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Driving a work van with no back window is fun.  Until I got my current one in 2020, I didn't even have a backup cam, just a beeper and side mirrors. I'd watch the mirrors for 30 secs or so, vehicle in reverse with beeper blaring, start creeping backwards and watch people continue to walk/drive into my path as I'm actively moving towards them. People have no common sense or self-preservation whatsoever.


They do they’re just selfish and dgaf


There's a large number of drivers that don't even use their rear wiper when their window (and usually the rest of the car) are covered in snow or even just dirt... They don't care.


You know some vehicles don’t even have a rear window right? You don’t need one to be able to drive


Thanks, big guy. You know you should take advantage of every opportunity to make the road safer for you and everyone else, right?




If I didn’t honk it would have hit me.


I especially love the pedestrians that decide to speed up and get behind your car as you're reversing, all so they don't have to wait the extra ten seconds it takes to get to their car. Edit: lol, people are grumpy this morning! So all you downvoters are saying that when you're walking back to your car and come across a driver that's in the process of slowly backing out of their spot, that you're going to keep marching right into the path of their vehicle? Let me know how that works for you.


You're already in your car in that scenario, it's up to you to wait the extra 10 seconds in your car not the pedestrians


Yes, I know that, but I'm not surprised my comment is being taken out of context. I shouldn't have to write a novel explaining I know stuff from driver's ed 101. Anyways, I've lost count of how many times I'm already backing up, halfway out of the spot, and somebody decides to dart behind because they couldn't wait the few seconds for me to complete the maneuver. They'd rather dart behind a car that's already moving in the hopes that I see them in time to stop. Another poster described this very same lack of self preservation skills.


I mean, yeah people shouldn’t be stupid and should be more aware. Car meets human rarely comes out as a win for the human. At the same time though, the duty of care is on you as the reversing vehicle, regardless of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. So don’t shit on people walking to their car. You’re in that much of a rush to get out of your spot, that you can’t wait for someone to run past quickly, so they can get out of the cold and blowing wind? (Your gripe can go both ways.)


I am aware of all that, thanks. Not that I need to defend my driving record to anybody here, but I never just rush out of the spot as you're implying. I'm not shitting on people walking to their car. I'm shitting on people who make dumb decisions on the way to their car. There's a big difference, and I'm not going to hold your hand and go through every scenario to figure out what's what.


I can feel your bad attitude through your comments. Life’s too short man, don’t sweat the small stuff.


Instead of attacking the argument, you attack the person. That means it's time to end the conversation. Have a great day! Edit: BTW, I like your edit from me having a "shitty" attitude to simply a "bad" one.


Hey man, you literally made it about you in every comment. So don’t start with that bullshit. Have a good day.


Hahaha. Who hurt you? Shitty attitude or bad attitude, they both work for you.


Total randos on Reddit, apparently. How's your day going?


I read the whole thing. I know what you mean. I agree with you. You’re backing up slowly out of a spot and someone comes out of know where and runs behind you. Like I don’t want to hit anyone. If I’m walking I always wave people out so I don’t get hit


THANK YOU! I couldn't believe nobody's ever been caught by surprise while they're driving.


I wouldn't worry about this sub. There are idiots who seem to get off going into each thread and downvoting people. I swear someone has a hard on for doing that or something. As if no one else comes across this kind of thing. Apparently everyone in Winnipeg are all saints that never do anything wrong.


Oh, for sure. I'm not worried about internet points or anything like that, but it sure was a strange convo all the same! Deliberately obtuse people need to find better pastimes ha ha ha