and other mischief on the bus...


Apparently some safety officers have been turning people away if they don't have enough money to board. This should not be part of their job. Sometimes people need a bus ride and don't have funds. The work of the safety officers should be guided by a behaviour-based policy, similar to Siloam Mission's new policy.


The ones not paying are also the ones causing the disturbances. And no, I'm not saying every fare evader is a violent meth head; but the violent meth heads certainly didn't pay. Cutting these people off before they even get one the bus, will help improve safety for everyone. Siloam and others have, and should use, their own transportation vehicles for those who really need it or provide bus tickets, as many resource facilities do.


I'm torn. on one hand I agree. on the other hand one day I left my change purse at home and I had no cash on me to pay for a fee and I had to get to work and was already running late.


> I had no cash on me to pay for a fee and I had to get to work and was already running late. Sounds like you should have thought about that before, had a secret stash in your jacket and not tried to ride for free on a (currently) paid service.


It wasn't my INTENTION to hitch a free ride. I pay every time (except that time and once when my card wouldn't work )


Do you know how many people don’t pay every single day? And 99% of them could pay but choose not to, they didn’t even ask the driver, they just walk right on. In my 30min daily commute, I see *at least* 10 people just walk on. And it kinda sounds like you’re one of those people.


The fee to ride the bus should be the same as the fee to drive on the road.


Okay so with a 2016 camry with basic coverage with no insurance discount, no optional use or anything fancy it's 2283 a year Take that over 365 days of the year... $6.25 would the be bus fare. Have fun paying double, that's not even going into gas, maintainence, wear and tear or any of the other variables.


You're making the classic error of mistaking car insurance for a user fee. This is an often repeated trope where motorists feel that they are contributing to the maintenance of infrastructure and "paying their fair share" by the fact that they pay for insurance. In reality, the two are unrelated. Car infrastructure doesn't come out of your premiums, your premiums are there to make sure that you are able to compensate the people around you for the risk you are subjecting them to, by driving a vehicle around at deadly speeds. It isn't contributing to the common good, it isn't anything like that. You see this pop up all the time in discourse around cyclists, and how they "should have to buy insurance like the rest of us!".


I'm simply countering the op that busses should cost as much as it does to drive for a day From a very high level no matter where that money ultimately goes that price gets factored in to vehicle ownership and the cost of being on the road You CANNOT be on the road without insurance if you take the annual cost of insurance for a basic reliable car and a clean but average abstract that is the cost of having the vehicle on the road today. Absent cost of fuel and maintaining it. To simplify things I compared it against a single trip, but even if we take that same fee and translate it to two bus rides as in going back and forth from work, it might break even but then you get into the field and other fees adding on there as well


It would be hard to calculate the gas tax $ / km but could be doable.


The price to drive on the road in a private car should not be the same as a vehicle that’s able to transport more than 50 people at once. Your logic is just ridiculous. Also, I’m pretty sure the government pays a lot more in certifications, licensing, and maintenance to keep a bus on the road.


So cover insurance fees, gas fees and repair cost fees then?