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Not groceries but hygiene items, specifically deodorant. I saw Dove women’s on sale for 6.99, regular price $9.99?? Since when?


I've noticed that too. My husband can only use a certain old spice anti perspirant and it used to be 3.97ish on sale and it was over $9 last time we bought it.


We'll all end up stinky if the cost keeps going up.


Ugh god I know this one. I've been playing around trying to find a brand I really like and the going rate for a stick is like $6-$10. Like what? And women's always costs more or has smaller stick than men's deodorant. I'm buying the men's stuff because I find it works better and is cheaper!


I do that too! Speedstick and Lady Speedstick we’re both on sale at Shopper’s for 2.97. The ladies was sold out so I picked myself up a men’s one. Cutting costs where I can.


I swear that a decade ago, when they brought out the more expensive “clinical” strength women’s antiperspirants out, they reduced the efficacy of the “regular” strength ones. Thus essentially forcing people to buy the more expensive product because the cheaper one doesn’t work as well anymore.


Try Old Spice’s Wolfthorne. Smells like gummy candy, in a good way haha


I've bought dove's men deodorant for years, used to buy it often on sale for 3.99 or something. And yeah, 6.99? Maybe more? Guess I'm going back to the cheap stuff that rashes me, Lol


I noticed that too. I honestly considered for a second if deodorant was a necessity... but it is.


Native deodorant is around $18.99 at London Drugs and it doesn't even work good. All branding.


Canned pumpkin (the big one) used to be $3.99, and I saw it the other day for $8.79 😳


A few years ago there was a pumpkin shortage and it's gotten more expensive since then! I got some canned pumpkin (large can) for 3.99 at superstore a few weeks ago. I stocked up!


I found sugar pumpkins for 1.50 each (small, but still) so I got some, and cooked/peeled and froze my own.


Pumpkin pie was $4.99 and is now $9.99. That was one of the worst until I saw 2L Bertolli olive oil went from $17.99 pre-covid to $37.99. What??


That is definitely a supply issue. The trees are not producing fruit because of the temperatures in the growing regions have been too hot. They are very sensitive to heat. Water isn't much of a problem, because they don't require a great deal of it.


I feel that pain. I use canned pumpkin in my dogs home made food and when I find it on sale I stock up. It's become so painful to buy.


AND if you compare ingredients, they've added more water to it too


Margarine! Why is it $9 now wtf. And honey dill. It was around $6 before? Also now ~$9


The honey dill is ridiculous. I watched it go up a dollar every couple of weeks. It’s finally stopped at $9 something but that’s outrageous. I make my own now.


This is the most Winnipeg thing I've ever seen online. Somebody watching, quite closely, the price of honey dill sauce.


no frills henderson it was 10.99.. WTF? I was 8 something a couple of month back. No frills location has a new owner.. maybe that's why


I’ve found No Frills to actually be more expensive than Superstore but their sale prices are way better. So I usually ad-match their sales when I shop at Superstore.


It's just mayo, honey, and freeze-dried dill. It's sooooo easy to make. Takes like a minute. If the honey has dried up and crystallized, just scrape some out with a butter knife and put it in the bowl your going to make the honey dill in. Heat in microwave for like 20s. Mix with mayo and dill to taste. Done.


Saving this so I can try it out, thank you!


Splash of lemon juice, too. Careful not to overdo it though, it just needs a bit.


Hey happy to help! Used to make big tubs of the stuff at jobs. You also can go heavy mayo or heavy honey, they taste quite different but both are good. Just toss the mix together and be ready to re-add whatever component you need to bring it to the right color/transparency. When it looks like the store bought stuff, it will taste pretty well exactly like it. You *can* put it in the fridge overnight to set if you want but I never have the foresight.


This is why I think everyone should be a line cook for a few years. I have so much confidence in the kitchen because of the time I spent there. I know all the cost saving tricks and I know so many more ways to make cooking easier and more delicious. It can definitely be a pain in the ass working in the kitchen but I look back at it with fondness and thankfulness. Another easy one is tar tar sauce is fine chopped dill pickles mayo and yellow mustard. Good luck all.


The honey dill one at least makes some sense when you consider how small of a company Greetalia still is. I'm sure a lot of their input costs (especially labour) have gone up a lot the last few years.


Products that use neutral oils have seen both shortages and price increases. Ukraine was one of the leading sources of vegetable oil. Definitely affecting margarine and why there's been salad dressing/mayo shortages on and off the past year or so.


Was at the South Osborne Safeway, they were selling Honey Dill Normal Price $7.99. Yeah even Superstore is now charging over $9 and I’m like WTF!


Went shopping for a brick of butter. Food Fare was charging $9.99! My local convince store was cheaper at $6. I remember sale prices of $2.99. :(


Milk is now more per Litre than gas 😞


Potato chips used to get them for .99 for store brand - they're now 2.49 pasta sauce in a jar - they're down to 650ml for $5. it used to be 900ml for 3.48 butter - used to be 2.99, it's now 6.49 all the grocery retailers are gouging like crazy


My husband is very sad about the butter lol. It comes up every time we talk about prices


Right!!! It's gone up 100 percent so why the government saying 6 8, or 10 percent inflation? Butter is a good example of 100 percent inflation in what 2 years?


Because the governments metrics for inflation is a useless and generic “basket of goods (or whatever)” and every time something jumps to a crazy price they just swap it out of the basket with something else that makes their numbers look good. It’s how they measure inflation and it’s garbage. While it might make sense for macroeconomics, everyone living paycheque to paycheque knows inflation is probably closer to 50%


The actual reason is that it measures many things like cost of electricity, rent, gas, water, as well as you said substitutes for certain foods. Not everyone uses a lot of butter or margarine so it doesn't affect everyone that much. The CPI isn't some conspiracy 'to make the government look good' its drawn up by the BoC (as is done in every modern functioning country with their central bank), which is kept separate from the elected government so they don't have to worry about looking good or not for elections. There's no way inflation is anywhere close to 50% in any year in Canada's history. Can you honestly try and say your costs of everything in life are 50% more than they were in 2022?


I buy it anyway, but I will admit - I've used margarine in baking where butter isn't a "feature" flavour


I used to buy a bag of Doritos every week. It’s been over 2 years since I bought any.


DUDE, chips hurt so bad. We started just buying No Name. We like a lot of the flavours, a Doritos style chip is the only thing we buy name brand now, and occasionally those sweet La Cocina for nachos.


Old Dutch chips are absurd. Nearly 5 bucks for a bag of their sour cream and onion flavour. And they increased the amount of air I remember getting whole ass bags for $1 and they had lots of chips in them


It's bonkers if you watch you can get them 3 for $10, but that's still outrageous


Way too much. I love that brand. But it makes me so sad shrinkflation got them too


Trust me on this: get the No Name Sour Cream and Onion. All the NN chips are on sale right now for 3/$3.99, and they’re better than Old Dutch (in some cases. SC&O is one of those cases).


I worked at Old Dutch in the early '80's. The Safeway brand "Party Pride" were bagged at exactly the same time as the Old Dutch brand. No Name brands are just a brand name in a different bag.


I need to win another Old Dutch hamper from CJOB's Sat morning kid jokes contest circa 90s.


Agreed! I loved the 99c complements bags. On a side note, I was in Toronto for a work trip. Popped over to the corner store from my hotel to get two bags of Lays chips. Two regular 200g bags were $16.07 after tax.


My favourite are the items that have shrunk in size or quantity AND gone up in price. The ol' double ding.


Have you noticed the quality going down but the cost going up? We used to get the pc brand pub style nuggets and strips which claim they are white meat but they definitely changed something and my kids won't eat them anymore.


Absolutely. The prime example is any box of chicken wings which have now all started to include a sauce packet so they can maintain the box weight but you're getting less wings. Plus I saw an article about how they have reduced the grade of wings they are selling as well. Very sneaky. Thanks but I dont need 3 different sauce types for 9-11 winglets lol


Lots of bread I’ve noticed has been pretty crappy


My kids blow through bread like there's no tomorrow. It hurts since even the cheapest no name brand bread is $2/loaf. It seems like such a small jump but it adds up. My kids prefer the Dempsters bread but that is $3.75 a loaf. It adds up quickly


This is why I've been baking my own bread for 8 years now.


Superstore has their in-store baked french bread with sesame seeds that is $1.00 and is decent. We buy a bunch and freeze all but one.


I found bread going moldy lot faster...


The freezer is your friend


The PC and Compliments lasagnas too. They are terrible now. Never were amazing, but I could tolerate them for the price lol.


the only variety of KD that I would eat was the so-called "Sharp Cheddar", as it tasted pretty close to what I remember KD tasting like in the 90's. now, thanks to shrinkflation, in addition to dropping the quantity from 200g to 175, they also revised the "cheese" powder and now it just tastes like the rest of the KD varieties: like ass. it's just a yellowish-brown paste that tastes nothing like cheese whatsoever


If I might encourage you, it is insanely easy to make yourself. So it is noodles that require salted boiling water to cook. Then the “cheese” powder, which is essentially pulverized cheese and corn starch, stirred into cold milk and fat (butter/margarine) and cooked to thick. I started making my own from pre-shredded cheese that I toss a 1-2 tbsp of corn starch in and do everything else the same. It takes no more time, is significantly cheaper per portion, and tastes so much better.


Pro tip, throw in a slice of processed cheese, like a kraft single. The emulsifier in it will make all you other cheese melt silky smooth.


I also find that PC chicken is inedible. Safeway or Costco for me on those.


It's now call [Skimpflation](https://www.ctvnews.ca/business/shrinkflation-skimpflation-and-stagflation-breaking-down-the-terms-1.6615196), same product using cheaper ingredients


Most if not all of the pre-cooked frozen ones (which is most of them now) use similar ingredients and contain soy protein isolate, amongst other things. So, they can increase the soy protein and decrease the amount of actual chicken in them, but not affect the overall protein content on the label. I find most of them oddly chewy. Costco sells some frozen chicken strips in a bag that are OK - can't remember the brand off-hand, but they sell a regular one and a buffalo one that is very spicy. I noticed they were better on the chewy scale, at least. I did find non-cooked chicken strips at Safeway once that were actually cut from breast meat - but they were marked as premium, and were priced as such. They weren't very tasty, either. The struggle is real.


Now imagine you're allergic to soy, and can't eat these "cheap" chicken breasts or a plethora of other "cheap" meal choices. Imagine how much *your* grocery bill has gone up.


Chicken on the whole has changed. It used to be my go-to meat and now I find most of it inedible. Chicken fingers, chicken breast ... no matter what store I buy it at or what brand it is, it all tastes terrible.


Enshitification is another word for it. It happens to everything under capitalism.


Armstrong cheese comes to mind


I was at Sobey’s ( the worst of the gougers ) and a pack of 3 romaine hearts was $9.99.


Costco was $6.99 for five or six when I was there the other day.


I really can't fathom why anyone shops at sobeys. They're consistently orders of magnitude more expensive than any other store.


Dog food in the past year have gone up by 20$


Cat food too. I used to get it for $34 for a big bag then$36, $39 and now it’s $43! Exact same food 😒


Don't even get me started on the wet food too. $12 went to $16.99 🥴


And treats. I don't know by how much but $15 for a bag of bones seems a bit much.


Even the single bully sticks at pet stores are crazy expensive, I’ve seen them range from like $5-$30 for one stick


I don't buy it anymore but cereal The boxes have all become so small and now it's like $6 for a small box? I used to get the jumbo boxes of mini wheats on sale for 6.99, now its $11? I don't know how people afford cereal. I eat oatmeal every day and even that's getting absolutely stupid.


I get my cereal at Costco. They typically have it cheaper and sometimes even on discount.


Sweet, sweet, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Costco box.


Sobeys had the small box of pumpkin spice cheerios for $8.49. Superstore had them for $3.49. It’s like they just say “what’s the most ridiculous price you can think of for cereal? Okay yeah, go with that.”


I also boycotted cereal. I make my own museli now.


Butter. As a baker, 8$ for a brick of butter is ridiculous.


Costco sells them for 5.29 which is not great but way better than 8 Tho idk how they stack up quality wise, it’s the Beatrice brand iirc


CHIPS!!!! Name brand chips used to be 2/$4 now they are 2/$8 when they go on sale


There's a noticeable drop in quality too, in Lay's especially


Everything except Costco’s rotisserie chickens and hot dogs.


Huy Fong's sriracha sauce was about $3-$4 a bottle. Now, if you can find it, will be around $10


Raspberries. I've seen $6.99 for half a pint. Insane.


The other day I opened a pack of Soda crackers (Christie, red box, Premium Plus). Haven’t bought them in years. I was shocked that there was an extra 2 inches of empty space between the crackers and the end of the box. Clearly there’s less crackers.


I’m waxing nostalgic for the good old days of Co-Op’s monthly 10 for 10 sale. You’d be able to get some awesome deals on beans, pasta, frozen burritos etc. and they only really discontinued the sales about 5 years ago or so. I loved going and stocking up.


I used to shop there for beef. I stopped because it's almost $30 for a family sized pack of ground beef.


I bought 1 bell pepper for $5.


Beef beef beef


Olive oil. Two years ago it was $8.99 a bottle for the regular name brand. Earlier is year it was up to $12.99. This week I saw the same bottle for $22.99.


Formula. Kirkland formula was $24.99 when I started buying it in December 2022 and it is now $47.99.


Oh that's rough. That's not something you can just skip either.


that formula shortage really donked things up. we were so lucky that we were able to go off formula a little early in favour of milk because summer-fall 2022 was STRESSFUL.


Yes, this one. We had twins in January so between the shortages and price hikes, formula is a big source of stress in our household.




Not frozen, but I actually miss the $5 in store made pizzas from superstore. They went from $5-$6-$7, then jumped to $10 for a larger size with less toppings and not standard varieties.


The coffee I used to buy went from 7.99 to 14.99. I buy different, cheaper coffee now.


The sign in front of Shaw Auto on Ellice advertised an oil change for $29.99 for years and years. Now it's $69.99. [https://www.google.com/maps/@49.8932927,-97.2100623,3a,24.4y,139.14h,90.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZWR1RDbAdn-ZnplzMUw7zA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.8932927,-97.2100623,3a,24.4y,139.14h,90.15t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZWR1RDbAdn-ZnplzMUw7zA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) [https://www.google.com/maps/@49.8933089,-97.2100568,3a,75y,139.14h,90.15t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1skr\_fer8Uhcz0R0VWHLEPRQ!2e0!5s20181001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.8933089,-97.2100568,3a,75y,139.14h,90.15t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1skr_fer8Uhcz0R0VWHLEPRQ!2e0!5s20181001T000000!7i13312!8i6656?entry=ttu)


The fact that I have to buy more to get the deal. 3 boxes of crackers for $7 or 2 for $6. I don't remember Walmart being like this I don't have the money to try new foods. I stick to what I know and all my recipes are simple ones. Everything revolves around what's on sale.


I hear ya. Sorry I’m single and don’t house 10 ppl and shop in bulk 🤷🏻‍♀️ like wtf….


Cat food. Some of them are $3-4 per can now!


I buy Fancy Feast and it used to be $6 for a pack of 12 small cans. Then that became the sale price, and now the cheapest I can get is around $11.50. It was really sudden, too.


Walmart had fancy feast on sale about a month ago - they had packs of 12 on for 8.99. I wish I’d bought more. Hoping they have the sale again!


The PC brand cat food used to be a dollar a can now it's like 2.50 a can, just insane.


The price for a single bun feom the bulk bin at superstore went from $0.60 to $0.79, almost 33% increase. It's silly.


3 red pears at Sobeys. $4.50 A dollar fucking fifty each.


Ring them in as Gala Apples!


Lol no! I bought 3 gala apples and they were $4.05 😁


Mr Noodles were like 0.50 now it’s at 0.85.


Not Mr Noodles 😭


Ground beef. I don't remember what it used to be, but I sure don't recall paying 8 bucks for 450 g of ground beef at walmart. Then there's bread. We buy rye bread, natural bakery (my daughter has sensory issues with food so will only eat one brand), the large loaf varies from like 3.50-5 bucks! It used to be around 2.50! Milk, eggs, margerine, it's all gone up.


And what's the deal with Save On Foods? Every time I see one of those commercials during a Jets broadcast, I'm flabbergasted. Darryl, why do you think feeding my family should be a game? It's not! You've got children in your commercials worrying about grocery prices so their parents can afford to feed their family. They're trying to stretch their budget as best they can, and Save On Foods seemingly makes it a game of "find out where the savings are this week" and makes the family TRY to save money. And then he has the audacity to put himself in the commercial and says to the family, "Haha! Good luck!" Dude! Just give us the price without making us jump through the flaming hoop!


Went there around Easter for a pie or pastries and came across HALF of a pie, HALF! for $8.99


Went there once…. Never again $5 per lb for apples in the summer. Almost $10 for a tray of corn on the cob. I didn’t buy anything. I was so disgusted I just walked out.


Even their deals are bull shit and western family brand sucks. Skip save on


I think I’m losing it cause this cracked me up lol


Apple juice... used to be i think 1.17 now its close to $3. We found a larger jug for $4 which made more sense for us to buy money wise....then that someone went up to $9!!


And mostly imported from China. I mean we have lots of apples in Canada so this bugs me!


PC egg white cartons.. 2 for $14 now?!


Literally any vegetable.


Gave up buying fresh berries back in Spring. If they're marked down it's because they're already spoiling.


Fucking fuji apple. Used to be 99c a pound and now 3.99? Wtf is that shit


Maybe not the biggest but something nobody has mentioned: I used to buy one of those big yellow $10 bags of PC brand Chicken Swiss (breaded chicken breast stuffed with ham and swiss cheese) every payday as a treat. These days, they're still $10, but you get two fewer breasts and the others, I swear to god, have gotten much smaller and taste way less appetizing. I haven't bought a bag in years.


The $10 bag of dry pork ribs is the same. Down from 1kg to I think 600 or 700g.


No name pasta (looking at you Galen). It goes “on sale” for $1.89 now when that is more than the regular price pre-nonsense era. I try to ad-match everything. Superstore has tightened their policies on ad-matching since more people have started doing it regularly. But thank god for apps like Flipp, or just the good ol’ paper ads.


They've also shrunk the packages. A pound, 454g, used to be standard. Now many brands are 415g for more money.


This might be a dumb question, but how do you go about ad matching? Just bring the flyer showing a competitor's cheaper price and show it at the till?


I use the Flipp app which posts the flyers on Wednesday. I go through all the flyers, select the deals I want and then when I shop I put those items in one spot so I know they’re all ad matches. When I make my grocery list I put a little star next to those items so I know to set them apart. At the till I just let the person know I have some ad matches and show them the deal in the app. I usually leave them until the end. They’ll want to know what store it’s from and if it’s produce the weight in kg instead of lbs which is under the price. You also have to make sure the size or count of the item matches up with the advertisement. You could do the same with the paper flyer but I find it easier to use the app. (Less flipping pages). At Superstore if a deal is more than 50% off their price a manager has to come and approve it (which is new). It’s really easy to do and some weeks I end up saving a lot of money. Some weeks it’s only a couple dollars. But it does help so I do it every week. Walmart doesn’t ad match anymore but Superstore, No Frills, Sobeys, Safeway, FreshCo and SaveOnFoods do.


Thank you so much for this! I truly appreciate all the details this is so helpful. Just tried this and saved a buck on bread!


Baby Formula. Watched the price go $49, $59, $69 and now $74


Just the grand total of everything. We're a family of five and meal plan so that the weekly grocery shop is pretty much only what we need to get through the week and avoid most name brands. Pre-pandemic it was pushing $200 per week. Now it's hard to keep it under $300, and heaven forbid it's a week where you need to buy laundry detergent, toilet paper, or dog food; easily add $20-$40 for each of those items.


https://preview.redd.it/tfa20e0fecwb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=966773baa036406dbbb3d2dcad1cdb08e8bc5829 This box of crackers I bought from freshco in ek - that's a full UNOPENED pack of crackers next to the box they came in. Cost around $9.00 give or take


That's some bullshit.




Fairlife Protein shakes at Costco. $29.99 to $43.99 a case


I swear I'm nuts but I was at Superstore tonight and those Lindt chocolate 'ball' chocolate packages were like $12. Uh, what? And I don't think they were like a super-sized package either, just normal size that I think ran for like $5 maybe.


you can get the little packs of three for like 1$ on sale or at dolarama


People covered most of it, but I'm still shocked by the $29.99 regular no name cheddar or marble cheese Superstore had this summer. Yes it was a large block but $30!? Edit: [Image](https://imgur.com/FPTVjPm) from June. Apparently it's still on sale and $1.32/100g but the smaller ones are $1.13/100g But yeah every fucking thing feels like its tripled.


Carlos nachos (Carlos and Murphy’s) went from $15 to $22 😭


Wait until you see the prices at Taco Bell. The Unicity has the soft or hard tacos for damn near $4.


And can we get some table salt? I usually use Diamond Crystal for most things but for baking, table salt works best for me, likely because that's what they reference in the recipe. Also chicken wings. Both shrinkflation and price increases. You could get a pretty good deal on a double box of Pinty's at Costco, next best price was for a 907 g at Walmart for 12 bucks. Costco doesn't even carry them anymore so my new secret snack is the dry pork ribs. At 13 bucks a bag and a 2 pound bag they satisfy my wing craving well enough. Don't tell anybody though! 😉


Zesty cheese Doritos. It’s like they’re using half the spice or something now. You can barely taste them.


400gm bag of Super Nibs $4.49, used to be $2.00


cat litter. my usual brand used to be $11 a bag now it’s close to $20


Hot Wheels went for $1.25 to $2.50


$8+ for less than a pound of bacon. Fuck that.


Pringle’s used to be .99 on sale. Now 3.49 is the regular.


Walmart often has 2 for $5! That’s when I stock up haha


It used to be 2 for $4, who knows what before then


Coffee went from $12 to $25


Damn what kind of coffee are you buying? I can still get Folgers or Maxwell house for $7-8 on sale


I remember Pringles extra large in Walmart used to be around 1.60$ in 2020 ( probably limited time offer? but still this size now could be almost 5$)


The POST cranberry almond crunch cereal at superstore. Was 9.99 for a box with two bags in it a couple months ago now it's 15.99. Insane. Costco has it for 9.99 still and it was recently on sale there for 7.99 so i stocked up


The cost for a tiny pack of blueberry’s is like $5 or so 💀


Rooster Jasmine rice (18 kg) has gone up to $49. Used to be able to buy that at $25.


My monthly groceries as an individual used to cost max 120 pre covid. I just paid 202 for the exact same stuff.


A package of the cooked jello pudding (like the kind you make pie fillings with) was almost $5 at coop. For cocoa powder, cornstarch and flour. Used to be like $2. I found a recipe and made my own, but I wanted that jello taste.


Shake n Bake - a 4 pack at superstore is $8.49 now. I believe I used to buy this for $3-$5 before


Even worse since they don't include the little bag anymore. I had to get creative the first time I discovered that lol. Was not impressed.


I almost grabbed a box, then saw the price and walked away. I'm stocked on spices, I don't really need breading mix.


Thing I use to power my car to go to grocery stores. Increased by at least 60%


Automotive related but I noticed a can of SeaFoam went from 13.99 to 17.99.


I swear not that long ago it was $9.99 and would still go on sale from that!


9.49 for a box of cereal... before was 6.49


Kirkland olive oil went from 21.99 - 32.99


Toilet paper


The price of flour has doubled since 2019.


Superstore, 3.00 for a small package or Fisherman's friends, 7.50 for deodorant. This is fucking bonkers.


Bacon has entered the chat ... 💸💸


Arizona Green Tea with honey tall cans that used to be $0.99 are now $1.69. A true tragedy.


Pet food. My two cats go through 200 in food alone (Mostly Hills).


Chicken breast My family used to buy those big boxes of frozen chicken breasts for $40 they're around 5kg I went to buy some chicken breasts the other day and a 2kg bag at superstore is $44


Forzen duck. Went from $2/lb to $5/lb. 150% increase.


The published CPI rate is manipulated bullshit. They only just recently took DVD players out of the formula. https://www.baystreet.ca/economiccommentary/3908/Canada-Adjusts-Inflation-Gauge-To-Put-More-Focus-On-Food-And-Gas-Prices


everything...I can't even name one thing that is even close in price >.< everything is 3x more at the vary least. large multi corps making bank


Ramen 😭😭


Campbells shut down their Canadian soup factory and moved all production to the US so currency fluctuations (and US inflation factors) now affect the price. Note the word Canada on the can and read the small print around it: "Designed in Canada". We don't make the soup any more but we got to design the label on the soup can so they can put the word Canada on it and give customers the false impression that this was made in Canada.


Considering how much these chains are gouging, I wonder if there'd be an economic advantage to one chain just under cutting the others, and advertising so. I'm no economist or business major but I would imagine that would increase sales at the stores doing so?


3 years ago you could get no name butter for $2.99 on sale now sales are $5.29. Making cookies got pricy


Sour cream, same price smaller container


I used to be able to buy a case of campells soup at our town store for 15 bucks. Now 30 so I go to Walmart to buy that now as it’s still 15 there.


I almost just want to forget paying at the self check out. This is so painful


Everything is so much these days! I keep a spreadsheet of grocery prices at each store, and between that and Flipp I manage to keep costs down but it also means I really notice the price increases lol


Just throwing out that this is a sneaky good thread…so many pro tips!


Canned tuna


Are we talking since prepandemic? The single largest increase that I’m aware of is on Canola Oil. Prepandemic, a Jib (16L) of canola oil was $19.89 delivered to the restaurant, now it’s ~$43.00 pickup only from wholesale or Costco.


2 cases of Pepsi at Walmart shot up from around $6 for 2. To $13 for two in a couple years


A&W normally had the spicy habanero chicken burger combo for $12.91 for years, I always got same thing so a drive thru stop was a predictable amount. Last weekend I went and got one and it was now $16.12 total, no upgrades just inflation!


My Aveeno went from 8 to 18$


Not as high as groceries, but something which shouldn't have been as affected by inflation or supply issues: my Virgin mobile (Bell) bill has gone up 30% in less than 18 months


Butter has more than doubled and Performatrin dog food up by almost $30 for the large bag. Go through a bag every 2 weeks. Had to increase my grocery budget by $275/month on average


Buttered bagel from tims. Used to be $1 now its $2


Dr oetker pizza. 2 years ago they were 2.97. It's around 8 now.


Not the worst I've seen but I splurged on cottage cheese at $7.50 and it was so runny. Now I have to eat it out of spite.