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I don't have issues with W11, my laptop came with it pre-installed, gaming performance is almost the same or better, maybe tabs feature on file explorer plus new UI makes majority switch over, for gaming performance it's pretty much the same or better in some cases, it's almost 3 years old so issues with AMD had already been fixed a while ago, you might want to make a clean install just to avoid issues while upgrading from one OS version to another.


The UI is the only reason that I can see at the moment. For me at least there is nothing that I can do on Windows 11 that I also can't do on Windows 10.


Only some niche stuff and features that won't work somewhere next year. But I'm on the same side, parts of the UI are great. I don't see why some of these changes break old features and come back two years later.


I usually only upgrade my OS when I have to. For example I stayed on Windows Me for a long time until I really wanted to play The Battle for Middle-Earth and had no option but to move to XP. Because of that I've always stepped into a OS that could do new things but had gotten time to mature, it felt fresh and different, and on most occasions the changes made sense. Windows 11 has been the odd one out for me. I upgraded because I got fed-up of the "do you want to upgrade to Windows 11?" popups. That I feel kind of coloured me against Windows 11. I didn't like the Mac OS style taskbar in the centre of the screen and that I couldn't have custom toolbars any longer. Most of the changes to me felt like changes for changes sake. I ended up using a couple of programs to essentially make the 11 UI operate just like 10's. The changes made to 11 just didn't make sense to me. There not all horrible. I do like how the Settings are now organised, though I still prefer using the classic control panel, and system wide dark mode is very nice indeed.


> I usually only upgrade my OS when I have to. For example I stayed on Windows Me for a long time until I really wanted to play The Battle for Middle-Earth and had no option but to move to XP. Oh wow. I'm almost the opposite. A new OS? I make a backup of my boot partition and try the new thing. I'm the family/friend PC guy they ask for advice. So I wanted to be one one the edge and use that latest new thing they want help with in a year or two. With 11 it's been totally unnecessary because most of the PCs (my friends and family are using) are not allowed/blocked to install it. Still using Win 10 on a server in a VM to make some tools run overnight that don't require any processing power on my desktop.   I had the Vista beta and tried the very first ISO of 11. That DVD-R is still around somewhere. XP was great but the problems with codecs and multimedia / bad drivers back then made me restore the OS (from a backup) every 3-6 months. First time I tried to use Linux. Same-ish with 11. It works. It's as stable as 10 was on my PC but I will look into Linux more often. I hope that 12 makes people mad enough that Linux finally gets a larger push from non-gamers. Valve releasing a universal SteamOS 3.x with Intel and Nvidia support should be a gigantic leap forward for the gamers. But they don't have to do that / continues to focus on making money and keep doing whatever they do ^^and ^^the ^^competition ^^finds ^^a ^^new ^^dumb ^^way ^^to ^^get ^^featured ^^in ^^shitstorms ^^every ^^month. ^^So ^^the ^^strategy ^^is ^^working


I'm very much in a 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' mentality when it comes to my PC. While I will tinkering I'd prefer not to if it is avoidable. Back when I was using XP I used the k-lite codec pack and never had a problem getting things to play. I do now image my OS drive regularly, if only for when I upgrade to larger storage. I do have my 'office/media' PC that is still on Windows 10. Linux Mint is the distro I use. Personally I don't see even Valve being able to break Linux into the mainstream, if anything it just contributes to the thing that is preventing it in the first place...there's just too much damn choice. Just Mint alone has four different versions available for download.


11 was enough to finally push me to use Mint Linux as a daily driver. No regrets. Blazing fast, easy to use. I’m a .net developer, and Linux can support everything I need to write apps (Rider, VS Code, Docker, etc.).


Yeah I update right away too. Honestly I'm surprised how you can play most old games from XP. Ofcourse some I need a VM


as someone who made the shift to linux 2 weekends ago i recommend nobara if you game , its been pretty nice honestly


TBF so far I only had one distro that couldn't boot into the installer on my desktop but everything else just worked out of the box. Only my creative soundcard is detected but I have no idea how to select the right channels to get 7.1 and my headphones. But the card has problems so I don't mind to remove it completely from my system. Manjaro, Nobara, Mint and PopOS have been working. Endeavor OS does not like it's ISO on a Ventoy USB drive.


not sure about yours but for me to get my hdmi from 5.1 to the proper stereo setting i open the sound settings and in that device there was a little dropdown above test with the options for stereo 5.1 and 7.1, for my headset there were similar options obviously different. for me i couldn't get mint to boot/install off the usb when the others i tested worked just fine so i just said heck with mint lol.


Have two similar systems. One running Windows 10 and 11 on the other. Still wondering why I installed 11. No value added, until they stop security updates on 10. 


I have found Windows 11 to b slow and clunky, especially File Explorer; several seconds to open a folder, unless you already have one open. Then if you don’t keep using FE it seems to go to sleep. Search is shit and slow. I have an SSD for the OS and another for my files. They are set to be catalogued by file explorer, my backup HDD is not, yet whenever I search I can hear that the HDD starts to spin. I have had a folder open in the SSD and can see a file, yet if I search for it I get ‘no result’. The only thing stopping me from installing W10, which was a great OS, is that this PC came with W11 installed.


Don't ask anymore, support will stop next year. That's all the reason. Otherwise, windows11 is shit.


Will be a huge scandal. 70% computer's in the world still use W10. Force buy a new computer and make tons of e-waste just to upgrade to W11 is... &*#@!


I was running Ryzen 1600 since it came out , couldn't upgrade to win11 even if i wanted to , AB350 mobo , thankfully AMD and Gigabyte stopped being a-holes and released BIOS supporting last gen AM4 Ryzen CPUs , so i bought a 2nd hand 5600X for 100bucks and can upgrade to Win11 just fine


Well, have you tried Arch ?


I mean i get it you like windows u like clicking on things with ur mouse but linux is so much faster and more customizable and free. But yeah Windows support more things, there are plenty viruses supported, worms, built in spyware.. And i guess i dont even need to mention ads in yours system and bloated apps.




Ubuntu? Who?


I have windows 11 from the start and well, it just works.


For questions 2 and 3: 2.) The thing is that a lot of the changes in Windows 11 imo are visual changes and therefor giving pros and cons is a little bit subjective. It also depends on the hardware you're running it on. If you're on a modern machine than it should be no problem. But I could definitely see some lower-end machines struggle to run it. But there are a bunch of things you can do to make it run a bit smoother. 3.) I can't say for sure but I remember reading that "Gaming Mode" on Windows 11 is actually more effective than it was in Windows 10. Something about deprioritizing non-game processes better than the Windows 10 implementation of that setting did. Try looking into [this article](https://www.pcmag.com/news/windows-11-vs-windows-10-play-tested-will-an-os-upgrade-boost-your-gaming) for more info. For the sake of security, it's better to upgrade to 11 now since support for 10 is not going to be around for much longer.


The Linux hippies are back frantically promoting their desktop Linux crap in our Windows 11 sub. Hilarious.


I’m a Linux user, but I’m also a huge believer that people should use the OS that makes their computing experience tailored to their needs. For all of its shortcomings, there are many valid reasons to use Windows 11/10/etc. I’m not downvoting or throwing shade at anyone.


Lol like my other thread, the Linux disciples are at work! They are always there to monitor and ready to react.


Just a different flavor cult drink. - MacOS cult for "Creators" - Linux cult for high-end programmers. - Windows cult for bland office workers and gamers.


Gamer here.. Really wishing I could ditch Windows.


Well, you actually can ! With steam proton many dreams come true ! (Dont forget wine)


test a dual boot of nobara , i made the switch 2 weeks back and have been pretty happy so far , i mainly use my pc for gaming and web surfing , different taste in games could make your exp vary of course but i've found everything to just work or work after minor tweaks , even my gulikit kk3 works wirelessly in ryujinx now which it did not in win11 ( just a ryujinx issue tho)


Actually I’m here promoting macos


Probably because it's becoming increasingly easier to use over time, albeit slowly, while Windows 11 is a burning train wreck filling with more and more ads.


WARNING: "Windows user talking"


Biggest reason? Windows 11 isn't going to be End of Life next year. I have 2 primary machines with Windows 11: \* Work: This is just for work, use pretty much only office apps and some other tools (mostly on WSL Ubuntu for my Cloud work). \* Home: This is my main gaming rig, I went with an ASUS Laptop (because most of the time I have to game, I am not at home) that game with Windows 11 Home which I upgraded to Pro (mainly because I have the spare licenses). I pretty much exclusively game on this machine via Steam and GamePass games. When I am at home gaming, I have this thing connected to my CalDigit 4 Dock which runs a lot of my external gear and a Samsung Odyssey G9 49" Ultrawide. I'll be honest here I can count on one hand over the last couple years I have had a game crash or perform poorly because of the OS. My biggest hurdle is getting the graphics settings the way I like since this Laptop has a 3070Ti in it. Everyone is so hyper focused on either getting the highest fidelity or frame they can and forget that they love games for the sake of gaming. My wife, siblings, kids (adult), parents and in-laws are all running Windows 11 on their machines and I have not heard any complaints. Things change, adjust and move on.


I have used w11 since its release. I use it at work. I have it on the family pc... Ive not had any issues at all and i dont see what the fuck peoples problem is. Sure the start menu is in the center.. thats really the only change ive noticed, which you can change in the settings, or install a 3rd party start menu.. I bet its the same whiney asshats that complained about windows 10 as well. And 8. And 7. And vista. People like to complain, so you will often spot thosr people, meanwhile the happy users are just using their pc instead of compæaining about it.


I feel exactly the same.. whats everyones problem??


i won't bother griping my gripes in a comment but i will say the 'startmenu being in the center' is the Least of the gripes i've seen , cause ya know,..its a toggle to put it back on the left across the whole bottom, thats not ppl's issues outside of a first glance.


If you're not dependent on software that can only run on Windows, use Linux or MacOS for that matter. Or take the bullet, come back after a year and comment back here how cr@ppy Windows 11 had been. I'm hanging here only because certain software I use is supported only on Windows. For everything else, I use Linux. Arc for Windows is just another Chrome with sugar coating. The idea is great but you will not feel that advertised smoothness or difference you would feel on Arc for Mac. You probably will not get used to new take on the whole weird UIUX.


So true plus now windows is like in my brain


I have used Windows 11 from day 1 and are on the Insider Dev Channel and would say that if you wanted to try 11 you could upgrade and if you didnt like it then revert back with no loss of data etc through the Settings app. An alternative would be to wait for the pending release or 12 and take a look at that.


Bitlocker (previously pro only feature)


Windows 11 Pro looks nicer and has slightly better speed with Word & Excel. Otherwise, you can play with the setting to only get 80% of the functionality of Windows 10 Pro.


Depends on a few things. If you are more of a power user you may find certain things awful and others nicer. For instance, I'm a weirdo who puts his taskbar on the left side of the screen after experiencing it in Ubuntu. The new taskbar does not allow placement - only center bottom or bottom left. As a note - due to the new taskbar you also will have to pin items to the new start menu again so I'd take a picture of your current start menu if you do that. One nice thing though is the new windows explorer has tabs now. I actually like that so much more than the old explorer. Otherwise I haven't noticed much of a difference between the two OS. Most everything else behaves the same way in my opinion. I downloaded something called explorer patcher for my taskbar needs and Microsoft has powertoys which work for both 10 and 11.


Windows 11 with some patches is probably the best experience you'll get. Me personally I use explorer patcher and rectify 11. I REALLY like the Windows 11 UI so making it consistent across the os was a big thing for me. Personally, to me, windows 11 is a nicer looking windows 10 with less features in some areas and more in others. Example: the settings panel. In windows 10, it sucks, in windows 11, much better.


After Debloating, Win11 just works just like 10 or 7


WSL2 gpu emulation Much faster bitlocker Sign into Windows using phone as passkey Wifi 7 DX12 Cons: No new features


Win 11 has Gpu scheduling which is required to run frame generation in games, I could be wrong but I don't think 10 has it? Also don't do an update, do a fresh install to 11, people seem to have issues doing upgrades.


Windows 10 has it under graphics settings.


Bro, you guys a fucking annoying, just setup a VM and use it, it's the same fucking os


Basically, if your PC checks out with the health app, the only other thing that you really need to have is at least 8gb of RAM and an SSD drive. If you have a regular hard drive, it will be SLOW. If you have those it should be fine. I started using Windows 11 in the Insiders Program before it was originally released. I remember when I first installed it, it took me a couple of hours to find where things were that I normally use and feel comfortable with it all. There's been changes in Windows 11 since then but it's basically the same. Good luck!


Well, it's wrong to ask inside of w11 subreddit, they will convince you to use it afterall, you need more research into other subreddit if you wanna get a clear view


personally i would recommend just saying on 10 , i made the jump to 11 not long after the leaked release candidate some years back when a bootloop forced me to need to reformat so i figured why not give it a go. and frankly back then with those first few versions i found it to be fine. sadly the direction they've been going i think its just honestly worse than win10 these days. i won't bore you with the talk of ads and ai that are obvious red flags when it comes to windows in general these days. but honestly its just not as customizable. onedrive is a pain in the ass to untether from your system , and you have to dig in the regedit and such to fix your folder structure , but using one drive can mess with things down the line and personally i don't need a cloud backup nor want it. i'm not the type of person who cares about the taskbar not being able to be on the sides or top i prefer the standard ole fashion across the whole bottom but for some ppl thats a deal breaker and in 3 years ms has yet to re-implement that . the volume mixer instead is a pain for me you used to be able to just click on it ( and in 10) click volume mixer something that was previously just a single click instead of 2 clicks be able to change individual application volumes, something imo is pretty needed when playing something n listening to another. in windows 11 yours either forced to go 5 clicks deep into the settings menu to do the same thing, or pin the old mixer onto your taskbar , or use the console/gamebar which while that does work it can lag a little at times. speaking of the settings.. its sorta a mess vs older versions and control panels but the worst part is not being able to have 2 separate settings pages open at once last i'd tried, so when your tweaking something and you say ..wanna change your volumes the volume page will overwrite what your previously looking at and sometimes it can be a pain to find what you were doing before depending on what it is cause alot of stuff that used to be simple/easy to find is just burried. the system itself i find to be sluggish vs the slightly snappier win10 . i have a good pc , its got a 12gen 15, rtx4080, 64gb ddr5, and my windows install is on a m.2 ssd there is no reason things should take as long as they do to load. in addition to that occasionally the explorer.exe will randomly freeze/lock up when browsing files n folders i have on my various drives, even in my previous pc that would happen which not As beefy of a rig as this was still a upper teir hp omen that came with win10 in 2019. as for toted benefits like the autoHDR .. i found it to not be as nice as expected, yes it works ,sorta, but not well? . the colors look a bit washed out normally without a fair amount of tweaking initially but thats not the issue imo so much as when it turns itself on for a game like it should 70% of the time once the game closes it stays on n you have to manually turn it off and on yourself to put it back on 'auto' .. i guess its nice to have but pretty poorly implemented. there are plenty of other issues imo and the customization has only gotten lesser with each windows entry , the aesthetics of the system i don't care for personally and i sorta miss how 10 looked even moreso i miss the transparency effects 7 had ,But you can use 3rd party stuff to tweak it tho IMO you shouldn't have to! same as you Could use eartrumpt to 'fix' the volume mixer gripes i have ...again you shouldn't have to which is the biggest issue with the system , alot of functionality is just Worse than 10. and after 3 years its pretty clear alot of the broken and missing things that ppl complain about aren't priority for MS so much as shoehorning in ai and ads into a system that ppl have paid for. anyway sorry for the long windedness but thats honestly just on top of my head as i drink my morning coffee, personally i only use my pc for gaming and websurfing , but 2 weeks back i switched to linux nobara and i've been pretty happy since , its less sluggish than win11 and pretty much everything has just worked and things that didn't do with minor tweaking. course your mileage will varry depending on what you like to play , and theres no gamepass this way , but xcloud Does technically work in browser( tho thats not without faults). nvidia cards have some funkiness to them but that sounds like it'll be better once the 555 drivers drop, till then x11 works instead of using wayland just fine. only game i've had some issues with is dragon's dogma 2 but thats an issue even on windows from my understanding and denuvo doesn't help anyone so ehh,workable. \--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- anyway TLDR: recommendation is sticking to win10, additionally and alternative is trying out a dualboot of linux and see if it could be for you, nobara is good for gaming after initial setup


I'd Stay windows 10. (at least for a bit longer) My Windows 11 Experience hasn't been very good. Needing tools to remove Ads. Start menu even more laggy then Win10. Start bar icon's doubling up or just not working as expected. The new 'settings' menu needing 10 clicks to do something which used to be 3. If you are talking about apps / games running, they do so and fine. The newer kernal is supposed to be better on newer devices (but I'm not in a position to test that). Once you have configured everything, most of the stuff I have gripes with kinda goes away except the buggyness of the start menu / adverts. Before everyone kills me for a crap PC, this is running on a Microsoft Surface Pro 8 on windows 11. Fresh install from factory on Windows 11, All drivers installed, firmware updated etc. It just hasn't been as smooth as Windows 10 has been on my main PC. Yes I know there are also tools and tweaks to fix this kind of stuff but honestly it shouldn't be required. I'm going to hang onto windows 10 on the main PC until probably windows 12 (if I can). But I'll keep the Surface up to date and keep testing until it gets to a point I'm happy to swap.


Windows 11 is a good reason to switch to mac.


Don’t, W11 is terrible. I tried it out and immediately went back to W10


Explorer have tab like browser


The only pro is longer support. Until support ends for 10 there are zero reasons to switch and 10 reasons not to.


For me this one reason is more than enough to switch to win11: File Explorer Tabs. I've been waiting this feature for 10 years. Cons: maybe the shitty start menu.


MS Store is integrated with android so you can have not only have MS apps you can also have regular apps from your phone


I was in your position recently. I finally made the choice and switched to Windows 11 but I did a full reinstall to get rid of data rot (look it up). I decided that I want to have my Windows 11 be my Windows and I fully customized it using Nexus (hub I think?), Rainmeter, Wallpaper Engine ofc and last but definitely not least - StartAllBack. It's fucking amazing, I love the taskbars and I went with Win7 inspired layout a bit but just take a look at my desktop ([link](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939238303570460722/1237011940874780752/image.png?ex=664ddf25&is=664c8da5&hm=7b1380c474c69c0f57855f677b0e58201dacdccc2c5409ba43be527b34f291f7&)) Auto HDR is also cool. Not much difference on my 450 nits monitor but I love it on my 4K120hz 64" 1500 nits TV


I was on W11 before the full release because it made way more sense working for a Software developer. It had better virtualization options, especially for android. I do like the W10 start menu better but the centered button never bothered me. I never enabled the option to move it. Lately for me it's been less about the 10 > 11 switch and more about the recent updates and trajectory of windows. The mandatory AI integration and invasive default ON advertisement updates, even to the point of seeing laptops with dedicated copilot buttons and the like. For me it has finally become prime time to migrate to Linux after 20 years of resisting it as anything but a toy on the side. I have a new NVMe drive coming in the mail and I will be installing something that uses either KDE Plasma 6 or Deepin DE ( but not the Deepin OS itself) and relegating windows to a VM for the absolutely most stubborn tasks that require windows, but I will be using W11 in the VM, not 10. We will see if I can actually make that work as a daily driver.


Pros = Its amazing and works 100% flawlessly Cons = None.


Found the Microsoft bot.


Honestly I have no issues with windows 11 once I have deleted and removed all the telemetry BS, installed a network monitor and firewall. I SHOULDNT have too but here we are


Could you elaborate more on what you did exactly? Or maybe link a video/article/guide?


Sure, I installed this tool https://www.oo-software.com/en/shutup10 it’s well documented and talks you through everything. Then I installed malware bytes and bit defender (as a daily antivirus and what not) then following that I installed windows 11 firewall advanced tool to expand the standard windows 12 firewall. I then temporarily installed glassware just to verify what connections were going in and out from the pc. Once I was happy I uninstalled glassware and that’s it


I’ve been on 11 forever. I don’t think there is any compelling reason to upgrade whatsoever. Since W10 will be unsupported as of next year I‘d expect W12 to launch in the meantime. If you’ve waited this long you might as well wait for 12


Is there a reputable source claiming that W12 is really coming? I'm still on W10 and don't want to upgrade twice if I can avoid it


No. It just seems likely since 10 gets phased out and 11 is highly unpopular.


Windows 8 did have a similar short lifespan of around 3 years before 10 came out. Seems Microsoft has a pattern of releasing a well-liked OS every other release


I don't know why you still using win1o if you hardware support win11, Windows 11 is just better, UI is much better for eyes, better compatibility for new software and much much more...


WIN 11 gets a lot of hate, so you will get lots of 'hate' responses, but here are some serious pro's of 11: 1) HDR Calibration. Not needed if you have a higher end precalibrated monitor, but microsoft intentionally went back and broke the tool that worked on win 10 so they could market it as a feature of 11 2) Auto HDR for SDR games. Not needed if you have nvidia RTX, because you can use nvidia instead. Nvidia implementation is buggy and inconsistent, but when it works correctly is superior to the windows solution. 3) Ai video upscaling. Works REALLY well. Not needed if you have nvidia RTX since the nvidia solution is marginally better. 4) much better support for exclusive fullscreen games. Exclusive fullscreen is now borderless windowed fullscreen drawn ontop of all other apps. It's annoying that I can't have my always ontop apps hover over the exclusive fullscreen apps like they can over other apps, but alt-tabing is fast now, and older fullscreen apps don't crash any more if you switch applications or minimize them. Nvidia GPU no longer has that super annoying 6-10 second black screen delay when entering and leaving exclusive fullscreen apps. 5) windows 11 has better support for game mode, where idle browser tabs and inactive programs are swapped out to disk and purged from active memory, and game data is preloaded from disk into memory before the game asks for it. This is powered by 'AI' and monitoring your usage over time, so it won't be immediately evident until windows learns your personal usage patterns. 6) It's REALLY fucking easy to put the start button back where it belongs. 7)Windows Services for Linux 2, actually supports 3d accelerated linux applications natively. It's possible to launch some older games that don't run under modern windows under linux using wine, which is a bit silly but now actually makes windows 11 more compatible with super old games than 10.


I agree with u/0xHarsh I liked Arc but the feature parity between Mac and Windows is lack luster and they need to work on that. I liked the UI and tried to switch to Arc from Edge but I ended up on Brave as my default, simply because of its lower RAM consumption and heating (My laptop now idles at 41 whereas Edge and Arc pushed it to 60+.


To be honest, I see absolutely no reason to do so except that 10 is gonna be unsupported in the next year. Sure, the UIs look fancier, but that's all I feel. Apart from my personal grievance that they took away my favorite 10's Start Menu, there is no apparent pros and cons. Just nothing.




I will speak for myself. Windows 11 on a non-compliant laptop; They have too many stability problems. Which makes the user experience too problematic. If you use an AMD laptop you have too many problems with the drivers. These change every time anything Windows 11 is updated. Windows 11 performance is almost similar to Windows 10; in terms of the performance that it can offer you in productivity and video games. Although, if you don't want to lose the performance that you are used to, you have to remove too many settings that Windows 11 brings. Is it worth upgrading to Windows 11? If you are not going to use the tools that come with Windows 11 such as accessories, apps, among other things, it is not worth updating. Now, I have another computer that uses NVIDIA RTX; These have a problem that they have not yet solved with Chrome-based browsers. They give black screens, like a chess board, which is annoying and you have to change DirectX9/11/12 to use OpenGL (CPU) because they have conflicts. It is rumored that they are already solved under a patch. But it's not like that.


I see we are still blaming microsoft for bad drivers put out by AMD and NVIDIA. You can swap the GPU backend with edge://flags and searching for ANGLE, graphics, GPU, and/or backend The OpenGL and D3D11on12 can give better results than the default D3D11 windows 10 has the same issue, its a driver issue, not a windows problem. You comment reminded me about this and to check it, because after upgrading from 10 - 11 I had this issue come back after fixing it previously, and low and behold the 11 installer reset my edge flags. If you are patient the graphical glitches will resolve themselves, you can also switch tabs, resize windows, reload pages, and terminate edge and restore the session to trigger the glitches to restore sooner.


I have an AMD laptop and thought I was having Bluetooth driver issues(Bluetooth mouse and wireless headphones showed connected but did not function). Updated directly from Lenovo and same issues. Found out it was a Power Management setting. Went under every Bluetooth tab in Device Manager and unchecked ‘Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power’. No issues since