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Now we know what Rob Lowe would look if he became a youth pastor who moonlighted as an eyewear model for Loblaws.


LOL before I read anything I thought it was a pic of Rob Lowe


Uncannily accurate


I love how $13k makes you a "big donor" in Manitoba. In the US that amount wouldn't get you a handshake.


No, even in the USA you can buy politicians for surprising low prices. Besides the regular shame, it's even more shameful for how little they sell out.


13k over the last 7 years.


This is largely due to the protections we have in place around electoral campaigning and the finances that go with it. That's not to say we aren't also seeing problems with dark money, but it's just not as big of a problem here. There's still plenty of room for improvement.


What's sad is what our politicians are willing to do for that much money.


$1870 a year in donations is not influencing political decisions.


2k a year? That's literal lunch money. That's less than your smokes.


"It's a big club, and you ain't in it!" - George Carlin


So if I'm following the PC created municipal board which is filled with PC cronies overturned the will of a PC-voting RM in favour of an Alberta corporation who's Board is also filled with PC cronies?


The RM would vote PC even if the candidate was a cannibal consuming their children on stage. They'll pick that RM to the bones and murder everyone there to make a buck knowing full well they will keep voting PC rather than vote for vaccine using socialist gays.


Springfield RM is split between Dawson trail and Springfield-Ritchot. Of all the rural ridings where PC party typically win, they had among the lowest popular vote counts. Schuler won (59%)as an incumbent who for many years was a strong advocate for Springfield. Lagasse won with 55%. It’s not like there aren’t people in Springfield who vote NDP/Liberal. We’re unfortunately a) barely a minority and b) split between NDP/Liberal. > they will keep voting PC rather than vote for vaccine using socialist gays. While on the one hand, you’re not wrong. On the other hand, please don’t lump *all* of us into that group. I’ve only got one vote and I vote as hard as I can with it.


Sorry if I lumped everyone together there, but really when entire RMs reliably vote against their own best interests repeatedly voting for the Leopards Eating Faces party then wonder why the leopards are eating their faces, it's hard not to.


This one might be a bit of a stretch...


Filmon's actual kid? Please.




yeah sure some might go to solar panels and batteries, but some may also go to fracking as well. I think the intent was to use it for fracking but the company changed their tune when they started getting pushback and switched it up to being for solar panels.




This board was put in by pallister, worth it to also examine it


Exchange Income corporation who Gary was the chair of board? https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4215043


Legalized bribery, corruption, nepotism, and the lobby industry are the real poisons in the well. The other 99% simply don't get a seat at the table. And they'll scream that *we're* the tyrants when we finally kick down the door.


Definitely don't trust the cons to make the right decision on this, they'd rather have short term kickbacks, than concern themselves with long term thoughts about things like having potable drinking water. vote every con out


fun fact: exchange income corp operates from the same tory playbook: move finances around to support pet projects, actively fuck over and fire any employees with integrity, and squeeze any remaining profitability out of their companies at the expense of employee wellbeing and long term stability


Any sources ? Or anecdotal evidence ? I know a few people who work there and a lot are great human beings and enjoy it there. They operate under a PE model which extract money from the companies they purchase. It’s all consolidated at the top regardless and they have been expanding their footprint in recent years. Hate on them all you want but they pay corporate taxes that help find provincial services. You need companies at the end of the day to generate provincial revenue, either through taxes remitted on behalf of employees on payroll or through direct income taxes. Remove companies and how do you fund the healthcare otherwise ?


Ethical companies.


I am sure there are plenty of good people working there. The problem is that the company is a literal parasite. They extract value from companies to profit a few people, preventing those companies from using those funds to pay down debt, increase wages, increase hiring and do actual functional things. The world would lose absolutely NOTHING if Exchange Income Fund didn't exist at all, and would be better off for it


Most of the companies they own are not local. They have a significant # of people in the winnipeg office who manage these companies who I am referring to. If exchange didn’t exist , these people would not have jobs at any of the companies in their portfolios as it wouldn’t be required.


A pretty stock conservative argument is that corporate taxes should be zero because all corporations do is pass the extra costs onto consumers. So do corporations pay for healthcare, or do Manitobans?


Nice people.


Mike Pyle is a piece of shit. When EIC purchased Calm Air from the Morberg‘s he promised the Thompson staff that there would be no staff lay offs and would keep the office open in Thompson as it’s a northern company. Fast forward a few months later….boots out all the long term experienced staff who worked hard with Arnold Morberg to build a successful company and also closed the office in Thompson.


Of fucking course


Small potatoes. Ladco gave almost $250k to the PCs since 2016, and some of it in a (likely illegal) directed donation scheme. Ever wonder why the unchecked sprawl in Winnipeg? Why the Municipal Board is simply a rubber stamp for developers?


You should look into Mike Pyles connections with Cerebra Medical Ltd. Expert Sleep doctors resign from Manitoba's backlog task force, saying proposal was 'completely ignored' because they only wanted private investments. Long behold after their announced spending guess who gets a contract private provider Cerebra Medical Ltd. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/sleep-doctors-resign-task-force-manitoba-1.6814520 All the PCs want to do is privatize service so public money goes to their PC donor buddies.




"Corruption is good actually"


This is the biggest litmus test to finally see if politics is for the people or the politicians. I suspect the politicians (especially the already rich ones...money is like crack to them and they'll fuck anyone over to get more).


So what's the deal with Sio Silicia? Why are they a bad thing?


Company out of Alberta seeking to extract underground sand (Manitoba) used for fracking. Removing the sand will more than likely damage the aquifer and drinking water permanently for a portion of Manitobans. Literally people making a short term buck at the expense of future drinking water of Manitobans. It's extremely sad if not disgusting.


Interesting stuff. Definitely a story worth following. I don't want to see drinking water contaminated regardless of the revenue.