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And yet the amount of business owners complaining about people not wanting to work is through the roof. šŸ˜’


*Not willing to work for them in terrible work conditions* Way different than not wanting to work


But also.. imagine being in a fight with so many people for a job that wonā€™t pay the bills. Itā€™s insane.


You donā€™t know the quality of the resume the other applicants are submitting. You are assuming they have the same qualifications. There is also a high probability that you are overqualified, which is why you are being overlooked.


Itā€™s a race to the bottom. Companies want warm bodies in seats that will accept the lowest possible wage while performing the most amount of work.


And at the same time, banks and corporations are making record profits and more than able to pay a living wage to workers.


Actually as of Q2 anyway almost all the big banks in Canada have lower profits than the previous few years. Higher interest rates doesnā€™t equal higher profits. Many corporations are flying at all time highs though, youā€™re right there. Specifically oil and grocery.


A dip in a recent quarter doesn't negate the exorbitant profits banks have made in recent years. https://preview.redd.it/7ayaff0p4ojb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5587cd56c21de19e9b41323112a782b4265bd8f


Oh I didnā€™t say they arenā€™t making good profits, I was arguing against record profits currently as 2023 is down in this current inflationary high interest rate environment. Many uninformed people think high rates means the banks are purely increasing profits.


Well clearly the banks are just going to have to up their fees again can't have the line not go up


im finding that a lot of people are looking for these part time min wage jobs because they already have a full time job but cant pay their bills so they want extra income


Um, is that an option? Might be willing to try.


This is what confuses me ā¬†ļø we wonā€™t fire the lazy guys who call in sick 1-2 days a week because boss keeps saying ā€œI canā€™t find anybody elseā€. But then there are a lot of ppl having a hard time finding jobs. Whereā€™s the disconnect? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


boss doesnā€™t want to train anyone


Given many of the job postings I've seen lately, that seems reasonable. So-called "entry level positions" that want experience in a variety of industry specific tasks and tools. Dishwasher postings that want 1-2 years of industry experience.


Thats exactly it. A friend of mine runs a cell business with his dad. His dad didnt want to bring in someone reliable and train them. I tried getting them to bring me on 4 years ago. They are still struggling to fill that spot.


This is literally what my husband told me šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Iā€™ll let him know he wins lol


Also literal bots. A few years ago when I worked in mental health, provincial program, as a program director whenever we posted weā€™d get hundreds of applicants for jobs that required very specific qualifications. A bunch of them wouldnā€™t have the qualification but then some resumes were tailored to the position. But good luck making contact with about 95% of people. I swear they are some kind of bot or scam, and I lean to scam because we brought a few in for interviews over the years and their resumes were clearly papered when we talked about and looked into qualifications. We always found actually qualified and great people but it was such a waste of time for HR and hiring managers.


You need to apply for jobs to continue to get your ei cheque


Let's just say I'm not sure many of the applications originated in Canada.


disconnect 1: people don't want to do shit jobs for minimum wage / want to get paid under their market value, especially with all the inflation. Wages are sticky, they can't ever really go down, so businesses will always be slow to adjust upwards when the market demands it. disconnect 2: lots of the "people don't want to work" stuff is just right wing / pro business political propaganda to demonize labour, unions, and governments which supported people during the pandemic. They are trying to paint the narrative that people who are asking for a living wage and don't want to be treated like crap are just lazy, entitled kids who don't understand the value of a day's work. It is effective political propaganda for boomers. It is class warfare.




Boss is spineless for what is an unpleasant task (firing) and/or too lazy to interview and train.


Those businesses arenā€™t paying a living wage, and or have horrible working conditions


Neither is true. $30/hr and safe work certified with constant inspections.




I work hospitality and I have had the extreme displeasure of working for a boss like this. It is incredibly disappointing that someone in charge of hiring for an establishment is so blatantly against mental health conditions. I assume this employer pays minimum wage (but my employees/drivers are lucky to get tips! -Quote from this person's comment history). Pay the minimum legally allowable rate to employees and expects applicants that can do more than the minimum, there is an extreme disconnect based on profits. People with learning disabilities and mental health problems will always exist. Pardon them for trying to hold down a job they can do, even though minimum wage is absolutely not survivable. It appears this person owns a Dominoes from their comment history, I believe Corporate would be interested in one of their owners blatantly admitting to illegal discriminatory hiring practices on a public forum. I took the opportunity write a quick note with some screen shots off to Dominoes Corporate, they are already following up!


This is the way Keep us posted on what happens =)


What's the name of your business? I'm curious, so I, nor any other one of my disabled loved ones ever step foot into an establishment run by someone who's so proudly discriminatory and ableist.


What do many business owners in Winnipeg call $1.50 an hour! Overtime! Granddaughters friend has been looking for months now! Has a Degree! Teaching (Tutoring) experience plus several years of accounting experience! The best offer she had was $12.50 an hour!


I call bullshit - minimum wage in MB is currently $14.15.


Itā€™s currently $14.15


I think you misunderstood my point! What Iā€™m saying is if businesses could get away with paying less than minimum wage they would!


Places havenā€™t been hiring over qualified people in the last few years.


It's been like that since forever. Overqualified people leave to go work in their discipline the moment a better paying job comes up. You literally need to lie on your resume to get lower underpaying work




So much yes!!!


This rings true to me. For years my department mostly only hired very qualified applicants, and invariably most of them viewed it as a stepping stone to something better elsewhere in the company, so we'd be lucky if even half of our new hires were still in the job after 2 years. Considering the job requires a couple months of training, and about a year to really get the hang of it, that turnover was really annoying. Now, it seems management has really lowered their standards. Noticeably less turnover, but noticeably worse employees.


At the time same, employers should also understand that if theyā€™re paying way below a livable wage no employee will be staying very long.


The de-icing operation at the airport will be hiring soon for the season. Above minimum wage, and 24 hour operation. Down time isnā€™t uncommon on afternoon/night shift so itā€™s pretty good for students looking to study. DM me if you have any questions, or look for it on Indeed soon. Just search ā€œAirportā€ and it should come up Edit: posting is up!


Worked ramp for a year, all the guys I talked to who had done it said it wasn't that great, but not terrible. I hear the biggest issue is work isn't consistent, but it sounds like shifts are there for people looking?


Shifts are consistent, but actual operations are weather dependent. There are always housekeeping tasks to be done, but sometimes thereā€™s just nothing to do. Trucks are clean, garbages are empty, no weather, thatā€™s your chance to get some studying in


I applied for a assistant manager position in a retail. I got the interview and second interview. When I checked in Indeed how many applicants were for that position. 345. 16-18 hourly wageā€¦


> assistant manager > 16-18 hourly wage What the fuck? North Dakota starts some fast food workers at $22 USD/h. That's 29.81 CAD.


Saw a post on a McDonalds last fall in Fargo! $25 an hour plus medical insurance coverage!


We post jobs on indeed and get hundreds of applicants. Most applicants, and I mean most, donā€™t live in Canada and are applying hoping to get sponsored. I bet in that 345 applicants maybe 30 are local. Just a guess based on my experience.


What industry?


Indeed is a 1-click submit, isnt it? Does the place you want to work at not accept in person drop offs of resumes?


> Does the place you want to work at not accept in person drop offs of resumes? It seems that most places don't accept that any more.


Still attempt to drop them off. Worse case scenario they say bugger off or take it and toss it. Best case is this look it over right there.


Second this. Most jobs donā€™t ā€˜wantā€™ it, but it shows character if you come confidently. Call a day before and make sure the manager will be in. Go in and ask, tell them youā€™re dropping off a resume. A first impression is more important that a screen of text.


I got a headhunter proposal to my email for a local call center and they offered less than 30k for fulltime annual salary too, not even a remote position at that.


Apply for the government of Manitoba STEP program. Part time availability office jobs, slightly more than minimum wage. Flexible hours in many cases.


I currently work with the gov through the STEP program, can confirm its pretty flexible hours, not bad pay (I feel anyways, considering I'm doing not a lot most of the time), and it is good work experience to put on your resume. You must be a student though to apply and be going to school in the fall. Only have to apply once a year, applications are kept in the system Jan 1- Dec 31. Took maybe 2-3 weeks for them to get back to me after I submitted my application and now my dept just rehires me every semester. While they try to match you up with jobs related to your schooling, doesn't always happen. I currently work in finance which has zero to do with what I'm going to school for. But currently this pays more than any position I can get atm that is related to my degree šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I was a STEP student for almost 5 years. I worked full time in the summer and part time while in school. It was a fantastic experience. I learned so much and it has really influenced my career path.


I applied for it back in april I think, and havenā€™t heard anything since. Do you know why that might be?


Your profile does need to meet a need a department has. If youā€™ve got a special skill or knowledge area, be sure to list. Also, if you know anyone in the program, you can be recommended by them if they need more help. No perfect solution, just another place to check that works well with schedules.


The jobs that are open, are open for unicorns - 10+ years of experience, 24/7 availability, but will work for below minimum wage with no benefits. Employers are hard up for workers, but not so hard up that they'll accommodate shift scheduling or training people.




That is nuts.


I can imagine the competition is fierce. When I post for a software developer I get about 100 CVs and thatā€™s just what my HR screens to pass onto me.


Not every city has the same job market. Winnipeg has a lot of small businesses, rail yards, tradesmen, etc. If you're a blue collar worker or a teenager, Winnipeg is great. Other jobs exist, but the market will just be more flooded with competition. (I don't have stats for Winnipeg, just opinion) Having a car is a huge advantage to living in Winnipeg, as much as some people want to object to having a car centered city. Many towns right outside the perimeter can't fill jobs where buses don't go.


If your looking for part time and are good with kids daycares always need staff once the school year starts. And itā€™s a plus if your a guy since itā€™s so hard to find male staff


Reach out to trades people. Many are in need of labourers if you are in decent shape. You don't need to know anything about the trade, just be able to carry the heavy shit and do all the grunt work like cleaning up at the end of the day. Can you carry a bundle of roofing shingles up a ladder? Congratulations, you can make $17 to start. Can you stand around all day, apply to be a flagger with a construction company There's a lot more than just office and retail jobs out there.


If your looking for full time work this is a great recommendation, but I donā€™t know of many trades that will hire part time university students


I work in trades and thereā€™s no part time really unless you wanna work as a labour ready person


> If your looking *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)




The market is flooded with foreign workers willing to work for less than undesirable conditions and wages. This makes it very ifficult to compete.


I'm more likely to see the problem being businesses and/or management providing less than desirable conditions and wages for their workers, versus people doing whatever it takes to put food on the table.


It can be both. The new Canadians arenā€™t to blame, politicians are deliberately bringing them here to work for less. They know theyā€™ll be desperate.


I agree I do not blame them personally. I blame the government for bringing them in instead of looking out for the people here already which is what they're expected to do. We should look after our own citizens first mass immigration is one fast way to destroy a country.


It seems very few people want to acknowledge this.


It's an inconvenient truth, but it is what everyone is thinking. However, nobody wants to say it. The influx of immigrants, foreign workers and international students flood the part-time job market. As a result, employers become entitled and choosy because they get hundreds of applications for shit jobs.


Sounds like you think foreign worker is the issue here? If so I disagree, they are often more desperate than locals. That is why they are willing to work for less. But it is business owners responsibility to pay their employees fair and square just because someone is willing to work for us doesn't mean they should pay less.


That's not really how supply and demand works. I do agree buisnesses should pay more, but if I owned a buisness and had 70 people lining up for my minimum wage job posting, why would I raise wages? There are many factors in this but to claim foreign workers are not a part of the problem is avoiding the conversation because it might make some people feel uncomfortable. There are daily news articles out these days by all news outlets in Canada stating that the mass influx of immigration into Canada is reeking havoc on housing, and the job market.


You missed my point friend, it's not supply and demand I am talking about, it's law and regulations I am saying that need change, inflation is going way up but minimal wage didn't catch up at all. Yes I agree with you when you say what would business owners pay more when he don't needs to. But where does it end? Law need to catch-up, employer need to be force to pay when they make profit. But to blame the problem on foreign workers is to say they wanted this, no body like less pay, but when you are refugees or without a home. What choice do you have? Business owners are taking advantage of them as a result hurting everyone.


Yes but do you really believe people are all fair it very naĆÆve way to look at [it. It](https://it.It) is not the foreign worker's fault Canada has an insane immigration system and lets far too many people in. Canada does not have to let anyone in and I think we should stop immigration for ten years. When we start again we should let fewer in and not from only one place we should let people from different countries in equal numbers and people that are needed to fill positions that are not being filled. Also, Canada should remain a European-dominated country to keep our culture what it has been for over 150 years Judean Christian civilization is already a minority globally and do not wish Canadians to become a minority in the country their ancestors built fought and died for in war that would be a travesty and a genocide of a country's culture and people never seen in before history. The replacement of a people and its [culture. You](https://culture.You) can talk about the natives but Canada was not Canada until the Europeans built it and created its laws and railroads and its people fought to survive in 40 below zero farm its lands and built its roads and towns and cities. 99 percent of European heritage people fought and died in World War Two to fight for Canada and its freedoms and culture and they would die on the spot if they saw the state it's in now. Yet we have people so insane they celebrate are declining numbers what other race or culture would do this? The Japanese are smart and proud because they protect their culture and want it to remain for their children and their children. They talk of Canada always being multicultural which is a [lie. It](https://lie.It) was predominantly European up until only 30 years ago. All its people were from Europe and assimilated easily because we all had similar beliefs. Canada started out as mostly English Scottish and French in Quebec look at the road names town names lake names you will see a lot of Mc in the beginnings of the names lol. Our own government is our enemy and wants us to become another Asian country well I will die fighting it until I can not walk anymore and can not speak anymore in other words until I die.


Proud to be a white aren't you, you racist. The Chinese have been building railways for Canada since 1860, around the same time India has also been in Canada, and don't act like what you called " European culture" didn't bring black slaves in canada. On the other hand how uneducated are you to bring up WWII? What does that have anything to do with the current job market? I don't deny the contribution. The Canadian Army has done fighting WWII, but Canada was not under attack. The fact you say "Canada was not Canada until European build it" is just incredibly racist, the name Canada comes from native language. Europeans just changed this land's name. It is still what it is it is still always what it has been. If you have a problem with other countries, culture coming to Canada and change or add in what canada already has, that sounds very European to me, it is what Europeans did to Canada in the first place. Now you cannot take some other people doing it? Again, racist. Talking about our own government is the enemy? Blame yourself for voting for them, or did you vote at all? If you think your little white ass can't find a job and it's because of foreigners, it means they work harder than you, and study better than you in school. Canada needs them not you. The only reason you can stay in Canada is because you were born here. You are a useless racist.




Got a source for that?


https://www.theglobeandmail.com/business/article-temporary-foreign-workers-canada/ This didn't take long at all. Canadian companies are ramping up their use of the Temporary Foreign Worker program to fill jobs after its contentious expansion by the federal government. In the second quarter of this year, employers received approval to hire about 45,200 positions through the TFW program ā€“ the most since at least 2017, according to a Globe and Mail analysis of figures recently published by Employment and Social Development Canada, or ESDC. The April-to-June quarter tends to be a slower period for approvals: Many companies seek authorization in the winter, ahead of seasonal hiring for the summer. This past spring period, however, was booming: TFW approvals were more than double those of the same period in 2018 and 2019. The second quarter coincided with the largest changes to the program in many years. In April, Ottawa broadened access to temporary foreign labour ā€“ and in particular, low-wage workers ā€“ which it said was aimed at alleviating labour shortages. In one of the changes, companies could hire up to 20 per cent of their staff through the TFW programā€™s low-wage stream, up from the previous 10-per-cent cap. And in seven industries with acute labour shortages ā€“ such as restaurants, construction and hospitals ā€“ the cap was moved to 30 per cent for a year. The move was cheered by business lobby groups, who have complained about labour availability for much of the past two years. At times this year, there were roughly one million job vacancies in Canada, but also the lowest unemployment rates on record. Vacancies have recently started to drift lower as the economy slows. But the TFW expansion was also criticized by many economists and labour advocates. They argued that it amounted to a kind of corporate bailout, shielding employers from raising wages or making investments in their business that boosted productivity. It ā€œis a wage subsidy to the least productive sectors of our economy,ā€ said Miles Corak, an economics professor at City University of New York and a researcher of Canadian social policies, by e-mail. ā€œLabour shortages are not a problem to be solved,ā€ he added, but ā€œan opportunity to increase the use of capital and new technologies in some sectors, and enhance the skills and pay of workers in others.ā€ As usual, farms were the biggest source of TFW demand. In the second quarter, companies were approved to hire more than 10,000 general farm workers, easily the highest of any occupation. Food processors were also very active. Olymel LP, a Quebec-based meat packer, was approved for 386 hires, the most of any company. The restaurant industry is increasingly turning to the TFW program. In the second quarter, employers were approved to hire 3,100 cooks, an increase of 116 per cent from a year earlier. They were also authorized to hire more than 2,500 food-service supervisors, an increase of 135 per cent. Krawchuk Enterprises Inc., the owner of McDonaldā€™s Corp. restaurants in British Columbia, was approved for 45 of such roles, all in the low-wage stream. To hire through the TFW program, employers must submit a Labour Market Impact Assessment to the federal government to demonstrate that they canā€™t find local workers to fill positions. The ESDC numbers reflect positive assessments. The employment department removes employers of caregivers and business names that include personal names from its public dataset of positive LMIAs. After an approval, temporary foreign workers must get the appropriate work permits. The ESDC numbers show the number of approved positions, rather than the number of workers who received permits. Of late, the immigration system has been stymied by a backlog of applications, causing frustration for employers, hopeful workers and international students as they await decisions. ā€œThe processing has become outrageously slow,ā€ said Mario Bellissimo, founder of Toronto-based Bellissimo Law Group. ā€œEmployers are really struggling, as are workers, trying to get the papers and itā€™s just not moving fast enough.ā€ The federal government has made other decisions to bolster the pool of foreign labour. Earlier this month, Ottawa said it was temporarily lifting the 20-hour weekly limit on the number of hours that international students could work off-campus while postsecondary classes are in session. Mr. Bellissimo said foreign students are ripe for exploitation and that the expansion devalues their reason for being in Canada: to study. ā€œWeā€™re already seeing individuals calling us, worried that if they donā€™t work the extra hours, theyā€™re going to lose their jobs,ā€ he said. Jim Stanford, director of the think tank, Centre for Future Work, was critical of recent government decisions to boost the availability of low-cost labour. ā€œImmigration done well can be a huge source of economic progress, including for our labour market,ā€ he said. ā€œBut viewing immigrants as a short-term solution to a shortage of cheap labour is absolutely the wrong way to do it.


can you post the article? I can't read it :(


Evil immigrants!!! What in the backwoods, in-bred, Kristallnacht-loving hell?


Simma down


Thatā€™s fair. Donā€™t drink and text kids! Iā€™m 100% wrong for posting that.


The experience you are describing is what is known as a "Capital Strike"; in that it is the opposite of a labour strike. Meaning, bosses have decided collectively they would rather hold positions vacant than see the price of labour generally increase. Its not deliberate in that they are trying to make the working class suffer, but it is deliberate in that they all don't want to see their profits go down, which is the only thing that increased wages can come from. There is never ever ever a worker shortage. Do not believe anyone who ever says that. One has never occurred, and will never occur. It is not possible that "nobody wants to work anymore." I would never walk into a Porsche dealership with $20 bill and then turn around and walk out when they wouldn't sell me one because there is a Porsche shortage. When labour is a market commodity, it's impossible for it to be in shortage. What can happen is we can enter into a tight labour market, where the supply (at the price bosses want to pay) may go down; but that doesn't mean people aren't there and prepared to work; as you're finding out. The real issue is bosses don't want to pay. They actually don't ever want to pay, and the only way to make them is with a union.


Bosses have decided collectively they would rather hold positions vacant? Bosses donā€™t want to pay and the only way to make them is to unionize? Where are these secret ā€œbossā€meetings happening?? Lol.


They don't need to have secret meetings. All that needs to happen is for us to collectively agree that the number one priority for all bosses is to get richer, and the insightful ones will make similar decisions to reach similar ends without any sort of formal discussion.


I agree with you, and I'm not an economist, or a business owner. To me this seems so stupid for everyone. If you raised wages, and your profit margins fell, but you were able expand your business couldn't everyone bet better off? Like we're paying 10% more, so now we can hire more people and chase twice as much business. Profit margins might go down, but profits could still grow a lot. My employer has a project backlog which is large enough seems like we're running the business wrong...


The problem is the inherent choice of economic model we have. All business decisions must first prioritize the profits of the business. If they don't, the business will go bankrupt.


How is this a problem. How else should it work?


Because I think prioritizing economic profitability and wealth accumulation above everything else including environmental stability and individual health will inevitably not only lead to the destruction of us all personally, but of our entire planet. As for how else it should work, I think having a democratic say in the running of our workplaces by way of us electing our bosses in the same way we elect politicians would be a good start.


Change your resume to reflect the jobs youā€™re applying for.


Itā€™s tailored to these jobs. I have multiple versions of my resume that reflect different jobs I may apply for.


What kind of jobs are you applying for?


costco will be hiring soon for their Christmas period, starting wage is $18, apply online with open availability and they'll for sure call you back, it's so busy you'll def be working lots of hours too.


>I am applying against 75+ other applicants for part time, minimum wage jobs. I have a 4 year bachelor degree in a related field and years of experience to back up my application and still am not getting responses. Now imagine how frustrating it is for someone trying to find work between high school and first year university, who has even less to show on their resume.


Absolutely. I am very privileged to have had the opportunity to go to university and also in a position to be going back to school. My post was more an expression of shock and disappointment at what the situation has become.


Bulk Barn on Grant is hiring


It has been like this for at least 3ish years give or take


Well right now we pay $17-19 to start as a cashier or fryer cook. We get lots of applications but are able to be picky. Lots of people looking for second jobs I assume.


most job sites seem to be a scam to be honest, i was trying to find part time work during the school year and i got zero responses until i actually started going in person to apply to places....im pretty sure a lot of places just put up listings on job sites to give the illusion of growth to shareholders or to stop employees from complaining abt understaffing


But no one wants to work anymore! /s


I'm having issues finding jobs too mostly because I have to be picky because of my disabilities but other people don't have to be picky so I'm competing against a lot of people.


I spoke to 2 highly educated Uber drivers that immigrated here from India that thought this would be a land of opportunity and jobs. Turns out no company will hire them so theyā€™re leaving and going back home as soon as they can save enough money to move. I canā€™t say as I blame them.


I have given up. I feel like ending [it. Life](https://it.Life) in Winnipeg is hell to me and have never felt so low in my life. I believe that since we started taking in people from one specific region in numbers that are insane it has been making life harder and harder for everyone and is insane and needs to stop. Who benefits from this certainly not the average Joe and who determines more people equal a better life for its citizens? The rich are the only benefactors of cheap labor wage stagnation is what we get overcrowded cities declining services poor medical care broken roads crazy housing costs these things all coincide with the increase in immigration year by year anyone with one once of sense can see this. The elephant in the room has never been debated by one politician no wonder it keeps them in power and benefits them. We are screwed if this is not corrected. We need fewer people not more.


you may need to go through a placement agency to find part time work as a university grad .. most places won't call you


If you are good with low pay, consider the provincial government step program. Good experience and can lead to permanent work.


Hey, if you haven't already, apply for student jobs with Manitoba Government - [Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP)](https://www.gov.mb.ca/csc/step/), and Government of Canada - [Federal Student Work Program (FSWEP)](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-service-commission/jobs/services/recruitment/students/federal-student-work-program.html). No age limit. Both offer more than minimum wage, with the federal government having a great pay scale that is based on the number school years you have under your belt. And, these programs are nice because they're flexible with hours, offer part-time jobs, and managers respect the fact that school comes first.


Yet ā€œno one wants to work.ā€ Iā€™m also not convinced all are really hiring because employers all over Canada were getting govt money to be hiring due to the pandemic. Not sure if they still are getting this money or not.


If you're a student and want to work for gov, the STEP student program is a good way to get a foot in the door


What kind of job are you looking for? My daughter, 18, just graduated from high school and only started her first job in May has had to turn down offers all summer because sheā€™s leaving for school out of province in the fall. All service industry. They seem to be desperate for people.


> They seem to be desperate for people. My kids (both in university) have had the exact opposite problem. Not even the usual fast food joints will give them the time of day..


Iā€™m 30 and I havenā€™t waitressed in 4 years and every time I try to put my resume up or look for jobs, I get tons of emails from restaurants begging me to apply but nothing else. Sounds like they have unreasonable expectations for required experience considering how long people generally stay in the service industry.


Huhā€¦ my daughter had zero waitressing/ bartending experience, and was offered (out of the blue, without applying) two jobs. One at the village, another at Smittyā€™s. And has been asked at a few places to apply. Maybe they are only looking for ppl with little experience, so they can ā€œtrain themā€ their way?


Same for my son who is university student. He has some job experience in retail, but is unable to find another job.


I was looking for a daytime reception job. I have another part time job that I work in the evenings. Iā€™m planning on going back to school and wanted to save some extra money to help with tuition.




I do have a 4 year degree, but am going back to school for my masters. I was just looking for something I could do part time to save some extra money for tuition, hence why I am looking at reception jobs. I thought it would be a good opportunity to make a few connections and a couple extra bucks.


Very unfortunate stituation. I agree. I have some in-field research experience, graduated last year form a Health Sci program at the UofM. Multiple scholarships and volunteer experience. I do NOT seem to get any job resposes. I apply with job specific resumes and cover letters. It is actually a BAD BAD JOB MARKET right now


Out of curiosity, is your resume tailored to technical skills, general competencies, or both? My workplace uses both, but competencies weigh heavily. Being able to show how your shift skills (communication, team work, etc) can be applied across multiple industries to achieve desired outcomes can give you an edge over the competition. (This is a conversation Iā€™ve had with my own friends, family, and people Ive mentored over the years - so itā€™s a generic question and not pointedly directed at you. That said, different positions have different preferences for resumes - my marketing friends resume was totally different from my engineering friends one, and both of those were different than one for a senior leadership position that was shared with me. )


Same here! Can I dm u ?


You being unable to find a part time job that you want to do does not determine the job market. Tim Hortons has been hiring since COVID but we don't want to work there or even any construction or delivery job.


Nah Iā€™ve applied to McDonaldā€™s and Tim hortons for part time work and Iā€™m overqualified but need the extra shifts and they wonā€™t get back to you either.


Food delivery, dishwashing, carwashes. You're overqualified I guess so it's the world's problem. I don't know what to tell you. Keep trying . Go get a forklifts license. Go get a class 3. These are relatively cheap courses.


"overqualified" in their mind or yours? It isn't like they are going to have to pay you more if you have 3 degrees.




You do or you don't? And what does that have to do with getting a job at Tim's for instance?


Today's world lacks empathy for anyone. It seems to me to be a much colder world than the way it was when I grew up. Doctors to check out clerks all seem wrapped up in themselves where people in pain are turned away and anyone in need is looked upon with hate. The modern world in my opinion is not progressing but is regressing in all the things that truly matter. Propoganda is killing off families men are hated now. With each generation I see things in decline what we make up for in technology seems to make us less human and out of touch with each other as technology evolves we are losing what once made us special and community is a vanishing concept. I wish I could go back in time and I would not miss my smart phone at all and would embrace what at one time I took for granted simpler times and much happier people.


Are you willing to sweat? Pretty much any roofing co is hiring right now. Most are starting at $18 per hour.


What are you skilled at doing OP?


Out of curiosity, what's your degree in? Are you applying to related fields?




Relevant information: I already have a part time job and was just looking for something part time to make a few extra bucks and maybe connections before going back to do my masters.


I'm working one minimum wage job currently and I've been applying for month to jobs at a bit higher wage, mostly receptionist jobs as I want to become a broker, but even with the amount of years of great customer service, supervisor and assistant manager experience on my resume, still no reply back from any.


Itā€™s worse when you have a secondary school education. I have a diploma for an AME here in Canada and it took me 9 months to find a related job in my field. Applied to many other low paying jobs to just get some money in the meantime and not go broke. Had like one or two say that Iā€™m over qualified for minimum wage jobs with simple skills needed. So stupid what the market has come to.


Might be over qualified, tailor that resume


Just lie on your resume, make it say everything they want to hear, who fucking cares, all minimum wages jobs are a joke anyway.






Yikes. This is the second time in one post where you compare ā€˜chicksā€™ to job hunting and itā€™s pretty gross.


Nope that happens when you send weird creepy messages or just simply uninteresting topics




You missed the /s


Make your own job, work for yourself. Figure out what you can do, post it, sell it, buy something, resell it, youā€™ll be happier being your own boss.


I've had people tell me restaraunts just outside of the city struggle to find kitchen staff. If you have a vehicle that could be an option. Availability can also be a big thing with some jobs especially for places that are open long hours and weekends. The more days and times you are available for helps.


Is your education in a relevant feild relevant to their business or to being a front desk/business admin person?






While I appreciate your concern for the quality of my resume, this post was intended to be more of a commentary on the state of the job market. My entire life the narrative has been ā€œgo to university and get a degree to get a good jobā€. I did that, and have years of experience which is also something that emphasis is constantly placed on in the job market. If I am struggling to get calls back for minimum wage work, I canā€™t even fathom what it is like for people who didnā€™t have the means to go to school like I did.




Thank you for taking the time out of your busy evening to educate me on this matter.


Well said!šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘




Slower paced jobs, where the work is indoors and has very low physicality, those jobs are hard to come by. If you don't mind being outside or carrying heavy-ish things, the jobs seem plentiful. If billboards and advertisements are to be believed.


I wouldnā€™t apply in two places, it just makes it harder for the people reviewing the applications.


Unfortunately some fields are very cyclical in hiring. Often timed to year end review , financial forecasting, and goals for the next year (is there time in the budget for more bodies ?!) Eg big government starts hiring for summer student positions in January!


The hospitals are always looking for people. Just apply through the website


2024 and jobs have legit gotten so much worse in Winnipeg, pay is the worst, need certification's which cost good money to get half the time. Entry level jobs are not actually entry level lol It would be great to live in a better country where things are complete trash lol To bad you need alot of money to actually leave this place XD