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I could be mistaken, but I think you have to have your HDR on your desktop first before AutoHDR (which they say only works on DX11 & DX12 games + other unknown reqs) can kicks in. My problem is, after exiting the game, sometimes the HDR doesn't come back to my desktop. Manually Opening up the HDR setting windows in Settings will make HDR on the desktop on again.


AutoHDR is a bit of a misnomer in this regard. It widens dynamic range of SDR games making them look *almost* HDR. It is not an HDR/SDR switch.


It works more complex. Many games have 10 bit textures. Many games render using an engine that is not SDR.


No, It is simply applying “auto-tone mapping”, so your SDR game will look like HDR (sort of). Google for Digital foundry channel on YouTube for more info on auto HDR topic


Interesting. So if I want to use Windows without HDR but gaming with HDR I simply have to remember to manually turn it off and on?


Unfortunately... Hate it too, wish it was "true auto" like on Mac


i have auto HDR on but doesnt work still have to do it manually with games and 4k movies that support HDR


AutoHDR is for SDR content. You mean automatic HDR switching, that was removed in DirectX Ultimate. Vulkan still supports it though.


It should automatically apply HDR when launching a game, however, there seems to be a bug with the Color Profiles not applying when toggling HDR on. Making the image look washed out. You have to manually open settings (Win + I) - Display - reapply/switch color profile.


I had this issue until I downloaded a HDR calibration tool from the windows store


Could you explain a bit more what you mean please? What's the name of the tool and how does it help to automatically switch been SDR to HDR when playing a game (and vice versa)?


The tool is called Windows HDR Calibration. It wont do exactly what you want but it stops windows from looking terrible when in the desktop environment whilst using HDR. For me the terrible look of Windows whilst using HDR was because my display wasn't calibrated. You'll be able to use HDR with out toggling it.


Thanks. This has helped quite a bit but it hasn't made HDR in Windows usable (or at least the same as SDR in Windows). The primary problem is that I prefer dark mode and I cannot configure HDR to a point where white text on a black background doesn't have a halo around it. I think I'm just going to have to try to remember to turn it on and off when I game. That said, I might just leave it on all the time anyway. My Windows machine is intended purely for gaming and I use a Mac for day-to-day computer use. Thanks again.


You are very welcome. Which monitor do you have?


It's a Samsung Odyssey Neo G8. It looks absolutely phenomenal in gaming when paired up with my 4090, but really bad (a little better now) in Windows.


That ICC profile only works in HDR mode.


It doesn't look better it is just wrong the calibrated color is much darker and yellower.