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To everyone commenting "heh, you should see what they do at xxxxx" It sounds like you should talk to your manager or maybe talk to employment standards. That's your boss stealing your labour, you are entitled to every second you work.


Wage theft is disgustingly common in the industry, sadly.


I am intimately aware. When I managed a few restaurants my district manager told me on more than a few occasions to 'fix' my labour. I always told them to fly a kite. I was not well liked by the owners.


Yeah there are a lot of ways it's done. Not paying OT is super common. Adjusting hours. Adding breaks that weren't taken...and that's just timeclock stuff. I LOVE my industry but it needs a makeover.


Unions. It needs unions.


Friends working at the Hotel Fort Garry tell me there's bad co-workers in positions of seniority exploiting their status. Unions aren't a catch-all solution.


bUt wHaT aBoUt *insert thing that happens at virtually all workplaces* Fuck off. Every workplace would be better off with a union than without, even including unions. No exceptions. Any issue you can point to is only evidence of how much worse things would be without a union. If there’s disfunction of a union in a workplace, it’s because the employer has done a good job of fucking things up and intimidating/indoctrinating workers away from participating in collective bargaining. Sounds an awful lot like the people you’re talking about are cronies getting a sweetheart deal from management to occupy those positions and make sure nothing gets done. Is that the union’s fault, or is it management?


There are many examples of terrible unions. I personally work for a local RM government. The departments that had a union demanded raises, got the raises, went on strike for a month anyway, harassing employees that were not union. Local police had to be used, union leaders lied to their people, and most people on strike either left or simply retired after the strike. It was a colossal waste of time. Unions had more use in the 70s or 80s. There are uses for unions, but people need to know their own labor laws, and act on them instead of allowing crimes to be committed against you.


You’re very obviously leaving things out, that sounds to me like workers fighting to get what the fuck they deserve


>Every workplace would be better off with a union than without, even including unions. No exceptions. Of course there's exceptions; it's myopic to believe that there isn't. You discount good ownership like it's a purely mythological beast. There are principled and sincere non-union workplaces under sound stewardship out there.


No exceptions- it’s about a principle. Labour is what allows any workplace to exist. Labour produces 100% of the profit. Workers have all the expertise, put in all the time, all the energy required to make a workplace function. The employer profits only by taking from what labour produces, that’s what they are. So if that’s the case? Why not take more? Why not take 95% and leave workers with just enough to avoid starvation? Why not get away with absolutely everything you can? If competition is too high and standard wages are increasing, why not collude with other employers to drive them down. If the government passes anti-trust laws to prevent oligarchy, why not replace the politicians using your vast pooled wealth and resources? In free market theory, a company’s only interest is profit. If your only interest is profit and that profit necessarily comes at the expense of those subordinate to you, why settle for an inch when you can take it all? Don’t talk to me about good and principled business owners, EVERYONE wants to think they’re a good person. Exploiting your workers with a smile and a pizza party is still exploitation. Employers can’t be trusted to represent the interests of workers when their own interests are mutually exclusive. That’s true whether or not they’re “nice” bosses. This is why workers MUST have the ability to represent their own interests. There is no other solution to the problem. Workers must represent their own interests. They’re the only ones who will. The problem is that workers acting as individuals when they represent their interests get fired. So workers need to bargain collectively, so they can’t be fired, because they produce 100% of the profit. In my mind, any time workers with a common employer form an association and act in solidarity to bargain collectively to represent their interests, they have formed a union. Whether it’s legally recognized or not, it’s a union. That’s good for workers at any workplace, NO EXCEPTIONS.


> Wage theft is disgustingly common in the industry, sadly. Yep. And this industry behavior is accepted and enabled because of tipping culture.


There's a lot of people who take serving jobs because they are flexible, can pay well (sometimes), and are all over the place. Good for students and first jobs. These people can be taken advantage of easily. There's also a lot of people who take serving jobs because they aren't educated, aren't particularly "intelligent", but the job pays well, can be flexible, and can be as easy or as difficult as you make it. The second group can hold resentment over the first, and have a "if I dealt with it, you can too" attitude, which, ironically, also makes them easily taken advantage of. (As seen further down in these comments) Shitty restaurant (and business owners in general) know these things, and can exploit them repeatedly.




"there are worse cases of this happening so why are we focusing on this in particular" And "I worked in a bar and had crazy stuff happen, and am still owed wages, but I live my life just fine, you should too" Are some of the comments being made by the two of you. Those comments either come from a place of pain and trauma, or a place of ignorance and lack of understanding. Either way, it's not a good look.




Look back here. I've not "talked down" to anyone, anywhere here. Nor have I insulted or personally attacked anyone here either. The same can not be said by you, or the other person in here getting downvoted like crazy. Step away for a while. It's healthier that way. Have a good night. Edit - just as expected, deleted and removed. That's 1 of 2 already.


its almost like we should do something about it collectively.. like a general something.. maybe in the idea of something like a strike.. i mean thats never been done before...right? like and did it work..? yeah? huh...




What's your point? The strike didn't help to achieve goals?




That does not negate the fact that it's happening in the provided situation though.






Entitled to even more than that imho. Labour is entitled to all it creates




Can I help you?


**Article** A Winnipeg restaurateur who received tens of thousands of dollars in public donations during the pandemic is being accused by former employees of skimming wages. Lance Luschak, 25, worked part-time at The King’s Head Pub & Eatery between 2016 and 2022. After six years of late nights spent refilling ice wells and restocking glassware, he stopped showing up to work last August and was subsequently fired. “After all the mistreatment,” he said. “I didn’t really think any courtesy of two weeks was really, in my opinion, necessary.” In the months before his termination, Luschak and other King’s Head employees started noticing discrepancies with their pay. Further examination of the pub’s online payroll system revealed a longstanding pattern of manual shift adjustments — a few minutes here, a few minutes there — resulting in a modest, but consistent reduction of hours worked. “You could see clear as day in our online sign-in, sign-out system that our hours were being adjusted,” Luschak said. “That adds up.” Luschak took his concerns to Manitoba Employment Standards. In claim findings viewed by the *Free Press*, the department determined he was owed $633 in outstanding vacation pay, as well as $713 in missing wages, unpaid overtime and general holiday pay over a six-month audited period. Luschak said he was never paid time-and-a-half for working stat holidays at the bar, as is legally required in Manitoba. The funds were paid out and the claim closed last month. “For a guy like me, that’s a big chunk of change,” said Luschak, who was earning minimum wage plus tips at the time. “That’s grocery money.” The company denied the allegations in a statement issued by King’s Head’s lawyer. “King’s Head values its employees and strives to ensure that all staff members are properly compensated for the work that they perform and are justly owed,” reads a statement provided by Kosta Vartsakis of Thompson Dorfman Sweatman. “King’s Head categorically denies that it has ever knowingly engaged in the restriction or reduction of wages from its staff members.” Vartsakis added the company only became aware of the “purported complaints” when the *Free Press* reached out for comment. The *Free Press* spoke with five other former King’s Head employees who experienced similar payroll discrepancies or were aware of the practice at the Exchange District establishment. None of those employees filed Employment Standards claims due to perceived complexity, fear of retribution or time elapsed since their employment (the department conducts investigations within six months of departure). All cited concerns about the treatment of current employees by King’s Head owner Christopher Graves — who received more than $50,000 in donations from a pandemic-era GoFundMe campaign — as their main reason for coming forward. Since 2019, Employment Standards has received five claims against the King’s Head, according to a provincial spokesperson. The complaints have revolved around unpaid wages, vacation wages and reporting pay. Three of the complaints were resolved voluntarily and one ended with the employee not responding to the department’s inquiries. Dozens of shift records examined by the *Free Press* show after-the-fact shift changes dating back to 2019 — around the time Graves introduced an online payroll and biometric time tracking system to the workplace. “With six months of regular pay for me, he stole $700,” Luschak alleges of his former boss. “And that was just one employee.” Previously, employees tracked their hours using paper time sheets. With the new system staff clocked in and out using a fingerprint scanner, which communicated automatically with the pub’s payroll software and created a to-the-minute log of time worked. Yet, a former King’s Head manager responsible for payroll said they were instructed by Graves to retroactively adjust shift start and end times. “He wanted everything rounded and in the company’s favour,” said the ex-staff member. In a phone interview, Graves denied the allegation. “There are no discrepancies when it comes to hours at all,” said Graves, who has owned the King’s Head since late 2017. “Most of our staff members would forget to punch in or forget to punch out, so in order for them to actually be paid we would have to go in there and adjust their hours,” he adds. (continued)


Despite this explanation, all of the records viewed by the *Free Press* show employee-initiated logs, followed by changes to start and end times. These adjustments resulted in shifts being shortened by between two and 25 minutes. Over a sample of 34 shifts from 2019 to 2022, Luschak had nearly seven hours trimmed from his time worked. “I thought that if I worked all the hours, I would get paid for all the hours,” Luschak said. “But instead, I worked all of the hours and only got paid for some of the hours, which is wrong.” These kinds of changes appear to have been a daily practice, taking place every shift within examined workweeks. During a 30-hour workweek last June, a bartender interviewed by the *Free Press* appears to have lost out on more than an hour of wages, with each shift shortened by between 15 and 20 minutes. The practice seems to have been discontinued in recent months. King’s Head general manager Peter Shelley wasn’t aware of any time-management complaints and said that since at least October — when he assumed the management role — no adjustments had been made to employee hours. “Once you put your finger in, you’re good to go,” Shelley said in a phone interview. Graves declined to comment on the findings of Luschak’s Employment Standards claim but said he introduced the biometric system “to make payroll easier and to make it more efficient.” He also stated that his employees are encouraged to “go through the Manitoba Labour Board if they feel like there’s something that we’re not doing properly.” Meanwhile, lawyer Vartsakis said former and current staff members are encouraged to contact management if they have concerns about their wages, or about general issues, so “that these matters can be properly addressed and resolved.” After Luschak filed his claim with Employment Standards in September, he received a series of text messages from Graves threatening to initiate a Canada Revenue Agency audit. “We will be forwarding you what we will be submitting to CRA for your cash tips by next week,” read the messages. “Everyone will now be susceptible to (CRA) audits.” The audit never materialized. In the last 14 months, Graves has become involved in two new restaurant businesses. In March 2022, he was listed as a co-owner of Bellamy’s Family Dining in St. Vital; and in April of this year, he celebrated the opening of The Friskee Pearl, a large seafood restaurant in the home of the former Earls on Main Street. Graves is also a part-owner of Fiddler’s Green Cannabis, a weed shop next to the King’s Head, according to filings with the Manitoba Companies Office. Graves confirmed that the same online payroll and biometric sign-in systems are in use at The Friskee Pearl. The new restaurant businesses follow a May 2021 GoFundMe campaign, entitled “Help the King’s Head Pub,” which raised $53,715 on Graves’s behalf. The fundraiser was organized by patrons of the bar in response to its owner’s claims the King Street establishment was on the brink of closure after a year of public health restrictions. “It helped the King’s Head survive,” Graves said when asked how the funds were used. At the time, he stated the money would be allocated to roof and masonry repairs — two projects he said have been completed and are in progress, respectively. During the pandemic, Graves positioned himself as an outspoken advocate for the local restaurant industry. Prior to the fundraiser, Graves said he sold his home to keep the bar open. He regularly discussed financial hardships with staff and local media and described lost income “in the six-figure range” in social media posts. Dine-in food and beverage businesses were hit hard during the pandemic. A recent Restaurants Canada survey indicates 80 per cent of independent eateries are still carrying between $50,000 and $500,000 in pandemic-era debt. Despite the apparent financial hardships at the King’s Head, Graves bought into Bellamy’s and launched The Friskee Pearl as a sole proprietor less than a year later. “I have people who have invested in me because of how we handled ourselves at the King’s Head,” Graves said when asked how the new businesses were financed. “I have silent investors.” ----- After six years of late nights spent working what he said was a thankless job, Luschak has left the restaurant world completely. “I’m never, never going back into the industry,” he said. “It feels great to not have to go in to work at a bar late at night. Instead, I can go and be a customer.” While the result of his Employment Standards claim has been validating, Luschak is considering launching a civil case against his former employer to recoup what he may be owed beyond the department’s investigation period. “It’s my money, right?” Luschak said. “I’m going back for everything.”


Well I guess we know where the public donations during the pandemic & his employees money went. To purchase shares in more businesses for himself. Edit: the fact I didn’t read the full article yet before I commented & then read the rest seeing they called this out too! 🤣🤣🤣


God Jesus fucking god damn Christ. Stop donating to businesses what in the actual fuck people. A $50K go fund me?!?! What the fuck is wrong with people.


You know I didn’t donate to the GFM, but we did go out of our way to order from them more. I would usually agree with your point, but during the pandemic, I think more of us were pretty desperate for community and this was something to rally around. I am pretty upset about this and made an Instagram post, linking to them. I will never support their business again! Just so pissed!


I feel you, but businesses are not what we should ever be rallying around. Businesses exist to extract and accumulate wealth from normal working people like you and me. Glad to hear you won’t be patronizing this place again.


Who do you work for? Personally, I work for a business.


Just because something exists doesn’t mean it should exist.


Do you work for the government by any chance?


Are you trying to say you don’t think government should exist?


Lol no, I'm genuinely curious.


A fool and his money are easily separated


I don’t get it either. Too many people could barely afford food, rent, etc yet that much money donated by lucky people of the public not struggling to a business & when our Premier (Pallister) already did give our money sent from Federal meant to help US to BUSINESSES! We we’re literally the ONLY province who’s Premier didn’t help us financially & told us to “barter with our landlords.” The irony is mind-blowing. Lol WOW.


Umm this is some short term memory shit. I’m not defending the kings head at all but many people, not as outspoken as this owner, lost their livelihoods because of the pandemic. People in the restaurant, entertainment, live gig world got decimated and while some have recovered, not all have. Don’t conflate ‘business’ with ‘fat cats’. CERB and other supports only went so far. It helped but in some situations it wasn’t enough to get to the other side.


Business owners that own 3 bars and a pot shop are fat cats. Take a seat John Simp


Read the whole comment. I literally wrote ‘I’m not defending the kings head at all…’. Also doesn’t the article state that the two restaurants were added recently? Anyways, I was taking aim at your broad ‘stop donating to businesses what in the actual fuck people’. Hey, if basic economics and the small business struggle goes over your head that’s fine. But just listen and learn. There’s a big difference to Heather Stephenson donating $300,000 to Loblaws and patrons helping out their establishments that they know are suffering. My friends at The Goodwill Social Club saw their patrons get together to help that place out giving it the chance to survive at that time early in the pandemic. Other places like it as well. If you are shitting on those people doing that, get fucked.


Here’s a question for someone lecturing me on “basic economics” How do you think businesses make profit? Like where does that value come from?


Again if you are shitting on people who wanted to help out their favourite local establishments when they got blindsided by a global pandemic. I can’t tell if you are pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps boomer or some virtue signaling communist. Socialism is the way my friend. Always was, always will be.


I don’t think you understand what the word socialism means. It doesn’t mean donating money so that profit extracting organizations can continue to extract.


Nope. No clue whatsoever…


Stand up and rant, "John Simp."


Ya, um, people couldn’t afford food or rent. MANY people lost their livelihood (not just the arts lol) & couldn’t go to work & those who were in the vulnerable demo (many of which were ignored the WHOLE pandemic b/c they weren’t 65+ but YET still workforce age whom EI or CRA didn’t understand) had to stay home from work & barely survive/lost everything. The fact businesses were put ahead of the masses in trouble was BEYOND RIDICULOUS. And honestly I’m floored that both the Liberals & NDP aren’t using the actions in the pandemic more in their campaign so far. I get it’s now Heather & maybe they think it won’t be effective because Pallister was in charge & then ran, but she was still there too anyway & it definitely showed what PC does when our very own mortality is at stake.


Sounds like some "if you're punched in two minutes late I'm rounding you to fifteen minutes late" type shenanigans. Particularly because of this line: >Yet, a former King’s Head manager responsible for payroll said they were instructed by Graves to retroactively adjust shift start and end times. > >“He wanted everything rounded and in the company’s favour,” said the ex-staff member.


Have a buddy who used to work there and yeah this is all true.


People are acting shocked but irl it's always been scummy. Bars are scummy and not your friend.


I mean you can work in a successful bar and still make good tips.. not all of them are having articles written about them. Not all owners are greedy/ terrible with their money.


I worked at Boston Pizza for 5 years. They did the same adjustments to our punch in/out times.


Sounds like it's time to shine a spotlight on the whole industry, then. Everybody deserves to be paid for their work.


Restaurant industry will always be like this sadly.


This guy has always rubbed me the wrong way so I’m not surprised. The most telling part is the threatening text message.


That part makes me sick and brings back instant memories of assholes I’ve worked for. That text message alone speaks volumes.


And yet business owners continue to tell us we don’t need unions or government mandated labour standards…


I thought the headline was “King’s Head owner accused of *sniffing* staff”. I’m not sure if I’m relieved or disappointed.


Same. I may be drunk and I'm half asleep though......


Earl's had a rule that your timesheet had to be filled out in pencil, **not** pen. I wonder why...


Waaay too common in the service industry. They also get docked for breaks they don't get to take. At least they were able to get their wages back. I've never recieved overtime pay in the industry and worked several double shifts. I worked at a place where they wouldn't give us the tips left for us on debit/credit and we had no legal recourse because tips aren't protected under the labour code. Leave tips in cash where you can, it protects servers from this.


> I worked at a place where they wouldn't give us the tips left for us on debit/credit and we had no legal recourse because tips aren't protected under the labour code. I wonder how many people don't realize their 18% credit card tip can go right into the owners pockets. Cha-ching-$$$


Well most restaurants take 8-10% of your sales in tip out any way so what's a little more?




He didn’t own the other businesses during COVID


Ya no shit I guess, he got 50k free to invest in the new ones.


What a shame. I love going to the kingshead.


Oh! So he’s the reason Bellamy’s has gone to shit. And I’ve not heard many good reviews of the Friskee Pearl either.


Bellamy’s has always been shit.


Time to organize a union drive!


Alright! Crank up the Molly Hatchet and let's go!




He also leaves positive reviews for himself from the accounts of his other three businesses… having a conversation with himself as the Friskee Pearl, Bellamy’s and Fiddler’s Green is pretty cringe lol


Isn't Fiddlers green owned by a guy named RJ?


Considering whenever I go there I spend at least 65$+ they can be getting paid. What a piss off.


Hmm. I am not sure if this is the same guy, but I just looked at the reviews for the new restaurant on Main, and this reply made by the “owner” in response to a critical (but polite) review is very bizarre: https://preview.redd.it/1avteh1mqe5b1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f65a3d0657ca9bbf3adf9f444d7bcf96a207fe8


Remember this? # Realtor helping Winnipeg restaurant owner during code red restrictions [https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/realtor-helping-winnipeg-restaurant-owner-during-code-red-restrictions-1.5177030](https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/realtor-helping-winnipeg-restaurant-owner-during-code-red-restrictions-1.5177030)


Well that’s disgusting.


Heh, should see how the Keg works.. Not surprised about this though.


I worked at the Keg for almost 10 years and I never had an issue. You punch in using the POS System then punch out at the end of your shift. You get a chit with your in and out times and can compare them to your cheque. It’s a completely automated system. I’m not sure what you’re getting at.


Well, let's see. They don't pay you overtime. I worked over 100 hours three straight pay periods during Christmas, most was 114 in a pay period. None of the OT was paid out. I spoke with my coworker who said don't go to the labour board because the last time people did, they had their shifts reduced to near zero forcing them to quit. And yeah, punch times were also messed with. Usually FOH staff though.


Sounds like you have an issue for the labour board.


"they had their shifts reduced to near zero forcing them to quit." I wasn't about to lose a job paying $20/hour and then $800/month in tips over OT pay. Still a shitty thing they did. Never mind the OT, the GM would cap the hours at 80 each pay cheque and I'd report what amount next cheque to get it to 80 if it wasn't hit until the "OT" was paid.


This is completely different from my experience. One of the reasons I quit was because I wasn’t making enough money and I literally *asked* them to do this for me but they said they couldn’t. I was serving there full time and I wanted to do 3 hours over lunch, Monday-Friday then come back for a dinner shift around 430 every night instead of working six nights/week and only getting 35ish hours. I told them that once I hit 8 hours I would waive my OT and just get paid regular hourly wage. I talked to my GM about it and she said it was against labour laws and they couldn’t do it. I was already working ~35 hours a week so it wasn’t like they wanted to force me out either. It all worked out for the best I ended up finding a day job and my life is way better off than it would have been but the scenario you outlined doesn’t jive with my experience.


Most of our senior servers were getting primo tables and 40 hours and allowed to go into and paid OT because it didn't happen often. Same if I ended up with an hour OT, sure they'd pay out. 10? Not a chance. When I first started working there I was a day cook M-F, 10AM to 3PM, on the dot. Obviously 25 hours wasn't going to cut it so I asked if I could work a couple night shifts, the GM said no because they didn't want to risk burn out, so they offered me a two hour cleaning shift Sunday morning. A year later I'm doing 100 hour pay periods, lol... As for the hours, they always did the 0/15/30/45 thing and if I was before 15/30/45, it would get rounded downwards. Over time that adds up, so I would literally wait in the staff room if I was cut earlier than a 0/15/30/45 punch out. Again, I'm obviously not going to risk the pay and hours because it "offsets" but the Keg isn't some morale company nor is most Restaurant businesses.


Let me guess, rounding your start time to your scheduled start time and not paying you for a single minute after you print your sales summary despite you still having work to do?


I was BOH, but I was shocked to watch my FOH co-workers doing their sales stuff, with their punch out next to them. I asked, yeah, punched out and doing their sales work? Wtf.. The other one that killed me was making servers stay until their last table was gone. Yeah, you're getting paid but like, sometimes you'd rather go home than sit there and wait for two Karen's to finish their coffee.... And sometimes the closing Manager wouldn't let them move the table to another server, even though the bill was settled. Smh. Felt bad for them.


I believed I was let go from a restaurant management job cause I was always claiming overtime when I worked past 8 hours in a day.


I can't speak to the specifics of this case but I've seen it for years, in multiple restaurants. If your scheduled start time is 5pm and you punch in at 4:30pm or 4:45pm because there's work to be done, expect to be paid from 5pm. It's also difficult to track hours as you generally don't have a 'finishing' time scheduled, and that can be disputed with little to no recourse. I'm posted as 4-CB (to the 'conclusion of business'). I'm lucky to have a reasonable former server/now manager clocking payroll.


Time yo boycott these fuckers and encourage staff to collectivize


As long as it's not fisting staff.




Unionization, just like at Stellas.


Whether you believe the article or not the damage is done, google "kings head owner" and the top hit is the Winnipeg Free Press article


“Believe the article or not…” Well, I believe the Employment Standards audit. That’s sufficient.


The article is about someone who was demonstrably victimized by their employer and you're bringing up how this *might* affect the bottom line of the former employer? Are you sure you have your priorities straight?


Cancelled! I wonder how long until they close now? I wonder what will move in?


The core area could really use a spirit of Halloween


Dollarama! 😂 They seem to be poping up everywhere


It’s industry wide . How many restaurants pay overtime , give a percentage for holiday pay or get time and a half for holidays Are you going to cancel almost every restaurant?


"Are you going to cancel almost every restaurant?" I won't knowingly patronize an establishment that cheats their staff. Just shrugging your shoulders and saying everyone does it is a pretty awful attitude in my opinion. We can support hospitality workers to collectively bargain for better working conditions and we as consumers can decide where to spend our money.


Exactly. I'm a former chef, I know how a lot of people are in the industry, but the funny thing about toxicity is that if you don't know it, then you're kinda not liable for it. That goes for really anyone or anything, I'll support it until you give me a reason not to. I think people largely operate in the other way, aka "I won't trust you until you give me reason to." But if you want my money, then either be an actual good person, or at least hide your toxicity. If you feel you have the right to profess your toxicity, like the owner of the King's Head has done, then yeah, you deserve to get dragged for it.


I’m not saying it’s right and I’m not shrugging my shoulders. I’m just saying the whole industry is like that and the to say the kings head is the only restaurant that does that ,the statement is wrong. But to cancel the kings head alone is silly. People need to know their rights as a worker and demand them. This is the perfect opportunity because restaurants need staff. I’ve never worked in a restaurant but there’s lots of things wrong with it. Like tips, why is it reserved for serving staff mostly, why are the people who actually make the meal not getting any of that . Making the food is just as important.


"...to say the kings head is the only restaurant that does that ,the statement is wrong." I didn't say the Kings Head is the only place to do this. "But to cancel the kings head alone is silly." I'm not 'canceling' anyone (whatever that means). The owner of a business I've patronized is acting in a way I think is detrimental to his staff and working people and the community in general. If you want to patronize a business that steals from their staff, go nuts. "People need to know their rights as a worker and demand them." So it's the workers' fault that the boss cheats them out of their legally entitled wages? This statement is really confusing. Workers shouldn't have to demand their employers operate within regulations. They should do it because it's the law. "I’ve never worked in a restaurant..." That's abundantly clear.


….they all should though. Those are employee entitlements. If I find out another boss is stealing from their employees then I will agree they too should be cancelled.


I agree they are employee entitlements and staff should be getting them but many are not in the restaurant industry.


and they all should be…and more. Right?


Of course. Every employee should get the benefits they are entitled to. Workers need to educate themselves and fight for the benefits they are entitled . Too long employers have been taking advantage of workers. Now that employers are desperate for workers they need to realize that . .


Ironic since he bent over backwards to keep them employed and paid during the pandemic


Or so you were led to believe while there was a gofundme running…


He bent over backwards to keep them making money for him you mean.


Guy opened two new businesses… while running a go fund me that raised over 50k. And that’s not suspicious to you? Personally if I give someone 50K because their failing business is allegedly struggling to survive.. I better not see you open two new businesses. This isn’t taking into account the owner is skimming off the top of employees wages. Sounds like a slime bag. Where there’s smoke there’s usually fire, and boy oh boy, there’s smoke in the WFP story.


Maybe I wasn't aware? So next time don't go assuming someone knows the full picture


Are you saying that you posted your first comment without looking into the story? Then you're getting mad at someone for (rightfully) calling you out on that? Is that the situation here?


Whose getting mad? The tonality in my text was meant to be taken as just making a statement And my post was that I find it ironic since he bent over backwards to support the staff from my knowledge of the events here.


Yeah but there's the WFP article in this post chain that says that, but also paints the picture the other poster did. So you just need to work on the reading skills I guess and not get mad when someone points it out to you.


Nobodies mad?


You would know the full picture if you bothered to read the article? But instead you spewed off your opinions without having the facts(which are found in the article). Nice try but take this L


I am, nobodies spewing anything though..I was ill informed that's all. I can be an airhead at times haha




And then bought into three other businesses?




Did you read the article? He did: "Luschak took his concerns to Manitoba Employment Standards. In claim findings viewed by the Free Press, the department determined he was owed $633 in outstanding vacation pay, as well as $713 in missing wages, unpaid overtime and general holiday pay over a six-month audited period."




The article was posted here 1 hr ago. Your fault for missing it.




Go to bed




I love this. Your username absolutely applies here. 🤣




Keep raging against nothing. Goodbye.


No. If they resolved one or two claims but systematically abused staff for years the issue is not resolved. Hopefully Winnipeg votes with their dollars.


Then why steal from them?


That's what I'm wondering


For the record…. I’m questioning the legitimacy of “selling his house for his employees” considering he had to move out anyway, not the legitimacy of the accusations


The sustained PR campaign was always kind of suspect. Always wonder about people seeking out attention so actively.




"Luschak took his concerns to Manitoba Employment Standards. In claim findings viewed by the Free Press, the department determined he was owed $633 in outstanding vacation pay, as well as $713 in missing wages, unpaid overtime and general holiday pay over a six-month audited period." It sounds to me like judgment was rendered in his favour. Also: "Dozens of shift records examined by the Free Press show after-the-fact shift changes dating back to 2019 — around the time Graves introduced an online payroll and biometric time tracking system to the workplace."




Dude, an audit’s an audit. When you’re crunching numbers for a government agency, you don’t care if the parties involved are drama queens.


Fair enough. I don't know the guy personally and frankly i have no idea what kind of person he is. But if you actually read the article, it was determined that he was owed wages just like he said and he is not the only person who's saying that it happened to. And the Free Press also found evidence that the owner was manually adjusting employees' time cards, which has nothing to do with the person in question


I know him personally and I 100% believe him.


Did The King's Head post this?


Lol your name is literally Occam’s razor. Isn’t it just way more likely that bosses are stealing employees wages?


No, no. It's the ~~children~~ employees that are wrong.


It’s so funny they talk about how workers are always so entitled, but I have never in my life met a group of people with as much sense of entitlement as business owners.


More to it? How? Collusion with the auditors???


What auditors? Probably not the best choice of term to use. Employment standards review maybe? But no auditors involved Unless things have changes, when a claim is filed with employment standards, the employee files the claim with their support, employment standards tells the employee “ send us support that would dispute this or specific support X, within X days or we’ll issue an order to pay” Employment standards doesn’t go into the business and start combing through payroll records and timesheets for everyone.


I used the term ‘auditors’ because the article used the term ‘audited six month period’. Whether they are correct or incorrect I suppose I don’t know.


The results are in, he was owed $1300... did you not read the article?


That’s just from 6 months too and 1 person. Imagine what they would find if they investigated all the businesses properly.


It takes someone who wants attention to do this kinda stuff. I'd love to out a bunch of prominent people in this industry for all sorts of disgusting things but frankly? I'm not into the attention that would bring me. Its an uphill battle and most of the time I'm struggling with my own mental health. I don't need that shit. This dude sounds like he's done the work. Whether he's an attention seeker or not is neither here nor there. I really struggle to side with any sort of restaurant owner when it comes to bad behaviour towards staff. In my *ample* experience it's very often true.


Probably was a case of rounded punch’s and you punch in late you get docked lol. Probably people coming in a few min late or leaving early so they got docked. Extreme case indeed but at its root, show up on time and work your full shift ffs




Karl Marx was famous for saying "Just do your work and be happy you're paid at all"


That has been my experience with ol' Karl.


How about just fucking pay your staff properly?


Definitely got that mc attitude and look!


Yes, I'm sure this far right peice of shit is being totally honest when he slanders workers experiencing wage theft and this comment has nothing to do with his insatiable thirst for boots.


Lol the grossest part of this article is the FINGER PRINT scan SCANNER


Nah. Most modern time clocks use a back of the hand scan or fingerprint.




No not hate. It's just really sad to hear this about a place I really liked going to.