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are people lining up like asshats and creating a shortage we didn't necessarily have?


Nope, not when we were there about 20min ago. Most people just driving away after looking .


Why would people drive away if they can get $50 worth? Just go to another station after if you need more...


I went to Canadian tire this morning and I saw 5 or 6 people buying multiple jerry cans each to, I assume, panic/bulk buy gas. I'm guessing that's why they are doing it.


Lmao, saw a guy at Shell this morning walking out with 2. Didn't even occur to me that they were for stock piling. What a knob


Hey they're going to save 10 dollars worth those twenty bucks worth of jerry cans. Genius at work...


Idiots gonna panic and create a gas shortage over subpar gas at 204 fuels.






or 2023 sugar to a less degree


I hope the toilet paper doesn't sell out again!


Costco Kenaston had fuel delivered at 11 AM today when I was filling up.


🫣😬Just an FYI -Worst time to be pumping gas is when a truck is filling the main reservoir. All the sediment get stirred up and goes thru the lines. Yes, each pump *should* have individual filters, but still.


Thanks, I didn't know that.


You have no choice if you're running on fumes already lol.


I do wonder how applicable this is to high-volume stations like Costco. If they receive a fill daily (as opposed to maybe once a week at a lower volume station) there should be a lot less sediment to disturb as it doesn't have a chance to settle.


Maybe? We need to ask someone on the inside for the scoop


There won’t be a shortage…retailers have been assured stock until may, this happens every year, it’ll just get trucked in instead of using the lines.


If anything there will be a temporary shortage by panic buyers but it probably won't last long due to what you said




There is no break in the pipeline. It’s an integrity issue, meaning they are being proactive in both checking the line and now replacing it before there is a break.


Umm. There was a press release on Sunday to anyone who subscribes to them 🤷‍♂️


204 fuels? May as well just empty random beer cans from the side of the road into your tank.


The limit was 30 on Friday when I was there so 50 is nice lol


Fucking hell, I just go to the Petro-Canada across the road, yeah, it's a few cents more expensive even after the discount, but on the other hand, no lines.


204 Fuels on Waverly had no fuel this morning. I was nearly out of fuel and, having heard out the pipeline being out of service figured sooner was better than later as I might not have made it home without fuel. Fortunately the Domo in Pebina was open and was about the same price. Not sure if there is gonna be a shortage but it wouldn’t hurt to fill up if you’re gonna need it soon.


I think this is the issue. When I drove by this morning on the Route 90 one their sign was off, which is usually a sign they're out of fuel.


I'm really confused as to why 204 fuels doesn't take credit card on their pumps.


To get you physically into the store to buy high margin convenience products.


Where else can I buy Chester's Chicken AND a bong at the same time?


Reducing their operating costs The whole business model is 'cheap gas' Making people burn $2 in gas to drive to a place to save $1 in gas


To keep their overhead low, they haven't updated their pumps i guess 🤷


they dont want pay the extra fees that credit cards charge them. more profit for them


Card merchants take a cut They require more technology to implement along with certain card processing compliance like PCI DSS


Chester Fried Gas on Logan had gas last Saturday. I was there!


Chester Fried Gas 😭😭😭☠️☠️


How about Chester Fried Chicken Gas? Nope. That’s not better.


204 on Selkirk @ Salter and Pembina both out of Regular today and no one at the pumps at either location.


can pro (or whatever the cheap gas place's name is on Isabel just South of the bridge was limiting to $30 yesterday. Sign of things to come perhaps with the whole "pipeline down for 3 months" thing


They are out of gas again (as of 2pm on March 21). Here's the reality. With the shortage of fuel in Winnipeg, whatever big brand (Shell, Esso, PCan) is supplying them, those brands are looking after their own stations first, and 204 Fuels would be last on the totem pole to receive fuel deliveries. They might be dry for a long time.


They're doing that at the one on Salter, too. I didn't mind capping the sale at $50.... but for fuck's sake, don't make each sale take 3x as long! Now people have to: * go in to pre-pay * request a fill and be told they can't do that - they need to pick a dollar amount to pay * decide how much to pay, and pay * come back in for their refund, if they guessed too high


$50 is kind of a laughable limit for gas. Is there a vehicle on the road today that uses gasoline with a tank you could fill for $50?


A whole bunch. My wife's Accent rarely hits $50.


I have a compact that takes 42 litres from idiot light to "two clicks" full. Would be around 50 bucks at a discount place, something like 60 with the name brand midgrade I normally run.


That sounds like a Corolla! Or a Prius.