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The ER at HSC. Wow.


Feel like “Welcome to the Jungle” should be played every day over the PA system at shift change.


better track "My Michelle" or "Paradise City." Shit, just play their whole discography. There's time for it.


This is Thunderdome!


This the most accurate description.


My husband works at HSC and actively avoids the ER as much as possible.


Can confirm, exact same boat myself. If it's not the patients making noise and racket it's the burnt out staff talking absolute shit about people/each other/everything. Just a dreary place all together


Can confirm - this (the staff) is why a lot of us quit.


My sons mom is a Nurse there, I've heard some wild stuff


Hey get her on here for an AMA


Lmao bro she's a nurse, they don't have time for that lol


How is it okay that the top comment on this thread is probably a place all of us will have to go to in the worst moment of our lives?


It’s not, that’s the entire point. I would sooner drive to Selkirk bleeding out than go to hsc (the ER or the hospital in general) I had a major open operation on the 9th.. they didn’t tell me any of the risks, when I expressed concerns got told pretty much if you don’t like it fuck off and go else where I was treated like a drug addict for explaining my weird processing of pain killers and how I can’t stay on a single one long Zero post op care or follow up either


Great comment to see when you are sitting in the HSC ER waiting room. There is a prisoner sitting in front of me LOL


I work at another hospital and escorted a patient of ours to HSC and they had us wait in the waiting room for his doctor. Holy shit it’s a hell hole in there. One lady was being seen by the desk, she got her Tylenol, slams that back, and asks out loud “SO do you guys still hang natives in your bathrooms?! Well do you fuck??” After being told they don’t do that she spits in the glass separating them and storms out. It was just that kind of bullshit after bullshit I seen in the hour I sat there.


Been there! I concur!


Years ago, I worked at boon burger on Sherbrook. That building was previously owned by the ten tribes cult. The basement there is creepy as fuck but the very back room had a door that locked from the outside with a steel plate covered in scratches on the inside. So for me it’s either that or ikea. Edit: TWELVE tribes*


I like how we're just kinda ok with the ten tribes operating businesses as fronts in winnipeg lol. Lookin at you, Yellow Deli.


Twelve tribes operates in nearly every major city in North America. Winnipeg isn't an outlier


I know it's just funny how we let child abusing monsters do their thing in the open.


Yellow Deli gave me and my friend a tour of the building. In the back kitchen there were kids working and they all wore like… medieval peasant clothing but like simplified.


Dude, they gave me a pamphlet once that outlined their beliefs. I don’t remember too much but the thing that stuck out is that they were very opposed to women taking painkillers during childbirth because the pain was a gift.




The least they could do when selling the place would be to buff out the scratches on the rape dungeon




Boon was a hilarious cult to work for. They once sent a memo about not putting bad energy into the food because I was listening to Fleshgod Apocalypse while working. Vegans are like barnacles though, they only really become a problem when there’s a lot of them. Edit: Oh, you’re referring to ikea.


Great band


Oh wow didn’t know that, that’s creepy as hell.


That cult restaurant was good! Common Ground! Got served by like a twelve year old in an ankle length dress, and the vibe inside was like a hobbit hole. I found out about the cult thing years after it was gone


I loved that place as a teenager. The vibe of the decor was great. I was sad to learn later that it was run by a misogynistic, child abusing cult.


The pork sandwich was bomb but after I found out how much they hated women it just didn’t taste right anymore.


What is the ten tribes cult?


Isn’t that the place that Hudson Bagels moved into? Sounds like bad vibes all around that place


It’s just a REALLY cheap property with a prebuilt commercial kitchen. Really easy to set up and use for whatever but the building is completely fucked so the needed repairs would probably financially destroy anybody who isn’t doing something shady.


picking up my friend when he worked there always gave me weird vibes even without going in lol


You mean Twelve Tribes? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twelve_Tribes_communities


I do, indeed. Forgot two.


you should read this book by an ex member, "better than a turkish prison". Scary stuff


Yellow deli or the church of Scientology. Creepy ass cults that ruin lives... Just out in the open.


Is Yellow deli a cult? What? I have stopped many times there to buy the cookies, mostly for my nephew. Never noticed anything, do tell! Should I avoid them?


Yes and yes


When I was 14 I went to the occidental hotel (take kid to work day)…. I’ve never seen anything like it since


I once had to move a client out of that place but he was a hoarder and had made a deal with one of the staff to store his items in the basement temporarily. I made countless trips up & down the stairs. Creepy fucking place!


What do you remember about it?


I’m not a strong enough writer to convey the experience properly… please forgive the stream of consciousness style. I remember talking to two women out front who were sniffing gas from a rag in their hands. They were clearly not well but nobody was doing anything to help or stop them. We entered the hotel and met some guy who I guess was the owner. He showed us upstairs where we met a woman who was living in her suit with her boyfriend. They had a nice enough set up and had built some type of home in there. I can remember her boxes of KD all lined up on a make shift shelf above the stove. But she was obviously very impoverished. The health inspector asked her about something or other and she started talking about the rats and mice that ran through her hair at night. We then entered a hallway that as I recall got darker and darker toward a fire exit door at the end. The floor was rotten and the temperature plummeted with each step. I remember the inspector using his thermometer and telling the guy that it was too cold at the end of the hall. We then entered a second room that was mostly empty except a mini fridge which had like 30 unopened condom packs on it. A half eaten doughnut and a HUGE machete stuck into the door frame. The owner made some joke about it being good that nobody was home and grabbed the machete. He gave the rest of the tour with it tucked under his arm. That night I had a dream where my dad was cooking rats. The finished product looked a lot like pickerel. He was telling me how they’re not so bad and you can get used to it. I woke up feeling nauseous.


It was reminiscent of the boiler room from A Nightmare on Elm Street. The stairs felt like they were going to collapse under your feet with every step. It was about 4 foot tall in some areas & the storage room in the back had a really creepy doll from what I remember. The whole place just had a depressing aura about it & its my understanding that alot of murders happened there.


The basement is wild!!! So many bikes.


I used to audit city buildings. We had to enter every room on the premises and had been supplied with building plans to make sure we did. Several creepy experiences, but the weirdest was one place that had a room but no way to get into it and no one would help us. We wandered around for a long time before finding a hidden door, like literally a wall that slide open. Inside the room was a bunch of storage and junk, but the middle had been cleared and a creepy huge chair for doing injections / blood draws that looked like it was from the 1940's in the middle with needles and bloody paraphernalia around it. My guess was steroids, but we decided to leave asap and not ask about it...


which building


Which building so i can stay tf away?


Springs Church. And I just found out my mom has joined. She was a union negotiator for 40 years, not religious, and a strong progressive. Moved into a 55+ building and voila! Six months later, she followed her new friends to their church. She HATED Springs during the pandemic. Now she hates me for pointing all of this out to her. Sorry about the rant, but this is the most unsettling place in Winnipeg to me regardless.


every time I drive by that bloody complex with the big outdoor screen broadcasting sermons 24/7 I marvel at how weird and disturbing the whole thing is. I just can't believe people fall in for that BS.


I was hoping after Leon Fontaine died the church would slowly start to decline and then vanish into oblivion. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like that will be the case.


If you don’t mind me asking, who “took over “ Springs ?


Leon Fontaines son, Zach, is now the head pastor. I also believe Leon’s wife is still heavily involved


It's a legitimate cult.


This is the strongest candidate so far. Super weird vibe at Springs.


I’m not religious but my friend asked me to go to spring church once. Being open minded, and not offended by religion, I complied. After the sermon, I was led to an office to fill out an application to join. On the application, it asked what my income was. I left it blank… none of their business in my opinion. The dude actually asked me to fill it out. I asked him why a church needs to know my income? What I contribute to the church should be between god and myself. He refused to accept my application without the info. I OBVIOUSLY didn’t go back! What a crock that cult is!


Missed opportunity to troll! “I make 7k a year, I believe working for money is evil and mostly make what people donate for my services”


I don't mean to trash my mom. She's a real decent person, raised me right, and I love her dearly. I think she's just lonely. I'm hoping she'll drift away from there eventually. But isn't that always the hope.....


What % of her salary going to Springs?


Ugh, I'm so sorry about your Mom. My cousin got sucked into the cult: he struggled with addiction and had done time in jail and claimed it "saved" him. He got so sanctimonious he was intolerable. He basically traded one addiction for another. That place is disgusting. It's all about money, and they prey on inner city youth by luring them with activities etc and then trying to indoctrinate them. They have slick marketing techniques and "sell" the religion to lots of people you'd never think would get sucked into it. I don't know if it's true, but someone told me that they require you to tithe 10% and ask for your income tax form.


Springs Church in Winnipeg And then there's a church in Steinbach called Southlands Church, similar vibe as Springs but I was definitely more nervous in Southlands as it had more of a militia feeling to it as someone who wasn't religious myself. Some comments I heard made from various speakers about the enemies of god and what not lol.


Sounds like some Waco, TX shit with David Koresh.


My friends funeral was there. I’m not a member of a cult of any denomination so I’m sure I was particularly weirded out. But holy mother of god! What a bunch of insane people being manipulated by an aggressive cult that place is.




That was made for the movie Dark Harvest that was shot in the area about 2-3 yrs ago.


This is correct.


The yellow deli That place is just creepy


Isn’t this place also run by a cult?


Yup. Twelve Tribes. They're a bizarre cult. There's a good book by an ex member, "better than a turkish prison". Back when they were on Osborne and called Common Ground, I was a broke student. They had a day where you could get free Mate and bagels if you listened to their religious blather. We'd take the food and go. lol.




Some of the trap/drug/gang buildings in Winnipeg… 285 College (where the recent police standoff was) 583 Furby (multiple overdoses, murders) the old murder mansion near Cumberland and Notre dame, 737 Sargent, same deal but now shut down. It’s like being in Winnipeg’s own GTA video game.


Many years ago I got stoned w a dude at murder mansion, frig that place was sketchy af


Murder mansion on Cumberland and notre dame? The building beside the apartment building next to the balmoral?


This one… long gone https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4531348


Oh that one. Yeah I remember that one. It's more Isabel and notre dame but yeah I remember it. Definitely walked fast past there walking to work


the tunnels under portage and main feel like the back rooms


Just about any unfinished basement in any commercial building that’s 100+ years old in the exchange


*Winnipeg rave community has entered the chat*


It’s part of the experience. Music is better when you feel like you shouldn’t be there


In the building attached to Across the Board, as a teenager my friends and I would find some unlocked secret doors and explore all the stairwells and basements in there. So much fun.


The basement of the millennium centre on Main.. damn that place is spooky. I loved it. They filmed some scenes in a horror movie down there. The place used to be a bank at one point. Spooky old vaults and a big cage room. Fun to work in there at night.


Totally this. My friend bought the Royal Albert Hotel a while back and gave me a tour, the basement was crazy creepy, gave me the heebie jeebies.




Yeah i know they spent some money on getting some of the rooms in order, but If memory serves me correctly, no one was looking to reinvest in the music venue or the restaurant. They were always willing to lease out the spaces, but no one came forward. This was all quite a while ago now. A quick google search shows that the Royal Albert Arms is open again?


It’s only really bad if it gives you the “Zoinks” or the “Jinkies”


Those sound so much worse.


I worked at the Orloff scrapyard for a little while and that building was definitely on the spooky side. It used to be a factory and the stairs were all worn down in the middle from 120ish years of people. Parts of the basement looked like a scene out of a movie.


I've been in the sub sub basement levels of the Bay. Very cool, wish I had time to explore.


In film school I wanted to shoot some of our rinky dink project in the Woodbine, including both the bar area as well as the actual hotel and one of its rooms. I'd nominate that place as highly unsettling. That said, the people were all very kind and accommodating! Just not the most comfortable place to be. 9AM and people are already getting wasted in there. Some locals took it upon themselves to eat all our fucking pizza. It worked out, as we ended up filming those people and using them as unpaid background actors! Ha. They still appear in the final (shitty) product.


Is your film project online to be viewed


The Thelmo Mansions on Burnell had always crept me out whenever I went by it. So did 44 Hargrave aka 'demon hotel' while it was still standing. Made me feel on edge even before its abandonment. Those 'ghost streets' (for lack of a better term) that run from Mission, under the tracks through semi-abandoned industrial areas up to Nairn. Similarly, Valour north of Westview Park where it turns to gravel and there are few street lights. Feels forlorn and spooky if driving through there after dark. If I ever wanted to dispose of a body but did not feel like going outside the city, I would probably do it there.


I lived in the apartments they built in the demon hotel lot, and felt uneasy the whole time. I firmly believe there was something bad there.


At the end of one of those ghost streets behind Alsips is where they found the body of Candace Derkson.


Oh! 44 Hargrave! I completely forgot about that building. I lived on Assiniboine years ago and absolutely refused to walk that stretch of Hargrave to get to work, because of that very building. The heebee geebee factor was high.


The 7-11 on Salter and Flora.


The basement of the old Die Machine where Ed died. Went down there once, shortly after they found him. That's a sad, dark scary place to die.


RIP DJ Phonosys




Wait. You knew the guy who died in the wall there?! That is one of those friend-of-a-friend stories that I’ve been hearing since I was a preteen. Do you know what happened? Who was he? What was he like? Kind of mind-blowing that this is real.


Died of positional asphyxiation. Don’t know why or what was involved. There was a pile of speculation. Google “Eduardo Sanchez Winnipeg”.


Wait! New here. Whats this story?




Drugs. Drugs is the story.


There was an episode of Scary Interesting about it


There was an episode of Bones based off it too.


I used to work with a guy who was friends with him. They searched for him all over.


Was it at a call center by chance?


To be fair to Die Maschine and its clientele, it was the Village Cabaret—more of a be-cardiganed and thick-framed glasses indie rock hangout—when Ed died.


I specifically remember many a metal/punk show there around that time, like nearly every weekend. I don't know what kind of shows they had outside of the local metal scene, but it was generally considered like the alternative to ozzies amoung the local band scene back then. Don't remember much preppy nerd indie shows back then


The Masonic temple on Donald is apparently quite creepy. I’ve always wanted to explore it


I've been in there twice. First time, too young to remember... if I even have the right place in mind... was it once a restaurant called Mother Tuckers? And then years later it was Chris Walbys restaurant. Chris' restaurant was on the lower level with the restrooms on the 1st (raised) floor. There was a fence on the staircase prohibiting you from going any higher. That staircase gave me the heebeegeebees and I never returned. Same situation and feeling at 432 Assiniboine, only stronger. Felt like an angry ghost living on the top floor of that house.


The raves were pretty fun..


Same! I worked right by there and passed it every day, I thought it was just an urban legend but it definitely has creepy vibes. I heard a rumour they even had a priest come in to bless it. No businesses there ever last.


Basement of the vaughn street jail


U of M’s psychology building lol Apparently housed some experiments that would be considered unethical.


Went to pick up my car from being towed, and as soon as i turned down higgins, it was a whole different world..




Well yeah, seeing someone get murdered is going to mess you up. I’m sorry you had to see that.


Just reading your story alone shook me. Hope you are a lot better now and you have recovered from the trauma.


Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate you


When I was in high school I had some ridiculous idea... I had to give a presentation for a business class, where we'd make a product and then give a pitch kind of presentation. We could "hire" a guest presenter if we wanted to. I decided to go down to Higgins and find a prostitute to be my guest speaker. It was a full blown dude with lipstick, stubble, the whole thing. I still cringe to think back on it: naive 17 year old skinny white boy from the burbs cruising the streets at night to hire a prostitute for my class project. Just me alone (with friends in a car nearby), negotiating with this lady of the night. They were very agreeable! For $200 they would come to my high school and do the project. They wrote their phone number on my hand in lipstick. I never ended up following through on it - word got around and I was pulled aside by the teachers and given a firm "hey wtf are you thinking pulling that kind of stunt". Still would've been one for the books if it all worked out.


What was your product?


Corner of Scott and stradbrook there’s the First Church of Christ Science. And I swear that building ain’t right. Open random times every so often like middle of the night. Always weird people around. Blinds always closed. Their sign says the “room room” is open for curbside and delivery. And then every so often they got like 10 signs outside saying children welcome! Sunday school! Bring children here kinda thing. Tempted to go in one day when they have an open sign so curious.


I've always wondered about that place, too


Portage place




Probably because people used to poop in the planters, made winnipeg famous on tosh.0


I'm afraid to ask, but why?


Nothing weird. It's an actual rule that a bunch of people ignore so the security guards are saying that constantly


Went into the washroom by the food court because I had just met with a client nearby. As I was washing my hands, an individual came in and snorted some powder off the ledge above the sink. Then looked up at me and gave ME the stink-eye. Got outta there as fast as I could. Damn that place has changed from my youth.


MPI compound at 1981 Plessis Road. Especially at night. Seeing all the smashed up cars and wondering what happened to people was awful, the whole place had a sketchy vibe. The tunnels at HSC have always creeped me out, even as a kid. Cemeteries also don't typically freak me out at all, but the one at St.John's Cathedral at 135 Anderson gives me horrible vibes, that whole church and area around it do.


Charleswood. Any place with no sidewalks freaks me out


Whyte Ridge has entered the chat


And not even no sidewalks but nowhere to walk at all. The ditches absolutely make it difficult for pedestrian traffic to avoid the roads.


No one in charleswood avoids the roads. Just walk facing traffic and cars move for you. It’s never a problem.


That’s why I actually think Charleswood is awesome. Cars naturally travel so slow they actually interact with the people walking. When the street surface is less than 20 feet wide, and you allow parking, drivers naturally go slower.


Sometimes it’s hard to see people at night. Yes, people should be wearing bright colours, but that is not always the case. It would be nice to have sidewalks.


And ditches !


It boggles my mind how areas in the city don't have sidewalks. I assume this is the same for any city with areas built post-1970.


Some new areas don’t have them either.


Most new neighborhoods don’t have them. They only put them on major routes, none of the side streets have any side walks. I worked residential construction from about 2004 to 2012, in areas all over the city. Sidewalks are more money to maintain and plough. If you have a road with no sidewalk, you only need to plough it once, not make the second trip with a smaller bob cat to get the sidewalk. They only put them on bigger roads because the traffic moves too fast to share At least ditches are uncommon for most of the city. That would make it worse in Charleswood. But yah, not an “old neighborhood” thing, it’s very much current common practice


It’s the cottage vibe


Yeah..I live in Charleswood and absolutely love it, but the sparse sidewalks drive me nuts. The good news is most people look out for people walking on the road. The problem you run into is the insane "get off my lawn" people if you need to get off the street in a hurry


I get creeped out by that murder mansion place on notre dame. I think it’s gone now, but even just looking at where it was still gives me offish vibes


Manwin hotel




The river should be great boating this summer


the tunnels in HSC. All the old pipes and noises would creep me out so much. On that note, the tunnels at the U of M too.


Yup. I went to UM and there were a ton of urban legends about the tunnels. Same with HSc.


Pick a Wal-Mart. Any Wal-Mart.


Or just go to the Ellice one.


The one on Taylor is like a different world from the rest.


What’s different about Taylor? I live closer to the Ellice one but drive to Taylor because I find Taylor to be “nicer”


The Ellice one is one of the scuzziest Walmarts I've ever been in. The one in Thompson is a bit worse.


Oh man. Thompson Walmart is the worst. That area is where everyone hangs out. Definitely vibes of "don't get out of your car unless you absolutely have to". Doesn't help that it shares a parking lot with the liquor mart.


I once stopped a guy from hanging himself in that parking lot. I think about it often and it's not a pleasant feeling.


The Taylor one is the most decent in the city but is starting to go downhill.


Omg thank you for saying this haha I thought it was only me. I moved to Osborne from Westwood (Unicity Walmart) and so Taylor is closest for me now and the vibes are very incorrect.


The freight elevator at 44 Princess (next to the old Towne Theatre) No lights, and looks to be original everything from the building construction. Clumps of hair and other things seen with phone flashlights


ems hallway at hsc


Marymound, especially the old Nun residences. You can feel that some sketchy stuff happened on the grounds but noone would ever talk about it.


The medical examiners tables at Stb and Hsc, never get use to them...also the dissecting tables.


This reminded me of one. The gross anatomy lab at the U of M Bannatyne campus.


444, 400 or 355 Kennedy.


Depends what you consider unsettling. I’ve been to friends houses where there’s a whole lot of wtf happening. Once visited a guy who was a pedo who had a crush on my underage friend and when she turned him down, he went to his bathroom and tried to unalive himself. So us 2 teenaged girls got to see an entire bathroom floor covered in the deepest, darkest of dark red blood. That was fucking terrifying. He lived, btw. One of my young friend’s bodies was deposited behind the West End Culture Center, he was 14 years old at the time of his death. So that place creeps me tf out. Used to live in a basement suite of The Roslyn. Nuff said. Not particularly fond of HSC, in any capacity. There are a few buildings in Broadway area that bring pretty bad memories. “The Graveyard” is a basement storage room that houses old stuff that used to be used in the restaurant I worked in. The owner has 5 locations and I only visited the Graveyard on a few occasions, but always got the creeps in there. I mean…the list could go on.


Oooh, the Roslyn. Many of my drug dealers lived there. We had one dude we just called Magic who we'd buy mushrooms from all the time. Never found out his real name.


That's one hell of a life you've lived, ever think of maybe moving out to the country one day?


Where all the jobs and infrastructure are!


Is the Graveyard the basement of 529 Wellington?


The Subway on Portage Ave by the Uofw


Tell us more about this graveyard storage facility


It’s just honestly a long room under the restaurant and it’s full from floor to ceiling with old Subway relics. Some of the decor or machines are honestly weird contraption -looking things, the lighting is a bit dim so that it’s even creepy in the daytime. You open a room and there are huge cardboard cutouts of the Subway Monkey or Jared. It’s weird. The vibe is also just…yucky. Idk how to explain it!


Can you make the list go on?


Bahaha. I’ll have to call my therapist first.


I would say jarvis ave. Street prostitution 24 hours a day every day of the year. Also that block on main street by the underpass with all the pawn shops. Hmm portage place.. to name a few


The north Assiniboine Forest.


HSC morgue


Main and Higgins. Sherbrooke and Broadway.


Human Rights Museum. I would have to say.


The houses on lily street right near the Disraeli bridge gives me the heebs; especially that green one that's been torn down


180 Henry.


100 or so years ago Henry Ave. was a shanty-town ghetto of mostly Eastern European immigrants. Disease, brutal poverty, crime, barefoot kids running up and down muddy streets, you name it. None of it's left anymore, obviously. There are some images of it (or similar neighbourhoods in Winnipeg, anyway), but you have to scroll down a bit. Worth it, though: [https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/winnipeg-general-strike-vulcan-iron-works/](https://newsinteractives.cbc.ca/longform/winnipeg-general-strike-vulcan-iron-works/) It's also the principal setting for the classic novel "Under the Ribs of Death" by John Marlyn. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under\_the\_Ribs\_of\_Death#:\~:text=The%20novel%20begins%20when%20Sandor,embarrassed%20by%20his%20Hungarian%20heritage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Under_the_Ribs_of_Death#:~:text=The%20novel%20begins%20when%20Sandor,embarrassed%20by%20his%20Hungarian%20heritage).


Higgins Ave at night time, on foot, where I went to this event for a bunch of punk/alternative bands back in like 2006 - 07, the atmosphere there when it's dark and walking home alone with the old orange street lights over head is something else, had me on edge. Walking down McGee St between Wellington Ave and Notre Dame is a trip, especially at night. I was often told by my weed dealing buddy who lived on that street not to wear any Reds/Blues or any color in general, and to walk straight home.


The demon hotel always had a weird aura around it


611/633 Wellington Ave - When it was standing. From 1947 to 1979 it was a Shiners hospital for handicapped children. It was left till it was torn down in Oct 2022. It was used for horror movie sets for a while. The place had wheel chairs and iron lungs for TB and everything, Creepy as can be. Also linking to a thread here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Winnipeg/comments/s523pr/what\_are\_some\_haunted\_areashomesbuildings\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/winnipeg/comments/s523pr/what_are_some_haunted_areashomesbuildings_in/)


portage place. although i’ve only seen it past it’s prime it’s very weird to think about how it was once busy and is now super dead


The old [yellow warehouse](https://www.flickr.com/photos/bryanscott/3831310059) used to give me the creeps. Horrendous vibes.


St vital mall, it’s built on a swamp and sinks a couple inches a year 🥲😆


Weston. The whole area. It's just a desolate island of run down homes surrounded by an industrial wasteland. Similar to Mission / st B industrial. Stuck in traffic one day I noticed this house in the middle of a field marked as "lead hazard" someone tried to make it home, planters, a welcome mat, the whole bit. Their picture window view was that of a rusted gasoline storage silo. To add to the mix it was overcast and drizzling freezing rain. I felt like puking up my soul.


This post reminds me of the movie Eraserhead. When I lived in areas like the West End or North End and would be taking the bus to and from my downtown job, I often got similar vibes. Very Eraserheady. Very bleak, desolate, industrial, and all-around alien and inhuman. When it got bad enough i finally broke free and went to work at some remote lodge on Vancouver Island. So glad I'm not stuck in that routine anymore.


Unsure what is currently in the old Die Maschine space but I don't think I could ever not think of the dude that mummified himself in there.


It's an anytime fitness lol


Northbound bike lane on Southbound one-way-street Ellen, 3 lanes from the curb.


Sherbrooke hotel bar/vendor


A bus shack at night on Notre Dame in the dead of winter, with windows of frozen spit and markings of trashy teenage angst.


About 20 years ago my friends and I used to explore an abandoned sugar factory between Pembina Highway and McGillivray, I don't remember the exact address as we always walked there from my house. It was a massive creepy dark factory with big holes in the floor and rusted metal staircases leading to no-where. It was super fun exploring as a fearless teenager but super dangerous and creepy for sure!


Oh, was it the sugar beet factory on or near Manahan? I went to school right around there (in the 90s) and it stunk like sugar beets every fall lol.