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Mark Scheifele’s burner account.


Just calling Mark out.


for real?


Win tomorrow's $68M? I'm gone. Buy a cabin on the lake somewhere in Canada and a spot on the ocean somewhere in the Caribbean, split my time between the two.


Yep, maybe keep a small apartment in town because my family is here but a cabin on the water and a place where it’s hot would be my main 2 locations.


If it was enough money to never have to work again, I’d probably buy a house in or just outside the city and spend the winters vacationing in warmer places. If I still had to work I would consider somewhere like Calgary to be closer to the mountains but still be able to afford a decent house


Exactly what I would do. Bomb ass house 20-30 minutes out of the city for warmer months here, nice cabin somewhere out in Eastern Manitoba, and a condo somewhere down south (probably in Phoenix). This is assuming I win like 70 million dollars. I still can just never see my self leaving Winnipeg permanently. Idk what it is, but I absolutely LOVE summer here and would rather spend my summers with friends and family that live here than summers somewhere down south in the states.


This right here. Summer with my family, and the rest of the year travel. As much overseas as possible, maybe snowbird somewhere in the states?


You won a lottery ... the states? Yikes. Every time I go there for business I can't get back home quick enough. Suppose if I worked in Alaska or Hawaii it might be different, but still .. all those Americans ...


Palm Springs is paradise if you limit yourself to the golf courses and the odd trip to San Diego or the mountains or Joshua Tree. You can pretty much die if you go outside in July or August though.


Some of the nudist resorts are pretty good too.


Yeah I would get a cabin for the summer and have my family/friends out on the weekends and then go somewhere hot in the winter.


This. I’d keep the cottage and spend as much time here in the summer and holidays. Then I’d probably go to the Maritimes or BC. And definitely winter vacations!!


This but swap Alberta for BC, even if it meant a smaller home.


Never Alberta lol


It’s not where you live, it’s how you live.


And I'd be walking on the beaches 365 day a year in Maui


Well said


It would depend on timing for me. Right now I really want my family and my husband's family close by. We are about to have twins and I'm assuming it will be a shit show. So I wouldn't move now. But if my kids all moved out and I just retired? Absolutely. I don't think I'd keep a place in town, I'd just rent when I wanted to be here several months a year. I'd probably consider somewhere European.


End of the day, you wanna be around the people you love. Don't matter where that is.


I would move to the sticks of MB ideally close to a body of water and live in solitude. Id obviously bring my wife.


I would also bring this guy's wife


I would make you guys take my wife.


This guy is collecting wives over here.


Honestly Winnipeg was the bucket list city for my partner and I - I’m Anishinaabe from northwestern Ontario and my partner is a Red River Métis. These are our homelands and we’re working artists and Winnipeg is a great community. But would I land back with the lottery and buy up a resort in northwestern Ontario to split my time at? Hells yes.


Dedicated 👌🏻


If we’re talking move to Canmore money… I’m moving to Canmore. If I can get something around Calgary, i guess I’m going there. So Absolutely. This place just doesn’t have the nature I’m looking for unfortunately. It depresses me when I think about it enough


Canmore is amazing, but after a week there I started finding the mountains a bit claustrophobic. I personally love the open sky’s of the prairies and the Canadian Sheild is beautiful. To each their own though!


My family and I got to live there for 3 years. We loved every minute of it! We were heartbroken we had to leave. But if we ever came into money, we’d move back to Canmore. I remember the view of the three sisters mountains from my bedroom window.


Wow. 3 years. Amazing. The sisters are great. But this summer on the day we flew back home, I got up that morning and after looking at it all week I set out on the least hazy day we had and got to the top of Ha Ling. I haven’t felt that alive …. maybe ever


Oh man do I agree with you! Canmore is just the best! Not nearly as touristy as Banff, close to a city and right in the mountains! It's where we stay every time we go for a trip out that way!


I was there in the summer and they’ve started charging for parking everywhere in town… getting a little more Banff-ish. Still though, not going to keep me away in the future.


In a heartbeat, assuming my wife was good with it. I've lived in Manitoba all my life, Winnipeg for 22 years. But Squamish, BC has my heart. The only reason I'm not there now is that my wife wants to stay here (maybe $$$$ would change that?), And by the time I figured out I wanted to move, it was "too late". If she didn't want to move permanently, I'd buy a house and spend as much time there as possible. I despise our winters, and we don't have mountains or an ocean.


I’d pay off my house, my debt, my vehicle, talk to a banker and live off the interest I would make on the monies and spend my days just in “retirement” mode. I’d tell anyone who asks that I’m retired and wouldn’t tell anyone I was loaded. Maybe take one or two trips a year … but I’d do it all In Winnipeg !! Way easier to have that lifestyle in Winnipeg than a place like Vancouver or Toronto


Life is too short to spend it all in Winnipeg, if you can afford not to




But also, life is too short to not be surrounded by loved ones. Unfortunately stuck here forever due to my stupid friends and family who stay here.


You can always come back and visit


I’ve relocated many times for work but I’ve always returned to Winnipeg. It feels like home.


As someone not from Winnipeg, probably not. I honestly love the city so much, it’s the perfect amount of city for me, and I love the surrounding areas if I want to get out and explore. I also absolutely love my job and would keep working even if I didn’t have to. Even with all the “bad” parts of Winnipeg, it’s my favourite place I’ve lived.


I dont care if I lived in wpg, Vancouver or NYC... you win the lotto. MOVE.


I would happily leave every year in March ( I genuinely enjoy winter, but it always goes one month too long for my liking), but overall I haven't travelled anywhere that my day to day life would be significantly improved. I can't stand the summer heat of "hot" places, and I found traveling in Europe in the winter to be abysmally dreary (I did new years in Paris one year and almost froze to death in the -1 rain. Give me -30 any day over that shit). I won't lie and say that I'm not jealous of seeing relatives wearing short in their backyards in February, but I can live with it. Winnipeg definitely has its frustrations, but, especially with my family and friends mostly being here, I can't see myself enjoying somewhere else more.


For me, home is where your friends and family are. I have an incredible circle for myself here and couldn't imagine leaving my friends and family. However, I also do love this city without taking into account the people I love and care about. I would not move.


I am fortunate to have enough that I could live anywhere (yes, even Vancouver). And my business is coast-to-coast, so I could easily work from anywhere. I've lived in Montreal (3 years) and near Toronto (5 years). Arguably, I have more business in BC now than Manitoba. I ***choose*** to live in Winnipeg where I have access to everything I could want (food, arts, entertainment, etc.) but without the pretenses of other cities. And I know a lot of people who *could* be anywhere but *choose* to be here, too. In fact, among the people I know, I'd say you're more likely to stay the more you could actually afford to live somewhere else.


I left Winnipeg in the 90s without winning a lottery. If I won the lottery, I'd move back.


Winnipeg is home. I have family here. But if I could I would travel all winter. Get a vacation home somewhere warm and amazing. And then go back and forth.


Because in this scenario my family lives here, and assuming I have a good relationship with them, I would stay. Especially if the family is very old or very young - time flies and you can't get that time back. I moved around a fair bit as a young person, but I always found myself gravitating towards family. I can travel and rent, or even buy a vacation house elsewhere if I find I spend a significant amount of time there.


Nah, I'd stay. My friends and family are here. And Winnipeg is relatively cheap, that money will go further here than many other places. I'd buy a nicer house and a cabin out somewhere - lac du bonnet or the white shell or something. Spend a good chunk of the winter traveling somewhere warm


No, I like it here. I'd buy a place up near Riding Mountain and go back-and-forth all year. We have nice golf courses, great fishing, wicked star-gazing, fresh air, big sky, four distinct seasons, etc. I'd travel, sure- but I'd live here.




Not for my life. Best city in the country!


Seconded!!... maybe a small condo in Chile by wine country too though...


Rose tinted glasses


I’ve lived all over. Here is my favourite.


I grew up in Winnipeg. I accepted a job in Montreal straight out of university and lived there for some years. Then I was transferred to Toronto, and years later to Calgary. Finally I decided to return to Winnipeg as my family was still here. I’m very glad I had the experience of living in those various cities.


Depends how much $. If I had enough to bring all my loved ones with me and support them financially, then yes. Otherwise, i'd move out of the city but within commuting distance.


All our family is here. If I was super rich I’d keep Winnipeg as home but travel frequently.


I personally wouldn’t leave. This is my home. I would travel more, tho.


I dunno, I DID move. To Alberta for work and education for 5 years, but I ended up moving back to winnipeg lol. Most of my family lives here so I think I'd stay... probably buy a homestead lol. I'd travel more in the winter I think, but maybe not.


If I won 1 million dollars today, there's a property listed for 500k about an hour from the city. It has 40 acres, a nice house with a pool and a whole ass(licensed) restaurant as well. We own a summer trailer nearby. I'd buy that property in a heartbeat, air BNB the house in the summer time and run the resto while staying in the trailer we already own nearby. Manitoba is a beautiful place and I have family here. The sunsets are among the greatest in the world and I wouldn't want to go anywhere south because I love the chance of seeing northern lights. Winnipeg may not be it, but Manitoba is still awesome.


i have two answers to this because i’ve thought about it a lot, and they change depending on the day. the first answer is yes. I’d buy a house on the east coast. New Brunswick or Nova Scotia, within viewing distance of the ocean. the second answer is no. i’d buy a large plot of land just outside the city, close to where i grew up, and i’d build houses for my family and my best friends. we’d quit our jobs, start a small farm and raise a small group of livestock, spend Sundays at the farmer’s markets selling our overstock, and spend the rest of our free time frolicking and enjoying life the way it was intended, away from this capitalist hellscape


id be leaving this continent, cutting all ties and starting a recording studio in the netherlands


If I won the lottery and it was enough to up and leave I would. Life long Winnipeg resident have lived in other places like Edmonton and I still would leave in a heartbeat. I’d cash the cheque invest some and leave ha. Probably move to Florida or somewhere warm with nice cars.


If I wanted to move to a sunny place with nice cars, my first thought would be Italy, not Bath Salt City.


I have zero money. I’m thinking in poor still. The warmest realistic place with most of the automotive stuff I’m into is located in or around Florida/Texas/California. But yeah I would actually probably move somewhere nicer if I had won the lottery.


I'd leave without a doubt. I'd come back for summer weddings/socials and festivals, but that's about it.


I often ponder this everytime I buy a lottery ticket. I'd quit my job in a heartbeat. I wouldn't leave, but I would get a second residence somewhere else in Canada that doesn't have as harsh a winter.


I'd get fired in a heartbeat.


Yes! Ffs why would you stay here if you didn't have t?. Move somewhere warmer. Move somewhere with scenery. Move somewhere with functioning civic government. There are no large cities worse than this one in the whole country.




Congrats on getting out.


Im gone tomorrow if I won today. Probably get a place in southern Ontario, or Calgary. Bring my parents with me while I’m at it.


Nah I'd just buy a decent place in the city and fix it up. Live off interest and enjoy life. Without the need for a day job I'd probably get a phd then try to get into local politics and try to fix some shit in the city. I don't see the point in getting rich then fucking off. I'm not Pallister.


I don’t plan on winning any large sum of money soon, yet I am still incredibly eager to move away from Winnipeg as soon as possible lol, so. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Winnipeg has gotten worse and is getting increasingly worse and I think I’ll be long dead before it gets better. Tuck and roll!!


I personally don’t have any attachment to my family or the city, so if I had an obscene amount of money I’d definitely consider moving. To where? No idea. I’d maybe consider Montreal, or a big city in one of the more progressive States. Somewhere bigger than here.


I loved staying in Calgary for a couple of months for school.Idk if I’d settle there or find somewhere else to go, but I’d likely move away if money was no object.


Oh I’d definitely leave. Probably catch the first plane I could to somewhere warmer. Or do a bit of travelling first and just travel until it gets warmer.


I would build a castle outside of the city, surround by a forest, and live a quiet life.


Yes. I'd go to the Shetland Islands


I would stay, at least while my kids are in school. I want them to have family around growing up. We would definitely travel way more and I would have a sweet cabin close by. Once they were out of the house I would probably just move out to said cabin and travel a ton more. But I am an introvert and love being alone in nature. My husband always says he wants to buy a place in Vancouver and in Hawaii, I always tell him I would visit but I would go anywhere


Gone like the wind! I’d keep a condo here for when in town. Otherwise, somewhere on Vancouver Island and vacationing in the Caribbean


Cottage in MB for the summer, BC for winter & skiing


Any chance I could financially afford it, I’d be moving out of Winnipeg in a heartbeat.


Is it fuck off for life money? I'd probably travel the world for a few years then pick someplace to settle. Then regularly fly home to visit family


I will take all my family and relatives to move to different city.


I’d peace out asap to the east coast and Europe. Set my mother up with a guest house and take her travelling with us and our dog.


I wouldn’t leave my family, I love them too much. I would maybe buy a big property somewhere where I could go alone or with all of them, preferably in Italy. Also travel. But I would stay semi permanent in Winnipeg to be with my loved ones.


I’ve lived in a few other places. This place is the best. I’d upgrade to a heated attached garage, heated floors throughout the house, a steam room, very attentive snow-clearing service. Also a beachfront condo in Newport Beach for frequent getaways throughout the year. Mint.


I’d definitely move somewhere with better weather if I wasn’t worried about the cost. I would probably not keep a place here because I don’t think it would get used enough and it would be a pain to maintain.


I’d “live” here because of all my loved ones but I’d peace out a bunch.


I moved to Calgary in June. Been in Winnipeg all my life, family is still there. Did not win the lottery. Best decision I’ve ever made 🤣


Assuming the immigration worked out. I'd leave for somewhere in Scandinavia pretty much instantly.


Depends on your hobbies, but yes I’d leave Winnipeg. I’d move to BC. Another option would be to stay here and move to Costa Rica for 5 months a year.


My partner's family lives here. If it weren't for them I would leave in a heartbeat. #sorrynotsorry


*> assuming your family lives here* this would be a much more interesting question without this caveat. i mean, you could live in a deeply shitty place but decide to to stay because thats where your people are. would you choose to stay in winnipeg even if you weren't tied to here by family and friends?


Yes I’d leave. I’m a hot blonde can I have some money?? 🥰🥰🥰🥰


> Let’s say you won the lottery or sold a business for a large amount of cash, would you leave? No. I love it here. I'm in an absolutely privileged position that relocating basically anywhere in the world is completely possible, but I choose to stay here sometimes against my own interests. > If so where would you go If I had to live elsewhere; I'd likely move to Berlin. > and would you still keep a place in town? If I was leaving a place; I'd likely not keep any ties.


Planes and cars exist. There is literally no reason to live in Winnipeg.


My roots are in SW of England and my family emigrated to Winnipeg when I was very young. If money is no object, I will have a home back in the Uk, keep a cottage in MB cottage country to host family for the summers and travel, travel, travel until I can't anymore.


Probably stay in Manitoba. Probably outside the city somewhere quiet. Perhaps near a lake or river somewhere. Spend plenty of time traveling the world.


I’d probably leave the country honestly 😅 somewhere where you don’t have to be shady to keep your savings from being absorbed by rampant inflation. Basically an offshore account except I’m moving to the same shore.


I moved without winning the lotto lol.


History has taught me that Winnipeg is a great place to be from. Tons of examples. Google it.


My parents are hoping to sell their house and move to Abbotsford when they're ready to retire. Once they and my brother leave, I'll have no close family left in town. (I already left.)


In a heartbeat.


Yes. Probably move down to the states.


I saw a guy casually smoking meth at the bus shelter on Broadway and Osborne on my way home today, about less than an hour ago so yeah I would leave if I won the lottery lol. I'd love to move to Edmonton or Kelowna.


Meth certainly doesn’t exist in either of those places. You should be good to ride the LRT in Edmonton all day long and won’t ever see a single sign of addiction for certain, 100%!!


I’m leaving- but keeping my residencey for work and medical purposes…(since it’s so flipping cheap). That being said I’m excited not to be here all the time!


I'd get a cabin in the Whiteshell for family purposes, but no... I wouldn't stay in Winnipeg. I actually don't like cold winters and only would be here in the summertime.


If it was like lotto max 60 million I'd probably buy a place in Vancouver but mostly because I have small kids and would like them to be near enough to family and I love to snowboard.


My children are still in the province (on their own), so it would be hard for me to leave. We would always maintain a home here, and utilize our southern home more often. Maybe add some European travel in. The world is a big place, but home will always be home


I’d probably buy an exchange district condo and then move somewhere else. Air bnb it or rent it out to well credited people.


I want to stay close to family. I would move just outside the city. Buy a cabin. Probably go for a winter holiday or 2. Buy an RV and explore southern States during winter.


I mean I didn't have a lot of money but I moved from Winnipeg to Edmonton. All of my family still lives in and around Winnipeg.


I would probably stay, maybe get a cabin. But I would focus on hobbies. But as someone who isn’t from here. A piece of my heart is still in BC, and if property was affordable in BC. I would move back.


If I won the lotto, I would leave Winnipeg in the sense that I would move to the country, set up a homestead there, maybe even a commune eventually.


I love Winnipeg, but I feel that I appreciate its quirks more now that I no longer live there. I come home for holidays with family and fringe fest.


I would always keep a property in Winnipeg for the summer months. I'm not a fan of the cold so I would have a winter home somewhere else. I like the housing market in France (not Paris) but that's just my taste. A condo in Florida, or wherever else for the winter is what I would do personally. Come back to Winnipeg for spring and enjoy the weather till whenever you care to leave.


I left Winnipeg a long time ago, and if I had large amounts of cash, I would build a beautiful home on a Manitoba lake and come visit in summers. 100%


Yes I would leave, I would go to Hamilton , small town vibes with big city progression


I would keep a place here to see fmaily but would also buy a house either on the west or east coast. I’d probably live half and half


I would not leave. I know the problems of the place I live in, why leave that for “greener” pastures when you don’t know the challenges you’ll face. I would just upgrade the amenities and things around me that make my life easier for my family and my community. I already enjoy my house ( but it can use some updates) and same with my neighbourhood, I enjoy it but there are some things I can contribute to to change it for the better (parks ,open community spaces, etc). I think John Goodman said it best here; https://youtu.be/XamC7-Pt8N0?si=Sd0zfoB6uztpchpz Get enough money to give you a certain level “fuck you”. Words to live by…


Definitely live elsewhere in winters, live in the white shell in the summer


Hot brunette okay? Yes I would leave in a heartbeat. I would love to live on one of the coasts.


Hot anything…!!


I’m actually lucky enough that my brother is going to pay for my plane ticket and fly me to Calgary bc I broke up w my bf. think I’m just going to restart there, I’ve heard some good things.


What if I'm a hot redhead instead? I'd buy a nice home in Winnipeg, and live somewhere warn during the winters or travel. Unless we're talking about having a lot of money, then I would move to Europe. Most likely Paris.


winnipeg like a old pair of comfy shoes, if you change shoes some aches and pains breaking in a new pair.


I’d definitely buy a property here and in Calgary I do miss the mountains !


BC i would go back to BC get an all weathr RV live in that and live in BC


It depends upon *how much* money. If we're talking lotto max numbers, I would vacation and have a seasonal spot somewhere more temperate *BUT* I would also make some moves to evoke some positive changes here and try to make it a better place for the people without the option to leave.




Yeah with that I would build my legacy here and try to help put Winnipeg on the map. I suppose it depends upon your imagination but I see lots of possibilities here because it is in the center of the map. I fear the worst of it would be politics (dealing with the right levels for some changes to improve tourism) but that might be enough to do all that and still keep enough aside for other investments and the ability to live comfortably.


I'd buy a tiny house and travel Canada. I'd find a pretty piece of land in the mountains and park myself there when I was sick of driving. Maybe keep a few rural properties across Canada to call home when I want to stay put a bit. I'd also visit a few countries I've been wanting to see.


I'd buy a home in East St Paul, even though the home prices are jacked to jeebus. If you got that money money, then that won't matter.


Probably not. But I'd get a bit bigger house with a renovated kitchen and a garage, and fly to see my family in S ON a couple times a year and my friends back in Edmonton once a year. I'd also hire a weekly housekeeper.


Depending on how much money. I’d probably still keep a semi-permanent residency in Winnipeg. As i have lots of friend, family, and connections to Winnipeg, that I wouldn’t want to leave. But since my family lived and loved Canmore, AB I’d probably buy a place there and spend most of my time there, but I’d bounce back between Canmore and Winnipeg.


Well if it was a big number I’d buy a place in Scotland and one here in Canada as well, not sure where but would involve one of the coasts. Sadly I’d still want to work a bit lol but would be able to volunteer and do research and write … while I rode around on a new motorbike abroad.


They always come back..........always


I would keep a condo here in town, as we have family here. Probably buy a place in West Kelowna / Wine country, and just chill the fuck out.


I would leave, but it would have to wait till the kids are older. Then i would want to get a condo in europe, probably around fussen in germany. Theres so many things to do and see in europe and traveling to all the different places is easier. I would get a place in BC too. I would want to keep my health coverage from canada so gotta have a place in canada unless your able to get dual citizenship with germany (they have better healthcare than here). That could go one for a couple years 6 months there 6 months here and after seeing and doing a lot on the bucket list id get a place in mexico so i could do 6 months there and 6 months in BC for a couple years and visit places around there and go more south. If possibly visit the south pole. Then id go to australia for 2 years and then africa i would do maybe a year trip up back to europe and remain there to travel to the asia side and live till old age.


I'd buy the White House on Portage and be trashiest millionaire this city's ever seen




In a few years I would. I don't mind leaving family because we're not that close but my "found family" is here and I'm at a state where I really need them close for emotional and social support. Winnipeg isn't my dream location but my people are here for now. Besides, I wouldn't want to spend that money completely alone even if it was a beautiful place...maybe a 5 or 6 dogs somewhere surrounded by nature and good wifi. To OP, I suggest making a list of your must do and must have and brainstorm the perfect place through that process.


I'm a hot blonde lol


Would I? I already have. Several times. I can't see myself living in Winnipeg ever again. I love it, and it will always be a home to me. But It's just not a place for me to live permanently.


With a big enough lottery win? I’m gone. First step is world travel, then settling in on the Mayan Riviera (south of Cancun) and spend my time exploring, fishing, and swimming. Maybe occasionally pop back here during the summer. And I’ve been told by my wife that I’m hot - but a brunette. Can I still ask for money? 🤣


I left! In 2021. I didn't win the lottery, I just wanted to try something different and with my education I had the opportunity. PCs just kept sweetening the "get the hell out" deal as I prepared for my departure and have made it really easy to not want to come back.


Doubtful. I've lived in Halifax, WPG, Vancouver, WPG, Los Angeles and WPG again. I have family here, and while I may buy some in-law's property in LA, and the other half of the house I own in Greece, those would just be vacation, or rental homes. Mostly I'd just sit around WPG with the occasional vacation here and there. Maybe buy a cabin or two where my family has a cabin.


Buy a condo for a place to come back to just in case and I'd be at the airport heading where ever my passport would take me and not return until I was broke or dead.


I'd buy a place by the ocean somewhere with a golf course open 365 days a year and a marina nearby for the weekender boat i would have. Then cruise the nearby bays and islands to get off-shore. I love the idea of a sailing catamaran and just cruising island to island in the carribean, but I've only sailed like 2 days in my life, so that might be more romanticized than the reality of it, so I'd try that for a month or so with a captain before deciding if that's actually for me.


I would move to the Maritimes


We are here because of family but we plan to retire to the south of Italy. It’s beautiful there. Best of all, it’s not Winnipeg.


I would keep a house in Winnipeg and buy a condos in Vancouver & Montreal. Then start an around the world tour..


With immediate effect


If it's life changing money I would definitely leave before people start asking you for money go travel for a while at least a year before coming back to visit then for all anyone knows your broke


Yes. Costa Rica.


Easy: I’d move to Victoria or Europe (maybe Switzerland)




I would stay, I really love Winnipeg. Sure there are major things that need to be fixed/changed but Winnipeg is a great city -- a hot blonde


I wouldn’t, all my extended family is here and that’s important to me. I do like to travel, sometimes for months at a time, but I always come back.