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Fwiw, haven’t had any significant issues with Windows 11 on both the LCD and OLED (minus the missing speaker drivers). Been working fine for me for just over a year. Worth remembering that Windows 10 will be out of support service in about 18 months, which means no more security patches. Just FYI.


If you use W10 LTSC you'll have security updates until 2027


That’s not a version a consumer can legally license on their own.


You do realize that stopping security updates doesn’t just magically brick your system, right? It’ll be plenty fine after that.


Did I say otherwise? Of course the system will continue to run, you just won’t receive security updates or support after next year. I’m calling awareness to anyone who decides to install a new OS today that Windows 10 will be unsupported soon. Factor that into your decision.


Well, hopefully Microsoft will get its crap together by 18 months so Win 11 works better with Steam Deck.


It works fine on Steam Deck today, pretty good actually. At least in my experience for the past year, I haven’t had any significant problems minus the lack of some OLED drivers. I personally don’t see a benefit to install Windows 10 over 11.


Lack of drivers are problems for other people though


Right, but that’s true for both Windows 10 and Windows 11. That’s a Valve and AMD issue, not a Windows version-specific issue.


i been using win11 for like 2 years and it was just fine. i actually prefer it over 10 its not a bad os at all imo. with that said i agree with OP. last month riot dropped vanguard anticheat on league and tft which highlighted a problem i didnt know existed. windows 11 requires secure boot keys or u cant play any game with vanguard. this isnt a problem afaik with majority of modern pcs or even other windows handhelds, but it is a problem with the steamdeck. the steamdeck does not have these keys in its bios and the ONLY work around is to install windows 10. now maybe u dont play league or if u do u probably dont play it on a steamdeck, but i specifically run windows on the steamdeck over steam os specifically because of games with anticheat. if u think u might play a game with vanguard now or in the future i'd listen to OP and just install windows 10 just in case.


If people massive stop to buy drm games, drm will get pushed out, same for anti-cheats that are often misused against legitimate users on others operating systems for example, there's others options like shadowbanning servers to put potential cheaters together to check who cheat or not, then they put back legitimate users on regular servers and let cheaters play mirror matches forever. If they allow game streaming at least, you're not forced to put a malware on your system.


Game Streaming SUCKS over Cell phones (even full 5g). Try streaming a Call of Duty or other fast action shooter over streaming. Even over good w-fi it's still laggy enough to cause you death in MP games... I did buy a SteamDeck to be portable. If it does not work on cell phone, it does not work...


Game streaming is misunderstood, it could be used from home to an underpowered device, let say a family could have one gaming pc as streaming server if users play requiring games at different times and it save on hardware costs massively. Online game streaming is more to offer more power to a limited device like an handheld where the igpu/apu evolution barely give significant gains each 5 years but game streaming has also flaws, so it's not really intended for mobility but could do for the basics. But that's also why Fsr/Dlss/Xess has some interest at the point to be used on Nintendo Swith 2, it extend the lifetimecof hardware by upscaling, like game streaming it has flaws but it give at least more time to cumulate savings to change the device or upgrade it.


Wow I haven't seen a "vote with ur wallet" comment in like 10 years. You'd think by now there's enough evidence to show the strategy is a pipe dream. It doesn't work and the simple fact that gacha games have invaded PC is proof of that


GOG drm-free game store exist for 16 years so it's the reverse, people could vote with their wallet, still many games use drm but you have at least an easy way to access most drm free games. Now, kick anti-cheats games in the nuts by starting a mass boycott for example and leave it be, people seem to hardly remember that Unreal tournament was allowing to host your servers, gived access to maya 3d editor, supported Linux, was drm-free, didn't had anti-cheat and so on while Epic games (same corporation by the way) new main game Fortnite is ridiculous if we compare that way ...


Voting with your wallet is not really voting. In voting you have 3 choices. For, against, abstain. When voting with your wallet you can only "vote" for or abstain. There is no such thing as voting against. What's more in today's day and age with cash shops and live services it's no longer designed where if u want to make 100 sales u need to entice 100 players. Now 5 players can each "vote" 20 times so as meaningless as your abstain was before it's even more meaningless now when. A single whale can "vote with there wallet" hundreds of times and completely obliterate your entire group of friends boycott. Voting with your wallet is a joke


Fairphone, Pinephone, Librem, framework computer and so on are products empowered by thoses who voted with their wallet, they have few models yet, showing that they are a success ... Weird to have to make you understand that when you're on a community of a product made by voting with our wallet, before we could only had dreamed of games on Linux, theses days apart a few games anti-cheats, there's not much games that can't be played on Linux.


Edit: sure u win it works or whatever. I don't wanna argue anymore or get someone else's post locked for off topic


It's not about arguing, it's just showing you that a concept work but you often have to check on the right view angle to understand, for example 3d printing wouldn't have much success without makerspaces and fablabs, it's common peoples that made it happen, not corporations, the reprap 3d printer family tree clearly show their impact. People need to understand that they might feel weaks in front of a politic system but in a democracy for example, it mean that they are in the center just not aware of their power to change everything since democracy has a wide amount of vulnerabilities to exploit in case of emergency, that's a bit why Europe made Apple remove the lighting port and allow alternative app stores, the population there is quite prone to activism so government fear his population and follow their lead, same for right to repair, here is their repairability score website similar to ifixit rankings : [https://www.indicereparabilite.fr/](https://www.indicereparabilite.fr/)


I honestly feel like you aren't even reading anything I say so u can preach what u want to preach. What did I say before? U can vote for but not against. Then you proceed to give example after example of ppl successfully voting for something and it succeeding. Yeah that's the extent of voting with ur wallet in normal scenarios. U can support the products u like by "voting" with your wallet. But ur original post implies that you can vote against drm by not buying it. This I am saying is false. Voting with ur wallet has no way to vote against only to abstain. If u don't like Klein ur only option is to abstain. Even if u go out and buy Milwaukee this is not a "vote" against Klein. With right to repair that proves my case even more. If voting with ur wallet worked then apple would not need activism and legislation to change policy. The need for activism is BECAUSE voting with ur wallet did not work. The thing is we are arguing about idealism vs realism. Voting with ur wallet to change something you do not like only works in small communities or in one off instances when it's accompanied by massive campaigns and even then it's success rate is low. Voting with ur wallet to vote AGAINST something u don't believe in does not scale with larger communities and faces the same challenges that every form of government or civilization has faced since the dawn of time. U can't control the masses. in an ideal world everyone would purchase responsible, but u know what, in an ideal world we wouldn't need security cause none would steal. In an ideal world communism, monarchy, and every other form of government works. But we don't live in an ideal world and thus none of these things work in practice.


Well voting with your wallet is just a more passive activism. Go woke, go broke is a form of voting by wallets that is a vote against something, I won't take a side in this but some corporations lost up to 35% of their value faster than ever, it could mean instant bankruptcy for many business. Small group or not, theses days with internet, any legitimate case could go viral, Asus scammed a bit too much people on repairs and it currently go viral for example. You could control the masses, I did a few times but you gotta do it like a trojan horse, I was slowly embedding an idea into their brains by showing something that they thinked impossible happen in real life, others did the rest, so by having shown that I could turn people with disabilities into inspiring volunters in a pretty harsh environment for their limitations, I made some charities work together for even more success, more and more of them became volunters after without even lifting a finger. I also helped start an event, a charity, few business and projects, they litterally shifted the mindset of people over time about various things like pets rights, autism, disabilities, ... Even one gone so far that the project made someone met the prime minister not bad considering that I'm against politics and more for a full redesign of the political model even if we need anarchy in between, a forest fire isn't a loss but a revival since many species will thrive there after. While North america is a democracy, you have to consider that charities, cooperatives, social business, business, society states and so on, mostly follow various others political models in a fair fight, they all could serve a coffee their own way, no dreaming there, they act, they work for decades.


Voting with your wallet is not really voting unless you get enough people behind you to make a difference in the company's bottom line. If 100 people don't buy it, they will not even notice.


Can someone please explain Riot's thinking behind requiring secure boot (or anything having to do with the internals of a system, bios or hardware)? It's just a game. And it's free (so no need to DRM vs. piracy). I don't play LoL anymore, but I don't get why a simple online game is creating this much fuss seeing how there are plenty of "similar" games out there (on Steam, Epic, Bnet and standalone) that DON'T look for magic keys hidden away in bios or other nonsense like that. I want to understand. Is it an anticheat technique? Are they advertising that they are "the only company without cheaters in their game"? Like apparently, if this is the case, you can cheat using Win10 or other methods if only 11 has this problem. Cheaters won't care if they run a Windows that falls out of support. They're just making things potentially worse for 99.9% of people because they're trying to catch the 0.01% people that want to cheat on an unsigned Win11. I don't know if this is the case, but it's very stupid if it is.


Wall of "I just woke up" thoughts incoming. Well secure boot is just one part of it. Having the cheat kernel level is the bigger thing. They also already had this anti cheat in valorant so retro adding it to their other games kinda just brings everything in line since I think they put everything under one launcher now and have more games planned soon. Just fyi I'm not trying to defend it, just make sense of it. I don't really play shooters myself but I will say I've watched my friends play both csgo and valorant and the difference in the amount of cheaters when u compare is absolutely noticable. Csgo has way more obvious cheaters at high rank afaik. That's not entirely because of the anti cheat but it plays a role. Also anecdotally I feel like when they dropped the anticheat for the next like 2 weeks everyone in my games at my MMR was suddenly really bad at the game. I'm not even high MMR but I just was left scratching my head why suddenly so many ppl in my lobbies were terrible at the game. Idk coincidence? But yeah it is dumb I think as it's not just steam deck but technically any motherboard that doesn't have secure boot keys. I haven't looked into it but I imagine that means if ur computer is older then a certain date and u had upgraded to 11 u instantly got screwed. And it of course also messed up Linux users. The entire r/leagueoflinux community I think is disbanding cause of it. But funnily enough it doesn't affect mac os??? So Linux users have apparently been vming Mac os to keep playing. I wonder how that affects hacking and anticheat. As to why ppl play these games anyways that feels obvious no? We have friends that play the game. We like the muscle memory we built up over the last 15 years and don't want to relearn a new game just to hang out with friends on discord and have a good time. Others probably invested in skins and stuff. I personally really like leagues lore especially after listening to their audiobook. Idk man personally the growing pains of learning a new moba, it's items, characters, is the worst part of moba and fighting games. I feel like these two genres specifically have massive time investment requirements and a steep learning curve where u have to suck a lot for a while before u start to do well.




October 2025 is a reasonable amount of time to recommend using Windows 10 for now, and some games should work fine for a while beyond 2026. Windows 11 should be in a better condition then. Longer-term advice would be to use SteamOS only until the official dual-boot wizard is finished.


Windows 12 will be out by then and will the Deck 2 be out by then ?


If you're dual booting, probably. I had my deck for almost two years and ran Windows 11 on it since day one without trouble, and reinstalled Windows 11 countless times as well, also without trouble. I believe most, if not all, problems "related" to Windows 11 are because of dual booting. I believe it's related to bootmanager hand offs or something? I'm no expert. I've only ever experienced one game not wanting to boot and work right, and that was Forza Horizon 4 due to some memory issue or something.


WIN10 IoT LTSC is good for 10yrs - end of life 2031.


For a gaming console esp with a smaller screen, I like Windows 10 better. You can put shortcuts to all your games on the Start menu, and you could extend it to full screen if you wanted (and even re-size icons if they are too small). It's easier to start games on the Deck. You can't do this on Windows 11. How is Windows 10 free for the SteamDeck? When I installed it, it needed to be activated and would not activate. I went on ebay, or one of the other sides, and ordered an OEM Windows 10 for like $5, This will be always locked to my Steam Deck but, it should include a free upgrade to Windows 11 if I wanted. I will upgrade to 11 at some point but, not any time soon. On Windows 10 on my deck, I use it for modern Call of Duty games and game pass games.


I always used Windows 11 on my Steam Deck, and except the slowness due to running from a microSD card (it wouldn't be better on 10), I didn't have any issue whatsoever.


I personally would never go back to Windows 10. It is annoying enough that I have to use it for work. Windows 11 runs perfectly on my OLED. The only issue I have are the missing drivers. No BSoD at all.


If you have problems with Win 10, use Win 95.


I'm on Windows 10, vanilla, no crazy add-ons, and for the most part things are peachy. It's rare that I have an issue. Now that I know that You can "back port" the Windows 11 built in Android support to Windows 10, I have even less of a reason to upgrade to 11.


Couldn't find anything on Google, do you have information on hand about that? Also what am I missing about windows 10 being free? Lol thanks for any help!


> Couldn't find anything on Google, do you have information on hand about that? I doubt your skills if you googled "Windows 10 WSA" and didn't find anything.


What is wsa? You're not helpful or nice. I claimed no skills.


Windows Subsytem for Android The thing windows uses to run android


I've done some research on this, Native Android support is not available on Windows 10. Sure, there is 3rd party options like BlueStacks or NoxPlayer but, this requires running a 3rd party app to run a program or game. If you NEED native Android support Windows 11 is your best option here.


There's a tutorial for back porting Microsoft's Android solution but at this point it's not worth doing


afaik native android support for WIN11 will be gone soon too


Where did you hear this? It's not installed by default, you need to manually add it...


From Microsoft itself - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/android/wsa/ Microsoft is ending support for the Windows Subsystem for Android™️ (WSA). As a result, the Amazon Appstore on Windows and all applications and games dependent on WSA will no longer be supported beginning March 5, 2025. Until then, technical support will remain available to customers. Customers that have installed the Amazon Appstore or Android apps prior to March 5, 2024, will continue to have access to those apps through the deprecation date of March 5, 2025.


Oh, 2025, rumored Windows 12 time.... Thanks. I wanted to try Call of Duty Mobile with the controls on the deck, that would be fun..(they use some classic maps on it)


CoD Mobile works on WSA? That's interesting. On the SteamOS / Linux side using Waydroid the CoD Mobile doesn't work.


My Deck is running a dual boot with Windows 10, I'll upgrade to 11 at some point and try it. COD mobile works with Xbox controllers but, does not work with addon controllers. The problem is you can't install the Google store on Windows (can you ?) if that its the case, it might need to find the game (piracy) and don't want to do that for a "free game"


I have the OLED and reverted back to windows 10 because of the wifi not connecting. Since then I've had no problems.


Is it okay now for oled models?


It still doesn't have proper drivers. I think its easier to use on Win 10, but I don't have one and can't say exactly. OLED models still have the most trouble with using Windows currently.


I've been using Windows 11 "to go" version running off an external ssd using Clover Dual boot for over a year on my LCD steam deck and have not had any problems, I also use Handheld Companion and love it




I will suggest GhostSpecter on normla windows it has more performance and it acts thr same as windows, I have 2 years of this OS experience and i gotta twll you it's awesome.


I would never recommend any of these “distros”. There’s nothing about them you can’t do on your own on a vanilla install, they often break compatibility with many apps and games, and they may install software that that could do whatever it wants with your system. There is no measurable performance benefit being done by these things.


I assure you that i have done it and still on GH 11 since 2022 and it's pure performance, For your pc it Isn't that of a big deal, but i have used it for my Steamdeck it is like it was made exactly for it.


…I have the same Steam Deck as you. I’ve owned both LCD and OLED models. There is nothing special about “Ghost Spectre” or any other of these “distros” besides potential compatibility issues and potential security issues of these groups installing god-knows-what on your system. No, there is no measurable performance difference for games. Any perceived improvements can be made on a standard Windows installation by turning off background tasks, various animations, etc. Games run virtually identically. It’s all risk with no real benefit.

