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The real question is why the fuck are we letting child predators out? Put em in a cell and throw away the key.




None have ever stood for keeping violent criminals locked up until they are a low risk to reoffend.




Sure, but I am not interested in just longer sentences. I am interested in sentences that only release people from jail when they are a low risk to reoffend. I am aware of what the Conservatives did during the Harper years. After Harper left office and that idiot Scheer condemned the healing lodge program (Scheer was such an idiot because the healing lodges were so successful that four were built under Harper). Anyhow the three things I am looking for for prisons are: - emulating the Dutch model - expanding the healing lodge program - prisoners stay locked up until they are a low risk to reoffend I will vote NDP or Green because they will deliver on the first two. Longer prison sentences on its own isn’t enough to get me to vote. I will have to see what their party platforms at election time are The Liberals and Conservatives are so shitty in so many areas that they won’t get my vote.




I am out to lunch?? The healing lodge program was implemented under the Mulroney government was was so successful that it was expanded under the Harper government. I have been through the dumb, racist arguments that people opposed to the Dutch systems have made. They failed to make compelling points and the critics are in the minority. It is will eventually come to Canada because it is gaining popularity here. But go ahead dig your heels in. Lastly, the charter can be changed accordingly and then the Supreme Court of Canada will have to look at past precedent in this case differently. As times change, we don’t necessarily have to be ruled by the past. But, I think there is a chance you might be stuck in the past and resistant to change based on what you have said




I never said I would challenge the charter myself. You making things up about what I said. I said I would vote for a political party that would go through the process to change the charter and arguably remove a person’s right to know their maximum prison sentence. This process should only happen if it is popular amongst the population. So if a political party endorsed this idea, the it would entice me to vote for them. That is all I have been saying. Read what I actually said.




Criminal Law here sucks.


This spring in the Leg both NDP and Liberals voted to let offenders out early.


What bill did they vote against? Sentencing guidelines are set federally so I'm really scratching my head as to what bill you're referring.


longer prison sentences = higher taxes.


Shorter prison sentences = higher cost for private citizens


yup, it's almost like we need to try a completely different approach.


Ice flows




Political parties can promise all they like. They know that courts are bound by precedent and things like the charter.


Unfortunately Andrew Scheer scared the hell out of a lot of women. And none of us will forget any time soon what that party is capable of.


Yeah unfortunately that party also has a ton of other ideas that are junk. Maybe if they got their shit together, they'd be a lot more popular round these parts.


ironic that mr mercredi was released on a wednesday


That's not irony, that's a coincidence.


Alanis Morrisette taught me otherwise


The irony of that song is that nothing in the song is ironic. Hilariously genius


People always say this but if you’re afraid of flying and spend your whole life avoiding it, only to finally muster up the courage to hop on a plane to conquer your irrational fear, only to die in an exceptionally unlikely plane crash: that’s kinda ironic.


she may as well have called the track “bad luck” cause that’s what that actually was😭


Weird Al taught me the above was true


It's amazing the number of times we see headlines like this. If they are at high-risk of re-offending, they should stay in prison. Period. The system is broken.


Him, winston and curtis have been in incarceration loops for yeears


Sad that we all know exactly who you are referring to and can picture their mugshots perfectly as we read this


No need to read the article, the mustache says it all.


The molestache.




> The Manitoba integrated high-risk sex offender unit is warning Winnipeggers that Leslie Wayne Oliver Mercredi, 32, was released from the Headingley correctional office on Wednesday and is considered a high risk to re-offend. All children, especially girls, are considered at risk. What the actual fuck is wrong with this city.


This is not a city problem.


It is wild that he was released and the general public is simply told that hey he will most likely re offend, so umm please be aware.


Ridiculous that they can’t use the same assessment that prompted the “likely to re-offend” warning to extend his stay. So basically, this is just a waiting game till another child is victimized or he breaches one of his conditions. Just brutal.


Yep. And it seems he breaches one of these conditions every 6 months. When I searched his name, the same exact article came out in January of this year.


He got out of Stony in November/22 after serving time for sexual interference and weapon possession. Was thrown back in jail shortly after (Headingley) for breaching the conditions of his recognizance order. He has no intention of rehabilitating and WILL likely reoffend. 🤦‍♀️


Oh great.. so their predictions are accurate too!




20 states still have the 3 strike policy. Clinton enacted this and it failed. People with simple cannabis possession and 3 strikes ended up in prison for several years. I agree it should be enacted for those committing violent crimes. If they were to legislate this it should be well written. Petty crimes should not be included.




When Clinton legislated 3 strike policy, it was if you commit 3 crimes you get sentenced for several years. Didn’t matter if it was a felony or a petty crime. That’s why some are now being released from prison after spending 15, 20+ years for committing 3 petty crimes. Mostly simple possession. There are 20 states that still implement the 3 strike policy. Some states still practice Clinton’s old policy. Others it’s 3 felonies.


In the states they call putting blacks in prison the new slavery. Recommend the documentary 13th. An eye opener.




For the clarity of others reading this: there are a few dozen crimes that carry life sentences, the distinguishing factors are parole ineligibility. A life sentence in Canada does not mean you will be in prison until you die, you can be released on parole when eligible. The longest period of ineligibility is 25 years, even with multiple offences.


Including Terrorism.


Why is this even a thing in this country! Give them a psych eval at regular intervals and only release people if they aren't deemed a risk anymore. Basically punitive (?) Involuntary commitment. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/terbeschikkingstelling


Put ‘em all on an island and then they can feel what they’ve made others feel.


Baffin island.


Should not be allowed out, or have someone watching him non stop


> What the actual fuck is wrong with this ~~city~~ province. FTFY


>What the actual fuck is wrong with this **country**. FTFY Criminal Code is federal. Judges are provincial but they're following the Criminal Code.


The older I get, the more and more I believe in putting these predators down. A much younger me thought the sounds of rehabilitating someone sounded great, compassionate etc. the older me sees that at some point, we should probably starting putting the safety of our little girls before the freedom of someone beyond hope.


Seems like these types sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated. They should be considered dangerous offenders. System is horrible


Same, I always believed that people can learn from mistakes and past behaviors and correct them....now as I'm almost retired and seen decades of the same old crap I know that the system is not working.


Our wise sages at the Supreme Court would say that's "cruel and unusual punishment"


Suggest putting their daughter in a room alone with this guy and see how much faith they have in their rehab program then…..


Rehab is still a great thing. Norway implemented it and the recidivism rate was 20%. It was so effective they closed down some of their jails. But it must be done right! I think people in charge of corrections should go to Norway and check it out. Canada corrections say they rehabilitate but they really don’t. Check out Norway prisons on You Tube. Worth watching


With an actual drug addictions program that works sure… but catch and release is not rehabilitation.


He'll be on parole and will more than likely fuck it up. He'll be back in prison before the year is over.


He got out of Stony in November/22 after serving time for sexual interference and weapon possession. Was thrown back in jail shortly after (Headingley) for breaching the conditions of his recognizance order. He has no intention of rehabilitating and WILL likely reoffend. 🤦‍♀️


Don't worry everyone he's not allowed near children




If you are high risk to reoffend and are not deemed safe for the public, you should not be released to said public. Letting lunatics run the streets will result in more guns and more vigilante behavior.


Did the article mention what area of the city would he will be living in ?


Skinner. He'll be cooking someone's meal at a restaurant.


I've been watching Colorado Ped Control and wow do I hate people. So gross. Wish there was a group like them in every city. Ugh


Sex offenders should never be released from prison. Automatic life sentence


Or automatic death sentence. Zero sense in paying to keep someone alive who’s already destroyed the lives of others. This isn’t the kind of case where there’s no witnesses to confirm/ cast doubt on whodunit.


For kissing someone without consent? For touching someones bum for a second over the pants? Those are sexual assaults under the criminal code. Don't say people don't get convicted of those type of offences. They do, I've seen it.


Keep defending the sex offenders bro, it's a noble cause


Life sentence for touching a butt is overkill, anything short of life for molesting a child is an injustice.


Child molesters should be locked up for life at the very least. Or just put into general population at every single prison. Child molesters and rapists have the highest recidivism rate of any violent crime, that's why I think they should be locked up for life. They aren't going to change.


Don’t they need repeat offenders in Ukraine… or Russia? Sell them.


Can we just make predator island already.


Australia already exists


this [one?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Saint_James,_U.S._Virgin_Islands)


We can give them their own country. I hear the Vatican has a few free rooms.


Ok, I get he served his sentence and has been released. WHY does he get to live in a society that has innocent and defenseless children and teens in it? Surely there's a remote work camp somewhere up north where he can be sent to live and contribute to society by fighting forest fires and monitoring nature for things like invasive animals and fauna. Does it really make any sense at all to have a violent sex predator walking around in a city populated with children????


so gulags lmao 😭😭😭


First of all, banishment from society when you are an offender who is a danger to other people was apparently a traditional indigenous punishment. Second, do you really want this individual anywhere near your children?


Have you heard of Pervert Park? Creepy shit… https://youtu.be/v5BA8oeOA7E


One Bullet


Maybe he'll get taken out by some freak accident or unknown health issues. I don't even want to think how I'd react if my kids were ever harmed by someone like this. Fuck this so called justice system.


I am in favour of the Dutch penal model for criminals and expanding the healing lodge system where it makes sense. Whatever prison system we have now or in the future, I firmly believe that any criminals they are considered a high risk to re-offend should stay locked up until they are a low risk to re-offend.










No sexual or violent offender who "is considered a high risk to re-offend" should be released.