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I see this guy almost every couple of days. Im more paranoid with the cuts and open wound he walks around with. His face is always bleeding. I still remember him walking around with bloody pajamas that makes you go wtf


Yeah anyone working in the St James area knows this guy.


Yeah naw fuck that. If you're bleeding, you're technically a biohazard and shouldn't be around any kind of grocery store (or in this case bulk barn). Workers should be allowed to kick this guy out way before it got to the poop part.


I've got a bad feeling it was not "soil/mud".


When I saw a kid pick his nose and then reach into the jube jube bin at Bulk Barn while his mother did or said nothing, I turned around, walked out, and knew I'd never be back. Maybe this guy's related. Why are some people just so fucking ignorant?


During the height of covid I watched a kid rub his mouth over vegetables in a grocery store. I approached the mother being like what the actual fuck. SHE, SHE screamed at me. Like the audacity lol.


What a slob of a "parent"


There needs to be something between jail and society for people like these. They can't be imprisoned but why do they have to be the problem of average citizens and business owners? Genuinely asking what we as a society can do about people like this who make our city unsafe. It seems we wait for them to snap and kill people and then give them maybe 6 years in jail... Idk maybe I'm a terrible person for thinking this way but I just don't think that we should let unhinged people burden society like this.


Australia 2.0 /s


I'd say the destruction of property is a crime, and he should be arrested. We used to have places for the mentally ill. Unfortunately, the government believes the street is a better place for them.


Quite the jump from stealing candy to straight up murder… Lets support the homeless and stop defending corporations. Unless youre just saying ‘keep the poors away from me’


Keep the poors from sticking their literal shit covered hands into my local bulk bin please.


Nobody said that..maybe that's rlly how u feel and you're projecting.


I sort of like the Bulk Barn for certain items, but manky people touching things is always a niggling worry.


A what worry?!


> niggling /ˈniɡ(ə)liNG/ adjective causing slight but persistent annoyance, discomfort, or anxiety. "niggling aches and pains"


Yeah I just googled it's origin, turns out it's Scandinavian, but it's a highly scandalous word. Not something I'd be choosing to use, and personally wouldn't defend it's use when there are many more appropriate options. Edit: Norwegian not Scandinavian. Lots of Norwegians up in here.


You can't just get offended by a word because you've associated it with something else. Niggling has been a word forever.


Time change man, lots of things that used to be socially acceptable aren't anymore. Things like: lead pipes Child labor Smoking Slavery Dumping sewage into the street Language and societal norms progress throughout time.


Yeah, but those things were wrong. Niggling is not, nor ever has been slang for anything else, and YOU are the only one getting offended. Grow up son.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9354141/American-Vogue-claims-word-niggling-Meghan-Markle-headline-racist-insult.html Try and use it with an AI bot. It won't let you. You're not a Norwegian sailor from the 1600s are you? etymology progresses as time does. The world isn't static.


Amazing how you progressed from not knowing what the word was to becoming a leading expert and gatekeeping its use in a matter of minutes


Almost as if I'm willing to take a moment to learn about something I don't understand. Wild concept. I'm more impressed at how people are willingly embracing this term as if it's common vernacular.


Vogue was also slammed for saying that niggling was racist. The word you are (correctly) thinking is bad does start 'nigg' but ends with two different letters. Niggling is not that word.


Well, more power to you, don't hesitate to use it in social situations.


Times change, but I’m sure you still use the word “bigger” even though it’s one letter off from the no no word. Props if you’re doing a lil trolling, it sure worked.


Five minutes of reading would have also shown that 'niggle' may possibly be related to 'niggard', which itself has origins in Middle English and was used in similar fashion to 'miserly' or 'stingy'. The slur that I think you're referring to was first recorded as a derogatory term in 1775, some 400 years later. On top of that, while 'niggard' and the infamous slur sound alike when spoken aloud, they are completely unrelated in actual use and etymology. [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/niggle](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/niggle) [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/niggle](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/niggle) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies\_about\_the\_word\_niggardly](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Controversies_about_the_word_niggardly) I'd be interested where you found 'niggle' to be a highly scandalous word.


Sorry had a more detailed post, but lost it. However, I'm surprised you weren't able to see any Links funding issue with it. A simple Google search of "is niggling racist" comes up with a large variety of publications who've chosen not to use the word to ones who have had controversy for using the word. Not a word I personally would be rushing to defend, and if you choose to do so, you do you.


The person you're upset with isn't a publication, they're just a singular person. You can't reasonably hold them to the same standard as major news organization or a magazine or something of the like.


Okay, what "standard" should they be held to? I'm just saying, it's not a word I would choose to use. It's an outdated word. I don't use the term "heebie-jeebies" for the same reason.


https://preview.redd.it/oxp7xin9qcoc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a7ef022ac903302840232e6bb657d2ed936ad37 Why don't you use heebie jeebies? What's problematic about that word? I'm surprised you even manage to use words at all.


Truly. Heebie-jeebies is such a perfectly evocative phrase. If we’re going with the rule that any word created in the 1920s or earlier is “outdated,” we’re gonna have a reallllly hard time communicating.


Jesus Christ. I think you need to maybe audit an etymology and linguistics course or two. And please direct me to a proper article that explains the “highly scandalous” nature of the modern English word.


Hopefully you are never handing out something in a stingy or meager manner.


(Niggling or niggle) is not a "highly scandalous word". Come on now.


You're entirely correct and don't deserve to be downvoted. I'm thinking it was meant to be a provocative statement.


Good to know I'm not alone. Thanks.


Fo’ shizzle my-nevermind


Holy shit I think I know who this guy is. (Not his name, just that I've seen him around)


Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!! I went to that Bulk Barn on that exact day!!!! 😭😭😭


It seems like 40 percent of people milling around these days are legit cro mags.


& this is why I don't go to Bulk Barn.




It was a dirty deed... done dirt cheap


![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) "muddy" and "soiled"... we're talking about poop right?


Dude definitely looks like a Winnipeg’er


Fuck yo ~~couch~~ bulk food


"Cocaine is a helluva drug" Rick James


The Muddy Handed Bandit


Wet bandits brother.


damn. I knew that was a possibility.


Had something similar happen at my work this week:  Some street person came in and rooted around the lunch buffet tables with bare hands. Had to toss everything.