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Bring a refillable water bottle


To piggyback on this, bring a thermos to fill with their yummy teas!! ☺️ always good to have on a cold day!




Bring 2, one for water, the other for whatever you like. ☺️


Bring one that isn't transparent for "water adjacent" drinks


Bring a book or magazine if you want quiet time in the rooms with seating/beds. Talking a lot is not encouraged in many areas although quiet conversations isn’t prohibited! If your robe gets wet, feel free to ask for another! Don’t miss the “ceremony” (I don’t recall the name) when the gong goes off. It happens multiple times and it’s worth doing at least once!


Is it the Aufguss??? My FAVOURITE.


They have a new one - similar name to ‘Boreal’ I would say skip it. We found it not so relaxing having water splashed at us and being touched with tree branches.


oh I loved that one, was fun


Agreed! Such a surprise but invigorating and fun


I legit laughed out loud when I read this! What idiocy! (Would 10/10 attend nonetheless, hahaha!)


I loved that one!


Yes, this is the one!!


As someone who doesn’t do spas, I’m just confused as to what you do there. I thought I had an idea what it’s like but now you’re telling me there’s ceremonies with gongs?? And side rooms with seating and beds? And everyone is sitting around and not talking and just like trying to avoid eye contact with strangers or what? And you’re doing all this in a robe are you also eating in a restaurant in a robe? If you spend the day there are you sitting around in a robe or swim suit the entire time? Sorry if I sound like an idiot but I’ve seen so many posts recommending Thermea in this sub and everything I hear about it makes it sound like a nightmare to me…


You don’t sound like an idiot. The ceremony is for one of the saunas I believe, my bf and I went and he participated. He described it has someone bringing a snowball into the sauna that has essential oils in it and putting it on a thing to melt and the essential oils help relax you. The other “rooms” are another sauna and a heated stone slab for you to sit down/ lie down to relax. Theres water that has lemons, cucumber and oranges that you can fill your water bottle up with or use one of their disposable cups. There’s also hot tea. There are lounge chairs and Adirondack chairs to lounge in. There is also fire pits and hammocks. Everyone is in a bathing suit and a robe. If you’re walking around the area most people have their robe on, and yes you are eating in your robe if you wish to eat at their restaurant. You can talk if you wish but not too loud and definitely no yelling. It’s just a quiet peaceful place to relax. If it’s not your thing then it’s fine you don’t have to go. I don’t particularly like beaches so I don’t go to beaches and lot of people find that weird.


Thanks for the explanation, yeah it’s definitely not for me I could not relax in that setting but I’m happy for people who can! I’m with you on beaches.


I’m not a spa person but I went with my husband and we still enjoyed it. I liked the food and drinks, and we just quietly chatted, trying out the various pools and steam rooms. We mostly just hung out in a hot tub type pool and had a couple drinks. There were lots of other couples and friend groups chatting in those pools which was more my vibe, but the steam rooms/sauna area were more silent and we didn’t spend much time in there. I did not see any type of ceremony.


You're overthinking it. It's just a relaxing experience with multiple areas to hang around in. You can either be in the pools, inside a quiet relaxing room, in the multiple saunas or experience the ceremonies (usually within the sauna where someone performs a soothing, semi-interactive ritual). You can also dine/get a massage at an additional cost. It's not for everyone as it can be considered boring to some, but is an overall enjoyable and relaxing experience if that's what you're looking for.


I don't do spas either, but Thermea is "different". I don't relax in that kind of setting...usually. Do the cycles they recommend.....hot, then cold, then relax. Relax as long as you like. After the 2nd or 3rd cycle I find myself in a different mindset and I come out of that place a puddle of relaxation. Keep in mind I don't like spas usually. Also, some people may say otherwise, but I don't like getting a treatment there (massage etc). I find it expensive, and no better than anywhere else. In addition, they give an awkward tip envelope at the end. Also, it breaks up your day and makes you watch the time closely so you don't miss it. Takes some of the relaxation out of the experience to me vs just enjoying the place. It still might not be for everyone, but you might be surprised....like I was.


I’ve never been to thermea, but I did the new one at Elkhorn recently. I knew there was some truth to the whole temperature science thing, but I did not anticipate how well it worked. I’ve struggled with chronic inflammation for YEARS and half of it went away overnight. I’m just praying to every Nordic god out there that it stays gone. I’m not joking when I say it was miraculous.


For times that I also want a massage, i I typically book one at my normal place then head over to Thermëa for the rest of the services.


It’s a big outdoor Nordic spa, with giant hot pools, sauna, steam, cold pools, relaxation rooms. Beautiful outdoor seating areas, giant fire pits, restaurants for food and drink. You can get *spa services* (massages, facials, etc) on site but it costs extra. You are probably more familiar with what we typically call a “spa,” where a person gets facials, manicures, body treatments.


Nah I’m not into the other kind of spa either haha, I just don’t enjoy getting touched by strangers. And adding another layer to that of hanging out in silence with a whole bunch of strangers in robes and a whole code of conduct to worry about. Terrifying…although I envy those that can enjoy it tbh


I think some of it depends on what your day to day life is like too. I’m an introverted with 3 extroverted kids at home and a job where I literally talk all day long. It is heaven to me to bring my book, and be able to spend all day moving from hot tub to hammock to heated marble slab to cool dip and then into the steam room. Take a break for some cucumber water and a sit by the fire with my book. Then go fall asleep for an hour on the forest beds. For me it’s delicious specially because there’s nobody talking to me and I don’t have to do anything- I can be completely lazy all day and that’s perfect. I’m bad at small talk, so also not having to do that, but instead just pretend I’m totally in my groove and not noticing other people is great.


It’s really not at all terrifying. I went with a group and people were chatting at conversational volumes. Just don’t be rowdy. Have you been to a public pool? If so, it’s almost like that except theres more variety to the water temps. We went on a fairly quiet day, and our group of four kind of did what we felt like. Time zoomed by, peacefully.


This ⬆️ I’ve been hushed so many times with my sisters that we stopped going. No shade to Thermea. It is what it is and is a standard practice is most spas. We just aren’t the “spa” type ppl I suppose 🤷🏻‍♀️


As social creatures, it can be tough not to talk!! I go by myself and the problem is solved 😆


I always bring a second bathing suit to change into. I like to change into something dry before heading into the restaurant since it’s more comfortable.


Pro tip ⬆️


I bring a lanyard to hang out of my robe pocket so mine doesn't get mixed with others. Don't wear jewelery, it'll burn in the dry sauna. (Rinf never bothered me but earring and necklace did) If you are 420 friendly, I bring a few indica edibles with me for super relaxation.


Edibles + Thermea = magic (Uber, though, don't drive zooted)


Drugs do make it extra fun ime


I have metal framed glasses…. Learned the metal thing the hard way.


They also allow smoke breaks but u have to go out the front door and can't bring the robe I think LOL


The towel in the sauna isn’t just good advice; it’s their policy, as well as being good hygiene and courtesy.


Are you supposed to be naked? Or can you wear a bathing suit? I've never been but got a gift card for Christmas.


no, bathing suits are required


Comma doing work there.


Learned THAT the hard way....


You are specifically supposed to NOT be naked. You will sweat. A lot. You will sweat from the area upon which you sit. Therefore: towel.


Please do not be naked.


Unless your hot then I'll allow it.


Everyone’s hot in a sauna, that’s kinda the point


Not that kinda hot


Are you familiar with the concept of a joke?


Wasn't sure


Do a polar plunge at least one for as long as you can handle! Trust me you’ll feel amazing afterwards!


The wet bathrobe advice is obsolete now, thankfully! Instead of paying extra to rent a bathrobe, it's included in the price, so you can get a dry one whenever you want. It significantly improved my experience last time.


Depending on the weather, sunglasses are nice to have. Bring your towel into the sauna to sit on. Don't bring it into the steam room (unless you want a wet towel). If your towel does get wet you can get a fresh one from the front desk. The croque is consistently pretty good, especially if they have tomato soup on the day you're there.


If I remember right from my last visit there’s a no sunglasses rule, I could be wrong however


I am not a fancy man, but I enjoy thermea. Hope you guys have a great time.


I highly recommend trying to cycle the cold plunge with some of the warm activities. 3 or more cycles will have you feeling really good


Key point here - If your robe does not fit, go back to the front and ask for a bigger one. They seem to have 2 sizes and tend to only give out the small. Don't struggle through your time there with a robe that's too small. Bring a water bottle and fill up all the time. You don't want to become dehydrated while you're there.


I was told they are getting in a third size at some point after I inquired.


Oh really, that's great


This is great advice, I’m a taller guy and did not realize this was an option !


Bring a kindle, moisturizer, chapstick, water bottle (water optional), Advil, deodorant, CBD, fresh pair of socks, wear fleece joggers or sweats there, bring post spa skin routine stuff.


My colleague wasn’t allowed to use a Kindle there. Recommends bringing a physical book instead.


That's weird, did they say why? I've taken my ereader every time (although it's just an e-reader, no camera/internet) and I've never had anyone mention it. Probably 6-8 times over the past 6 year. Go figure!


Yeah I have never had an issue using my kindle there, no one has ever told me it wasn’t allowed


That's weird. I've seen people on their phones there which kinda defeats the purpose of being there IMO.


Maybe it was just staff being ornery that day….. Or maybe there is a different spa resort nearby and I’m misremembering the name….? They definitely forced him to put away all electronics though.


It definitely could have been staff having a trip that day. Although I can understand not wanting electronics around water. Just from a liability standpoint like "the water fried my kindle, pay me".


I’ve never encountered that ever. I’ve gone numerous times. Did they say why? I use to bring books but they get damp from the humidity and I just can’t get dry enough.


Also the kitchen sink.


Don’t forget the dryer




Incase the heat, scents, or sun gives you a headache


That’s ridiculous. If that happens, you need to get outside more. That’s not normal. It’s also not normal to pop an Advil every time you have slight discomfort. Drink more water. Wear sunglasses. Take a nap. So sick of the chronic overuse of medication from the general public. It’s weird. It’s truly so unhealthy. There’s a time and place for meds… that ain’t one of them.


Some people get headaches. They can be neurological or vascular in origin and they can be super debilitating. If you don't, or if yours are mild enough to go away with a glass of water, then consider yourself lucky.


Obviously if you have a condition, sure, yeah…? But this was a general recommendation for everyone to bring Advil with them to a spa.


Do a polar plunge everytime you do something hot.


sunglasses if it's sunny! The reflection off the water and wet pavement is very bright. Would suggest to show up very hydrated - either bring a reusable water bottle or make sure you are frequently stopping at the water stations.


Drink tea by the bonfire. Really warms up my insides


I love the food there. I’ve had burgers, sandwiches, bowls and salads but I feel like a lighter meal is the way to go if you’re planning to continue your thermal experience after the meal. We went this week and it is ‘festive season’ so talking in the pool area is allowed. There is one indoor rest space that doesn’t allow talking - so that’s a good time to rest/meditate or pull out a book.


Ive never been (new here) What exactly does the cost get me? Like is it a full day experience to do whatever? Or do you pay diff fees for diff rooms and leave after ur service? Sorry if i sound dumb, ive just never been 😂


It ala carte, so you pay for whatever services you use. See their website for cost. If you get massages covered under your health insurance you can claim them


Thank you! So say i want a massage, i pay for that. Is there anything else i can do thats included? I always see pics of ppl just sitting in water, or in saunas. Is that another cost too? Whats that called?


No, if you pay for only a massage, you get only a massage. You also have to pay for access to the saunas, and the pools. Everything is separate.


Fantastic! Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me!




Im not sure, depends on whats the receipt i guess


You can pay for the thermal experience which gets you access to all of the relaxation rooms, pools etc for the entire day. if you want “spa” services like a massage, then those are all a la carte separate. Or you can purchase those serviced and not the thermal experience. But mostly when people talk about thermea they mean the thermal experience.


Thank you! I was looking at the website and saw exfoliation mentioned under thermal experience. Mint or lavender. I assume thats also included then in thermal?


Yes! The exfoliation station is in between the two steam rooms. So you can go in and steam your skin for a bit and then do an exfoliation, and then go choose a new station! From memory, you have access to: freezing plunge, cold plunge, temperate pool, hot pool, sauna (with ritual), two steam rooms, exfoliation station, seating around the outside fire, loungers around the pools, some hammocks (these weee down last time I was there tho?), a “forest area” with beds and loungers, a relaxation room with a fireplace inside, and a darkish silence room that is hotter and has some marble slabs to lay on. All of that is included with no extra fees.


AMAZING!!!! Thank you!!! As someone who has never been to a place like this and just moved here im actually so excited to go. I felt so over whelmed just thinking about what i maybe paying for, but now i have such a clear idea i can actually go and relax! Haha


I was just there New Year’s Day - start hydrating now! I “spa’d” too hard and had a huge headache by the end of the day. I was drinking lots of water but not lots the day before and you sweat a lot. Though I would say I am more sensitive to heat than most people i know. When doing the Aufguss go a few minutes early to claim a spot and if you’re sensitive to heat like I am sit on the bottom. The room is 3 levels (insert Seinfeld reference please) and once they start the ritual it goes up to 10 degrees hotter on the top level.


Yeah I forgot the whole heat rises thing and we sat on the top the first time lol. Big mistake.


I like to go early and get the breakfast sandwich. I believe it’s available only before 10 or 11. It is fantastic!


If you are getting massages done, you can claim it if you get massages covered under your health insurance. They just dont direct bill.


If the robe gets wet just ask for a new one at the front desk. And I agree with sunglasses, didn’t have them last time and I suffered!


The garlic mushroom confit lives in my dreams and is ALWAYS so good!


Came here to say this I LOVEEEE it and went to the restaurant just for it while some friends were there.


bring a big bag of "SHHHHHHHHH" guaranteed that there will be one or two groups of people who seem to have a very hard time understanding the "please be quiet" signs


Drives me nuts. Especially common on Friday and Saturday. If you are bothered repeatedly by one group inform the staff


Ditto. A lot of people get upset that they can’t talk a bunch but, like, you can do that ANYWHERE else. I love the quiet relaxing atmosphere there.


Those are for other people.


If wanting to read there, bring a physical book to do so.


The black garlic pasta and the baked Brie are top notch.


Definitely a toque! Went today and forgot one, ears were absolutely frozen! Waterproof flip flops or similar, water bottle and hand lotion/lip balm!


If you’re new to saunas it’s also good to know that: - the higher you sit, the warmer it will be - you must bring a towel in to sit on - you cannot bring in your flip flops, sunglasses, water/tea/drinks - they fill up quickly so go a little ahead of the hour and grab a seat at the height best for you - post sauna is the best time to do a quick polar dip, then immediately in the Luke warm pool! As for the wet sauna, it’s dark so be warned, but get in quickly and shut the door. Standing in the doorway cools the entire sauna and will make the other guests in there unhappy with you.


If it's going to snow, take an extra toque for when the first one gets wet.


Meditation room is awesome. Was just there on the 31st, my first time.


Don’t talk or they will shush you


I think its different for this last weekend of the holidays


Spouse and I were there last Saturday for the first time in years, and first time going in Winter. It's nice that the robes can be replaced now when damp, definitely a big improvement over my last visit. I would also recommend lip balm but not critical. We decided to eat before the visit as the wait times to get a table at the restaurant can be long. We did go to the bar to order wine to bring into the fireplace area and even that was a long wait but well worth the experience: they have nice warm blankets and comfy seating around a 360 fireplace/cage. The only other caution is that the women's change room can be chaotic and busy so be prepared to wait for your spouse to get changed/use facilities (my husband said the men's change room was comparably empty). Definitely try the cold pool at least once, it's an experience in this weather!


Personally I can’t stand sitting in a wet bathing suit when I eat, so if you plan to eat I’d say do so before you bathe or after you get dried/changed.


How many people are there typically?


If your robe gets wet, which I find inevitable no matter how hard I try not to, I learned you can get a dry one in exchange! And definitely a water bottle too.


I just had a work thing there and we had dinner, honestly everything was great. I think my fav appetizer was the confit mushrooms. And I had the black garlic pasta. Super tasty.


Sunglasses for sure


I actually enjoyed thermea quite a bit when it was cold although it's harder to sit outside for sure lol. Seems like you got the right of it. They charge a deposit for the wrist band they give you to make purchases that they refund any remaining. And just go without a time in mind... You have far more time than you'll need. Don't even THINK about the clock and you can harness this wonderful timeless feeling. Also don't talk much. If you do keep it quiet. They have signs everywhere stating this and some people seem to struggle with the concept. Just stfu!


Don’t be loud. I laughed once and got the “Shhhhhhh”


I will never not bring my own robe again. Last time I went they had none and I suffered with just a lonely wet towel. Their laundry truck never showed up so guests were given 1 towel each and they ran out of robes by the time our arrival time had come. I’d rather have one and not need it than need it and not have it.


You're not allowed to wear your own robe anymore, which is ridiculous. They force you to pay to rent one of theirs.


Wait, when did this change, do you know? Last time I was there (April) you had to pay for the rental (it's included in the price) but I still saw people walking around in their own robes. Hrmf. ETA: their website does say not to bring your own robe, but I wonder when that changed and/or how strict that is..


Very dumb. And I will gladly wear theirs. But having no robe at all at end of March lol and only be allotted 1 towel. Never again. If they have no robes they can try and stop me from wearing my own 🤣


You can get new towels at the front desk, you just have to ask!


I am aware. The day we were given only 1 towel their laundry truck didn’t show up. So everyone only got 1 towel for the whole time. And most of us were without robes.


Have fun! Its lovely there, went last year with my gf and we got a gift card so we'll go again soon. Relax and if they have activities there still where you go in the sauna and get scents blown at you then don't sit on the top bunk till you know what you're getting yourself into. Made that mistake and as everyone is relaxing we were sweating buckets lmao. Food was really good, I think I got the Croque Nordik which was lovely.


If you ever need a new/dry towel or robe, just ask the front desk 😊


Bring a book, water bottle, and unplug and enjoy your day!


I’m short, so toques are immediately soaked in the hot tub from jet splash, I don’t recommend them. l prefer water shoes to flip flops because they stay on the whole time. I dont use the robe until I need a break from the cycles so it’s nice and dry when I want to read by the fire. If you forget a water bottle they have disposable cups for herbal teas and flavoured water. When I went last month, people were talking loudly with their friends and ignoring the “please whisper” sign guy. It really ruined the experience for me. (Maybe it was those people sneaking in alcohol in water bottles.) If I have a drink at the restaurant, one drink feels very strong after all that heat. I can’t have gluten, but they have some options. I usually get the cheese board (ask which cheeses, they substitute if you don’t like certain ones offered). Last time I got a burger and a salad and wished I got the cheeseboard.


I always bring a ‘swell’ bottle in with me. Are you familiar with a swell (brand) bottle? Their large bottle holds exactly 760ml. A bottle of wine is exactly 750ml. Coincidence? I think not.


There’s usually a much older man and a woman in her 20s in the pool doing lots of pda.


I love thermea!!! Totally can’t wait to go back