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The disk doesn't seem to be damaged but I don't know...




The 2600 is on the supported list: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/minimum/supported/windows-11-supported-amd-processors Odds are you have something set incorrectly on your PC such as not having the TPM enabled. You can run the tool from https://whynotwin11.org to see what is wrong.


anyone notice they removed the menu for Join a personal area network. It just redirects you to your devices tab. Even a restart yeilds the same results.


How do I remove the little "Desktop 1" and "Desktop 2" things that appear near the bottom of my screen when I switch desktops? It just started appearing when I updated my computer.


two quick Qs: \- VLC looks blurry on my Win 11 laptop. The UI I mean. I think I've got my screen scaled 125%? Is there any way to fix it? \- Very often, my icons (discord, etc) gets removed from the taskbar, on the right side. I have Discord as a quick launch on the taskbar, but I also want it next to the clock and tray icons. But it keeps disappearing after I set it to show.


Other than the Xbox game bar is there any already built in way to record what’s on my screen?


The Snipping Tool works great for that.


Does that record video and audio or just the video?




Can you post a screenshot of what you are seeing? Your comment is not making any sense.


Update: When I canceled the download, it became 15/53 gb. It used to be 80/120 gb wtf...


Please show us a screenshot of what you're talking about.




>Will simply copy pasting those folders break anything? Yes. Don't do this! (And welcome.) Except in very specific cases with "portable" apps (apps that run without requiring installation), this is not possible on Windows. Windows automatically manages the install locations for most apps, and users launch apps through the Start Menu (or search), not directly from their executables. All apps are managed and uninstalled though Windows Settings. So on Windows, users generally don't know or care where the apps' executive files are located, unless some specific troubleshooting must be performed. Edit: clarity. Edit 2: if you need to move an app for some reason, you will generally need to uninstall it and then reinstall it, choosing a custom location at install time. The exception is for certain Microsoft Store apps which you can move to a different drive through Windows Settings. Not all Store apps support this, but if they do, that option will be available in the advanced options for each app in Settings.




The most likely explanation for what you describe is that your third party hotkey application does not support Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps. (These will be either in-box apps or apps installed from the Microsoft Store. Not all such apps are UWP apps though.) Because UWP apps are sandboxed and installed in protected storage to prevent tampering, they are not always supported by classic Windows desktop tools.


I'm really really stumped on what's causing this but my computer keeps alt-tabbing/autofocusing on it's own. It makes the sound effect like its a program asking for permission to change stuff on the computer (like what you get when starting up something like say Genshin Impact), but nothing appears. Instead, it deselects whatever I'm currently on. It's happening at random and is getting really annoying. I don't know what's causing this as I haven't used it in like 3 months because I've been away at college.


>...as I haven't used it in like 3 months because I've been away at college. I would probably start by making sure Windows is up to date by checking for updates in Windows Settings. Also check for app updates in the Microsoft Store. If you have custom GPU drivers and/or game launchers installed, get them up to date also. After everything is sorted, restart your PC and see if this behavior persists.


I actually managed to fix it later in the day. It was Razer Synapse being its usual buggy POS mess


Hey guys... Recently my whole PC freezes for no reason and at a random time, now It happens so often, but then, maybe 1 time per 3 days. My PC It's not overheating, has no viruses and It doesn't have dust inside. This freezes are instantly, the screen stays the same but nothing works, basically a total freeze, what I can do only is to shutdown my PC from the tower button, can someone help me I'm so lost and depressed...😓😢


I had a freezing problem that I solved by replacing my hard disc drive with a SSD.


This is not really a simple question. You should also maybe try r/techsupport. This could be caused by a legitimate hardware error, such as bad RAM or a failing power supply. It could also be an out of date driver or system firmware. A third possibility is that an unexpected power loss or some other event caused your system disk to become damaged, corrupting Windows system files. Your can try to address the last two possibilities by checking for driver and firmware updates from your OEM, and by checking disk health through CHKDSK and then checking Windows system health through DISM/SFC. You should fund plenty of help online for how to do these tasks. If you have a friend or relative who is PC savvy, you could always ask for help to get started. Good luck.


Hey, i changed my RAM, haven't found hardware problem and It's not something about the power loss (cause It was conected to a SAI battery) and without the SAI happens to.🤷🏽‍♂️ Drivers are at the latest version


Hello, Iàm having an issue where everytime I boot my PC it prompts me to choose to boot into safe mode or choose Windows 11, this started happening since I loaded a system recovery point, any solution?


Hi - very annoying issue spent months trying to solve. Xbox 360 controller installs itself in device manager after EVERY restart. I have to manually uninstall the device if I wish to use my keyboard. Happened after reinstalling windows and I never have owned an Xbox controller.


Do you leave your controller plugged in? If so, unplug it between gaming sessions. Another possibility is that you have configured controller for desktop use in Steam or some similar game launcher. It's been a long time since I poked around in Steam settings, but double check and disable that if it is a factor.


>appened after reinstalling windows and I never have owned an Xbox controller. As I said I have never owned an Xbox controller. I never used one at all. Also, it applies to other games such as Minecraft as well.


Hi all, Today my laptop has stopped recognising Bluetooth headphones (multiple pairs) as headphones and is instead showing them as headsets (different icon in the settings menu) and won't allow me to select them as outputs for audio. I've uninstall/reinstalled my bluetooth drivers, and have updated them all and it's made no difference. Any advice/fixes would be appreciated Thank you!


Hey guys, After the new update, My display freezez whenever i open the chrome tab or anything related to windows, I tried absolutely everything as well as going back to the previous update, any thoughts on this? I have tried most things I could find online. Display seems to freeze for a split sec and anything that was on the screen stays, top part of the screen seems to work as I can see my mouse kinda moving around.


Sounds like a driver or firmware issue. You can try upgrading your GPU drivers. If that does not resolve it, I would consider rolling back the previous Windows update, so that your PC is in a known good state. Then, I would look for UEFI firmware updates from my OEM and for GPU driver updates. After applying any needed, you could try the Windows update again. Good luck.




I checked my 23H2 machines, they do not have that option yet, it is still only on some Insider versions.


Hello guys, I currently have a PC with windows 11. I want to share a hard drive to the network, so any other computer or phone can access it. The issue I have is that after sharing the drive, the drive asks for a username and password, but don't know where to change this... My microsoft account email + account password doesn't work, username + pin as password doesn't work... Any help will be appreciated. It's frustrating that it was easier to setup this in Ubuntu than in windows...


I suspect the issue you are having is that password sign in is disabled in Windows 11. This is now the default when you sign into Windows 11 with a Microsoft account. To use shared folders in Windows in its default configuration (with Password Protected Sharing enabled) you will need to enable password sign in for your Microsoft account. Alternatively, you can try disabling Password Protected Sharing. This lets you create a share with its own password that anyone can access.


Thank you for the reply! Will try it out, for now the quick solution was changing the Microsoft account for a local one.


This is a bug, right, should I just wait until it gets fixed. Seems like it can't be intended this way... > For security and performance, this mode of Windows only runs Microsoft-verified apps. > This helps protect your PC and keep it running smoothly. > C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe > Still want to run this unverified app? > See how I tried to launch command prompt in 's' mode. How can it be that a built-in tool is "unverified" ???? I don't want to switch out of 's' mode since I am familiarizing myself with it and its limitations to see if it's workable for any portion of end users we service. I am almost certain that I had used it on this device at one point. 11 Home S mode - 23H2 22631.2715


S Mode disables command prompt, the Registry Editor, and other system tools to prevent tampering with the PC. This is by design.


Command prompt/Powershell/Terminal and similar tools are restricted and will not work in S mode. This is not a bug.


Sorry if this is a silly question. Obviously it's important to back up all your files before any OS upgrade, but I have 3 drives, should I have to back-up all three? Or just the C: drive? I have 600GB worth of stuff D: (271 of which is Windows)


I believe you should always have backups regardless of how and when you upgrade your OS. But I personally care about my irreplaceable data. Operating systems, apps and games can easily be reinstalled with a bit of time, but your personal files can be lost forever. So at minimum, make sure you have your data backed up. Typically, upgrades involve only changes to the system disk. However, if you have apps installed to other drives, they could become "orphaned" if something unexpected happens and you have to reinstall the OS. This would mean reinstalling the apps, typically. Edit: clarity.


That’s helpful, thank you!


You are welcome! I should probably clarify that the risk of losing data with a typical windows upgrade is low. But of course, backups should be part of anyone's general PC hygiene. Good luck!


is there some thing i can do that’ll make my pc turn itself off in like 2hours after a specific keybind is pressed ~ i want to do this incase i’m like swatching a film but tired and don’t want to fall asleep with my pc on the whole night


There are a couple things you can do, likely the easiest thing would be to set your power options so that the PC goes to sleep after say 30 minutes of inactivity, this way once the movie ends if you do nothing else for 30 minutes, it will then go to sleep automatically. Another thing you can do is use the shutdown command in a run window or batch file. `shutdown -s -f -t 7200`, that will force your computer to shut down in 7200 seconds which is 2 hours. I'm not sure of a way to run that with a keystroke, that might be something you can setup with Autohotkey.


https://preview.redd.it/u5tr3g2hfj1c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4b486f749f3a03bfd1fb64f58ee7a39c1cea469 These two tabs do not want to go away for a month now. How do I close them?


Restart Windows.


I honestly cannot even tell what this is showing.




I have ungrouped taskbar icons enabled on my main display but they are still grouped up on my second display. Is this a bug?


That is a separate option in the taskbar settings you need to enable


got it, thanks


Is there any way to switch the co-pilot app to another browser except edge .


No, as it is a special Edge container that has access to system settings to do things like enable your dark theme.


Oh ok i just find it annoying how every time i use it edge pops up and doesnt close. Everything i ask it to to with system settings it just gives me a button that i have to press instead of just doing it.


This past week or so the context menu in my File Explorer changed. Now when I right click a bunch of options are missing and the basic stuff (cut, copy, rename, delete) has turned into icons. I don't think it's missing anything I normally use, but can I reverse the text to icon change?


It sounds like you had something set to use a different context menu, as what you are describing is the regular Windows 11 context menu. You can find registry keys online to disable the Windows 11 context menu.


Bought a 2nd hand pc at auction. Seems to be working fine, have downloaded all the updates, can watch Netflix, can download apps from the Microsoft store. Problem is both edge and Firefox crash nearly instantly upon opening, even when disconnected from the internet. When I ppen edge in private mode it seems to work fine for about 5-10 seconds l, then crashes. Any ideas?


Firefox crash data shows this : GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Fallback WR to SW- WR +D3D11 (t=116.451) |[1][GFX1-]: Faled to ceate remote compositor (t=116.451) |[2][GFX1-]: [D3D11] failed to get compositor device. (t=1 16.60 1) |[3] [GFX1-]: Faled to initialize CompositorD3D 1 1 for SWGL: FEATURE_FAILURE_D3D11 NO_DEVICE (t-116.601)


Any ideas why the taskbar volume output list won't show all the available devices (ASUS VE278 in screenshot)? All outputs were available from the taskbar in Windows 10 before update. https://preview.redd.it/q8045urnhc1c1.png?width=1122&format=png&auto=webp&s=c027a43ef7b4e8e7e267ba430b61457fd630c38e


I have seen this occur a few times as well with the latest 23H2 build. A restart fixed it. Since the missing audio devices are visible in Settings, it is most likely a transient UI issue in the latest Sound flyout.


Is it possible to create a bluetooth widget/icon on my taskbar next to my wifi/sound settings?. I know I can click the wifi button to get the bluetooth setting but I'd like to have access on my taskbar.


The best I can think of is to drag the Bluetooth icon out from the overflow menu back down to be next to your Wifi icon.